Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

I'd say the Nobel committee need to set out their reasons for this apparently nonsensical decision. Two wars on the go, thousands of innocent civilians being killed amongst it all, and he gets the Peace Prize?:(

Obama gets out of bed and hits the ground running every day, to meetings, bloody meetings - to make change !

Sometimes the Nobel committee awards the prize to encourage responsible action.

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the Nobel jury said in making the stunning announcement.

The committee attached "special importance to Mr Obama's vision and work for a world without nuclear weapons" and said he had created "a new climate in international politics."

The first black American president has brought the Israeli and Palestinian leaders together for a meeting, approved new diplomatic engagement with Iran, Myanmar and North Korea and signalled a new willingness to attack growing environmental problems.

Mr Obama went to Cairo to make a major speech on relations with the Muslim world, badly tarnished by President George W. Bush's order to invade Iraq. At the United Nations, he has launched an initiative to reduce the number of nuclear weapons.

He was awoken at 6am at the White House by his spokesman to be told of the award. An administration official quoted Mr Obama as saying he felt "humbled".

Mr Obama was honoured "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," the head of the Norwegian Nobel Committee Thorbjoern Jagland said.

"We had no problem... It was a unanimous decision," he said.

The jury said: "Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations," it said.

"Thanks to Obama's initiative, the US is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic changes the world is confronting."

The committee said it was seeking to encourage Mr Obama's ideals rather than recognise concrete results.

Mr Jagland said: "It was unavoidable to give the prize to the man who has improved the international climate and emphasised negotiations and dialogue."

"Before he took office the situation was so dangerous. Step by step he has given the message to the world that he wants to negotiate on all conflicts, strengthen the United Nations and work for a world without any nuclear arms."

The gold medal, diploma and a cheque for 10 million Swedish kronor ($1.57 million) will be presented in Oslo on December 10, the anniversary of the death in 1896 of the prize creator, Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel.
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Ok so here is my conspiracy theory of the evening to explain why Obama won this peace prize.

Israel and the US are about to hold their biggest joint air-defense exercise ever, dubbed Juniper Cobra, to test their missile interceptors. They have a build up of over 17th ships in the area. These war games are not that uncommon but they are usually held in Spring and not fall, why the rush?

Today a suicide bombing in Pakistan which killed 49 and a Indian embassy bombing that killed 17. Seems to me that tensions are once again on the boil. The blame game will start which could be a good cover to start an incident.

so my whacked out theory is that the people in the know (UN) are aware that the US and Israel are going into Iran and an escalation of the mid east war is unavoidable . So they decide to pull a few strings and award Obama the peace prize in an attempt to stop or temporarily avoid this conflict.
What would all the people of the world think of Obama if just after the award of the Nobel peace prize he goes to war with Iran?

Some of these countries have nukes and will use them if backed into a corner.

Call me crazy:eek:

I here a helicopter over my house!!

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

The committee said it was seeking to encourage Mr Obama's ideals rather than recognise concrete results.

This can be the only reason as far as I am concerned. He had 11days in office before the nominations were halted. An award on hopes and promises!

so my whacked out theory is that the people in the know (UN) are aware that the US and Israel are going into Iran and an escalation of the mid east war is unavoidable . So they decide to pull a few strings and award Obama the peace prize in an attempt to stop or temporarily avoid this conflict.

What would all the people of the world think of Obama if just after the award of the Nobel peace prize he goes to war with Iran?
You are not alone in that thinking.
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Ok so here is my conspiracy theory of the evening to explain why Obama won this peace prize.

Israel and the US are about to hold their biggest joint air-defense exercise ever, dubbed Juniper Cobra, to test their missile interceptors. They have a build up of over 17th ships in the area. These war games are not that uncommon but they are usually held in Spring and not fall, why the rush?

Today a suicide bombing in Pakistan which killed 49 and a Indian embassy bombing that killed 17. Seems to me that tensions are once again on the boil. The blame game will start which could be a good cover to start an incident.

so my whacked out theory is that the people in the know (UN) are aware that the US and Israel are going into Iran and an escalation of the mid east war is unavoidable . So they decide to pull a few strings and award Obama the peace prize in an attempt to stop or temporarily avoid this conflict.
What would all the people of the world think of Obama if just after the award of the Nobel peace prize he goes to war with Iran?

Some of these countries have nukes and will use them if backed into a corner.

Call me crazy:eek:

I here a helicopter over my house!!


It would make more sense to have a proper war and sort it all out in Afghanistan.

I'm no trickcyclist mate, but you sound more a bit scared about causing harm to people, and a good human being, rather than crazy.

So you'd be hopeless making decisions about war a bit jus as Obama is.

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Ok so here is my conspiracy theory of the evening to explain why Obama won this peace prize.

Israel and the US are about to hold their biggest joint air-defense exercise ever, dubbed Juniper Cobra, to test their missile interceptors. They have a build up of over 17th ships in the area. These war games are not that uncommon but they are usually held in Spring and not fall, why the rush?

Today a suicide bombing in Pakistan which killed 49 and a Indian embassy bombing that killed 17. Seems to me that tensions are once again on the boil. The blame game will start which could be a good cover to start an incident.

so my whacked out theory is that the people in the know (UN) are aware that the US and Israel are going into Iran and an escalation of the mid east war is unavoidable . So they decide to pull a few strings and award Obama the peace prize in an attempt to stop or temporarily avoid this conflict.
What would all the people of the world think of Obama if just after the award of the Nobel peace prize he goes to war with Iran?

Some of these countries have nukes and will use them if backed into a corner.

Call me crazy:eek:

I here a helicopter over my house!!


lol,I like your conspiracy theory,But there's one thing you may have forgotten?
China would differently not vote on the UN sanction.China has $70billion invested in iran's oil and gas(Sinopec corp deal)Add with they heavily rely on Iran's oil.Think the U.S wouldn't dare take on the chinese,Being that china owns $800 billion in U.S treasury securities.Gone are the good U.S days where they could just invade and ask later!(In reguards i mean Iraq).
Or are you suggesting i should start investing in oil?:p:
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

The committee said it was seeking to encourage Mr Obama's ideals rather than recognise concrete results.

Absolutely, totally and utterly laughable.

Nobel will be rolling in his grave. :2twocents
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

We're in the midst of witnessing Obama steer the US psyche from their God given role as saviours of the world with little time for the UN, and diplomacy with rogue states, to the 21st century where China has be at the table and Iran given a role in the middle east peace process. Obama is gradually making progress, similarly with the long overdue US health reform.

Peace prizes never go to the likes of Knuckles unfortunately, the same way Aussie of the Year rarely goes to the small people who make a difference. Obama winning the Peace Prize is at least more appropriate than Johhny Farnham winning our big one.

In any case, who would people propose amongst the statesmen of the world?
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

It would make more sense to have a proper war and sort it all out in Afghanistan.


Yep the whole world should get involved to clean out this poop , notice all those UN member countries that do stuff all but some always seem to have their hand out .
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Yep the whole world should get involved to clean out this poop , notice all those UN member countries that do stuff all but some always seem to have their hand out .

I'd agree Bobby.

Most of the UN staff are relatives of the greatest bunch of dipsticks, dictators, murderers,thieves, inbred and godbohering bastards that you could ever collect in one building.

If the UN were folded tomorrow the GDP of most member sates would increase by Monday afternoon.

Its a failed organisation full of pimps, paedophiles and *****s.

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

I'd agree Bobby.

Most of the UN staff are relatives of the greatest bunch of dipsticks, dictators, murderers,thieves, inbred and godbohering bastards that you could ever collect in one building.

If the UN were folded tomorrow the GDP of most member sates would increase by Monday afternoon.

Its a failed organisation full of pimps, paedophiles and *****s.


Yep GG , what a pack of wANKERS run most of those tin-pot lands , so called country's .

Geez lets look at Africa & try to find a descent run joint , its like the Olympics of corruption in that Continent .
But stop me before I mention the middle east :D
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

This really is unbelievable - it belittle's everyone who has been awarded the Nobel Peace prize in the past.

What a farce!!!

How can he possibly accept it...
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

This really is unbelievable - it belittle's everyone who has been awarded the Nobel Peace prize in the past.

What a farce!!!

How can he possibly accept it...

Considering dynamite was invented by Arthur Nobel, I guess the award to Obama is appropriate. :2twocents
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

This really is unbelievable - it belittle's everyone who has been awarded the Nobel Peace prize in the past.

What a farce!!!

How can he possibly accept it...

How can he possibly accept it? Easily and then he'll increase the number of troops in Afghanistan''
Surely the Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded on the basis of "concrete results". This has really turned into a popularity contest nothing more. Compared to his predecessor, Obama wins by a country mile.
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

The leaders of the rogue states will be laughing. The Peace Prize award is always politically motivated. This time it is designed to put pressure on Obama to go easy on the rogue states. This gives him an excuse to do just that.
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Apparently some of the undeserving folks he beat:

Sima Samar, women’s rights activist in Afghanistan: “With dogged persistence and at great personal risk, she kept her schools and clinics open in Afghanistan even during the most repressive days of the Taliban regime, whose laws prohibited the education of girls past the age of eight. When the Taliban fell, Samar returned to Kabul and accepted the post of Minister for Women’s Affairs.”

Ingrid Betancourt: French-Colombian ex-hostage held for six years.

Dr. Denis Mukwege: Doctor, founder and head of Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo. He has dedicated his life to helping Congolese women and girls who are victims of gang rape and brutal sexual violence.

Handicap International and Cluster Munition Coalition: “These organizations are recognized for their consistently serious efforts to clean up cluster bombs, also known as land mines. Innocent civilians are regularly killed worldwide because the unseen bombs explode when stepped upon.”

Hu Jia, a human rights activist and an outspoken critic of the Chinese government, who was sentenced last year to a three-and-a-half-year prison term for ‘inciting subversion of state power.’

Wei Jingsheng, who spent 17 years in Chinese prisons for urging reforms of China’s communist system. He now lives in the United States.
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

I'd say the Nobel committee need to set out their reasons for this apparently nonsensical decision. Two wars on the go, thousands of innocent civilians being killed amongst it all, and he gets the Peace Prize?:(

From the horses(asses) mouth (ie:


What is a Nobel Laureate?

A Laureate is a person honored for high achievement in a particular field. A Nobel Laureate is someone who is awarded the Nobel Prize."

Based on that criteria, one wonders where the overwhelming & compelling evidence of Obama's "high achievement" to date might be hiding?

Oh, and the Peace Prize committee is always Norwegian. (Sorry. Didn't mean to be racist.... ) :hide:

Since Nobel Prize winners receive around $AU1.5Mill, I wonder if Obama will give it all to charity? Or by Michelle a new sleeveless dress? (sorry. Didn't mean to be sexist.... ) :hide:

Errrr. Sorry. I might just have offended a PC person. My sincere condolences.

Hey, Hey - I'm sooo Sorry.

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

This can be the only reason as far as I am concerned. He had 11days in office before the nominations were halted. An award on hopes and promises!

Obama's campaign ran on his values and attitudes. He didn't suddenly announce or change his goals when he took office. His two books gave background for the millions who read them. His speeches put his future plans on the table.

The hysteric voting by demographics who had not bothered in the past shows the faith and hope that he had wielded in his country whilst the world waited with baited breath for voting day. His efforts so far are what his campaign promised.

The jury tapped him with 300 others for his potential but did not make the decision then.

They have obviously judged if he was all talk and no action by the reasons they set out on their decision.