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Rigging the USA election

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US Postal Service: Officials report no evidence of foreign mail-in vote meddling

US intelligence officials say there is no evidence of foreign efforts to meddle with mail-in voting, refuting President Donald Trump's claims.

The report comes amid an ongoing row over the US Postal Service, which is tasked with handling mail-in ballots for the November presidential election.

A vast number of Americans are expected to vote by post due to the pandemic.

Mr Trump has for months alleged, without evidence, that large-scale mail voting will lead to voter fraud.

On Wednesday, a senior national intelligence official told reporters: "We have no information or intelligence that any nation-state threat actor is engaging in any kind of activity to undermine any part of the mail-in vote or ballots."

It contradicts Mr Trump's remarks that voting by mail - which he himself has done - is susceptible to foreign interference.

In the wake of confirmed Russian interference during the 2016 election, US authorities have been seeking to safeguard systems ahead of the 3 November poll.

Election security officials earlier this month confirmed that the Kremlin was working against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, while China would prefer a Mr Biden win. Iran may also attempt to interfere with US institutions.

Mr Trump has dismissed the notion that the Russians are seeking to boost his campaign.

A cybersecurity official on Wednesday's call noted that targeting voting machines is "in the playbook" for governments like Russia but that no such effort has successfully affected American's ability to vote.

"We saw it in 2016, we know it's an option now," the official said. "We continue to receive reporting from state and local election officials of scanning and probing of election infrastructure as a whole."

Officials also said that more than 90% of votes during the 2020 election should have an auditable record.

Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, speaking at another event on Wednesday, echoed the same, saying the US has "yet to see any activity intended to prevent voting or to change votes".

He noted that Russia, China and Iran were still attempting to interfere.

But the president has claimed that expanded mail-in voting would lead to "the most corrupt election" in US history.


Donald Trump: "This is the greatest scam in the history of politics"
In an interview with the Washington Examiner on Wednesday, Mr Trump said he was more concerned about "unsolicited ballots" being sent and issues with local officials counting votes, than the post office itself.

"The problem is when they dump all these [ballots] in front of a few people who are counting them, and they're going to count them wrong," he said. "The post office is not to blame."

What else is going on in the postal row?
Hawaii, New Jersey and New York states have sued the Trump administration over changes it made to the US Postal Service (USPS) ahead of the election.

The suit claims Mr Trump sought to "undermine mail-in voting efforts".

Democrats allege that the Trump-appointed agency chief tried to deliberately "sabotage" the election with a series of recent reforms.

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy - a top Republican donor - has dismissed the accusations, telling senators earlier this month that all ballots will arrive on timeand reforms would only be enacted after the election.

He was responsible for changes including cuts to overtime pay and the removal of mail boxes.
Sports teams tackle voting crisis with plan to turn arenas into polling stations
With Trump seeking to undermine voting by mail, at least 12 professional teams – and counting – are taking action

As the United States reels from Donald Trump’s latest attempt to suppress the vote in November’s presidential election by undermining mail-in voting, an alternative route to casting ballots is taking shape that could offer relief to hundreds of thousands of Americans: turning sports arenas into giant polling stations.

At least 12 professional sports teams and their stadiums from the worlds of baseball, basketball, football and hockey are preparing to open their doors to allow fast, safe and socially distanced voting. The masterminds behind the idea, the non-partisan Election Super Centers Project, expect that number to rise to 25 within weeks, and are hoping university and college arenas will join as well.
I find it very hard to like people who smirk

Peter Costello had that look as well, not really fair to put him with Trump though is it.

I do think that was why PC never got to be PM

ScoMo has a smirk and he is PM.
Attorney General Barr’s false claims about voting by mail

“Elections that have been held with mail have found substantial fraud and coercion. For example, we indicted someone in Texas — 1,700 ballots collected from people who could vote, he made them out and voted for the person he wanted to.”

— Attorney General William P. Barr, in an interview on “The Situation Room” on CNN, Sept. 2, 2020

This Texas case proves a single ballot was fraudulent — not 1,700, as Barr claimed — and it was caught.
As the US election gets closer and Trump attempts to up the ante on violence in the streets, its worth recognising the false flag attacks from far Right Trump supporters that are creating the headlines.

Revealed: pro-Trump activists plotted violence ahead of Portland rallies
Patriots Coalition members suggested political assassinations and said ‘laws will be broken, people will get hurt’, leaked chats show

Leaked chat logs show Portland-area pro-Trump activists planning and training for violence, sourcing arms and ammunition and even suggesting political assassinations ahead of a series of contentious rallies in the Oregon city, including one scheduled for this weekend.

The chats on the GroupMe app, shared with the Guardian by the antifascist group Eugene Antifa, show conversations between Oregon members of the Patriots Coalition growing more extreme as they discuss armed confrontations with leftwing Portland activists, and consume a steady diet of online disinformation about protests and wildfires.

Facebook removes Patriot Prayer pages in bid to halt 'violent social militias'

Read more

At times, rightwing activists discuss acts of violence at recent, contentious protests, which in some cases they were recorded carrying out. At one point, David Willis, a felon currently being sued for his alleged role in an earlier episode of political violence, joins a discussion about the use of paintballs.

Where other members had previously suggested freezing the paintballs for maximum damage, Willis wrote: “They make glass breaker balls that are rubber coated metal. They also have pepper balls but they are about 3 dollars a ball. Don’t freeze paintballs it makes them wildly inaccurate” [sic.]
Commentary on the first Presidential "debate". From what I have seen the only two organisations saying this was a great debate and Trump was the winner were
-The Republican Party
-The Proud Boys when the Don gave them a new motto.

Donald Trump was asked to denounce white supremacists, and didn't. Here's what else happened at the first presidential debate
Big Tech Fights Election Interference By Interfering In Election

October 15th, 2020

U.S.—Big tech companies like Facebook and Twitter have successfully prevented other parties from interfering in the United States' upcoming presidential election by interfering in the election themselves.

From nagging people to vote and curating their own election information as the only source of legitimate voting information for their users to squashing stories that would hurt the candidates they like and locking out conservatives from their social media accounts, big tech companies are working hard to ensure that they're the only ones who are allowed to influence the election results this year.
"In order to make sure no one interferes in the election, we will be interfering in the election," said Mark Zuckerberg. "It's the only way to make sure nobody can meddle in the election this time around."
"Election interference? Not on our watch," said Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. "Well, I mean, our election interference, yes. But not the other guy's. Only approved election interference will be accepted on our platforms."
Just then, Dorsey's phone rang.
"Oh, hey, Joe!" he said. "Yeah, we squashed the story for you. No prob. Yeah, we got you, fam!"
Only 1% Of Americans Think Voter Suppression Is An Issue, Republican-Run Poll Requiring 3 Forms Of Identification Finds


Voter suppression isn’t a concern to the vast majority of Americans, a poll that required three forms of identification and proof of Republican membership has found.

The survey – which was held in the lobby of the Goldman Sachs building between the hours of 12 noon and 1pm last Tuesday, showed that only one in every 100 Americans believe that the Republican party is using techniques to stop Democrats from voting.

“It simply isn’t an issue that voters are concerned about,” the architect of the poll, who works for the Republican Party said.

He said that the poll represented the views of a broad range of Americans who worked in the financial district building last Tuesday and had received an email from the Republican Party alerting them to the poll. “Everyone who had a security pass to the building and could show they were a member of the party had an opportunity to have their voice heard”.

He rejected claims that some Democrat supporters were put off from voting in the poll by the armed guards wearing NRA caps and T-shirts which read ‘We Know Where You Live’. “They were merely there to stop voter fraud. The vast majority of people were not physically abused

The Usual Suspects have been caught again using robocalls to intimidate people into not using mail in voting in the US Election.
Jacob Wohl is a young rising conservative and conspiracy theorist star who also dabbles in creating the bestest smears yet on the Libs.

Truly a Trump protege.:laugh:

Conservative Operatives Jacob Wohl, Jack Burkman Indicted In Second State For Voter Suppression Scheme
Jemima McEvoy
Forbes Staff
I'm a British-born reporter covering breaking news for Forbes.

Right-wing operatives Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman—known for their roles in a series of outrageous political schemes—were indicted in a second state on Tuesday for allegedly orchestrating a large-scale robocall campaign designed to intimidate minority voters ahead of the 2020 election.


Jack Burkman, 54, is a resident of Virginia.
Key Facts

Wohl, 22, and Burkman, 54, were each charged with eight counts of telecommunications fraud and seven counts of bribery in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, for “devising a robocall scam that attempted to suppress voting in local minority neighborhoods by intimidating residents to refrain from voting by mail.”

These charges, which could amount to a possible 18.5 years in prison, compound multiple felony charges waged against the duo by Michigan’s attorney general on Oct. 1 for the same scheme.

Per a news release from the Cuyahoga County prosecutor’s office, Burkman and Wohl placed over 67,000 calls across multiple states in the Midwest with pre-recorded messages falsely warning people that if they voted by mail law enforcement, collection agencies, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would use their information for pursuing old warrants, collecting outstanding debts and tracking for mandatory vaccines.

Key Background

Wohl, a conservative social media personality who was recently ejected from Facebook and Instagram, has joined Burkman, a conservative lobbyist and conspiracy theorist, in multiple outrageous, pro-Trump plots. Among the most well-known are the duo’s attempt to smear rivals of President Trump, including Elizabeth Warren, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Pete Buttigieg and Robert Mueller, through fabricated sexual assault allegations. Wohl is also facing a felony charge in California for unlawfully selling securities, which he pleaded not guilty to in February.

One of the key components of Trumps efforts to rig this election was appointing a party donor and political hack as head of the US Post Office and signalling that he wanted to see mail in voting undermined.

The appointed hack, Lois De Joy, duly jumped in and proceeded to dismantle key elements of the Post system that resulted in dramatically slowing down mail delivery. Now a Federal Judge has stepped in and demanded in the name of a democtratic election that the Post Office take "extraordinary" measure to ensure delivery of votes in time for counting at the election.

The article highlights how substantially postal delivery times have fallen since the appointment of the new CEO.

Judge orders US Postal Service to take 'extraordinary measures' to deliver ballots on time
Several battleground states are experiencing severe mail delays as the election looms

A federal judge ordered the US Postal Service on Sunday to take “extraordinary measures” to ensure mail ballots arrive on time.

USPS is seeing a severe dip in on-time delivery rates leading up to the 3 November presidential election, according to the data from the agency. Some of the largest mail delays are in battleground states where late ballots could make the difference in which candidate wins the state – and possibly the election.

The judge’s ruling involves USPS using its express mail service to deliver ballots within one to two days, which will be crucial in states that require that ballots be received by election day.

On-time rates during the week of 17 October – when about 20 million Americans were sending in their mail-in ballots – fell to the lowest they had been all year. Only 81% of first-class mail was delivered on time.

The mail delays have been especially notable in some key swing states. In the central Pennsylvania mailing district, where Philadelphia is located, on-time rates fell to 66% after being at about 90% just months earlier.

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