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Barack Obama!


This can't be true!! :(

Please hurry everyone, plant some more grass and whiff the green shoots before the world wakes up from the "Yes We Can" dream ...


In a few hours, Obama will visit Ghana.

One focus in his press conference last night was African governments' corruption and political unrest and the need for 'moral intervention' by the UN in situations like Rwanda. He compared Kenya, at the time his father went to Hawaii, as having a comparative GDP as South Korea. His message was clear to the governments of Kenya and other African countries... without accountability — no opportunity. If that’s not a maxim, it ought to be.

The video gives credence to Ghana being a model for African countries to emulate.
US aid dollars increasingly go to countries that use them and don’t blow them. Ghana is one.

New face of America, meet the new face of Africa:
(hip-hop meets reggaetón meets rhythm and blues meets Ghanaian melody)

AOL (United States) poll so far (It seems you can vote from anywhere in the world though?).
Vote on Obama's job so far: Poor 56%, Fair 17%, Excellent 14%, and Good 13%.
Vote on, has your opinion changed: Yes it's worsened 59%, No 31%, and Yes improved 10%.

I lodged a vote with my browser that's set to the United States. Interested to know if it works on any browser setting?
Obama's approval rating reaches new low


'FOR the first time since taking office, US President Barack Obama's job approval rating has dropped below the 60-percent threshold as Americans expressed doubts about his handling of the economy, the deficit and health care, a new opinion poll showed'

Talk about a short lived honeymoon. Sure, his ratings are still high, but sure does seem to be dropping fast. Even 007's honeymoon lasted longer than this.
Re: Obama's approval rating reaches new low

I love how the "new low" is still a high 50+ result. Seeing how the good 'ol US of A is in deeper than a no armed man in quicksand I am surprised his good fortune has lasted this long. Soon the hungry media jackals will be baying for blood to be spilled. I find it peculiar that when someone like Obama gets in the country is STUFFED and they love him. He actually implements some strategies to lead them out of the finacial storm and they start to criticise. SHEESH .... what's a guy got to do? Walk on water ... No wait ... the last guy to do that was nailed to a cross. Hmmm .. bad analogy seeing how Obama is of an African American descent. :eek:
Re: Obama's approval rating reaches new low

Yea, Fox News. The most unbiased news in the USA....not.
Obama is just another President hamstrung by the political system and will not achieve what he set out to do.

The activists creating havoc and misinformation at some Healthcare town hall rallies would promote your opinion. Universal, affordable healthcare by the end of this year? A third paid for by improving administrative costs and another third by tax on those earning above $250k. This is what he campaigned for. A huge goal. But he continues to set out to do it.

Obama moved to overhaul interrogation and detention guidelines soon after taking office, including the creation of a task force on interrogation and transfer policies.

Last week he signed off on The High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG). It will consist of several intelligence and law enforcement agencies and be housed at the FBI.

The group will be overseen by the National Security Council, which means shifting the center of gravity away from the CIA and giving the White House direct oversight.

I recall experts saying if intelligence had a central reporting base, 9/11 could have been averted. Who knows.
Comprehensive, concise and caring tribute from his Martha's Vineyard hotel holiday.
From: President Barack Obama []
Sent: Thursday, 27 August 2009 1:04 PM
Subject: Senator Ted Kennedy

Michelle and I were heartbroken to learn this morning of the death of our dear friend, Senator Ted Kennedy.

For nearly five decades, virtually every major piece of legislation to advance the civil rights, health and economic well-being of the American people bore his name and resulted from his efforts.

His ideas and ideals are stamped on scores of laws and reflected in millions of lives -- in seniors who know new dignity; in families that know new opportunity; in children who know education's promise; and in all who can pursue their dream in an America that is more equal and more just, including me.

In the United States Senate, I can think of no one who engendered greater respect or affection from members of both sides of the aisle. His seriousness of purpose was perpetually matched by humility, warmth and good cheer. He battled passionately on the Senate floor for the causes that he held dear, and yet still maintained warm friendships across party lines. And that's one reason he became not only one of the greatest senators of our time, but one of the most accomplished Americans ever to serve our democracy.

I personally valued his wise counsel in the Senate, where, regardless of the swirl of events, he always had time for a new colleague. I cherished his confidence and momentous support in my race for the Presidency. And even as he waged a valiant struggle with a mortal illness, I've benefited as President from his encouragement and wisdom.

His fight gave us the opportunity we were denied when his brothers John and Robert were taken from us: the blessing of time to say thank you and goodbye. The outpouring of love, gratitude and fond memories to which we've all borne witness is a testament to the way this singular figure in American history touched so many lives.

For America, he was a defender of a dream. For his family, he was a guardian. Our hearts and prayers go out to them today -- to his wonderful wife, Vicki, his children Ted Jr., Patrick and Kara, his grandchildren and his extended family.

Today, our country mourns. We say goodbye to a friend and a true leader who challenged us all to live out our noblest values. And we give thanks for his memory, which inspires us still.


President Barack Obama

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Wow! Now that's what I call a eulogy. Obama certainly has a way with words, a bit like the Kennedys.
What a pity America is so divided.


Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in 'tea-party' demonstration
Last updated at 9:39 PM on 12th September 2009
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Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending.
The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the Washington Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.
People were chanting "enough, enough" and "We the People." Others yelled "You lie, you lie!" and "Pelosi has to go," referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

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Wow, thats incredible, I was in Hawaii a couple of weeks ago with some Yanks, they were anti Obama big time, I just thought it was them but apparently not.