Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

Obama Snr. Barack's biological father (who died in a 1982 car accident). That is not genetic

Okay, I'll give you that one, but, since women generally live about 7 years longer than men, Obama's mom's age equivalent at death is 46

There you go.
Re: Barack 2008!

Interesting article:
Who Wrote Dreams From My Father?
Jack Cashell
Entire article here:
Obama almost certainly had a ghost writer. This writer thinks that is was Bill Ayers, and makes a pretty good case.

- McCain has to shift the focus of the election from relevant issues to assassinating Obama's character.
- Now he's whipped up his supporters, the Secret Service makes him halt his terrorist tactics.
- The race is on for someone to carry the baton before this foamy fraudulent momentum is lost.
- This article purports that Obama is a fraud and a conspirator, with domestic terrorists, to bring down America? :eek:

* A Magna Cum Laude Harvard graduate and President of the Harvard law Review, writes his Memoir in 1995.
* Before 1995, Ayers, a dropout from college, had not written anything of literary merit.
* Ayers - Member of the Weathermen when Obama was 8; Writes his memoir in 2001.

The 'facts' - from this article: :eek:

- Ayers' credentials make him the better writer so he writes Obama's memoir before he writes his own! :cool:
- Metaphors about the sea... only Obama and Ayers have ever written these!
- All great literary stylists speak the way they write! - Written English and spoken English follow the same rules! :rolleyes:

Some bloggers on that article site:

* There's no way a smart articulate man like Obama could write a smart articulate book like Dreams. LOL.

* Your scribblings are of a madman. I'm sorry you spent time to create this piece of garbage, even sorrier that I read it.

* Now I'm wondering who wrote Obama's famous speech years at the Democratic convention years ago?
Why not do an analysis on that?

* This is an absurd, unsupportable charge by an irrational political party watching its corrupt stranglehold on political control slipping rapidly away.

* Perhaps this would be true of a man who finished in the bottom 1% of his class… (who does that sound like?)
but to suggest a former Magna Cum Laude - President of Harvard Law Review as “someone with no paper trail and an unschooled amateaur” is - 'swiftboating’ - smearstuff only someone who is truly ignorant, illogical, and who revels in ideological masturbation could enjoy.

* There is not a person in politics today who uses high-level "SAT"-type words with as much precision and accuracy as Obama. If Obama speaks of a "chasm," he will use the word correctly and use an appropriate metaphor like "bridge" to describe how one would cross it.

He hesitates and pauses and "ums" around for the right word, but a lot of brilliant writers do that when speaking, since they often know there is a "mot juste" out there and want to reach for it for a minute to see if they can find it before giving up and saying something more pedestrian.

* Wow. Have you ever read any of Abraham Lincoln's writing? Early poetry - sucked. Many of his speeches and articles - legalistic. But he had a few out-of-the-park moments of brilliance (Gettysburg, Second Inaugural). Maybe Frederick Douglass, radical abolitionist, escaped slave, and author of the eloquent Narrative, was his "ghost" writer?
(But then, Douglass was black - could such eloquence really be his?)

* You know who was responsible for those butterfly ballots down in Florida that got George Bush elected president?
Yup. Bill Ayers again. It was all part of the master plan:
To elect Obama, they first had to put somebody in as president who would run the country into the ground and thoroughly discredit modern conservatism. - You don’t think this all happened by accident, do you?"

* WOW! Amazing article. I hope to God this man (Obama) does not get elected. The American people can not possibly be that dumb. At least I hope not for their own sake. :eek:
Re: Barack 2008!

Okay, I'll give you that one, but, since women generally live about 7 years longer than men, Obama's mom's age equivalent at death is 46

Born Stanley Ann Dunham November 29, 1942
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, U.S.A.
Died November 7, 1995 (aged 52) Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Cause of death Ovarian and uterine canc

A bit more complex than pure genetics. People can die at any age very suddenly with little or no symptoms.

As we know she didn't have health insurance and and struggled to pay her medical bills. That is stress.

Yes that puts him in a slight higher risk category but very few would have perfect health.

"The liberal lion's cancer diagnosis sent shockwaves through the US political scene, which the 76-year-old has bestrode for nearly a half century, and cast a shadow over the day's business over the US Congress. Preliminary results from a biopsy of the brain identified the cause of the seizure as a malignant glioma in the left parietal lobe," physicians Lee Schwamm and Larry Ronan said." ",25197,23734014-12377,00.htm

“The White House said yesterday, September 16th, that U.S. President George Bush (62-years-old), underwent minor surgery over the weekend to remove a benign tumor from his forehead. Some opponents of the U.S. President say that the main reason for Bush’s tumors are numerous, including the events of September 11th, his failure to kill or arrest Osama bin Laden, the political chaos of occupied Iraq, and the confusion of U.S"…-and-iraqs-malignant-ones/

"Not until the end had come for Senator Taft could the doctors be certain what type of growth had killed him. The autopsy showed that it had been carcinoma, which in the patient's last days had reached the brain."

"To reiterate with added emphasis, Senator McCain has a small but significant chance of occult metastatic disease. A regimen of skin examination and bloodwork every three months described by his doctors is grossly insufficient to provide the best assurance of a disease free state. Even though the odds of finding metastatic disease are as small as they are, the gravity of the office and the devastating prognosis associated with widespread disease makes it, in the opinion of this neurologist, imperative to have these tests performed and their results publicly revealed prior to acceptance of the nomination. To be blunt, if he has metastatic melanoma, he should not run."

I am extremely grateful that in Australia my family has Top Hospital Cover and Top Extra Benefits for $3800 a year. That is my choice of Doctor in any Private Hospital for any surgery - not cosmetic surgury.
Dental cover ie. braces up to $6,000 each, optical, speech therapy the list is extensive. Since I've always had private insurance as a kid and when I was 18 yr took out my own policy my government give me a 30% rebate on the cost. Plus all Australian citizens are covered by Medicare.

I hope that in the USA one day you can have the same access to health cover and preventative cover we enjoy.
Re: Barack 2008!

This is not a joke! :eek:

What can they do about these? Count them if ticked? :confused:

Candidate labeled 'Osama' on some absentee ballots

TROY, N.Y. - Who is running for president? In an upstate New York county, hundreds of voters have been sent absentee ballots in which they could vote for "Barack Osama."

To Americans, the best-known individual named Osama is Osama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist group behind the 2001 attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center in New York City.

The Rensselaer County elections office faxed a statement in which the two commissioners, Democrat Edward McDonough and Republican Larry Bugbee, said they regret the typographical error.

When they discovered the mistake, officials shredded the remaining “Osama” ballots and mailed correct versions to the roughly 300 people who had already received them.

The “Osama” mistake was made in only one of the 13 ballot versions mailed throughout the county.

Voters who received both versions will be allowed to send in either one and have it counted.
Re: Barack 2008!

The “Osama” mistake was made in only one of the 13 ballot versions mailed throughout the county...
well Doris
If he wins, it will be despite these dirty tricks ;)

ahh don't you love the ethics of US elections :eek: :2twocents

PS current odds :-
Obama is 1/7 = $1.14
McCain is 5/1 = $6.00

(not saying this won't change - but you'd be a brave man to bet on McCain)
Re: Barack 2008!

When I was in Texas early last year I was astounded by the adulation for GWB. All I spoke to said they'd never vote for a black man. Obama was muslim, Bush was a good god-fearing man, the fight in Iraq was protecting us from bin Laden.

So I've been looking at Texan newspaper reports on the election... Could Obama win Texas?

Texas (34 electoral votes) - In 2004 - voted: Bush 61% to Kerry 38%
Rasmussen has today's Texas poll: - McCain 52 - Obama 43...

The Houston Chronicle obviously is pandering to hope for McCain supporters, in giving 10 key questions that will determine whether Obama hangs on or McCain comes back once again.

There are a few bloggers who quote McCain's lies per se, but most are quite normal - in that they think rationally! ;)

* Osama bin Laden has done less damage to and been the cause of fewer American deaths than the current GOP administration, and administration that McCain has supported 90% of the time. ANY October surprise regarding terrorist attacks or videos or any such thing should be examined very very carefully, because the GOP, that morally superior, ethically pure, God chosen party, ain't above pulling Nixonian type dirty tricks to win an election...

* McCain and Palin have sown the wind with their hate speeches against Obama. They are generating an Aryan Nation, Skinhead response that is reminiscent of the Nazi rallies at Nuremburg and our own KKK lynch mobs. Shouts of Traitor, Kill Him! Off with his head! are frequently heard. McCain and his partner in crime are fully aware of the meaninglessness of their charges but it plays well to blood-thirsty rabid supporters who cannot accept McCain's impending defeat. McCain's campaign is a disgrace.

This site will give you the number of electoral votes per state and polling lineup:
Re: Barack 2008!

It seems the smear campaign didn't work so what will 'that one' try now? :eek:

Obama was on top in 7 of 11 new state polls, while McCain claimed the advantage in Alabama, and the two were statistically tied in Georgia, North Carolina and one Ohio poll.

Obama's edge, on average, is now more than 7% in national polls, according to
Re: Barack 2008!

It seems the smear campaign didn't work so what will 'that one' try now? :eek:

Obama was on top in 7 of 11 new state polls, while McCain claimed the advantage in Alabama, and the two were statistically tied in Georgia, North Carolina and one Ohio poll.

Obama's edge, on average, is now more than 7% in national polls, according to

I suppose if the Americans want to vote in a Social Worker who associated with a terrorist, then that is their business,

After all they voted in Jimmy Carter who had no commonsense, was a godbotherer in public and private, beggared the country and hadn't the balls to take on the Iranians.

Back to the future.

Not to mention Ole Joe !!

Re: Barack 2008!


As much as you despise the left you can't get away from the left.

Unless you're only right and have that duplicated which would be difficult.

You have a Left side which you maybe 'unconsciously' unaware of and use it to co-ordinate your Right side. I assume you can walk so can co-ordinate the left and right spheres of your brain.:)
Re: Barack 2008!

McCain was forced to quell the anger he and Palin had incited as the Secret Service were there watching.

Oh did it hurt! But he quelled!
Take a minute to see how hard it was for him to quell!

Re: Barack 2008!

Looks like a good reason to have the secret inside US government to be so angry to orchestrate and do 911, blame outside terrorists and hope for the best...with their impending 700 billion scam to the american taxpayers.

Here is a run down of 10 of the biggest bank failures not mentioned in this latest row of the 700 billion bailout......I wonder who is picking the tab up for these bank jobs?

1. Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust, Chicago (1984)
Total assets: $40.0 billion

2. First Republic Bank, Dallas (1988)
Total assets: $32.5 billion

3. American S&LA, Stockton, Calif. (1988)
Total assets: $30.2 billion

4. Bank of New England, Boston (1991)
Total assets: $21.7 billion

5. MCorp, Dallas (1989)
Total assets: $18.5 billion

6. Gibraltar Savings, Simi Valley, Calif. (1989)
Total assets: $15.1 billion

7. First City Bancorporation, Houston (1988)
Total assets: $13.0 billion

8. Homefed Bank, San Diego (1992)
Total assets: $12.2 billion

9. Southeast Bank, Miami (1991)
Total assets: $11.0 billion

10. Goldome, Buffalo (1991)
Total assets: $9.9 billion

Source: Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

In 1989, 534 banks closed their doors. Who picked up that tab? I don't even recall hearing about it in the News. It was on Bush Seniors watch 1989 to 1993. Bush Sr. is credited with about 1,015 bank collapses:eek:. That would include Johnnie McCains Keating 5 swindle that he had nothing to do with.

Ronald Reagan had 2,036 bank failures during his term..1981 to 1989 in office:eek:.

No wonder they were trading arms for hostages, because they had no money..And yet they credit this guy in reversing so call Jimmy Carters failed term?

Jimmy Carter was President during 1977 to 1981 estimated about less than 70 bank failures....and

Bill Clinton served from 1993 to 2001. Remember he inherited Reagans and Bush's huge Bank Failure fiasco's. Bill had about 900 failures.

I see the picture very clearly now. Republicans always make us lose money and drive the economy into the dirt....and Democrats uplift peoples lives. This clearly shows the history of Republican Leadership Economic Management Failures. There's No if and's or but's about it.

Bank closure histories:

2000-2007: 32
1990-1999: 925
1980-1989: 2,036
1970-1979: 79
1960-1969: 44
1950-1959: 28
1940-1949: 99
1934-1939: 312
Re: Barack 2008!

I suppose if the Americans want to vote in a Social Worker who associated with a terrorist, then that is their business,

After all they voted in Jimmy Carter who had no commonsense, was a godbotherer in public and private, beggared the country and hadn't the balls to take on the Iranians.

Back to the future.

Not to mention Ole Joe !!


Actually it is Bush who has beggared the country..and for what!
Re: Barack 2008!

This site is Republican. :rolleyes:

ISP - Thanks for this! I did wonder about this 'letter' when McCain mentioned it in the debate.
McCain's Keating corruption was 1989...

Only Republicans signed it - May 5, 2006 - thus it would seem to be an in-house action.
My question is - is there any info on the Senate's response to this?
(I've emailed Human Events to inquire)

Was it indeed drafted and sent, or is it a cunning ploy to bolster support for McCain?
My trust is lacking.

Do you think they have credibility? :eek:

Who they are - Some of their prior publications:
Indeed, at HUMAN EVENTS we plead "guilty" to compulsively digging up and revealing facts that mainstream reporters go to extraordinary lengths to keep you from ever learning about. Below is a quick sampling.

All of these revelations appeared in HUMAN EVENTS, but were virtually ignored by the regular media:

* Kyoto Treaty can't alter climate - period. That's what treaty backers admit.
Nevertheless, the global press bends over backwards to cover this up.

* Evolutionists haven't won - yet. HUMAN EVENTS reveals that even liberal polls show only 10% of Americans believe in evolution as taught in schools, despite massive public school indoctrination over many decades.

* California's tough new environmental laws (Gov. Schwarzenegger should hang his head in shame) are a farce. Under the deal, businesses can buy, sell and trade "emissions credits" with other companies. Bottom line: A phony market will be created where real money buys meaningless "credits" while the emissions continue unabated.

So, has HUMAN EVENTS begun to pique your interest? Then take this opportunity to judge for yourself with this special introductory offer that brings you a full 35-week trial subscription at the special price of just $39.95 — little more than a dollar an issue. You'll save more than $50 off the regular rate.

Free Gifts When You Subscribe Today
A FREE copy of Ann Coulter's newest book, If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans - $24.95!

Witty, sharp-tongued, outrageous, and always faithfully conservative, here is Ann Coulter at her best, running circles around liberal pundits, pols and Leftist wackos before they even know what she's up to.
Re: Barack 2008!

No one is perfect, media can be misconstrued and modified with software. Especially visual media.

McCain may have more experience but lets turn it around. He's had more experience to know how to slight the law, practicing lying speeches, connect with unsavoury people, learn how to get things passed by side stepping lines.

The guy is no saint. He's done good things too as have they all. Yes he fought in the Vietnam war so did tens of thousands of other soldiers. Are they truely remembered for the horror of it.

Do you honestly know one politician in the world who has a perfect record?

The lack of clarity is interesting in sentences; perhaps, could be, maybe, possibility, or maybe rather this. The list is endless.

As Australian's we have had our fair share of innocuous innuendos coming to nothing.

The only thing they are certain about is that "they are the greatest nation on earth".

That is the USA's biggest foe par the assumption of greatness over others.
Re: Barack 2008!

Some of these ads make me cringe so I can imagine their effects on Republicans!
I really do not know why they don't have an option of litigation of blatant lies!

From: David Plouffe, []
Sent: Tuesday, 14 October 2008 10:47 PM
Subject: 100 percent negative

You need to see some of the offensive attacks we're up against.
I just recorded a short video on my laptop about John McCain's negative ads:

In the remaining 21 days, we need to be ready to respond to smears like these -- and worse.

We need to show that our supporters will fight back against the McCain campaign's low road tactics.
John McCain and his allies want smears and lies to drive this election.

They keep coming up with new, outrageous attacks that are even more offensive and baseless than the ones before.

The issues facing our country are too important to let our next president be determined by petty political tactics.

With just 21 days left, we have to show John McCain the cost of ignoring the real issues and focusing on false, negative attacks.



David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America