Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Obama wants it to be "absolutely clear" that he hasn't got a clue on what to do about Afghanistan.

"I just want to be absolutely clear, because there's been a lot of discussion in the press about this, there is no immediate decision pending on resources," Mr Obama said.
So what sort of Democratic president is this man?

Change for the better?


Barack Obama cancels meeting with Dalai Lama 'to keep China happy'
President Barack Obama has refused to meet the Dalai Lama in Washington this week in a move to curry favour with the Chinese.

By Alex Spillius in Washington
Published: 6:20PM BST 05 Oct 2009

President Barack Obama has delayed a meeting with the Dalai Lama Photo: REUTERS
The decision came after China stepped up a campaign urging nations to shun the Tibetan spiritual leader.
It means Mr Obama will become the first president not to welcome the Nobel peace prize winner to the White House since the Dalai Lama began visiting Washington in 1991.
I just got back from a month in the US and still can't wash the smell of that stinking hole off.

Obama is going to have a hard time getting anything good done unfortunately.
Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

This is just coming on the wires now.
To be honest I'm shocked.
I thought when he was inaugurated things really would change but have just seen more of the same policies.

what are your thoughts?

Re: Obama wins nobel peace prize

This is just coming on the wires now.
To be honest I'm shocked.
I thought when he was inaugurated things really would change but have just seen more of the same policies.

what are your thoughts?


I posted this a few minutes ago on the Afghanistan thread. sorry for doubling

There is further bad news.

Obama has just been awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.

We are in the middle of a war against the biggest threat to Western civilisation since the Plague, and the liberal media and their hangers on are celebrating the award of a Peace prize for gods sake to Barack.

Perhaps we should have a Nobel War Prize, to be awarded to the best Commander in Chief leading his country and Allies to victory.

That lickspittle Neville Chamberlain would have won a Peace prize while condemning the West to six years of world war.

A Peace Prize for the CIC of the western world, at this time in our history when we are fighting insane godbotherers ready to stick a grenade up their coits to kill our innocent population, and get to heaven.

What a load of cobblers.

Re: Obama wins nobel peace prize

I just think this is the biggest joke I've heard this year. I'm pissed actually!
Shouldn't this awarded be giving to people who dedicate there life to the pursuit of peace? And after a long life and career of promoting peace?

He has been in office less than a year and the US is involved in how many wars at the moment?

Seems it's political to improve his ratings and cover up the massive sucking sound of the US economy going down the toilet.

What a sad day!

Re: Obama wins nobel peace prize

Wow...I'm shaking my head in disbelief. Nobel prizes have become a joke.

Maybe we need an interruption from Kayne West now to solidify it.

Shouldnt this be in General Chat btw?
Re: Obama wins nobel peace prize

There have been some strange recipients of the Nobel Peace prize over the years.

  • 2005 International Atomic Energy Agency :dunno:
  • 2001 Kofi Annan & the UN (this 4 years after the Rwanda genocide)
  • 1973 Henry A. Kissinger :rolleyes:
  • 2007 Al gore :eek:
Re: Obama wins nobel peace prize

I would have thought he might be a candidate for the future, although he is yet to do anything yet in regards to peace.
There is a 'plan' to reduce visa restrictions to Cuba and reduce troop numbers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Although this hasn't happened yet. Hardly a reason to win.

Anyone can have a plan and nice ideas for peace. Only a few actually achieve their goals.

Then again, we dont know who the other contenders are.

We may as well give it to Mugabe as apparently he has now decided to embrace the west.
Re: Obama wins nobel peace prize

Wow...I'm shaking my head in disbelief. Nobel prizes have become a joke.

Maybe we need an interruption from Kayne West now to solidify it.

Shouldnt this be in General Chat btw?

The Nobel Peace prize became a joke when Gandhi died in 1948, having never been awarded the prize, despite nominations in 4 different years.

It would be akin to Einstein being repeatedly rejected for the Nobel Prize for physics.:2twocents
Re: Obama wins nobel peace prize

Totally agree with the comments here. Obama is not a man of peace, his foreign policy says he is a man of war.

I lost all respect for the Nobel malarkey when the lying sheister Al Bore "won".

This takes it to -10000000000 on the credibility Richter scale.
Re: Obama wins nobel peace prize

Something smells fishy. Obama was inaugurated as president on January 20, 2009. Am I reading this right. :confused:


Process of Nomination and Selection

The Norwegian Nobel Committee is responsible for the selection of eligible candidates and the choice of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. The Committee is composed of five members appointed by the Storting (Norwegian parliament). The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway, not in Stockholm, Sweden, where the Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and the Economics Prize are awarded.

Who is eligible for the Prize

The candidates eligible for the Nobel Peace Prize are those nominated by qualified individuals. See Qualified Nominators. » No one can nominate him- or herself.
How are the Nobel Laureates selected?
nomination process

Below is a brief description of the process involved in selecting the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates.

September – Invitation letters are sent out. The Nobel Committee sends out invitation letters to individuals qualified to nominate – members of national assemblies, governments, and international courts of law; university chancellors, professors of social science, history, philosophy, law and theology; leaders of peace research institutes and institutes of foreign affairs; previous Nobel Peace Prize Laureates; board members of organizations that have received the Nobel Peace Prize; present and past members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; and former advisers of the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

February – Deadline for submission. The Committee bases its assessment on nominations that must be postmarked no later than 1 February each year. Nominations postmarked and received after this date are included in the following year's discussions. In recent years, the Committee has received close to 200 different nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. The number of nominating letters is much higher, as many are for the same candidates.

February-March – Short list. The Committee assesses the candidates' work and prepares a short list.

March-August – Adviser review. The short list is reviewed by permanent advisers and advisers specially recruited for their knowledge of specific candidates. The advisers do not directly evaluate nominations nor give explicit recommendations.

October – Nobel Laureates are chosen. At the beginning of October, the Nobel Committee chooses the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates through a majority vote. The decision is final and without appeal. The names of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates are then announced.

December – Nobel Laureates receive their prize. The Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony takes place on 10 December in Oslo, Norway, where the Nobel Laureates receive their Nobel Prize, which consists of a Nobel Medal and Diploma, and a document confirming the prize amount.
Are the nominations made public?

The statutes of the Nobel Foundation restrict disclosure of information about the nominations, whether publicly or privately, for 50 years. The restriction concerns the nominees and nominators, as well as investigations and opinions related to the award of a prize.
Re: Obama wins nobel peace prize

I guess there is no members of the taliban on the nobel prize commitee! :D

Also amazing how they can be reached for comment so quickly!

Taliban condemn Obama's Peace Prize

October 09, 2009 10:04pm

THE Taliban has condemned the decision to award this year's Nobel Peace Prize to US President Barack Obama, saying he had "not taken a single step towards peace in Afghanistan".

"We have seen no change in his strategy for peace. He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan. He has not taken a single step for peace in Afghanistan or to make this country stable," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said.

"We condemn the award of the Noble Peace Prize for Obama," he said by telephone from an undisclosed location.

"We condemn the institute's awarding him the peace prize. We condemn this year's peace prize as unjust."
Re: Obama wins nobel peace prize



Speechless doesn't describe it mate.

I have a mate called Knuckles, who is a bouncer at one of our better clubs here in Townsville on Flinders St. East.

He deserves a Peace Prize.

He's had a lot of setbacks in life, a high speed motor bike prang in which he suffered a Required Brain Injury.

Anyway he's had a torrid time since, Been in The Creek, Mental Unit, did a bit of GBH, Armed Robbery etc.etc.

The Salvos got him off the grog, ice and weed and he is now a model citizen.

He is built like a brick ****house, he has a bit of Samoan , a large bit, in him.

He keeps the peace over a 20m space outside his club from 9pm until 5am every Friday and Saturday.

Nobody plays up on his 20m. He is a born diplomat, 6 foot four, 140k all muscle, reasons with drunks and those stoned or just off their face. I've never seen him hit anyone. Its the safest place to be when a fight starts on Flinders Dt. East, his 20m outside the club.

And he is a good bloke when not on the grog, ice or weed.

I am going to nominate Knuckles for a Nobel Peace Prize next year, but I'm buggered if I know how to do it.

Can anyone help me.

Would he have a chance?

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Economists have been proving for years that the Nobel prize (at least the one for economics) is a joke. However this may turn out to be the worst call yet. Could this signal the Nobel Death Knell?
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

I'd say the Nobel committee need to set out their reasons for this apparently nonsensical decision. Two wars on the go, thousands of innocent civilians being killed amongst it all, and he gets the Peace Prize?:(