Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Sean K Trading

Still on holidays here. A bit of a luxury to be getting an Army pension and not having to fight for scraps of meat on the street.

I was going to start this FY with a clean slate and allocate $500k to an ASF trading project but the effort to rejig my spreadsheets and account for it is too much for this koala to bear. So, I'm just going to stick with what I've got and continue to comment on any buys or sells and reasons so you can tell when I'm ramping my stocks in the stock threads, or not.

Last FY I was pretty much even in my closed trades having suffered major pain with CTM which in retrospect I should have just held for long term but I was scared off by management mismanagement. I also should have foreseen the collapse in the nickel price due to IndoChina crapping on the market, but I was listening to analysts who were badly wrong. As nickel sulfide is so hated at the moment, it makes me interested in going contrarian. But, I'm still hurting for now.

For the short term traders out there who like to preserve capital with some selling rules, please don't have a cow with the drawdown on CEL, HCH and SSR. I do actually have a cunning plan with those woofers. I'll come up with it at some stage.

The % holdings probably look pretty random to system traders too, but I'm completely discretionary and weight things towards what I have more or less confidence in. What I would really like to do is have a more concentrated portfolio of 10% in 10 stocks, so I'll work on that for this FY.

Still about 75% cash, waiting patiently for Wayne's four horsemen to arrive, but I'm also thinking about a yacht. That would be a very smart investment to avoid the apocalypse. Sailing the SW Pacific with a Starlink is very appealing.

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Catching up a bit late on this thread.
Enjoy your holiday
.and i thought i was too PM focused....
Basically you are cash plus PM?
Any other exposure RE, PPOR, companies..not interested in $ but %
If i am a bit lucky, i might at long last get back to being a bit more cash able and looking at a short/medium term strategy from August onward..
And thanks for posting
Catching up a bit late on this thread.
Enjoy your holiday
.and i thought i was too PM focused....
Basically you are cash plus PM?
Any other exposure RE, PPOR, companies..not interested in $ but %
If i am a bit lucky, i might at long last get back to being a bit more cash able and looking at a short/medium term strategy from August onward..
And thanks for posting

On holidays because I just haven't found anything worth adding and actually want to thin it out a bit.

It's all resources because it's what I understand the most and really enjoy watching companies go from discovery to production.

Only IOZ in the general equity space and will add an international one at some stage. Looking at something like VDHG. But, I treat my Army pension as my general equities exposure. It's super brought forward and indexed for life. A weird defence force super scam.

There's a lot of cash because I sold a property earlier in the year and just haven't found anything worth deploying it in to. Happy with getting 4.5% on it at the moment.

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Added some more PMGOLD at $36.55 and ETPMAG at $43.07.

Might be a good time for me to convert NST and EVN to GDX in line with consolidating a bit and focussing on junior opportunities and ETFs instead of being somewhere in the middle.

Still working on a more thought out plan instead of throwing darts at the RIH.

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Added some more PMGOLD at $36.55 and ETPMAG at $43.07.

Might be a good time for me to convert NST and EVN to GDX in line with consolidating a bit and focussing on junior opportunities and ETFs instead of being somewhere in the middle.

Still working on a more thought out plan instead of throwing darts at the RIH.

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Good moves imo @Sean K

I'm still undecided re which large Aussie Gold miner on which to have a large punt. I must look at the Gold Miners ETF's as usually when I prevaricate I lose. An ETF might be a better way to go.

As preempted, in order to further consolidate, I've sold EVN and NST at $4.08 and $14.50 for a 15% and 39% gain after holding for about two years, so OK. I've only managed that by averaging down over time and the recent spike in POG and the GDX.

I think gold has some way to go, so I'm more interested in deploying cash to the gold ETFs, or juniors - that have been completely hated for the last few years of the gold junior bear market.

Apart from PDI, I can't see another gold junior that represents significant upside, if the cards fall the right way.
As preempted, in order to further consolidate, I've sold EVN and NST at $4.08 and $14.50 for a 15% and 39% gain after holding for about two years, so OK. I've only managed that by averaging down over time and the recent spike in POG and the GDX.

I think gold has some way to go, so I'm more interested in deploying cash to the gold ETFs, or juniors - that have been completely hated for the last few years of the gold junior bear market.

Apart from PDI, I can't see another gold junior that represents significant upside, if the cards fall the right way.
Great work. Far better than my current property @5% over 15 years and leaving last two years it would have been 1.5 % pa, super 7 % pa.
Did you lose interest on DEG :) ?
Do not hold
Great work. Far better than my current property @5% over 15 years and leaving last two years it would have been 1.5 % pa, super 7 % pa.
Did you lose interest on DEG :) ?
Do not hold

Sorry for delayed response. Lots of interest in DEG, but been waiting for a proper correction. Looks like we might have one.

Zero trading activity since last posts.

Still 75% ish cash and waiting for opportunities. I know it's not timing, but time-in that's important in the long run, but if all you do is invest, walk the dog and go to the gym, you have the luxury of trying to get the timing right. Maybe that opportunity is about to surface.

With everything going on in the World and the US crossing $35T in debt and the interest payments higher that their military budget, we should all be alarmed.

My response is that I'm travelling to Italy and going on a cruise through the Med in the next two weeks.
Sorry for delayed response. Lots of interest in DEG, but been waiting for a proper correction. Looks like we might have one.

Zero trading activity since last posts.

Still 75% ish cash and waiting for opportunities. I know it's not timing, but time-in that's important in the long run, but if all you do is invest, walk the dog and go to the gym, you have the luxury of trying to get the timing right. Maybe that opportunity is about to surface.

With everything going on in the World and the US crossing $35T in debt and the interest payments higher that their military budget, we should all be alarmed.

My response is that I'm travelling to Italy and going on a cruise through the Med in the next two weeks.
Hey Sean
Bon Voyage.
Who knows ? You may run some investors conference for your favourites DEG and CTM.
Travel safe and enjoy the Europe during July/Aug days.
My highly speculative thoughts over a hard drink, DEG has the opportunity to be a shovel ready resources once commissioning starts .
Lets hear the goss from D & D conference from all miners and prospectors
Hey Sean
Bon Voyage.
Who knows ? You may run some investors conference for your favourites DEG and CTM.
Travel safe and enjoy the Europe during July/Aug days.
My highly speculative thoughts over a hard drink, DEG has the opportunity to be a shovel ready resources once commissioning starts .
Lets hear the goss from D & D conference from all miners and prospectors

Thanks mate. Believe it or not, this trip is actually an 'investor conference' of sorts for my other half's business. The cruise ship is a venue for learning how to make money. While at sea there's a number of events on how to invest. I've chosen a drinks package that negates, or probably prevents, my attendance at any of the events. I will be posting from the bar.
Thanks mate. Believe it or not, this trip is actually an 'investor conference' of sorts for my other half's business. The cruise ship is a venue for learning how to make money. While at sea there's a number of events on how to invest. I've chosen a drinks package that negates, or probably prevents, my attendance at any of the events. I will be posting from the bar.
I wish to do something to claim tax 😀😃🙂
There's still nothing that's jumping out to me as a decent medium term bet. Especially with Iran and Israel about to go kinetic which will probably then bring the US into the game to defend Israel. The Ukraine are also about to start flying NATO F16s about the place which will cause all sorts of angst at the Kremlin. If things turn full turd then China might bring forward their plans to force Taiwan into compliance and then we're all in the deepest doodoo.

Maybe I'm too bearish on what's going on it the world but I'd prefer to own cash and bullion at the moment instead of more equities. Watching for opportunities to add physical gold and silver, but still wary of a general melt down. Plus, I'm doing apartment renovations while away which is an even better use of spare funds right now.

Sitting in departures about to do a Melb-Singapore-Dubai-Milan flight which is going to take about 30 hours before I can sleep again. I should get about 10 movies in. Hopefully the service is regular and prompt. Will send photos of my first Risotto Milanese and Osso Buco by the Duomo.
PRU buying into PDI looks interesting to me. PDI is already about 10% of my stock holdings but I might risk a bit more with this eventution, which I was hoping for but not really expecting after PRU bought ORR. And, I didn't expect any strategic interest until PDI had a license to mine in the monkey park. Maybe PRU know something.

Also wondering when the uranium players are going to find decent support. It's been a crap few weeks and wondering if it's a buying opportunity or something has significantly changed in the fundamentals. There's so much going on in the Kazakhstan and Russia supply dynamic that it's hard to pin down. I'm holding URNM, but I don't want to squander the winnings from my bets on DYL, BOE, LOT and VMY that saved my arse over the last couple of years. Watching patiently.

I ticked off the Ossobuco and Risotto Milanese by the Duomo di Milano today. The Ossobuco looked like a huge steaming turd out of the arse of a raging bull, but it tasted pretty good. The risotto OK, but I make better. Tick. Don't need to go there again.

The Duomo is quite spectacular and one of the most impressive Cathedrals in the World. Started in the 1300s and I think most of it was finished in the 1700s before Cook sighted Australia, which puts a few things in perspective.

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Hello from The Tavern Bar on the Explorer of the Seas somewhere off the coast of Greece, near Athens. Athens is a **** hole so I'm not all that excited about visiting again. But, I will go ashore for a greek salad and an ouzo.

As you know, ducati is scaring the crap out of me about the world economy, particularly the US, so I'm being rather conservative with allocation of spare cash. Don't worry ducati, I'm DMOR...

Of interest to me at the moment is topping up URNM when there seems to be some better news and data in the SPs of the main players. I think we're going through a pause in the overall narrative at the moment but I just want to see it stabilize a bit more and no crocodiles jump out at the supply demand dynamic. Having Russia so heavily involved in this gives me caution.

Also, SVL being smashed, for good reason, but with what looks like an obvious solution to me, looks very interesting. I'm not going to grab the knife, but consider it a medium term opportunity once the dust settles a bit. I think I'm all over it at the moment but need to work out the next steps for them to re-apply for the mining application. But, seeing what Labor (Plibersek) just did to Regis makes me wonder if it's safe to buy any development story in Australia while Labor and the Greens are in control.
Arrived in Athens and it's still a shithole. 20 years after my last visit and it looks like its actually gone backwards. The only thing modern about this place is the five other cruise ships parked in the harbour. Not going to the Parthenon again, even though it's spectacular. Apparently there's a two hour wait to get up there.

Looks like silver is recovering following the POG lead. What a champion. If I was a relatively smart investor, I'd probably be selling some gold shortly since I got in a couple of years ago and maybe switch to silver short term, but I'm feeling greedy. Will be my undoing.

Still 70% cash and 15% PMs. Maybe that should have been the other way around.

There's obviously no system here, just throwing darts with GG at the RIH.

Obligatory travel photo at the Parthenon from 20 years ago. Yes, I did have hair once.

36. Greece - Athens - Parthenon.JPG