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US Election Thread

Well, I'm not saying that Kamala is a godess, I'm sure she has her faults like anyone else. Lack of economic cred is one. But at least she has some respect for the law and the Constitution and will take advice from experts unlike the Don who thinks he knows everything, which is clearly incorrect and dangerous.
That's an assumption that has never been tested, who knows how Kamala will react, if she gets the same amount of flack Trump copped during his presidency.

In Trumps defence, no other President that I've seen on the idiot box, has ever taken the continuous attack from the media that Trump has.

Even Bills head job didn't attract the attention Trumps hooker payment did and that was with a subordinate staff member. Lol
Stop wasting your time boys.
Its a pointless argument.
No matter who winds, the status quo will not change.
The milatary Industrial complex will keep the US occupied in its endless proxy wars, the DC establishment will work behind the scenes setting fedral trade policy and foreign policy, the FED will still get manipulated by the big banks, the white house will keep increasing debt, the rich elites will take an even bigger share of the riches, the poor underclass will be joined by the middle class at the bottom, and the Dalas Cowboys will keep missing out on the superbowl.
she gets the same amount of flack Trump copped during his presidency.
He deserves the flack for telling lies, acting like a spoiled child when he loses, stirring up mobs to attack the Capitol, and threating to terminate the Constitution.

He may have a few genuine gripes about China, who doesn't but his policies are snake oil.

Anyway, that's it from me on this issue, its someone else's problem.
Stop wasting your time boys.
Its a pointless argument.
No matter who winds, the status quo will not change.
The milatary Industrial complex will keep the US occupied in its endless proxy wars, the DC establishment will work behind the scenes setting fedral trade policy and foreign policy, the FED will still get manipulated by the big banks, the white house will keep increasing debt, the rich elites will take an even bigger share of the riches, the poor underclass will be joined by the middle class at the bottom, and the Dalas Cowboys will keep missing out on the superbowl.
Fair comment.

However I do think that the inevitable decline of the middle class will happen less speedily under the fair and noble orange God Emperor. Perhaps even precluding a third world war. We shall see about that, or not as the case may be. Mean tweets not withstanding. (And I hope that my cynicism is evident).

Closer to home (as it is with the US), until we learn to vote outside of the completely toxic Lib/Lab binary, we plebeians are the instrument of our own demise in this regard. We are fooled into basically choosing whether we want to be reamed missionary or doggy style... without lube.

We do have choices if only we realized it... but those choices must be taken n masse. Fat chance of that in the foreseeable future.
Clinton was impeached over that wasn't he?
Technically, he was impeached for lying under oath and impeding the course of justice.
But both charges stemmed from the Steir Inquiry that included both Paula Jones sexual harrassment suit as well as the Monica Lewinsky biting off more than she could chew issue.
He was acquitted along party lines , just like Trump was.
Always interesting to fact check the Trump campaigns claims.

The other stories in this piece are also intriguing.
The Triad

Who Will Republicans in Springfield, Ohio Vote For?

What happens when partisans find out that their presidential nominee is lying about them and hurting their community?​


Jonathan V. Last
Sep 18, 2024
∙ Paid


People vote at a polling location at Indianola Church of Christ on Election Day on November 8, 2022 in Columbus, Ohio. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

1. Cats and Dogs

Springfield, Ohio, is Trump country. In 2020, Clark County—of which Springfield is the major population center—went for Trump 61 percent to 37 percent.

The mayor of Springfield, Rob Rue, is a Republican.

And today the Wall Street Journal has an extraordinary piece of reporting about the town’s interactions with the Trump campaign.

These bits include revelations that:

(1) The Trump campaign contacted the Springfield government on September 10 to ask if the cat/dog-eating stories were true. The campaign was told, point blank, that they were not. That night, Donald Trump asserted them on the debate stage anyway.

(2) This entire conflagration began with neo-Nazis deciding to make Springfield a cause célèbre. Meaning that JD Vance is literally following a playbook put together for him by white supremacists:

On Aug. 10, a group wearing ski masks and carrying swastika flags and rifles marched in Springfield. The ADL identified them as Blood Tribe, which it describes as a growing neo-Nazi group claiming to have chapters across the U.S. and Canada.
On Aug. 27, during the routine public-comment portion of the Springfield City Commission meeting, a man identifying himself as a Blood Tribe member said: “I’ve come to bring a word of warning. Stop what you’re doing before it’s too late. Crime and savagery will only increase with every Haitian you bring in.”
(3) Vance produced the name of one person he said had experienced a kidnapped pet cat. The WSJ decided to check the story out:

A Vance spokesperson on Tuesday provided The Wall Street Journal with a police report in which a resident had claimed her pet might have been taken by Haitian neighbors. But when a reporter went to Anna Kilgore’s house Tuesday evening, she said her cat Miss Sassy, which went missing in late August, had actually returned a few days later—found safe in her own basement.
Kilgore, wearing a Trump shirt and hat, said she apologized to her Haitian neighbors with the help of her daughter and a mobile-phone translation app.
(4) The part of Vance’s assertion that “disease” was on the rise in Springfield? Also false:

Information from the county health department, however, shows a decrease in infectious disease cases countywide, with 1,370 reported in 2023—the lowest since 2015. The tuberculosis case numbers in the county are so low (four in 2023, three in 2022, one in 2021) that any little movement can bring a big percentage jump. HIV cases did increase to 31 in 2023, from 17 in 2022 and 12 in 2021. Overall, sexually transmitted infection cases decreased to 965 in 2023, the lowest since 2015.
Read the whole thing.

Springfield’s Republican mayor said this to the WSJ:

“We have told those at the national level that they are speaking these things that are untrue,” added Springfield Mayor Rob Rue, a registered Republican. But he said claims have been “repeated and doubled down on.”
Here’s my question: How is Rue going to vote in November?

And the same question goes for Ohio Governor Mike DeWine.

These guys are on the ground. They see what’s happening. They know the truth. And they understand that Trump’s and Vance’s lies—which are approaching the status of blood libel—are hurting their constituents. Not in some theoretical, possible-future-case way. But in a real way. Right now. Today.

Are they going to vote for Trump and Vance? I feel like someone should probably ask them.


I think we know what Anna Kilgore’s answer will be. The WSJ shows a picture of this nice cat lady. In her Trump shirt. And her Trump hat. In front of her Trump flag. It seems not to bother her at all that the Trump campaign used her to lie about the people she felt the need to apologize to.

How does that work? What’s the psychology?

No, really. Give me your most charitable explanation. Because what gets me here is that Ms. Kilgore felt bad enough about having accused her neighbors of stealing her cat that she apologized to them. So she knows the difference between right and wrong.

Talk about this in the comments, please. And be kind. This is an exercise in understanding, not condemnation.

Will anyone be surprised about this story ? I wonder if the current Bi partisan Ethics Senate Committee hearings have checked it out ?

New Court Filings Place Matt Gaetz at a Party at the Center of the Sex Trafficking Scandal

This is the first public filing that cites sworn testimony alleging that Gaetz attended one of the long-rumored parties with a teenage girl.​


Rep. Matt Gaetz has denied allegations that he has ever had sex with a minor or participated in sex trafficking. J. Scott Applewhite/AP

Jose Pagliery
September 20, 2024 01:35 AM | Updated: September 20, 2024 10:28 AM

Rep. Matt Gaetz attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed to a Florida federal court shortly before midnight Thursday, which cite sealed affidavits from three eyewitness testimonies.

The minor, who was a junior in high school at the time, arrived in her mother’s car for a July 15, 2017, party at the Florida home of Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist and friend of Gaetz’s, according to a court filing written by defense attorneys who interviewed witnesses as part of an ongoing civil lawsuit Dorworth brought in 2023.

The lobbyist claimed he had been unfairly dragged into the alleged sex trafficking scandal that has dogged Gaetz and his allies for years. Dorworth ultimately dropped the case, but lawyers filed these documents in an attempt to recoup attorneys fees for a lawsuit they say should never have been brought.

One eyewitness cited in the court filings, a young woman referred to as K.M., provided a sworn affidavit that claimed the teenage girl was naked, partygoers were there to “engage in sexual activities,” and “alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy … and marijuana” were present. The teenage girl was identified in the filings only as A.B.
