Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

US Election Thread

Many of the rules and regs around the us electoral system seem archaic and just downright stupid to many non US members of a democratic election system.
Heres on that is legally and procedurally possible, though the liklihood of it occurring will depend on each persons politics.
If Trump wins I can't see the Dems winning the house. But in the above scenario the whole country will kick off and It shows who the real threat to democracy is.
Moore has a good way with words. I remember when he called the Trump win.
(At the time I would have probably voted Trump as he seemed like a good change agent and would provide entertainement. He was more fun then.)

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, who correctly predicted the result of the 2016 election when few others did, believes Donald Trump’s chances of a comeback win in 2024 are “toast.”

“The vast majority of the country, the normal people, have seen enough and want the clown car to disappear into the MAGA vortex somewhere between reality and Orlando,” Moore argued in a Substack essay on Friday.

Skynews say Trump is winning from the latest polling, but they are Skynews so probably aren't being too truthful..
Moore has a good way with words. I remember when he called the Trump win.

“The vast majority of the country, the normal people, have seen enough and want the clown car to disappear into the MAGA vortex somewhere between reality and Orlando,” Moore argued in a Substack essay on Friday.
Michael Moore would have about as much knowledge of the normal people in the USA as any of the other members of the hollywood "look at me" set.
He says he understands the normal people because he came from a working class background.
The same story Albo pushes.
The same story Kamala Harris pushes.
yea, sure.
Trump may or may not win, but in a two horse race, you have a 50/50 chance of getting it right.
We have a month to go.
The race is close, and those that pick the correct choice will lever it for their next prognostication.
Almost forgot... you can have your Ofra's your Dick and Liz Cheney's and the old 'walrus' you can even have ya Swifty's and the Boss.. but the one that really matters Willie Nelson.
And just for those that don't know here here's some a little special about Willie Nelson... take it away Henry;
Another of the oddities about the US election system, is the wide range of Administration and justice officials who rather than being independently appointed, are elected by the people, like all the political hacks.
Hence like politicians, you don't always get the best person suited for the role, you get the ones most politically connected and funded.
The prime case is that some judges are not selected on merit, but by being elected.
It also happens with the District Attorneys.
In Oz, the equivalent is a director of prosecutions.
Kamala Harris is a former DA fro San Francisco.
Imagine having our DPP's elected by popular vote.
Hence it comes as no great surprise that stories of a lack of independance just keep cropping up.
Jocelyn Benson, the Secretary of State for the state of Michigan is one of those elected officials, controls a Politcal Action Comitee, or PAC for short.
A PAC is just another name for a political slush fund.
This PAC made a donation to the election committee of one of the states seven supreme court justices, even while the supreme court was hearing an appeal

Most people would see at the minimum, a potential for conflict of interest, if not an actual conflict of interest.
Its just another in the long line of examples of corruption of the US political and judicial systems.
Just sayin’.

I’m calling the election for Donald J Trump.

Barring a significant medical event or death he is a shoe in for being the next POTUS.

And it will be by a large margin of the popular vote.

Just sayin’.

I’m calling the election for Donald J Trump.

Barring a significant medical event or death he is a shoe in for being the next POTUS.

And it will be by a large margin of the popular vote.

I've still got my Betfair position at $4.20

I nearly cashed out at $2.20 or something a couple of months ago, but decided to hold and I'm happier and happier that I did.

Anything can happen of course but it's looking positive.