Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

Interesting read from someone who still supports Obama, but has now realised he's just as corrupt and principle-trading as any Washington insiders ever have been.

Except for Obama playing 'legal' dirty politics to get into the state senate, the claims are mischievous in that they are false or out of context and have been refuted and diffused with actual facts by the media... and some of them on this thread by me.
Re: Barack 2008!

This is a brilliant strategy for voters to see how they will be affected by Obama's plans!

People can calculate their potential tax savings
- and the campaign may get more email contacts if they supply it, for these vital last 21 days.

My tax savings under Obama: $676 - Under McCain: $0
Plus: 50% tax credit for up to $1000 for retirement savings

The average one income family (50k-75k) with a $250k mortgage + 2 kids + paying super:
Obama tax savings: $1300 - McCain tax savings: $270
Plus: 50% tax credit for up to $1000 for retirement savings.

A two-income family (75-100k) + 250k mortgage + 2 kids + daycare + paying super:
Obama tax savings: $1800 - McCain tax savings: $120

How would you fare?

From: Obama for America []
Sent: Wednesday, 15 October 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: Tax Calculator: How much will your family save?

American families are in desperate need of economic relief.

Barack's plan will cut taxes for 95% of families. John McCain will provide billions in tax breaks for big oil companies and giant corporations with no relief for millions of middle-class Americans.

Barack is calling for three times the tax cuts for middle-class families.

With our country facing the most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression -- over 760,000 jobs lost this year, unemployment skyrocketing, and retirement losses exceeding $2 trillion -- we need to take immediate steps to recover.

Yesterday, Barack unveiled his Economic Rescue Plan for The Middle Class, including special measures for job creation, a moratorium on foreclosures, and increased tax relief for families.

As president, Barack will provide a new $1,000 tax cut for workers and new tax benefits to help families pay for college, childcare, and save for retirement.

See how these plans would affect you and your family -- and forward this email so others can also calculate their taxes:


Obama for America
Re: Barack 2008!

This 2 minute video clip, from Sky News in Washington, rounds up the current situation just before the debate in 2.5 hours (except Qld which will be an hour behind due to program scheduling with daylight saving. :( )

Quite a good summary!

I find it interesting that Obama supporters in the clip are happy and friendly yet McCain's are angry and miserable.
Re: Barack 2008!

CBS Poll: Uncommitted Voters Say Obama Won Final Debate

I can't believe the last two issues below.
What part of 95% of people with reduced taxes from Obama did they poll? :confused:

The handling of a crisis also amazes me! :eek:

In the first presidential debate, second presidential debate and vice presidential debate, more uncommitted voters said the Democratic candidate was the victor.

And tonight's results have, by a wide margin, made it a clean sweep.

53% Obama: winner of tonight's debate.
22% McCain won.
25% saw the debate as a draw.

Health Care:
Before the debate, 61% trusted Obama
After the debate: 68% said so.

Before the debate: 27% trusted McCain
After the debate: 30% said so.

The Economy:
Before the debate: 54% said they trust Obama to make the right decisions about the economy;
After the debate: 65% sixty-five percent said that.

Before the debate: 38% trusted McCain to do so.
After the debate: 48% said this.

Understands voters’ needs and problems
Before the debate: 66% thought Obama did
After the debate: 76% thought this.

Before the debate: 36% For McCain,
After the debate: 48%.

Handling a crisis
Before the debate: 50% trusted Obama to
After the debate: 63%

Before the debate: 78% trusted McCain
After the debate: 82%

- 64% think Obama will raise their taxes
- 50% think McCain will.
Re: Barack 2008!

George Harris
Kansas City Star: (I fully agree!)

McCain hasn’t learned how to disagree without being disagreeable.
He was sarcastic, angry and condescending for the entire evening. We all get angry, but do we have to be constantly angry? If we want to restore civility in Washington D.C., Senator Obama is the better choice. Senator Obama looked more presidential than Senator McCain all evening.

What is also concerning about McCain's performance is that he didn't learn anything from the reactions to his anger in debates 1 and 2. Is he incapable of seeing the way people responded to him?

How can Senator McCain justify his negative campaign, saying that it wouldn’t have happened if Senator Obama had agreed to a series of town hall meetings. This is disturbing logic. He added that he is proud of the people who have attended his rallies. But we have heard the comments of (some) of those people, and the comments are disconcerting.

McCain says Biden was wrong about partitioning Iraq because Iraq is now coming together.
Sunni and Shiite neighborhoods are now more segregated than ever, and when our soldiers leave, no matter now or later, there will be bloodshed.
A blogger:
As of yet no one has challenged the Republican dogma about capital gains taxes. It assumes that wages earned by working people are less valuable to the economy than investment income. Isn't consumer spending one of the most influential segments in the economy? Aren't working people the ones that create that investment income? I think it's time for demand-side economics to be acknowledged.
Re: Barack 2008!

Some bloggers I agree with:

McCain doesn't follow the rules of a debate, why should we expect him to play by the rules when he's president? McCain interrupts. He continually goes over the time limit. He laughs in the middle of Obama's turn. McCain doesn't even listen. He is only sitting there long enough to get his own talking points in.
"Americans have gotten to know Sarah Palin." Did McCain honestly sit there and say that while blinking into the camera 3 dozen times?
When talking about Palin, McCain just said "breast of fresh air" instead of "Breath of fresh air"...LOL, I knew he was hot on her!
I really dont want to Hear McCain speak. Ever again.
Do you remember the kid in school that was disruptive? It was always the one that had to be the center of attention, and would frequently get in trouble for acting out...that's John McCain. He doesn't care what Obama thinks, all he does is interrupt Obama and laugh and sigh when Obama is talking.
The Palin selection was a deal breaker for many. Imagine how much stronger McCain would be with Romney on the ticket during an economic crisis. It's only a question of Obama's margin of victory. Too many mistakes, John. This is the guy who beat the unbeatable Hillary Clinton -- you needed an A game and barely got a B-.
Re: Barack 2008!

Doris said:
"When talking about Palin, McCain just said "breast of fresh air" instead of "Breath of fresh air"...
I believe, instead of "A breath of fresh air"
he actually says "A bresh of freth air"... ;)

but no doubt it will introduce a bit of humour. :2twocents

PS Gallup polls 3 day average had (Obama - McCain) at (50-43) prior to the debate. (the next few days will see if any change there).

and the bookies are unchanged
Obama is still at 2/11 ($1.18)
McCain is still at 5/1 ($6.00) :2twocents

(PS Since only one bookie is offering 2/11, I reckon Obama will be tighter than that tomorrow ;))


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Re: Barack 2008!

Except for Obama playing 'legal' dirty politics to get into the state senate, the claims are mischievous in that they are false or out of context and have been refuted and diffused with actual facts by the media... and some of them on this thread by me.

These are those 'legal' dirty politics:

Palmer served the district in the Illinois Senate for much of the 1990s. Decades earlier, she was working as a community organizer in the area when Obama was growing up in Hawaii and Indonesia.

She risked her safe seat to run for Congress and touted Obama as a suitable successor, according to news accounts and interviews.

But when Palmer got clobbered in that November 1995 special congressional race, her supporters asked Obama to fold his campaign so she could easily retain her state Senate seat.

Obama not only refused to step aside, he filed challenges that nullified Palmer's hastily gathered nominating petitions, forcing her to withdraw.
Re: Barack 2008!

See if you can see the inconsistency in McCain's words ( re funding for kids with autism) :-

McCain ... She's a reformer through and through. And it's time we had that bresh of freth air (sic) -- breath of fresh air coming into our nation's capital and sweep out the old-boy network and the cronyism that's been so much a part of it that I've fought against for all these years.

She'll be my partner. She understands reform. And, by the way, she also understands special-needs families. She understands that autism is on the rise, that we've got to find out what's causing it, and we've got to reach out to these families, and help them, and give them the help they need as they raise these very special needs children.

Obama: ..... I do want to just point out that autism, for example, or other special needs will require some additional funding, if we're going to get serious in terms of research. That is something that every family that advocates on behalf of disabled children talk about.

And if we have an across-the-board spending freeze, we're not going to be able to do it. That's an example of, I think, the kind of use of the scalpel that we want to make sure that we're funding some of those programs.

McCain: ... But again, I want to come back to, notice every time Sen. Obama says, "We need to spend more, we need to spend more, that's the answer" -- why do we always have to spend more?

Why can't we have transparency, accountability, reform of these agencies of government? Maybe that's why he's asked for 860 -- sought and proposed $860 billion worth of new spending and wants to raise people's taxes in a time of incredible challenge and difficulty and heartache for the American families.

then later ... :confused:

McCain : ....And I just said to you earlier, town hall meeting after town hall meeting, parents come with kids, children -- precious children who have autism. Sarah Palin knows about that better than most. And we'll find and we'll spend the money, research, to find the cause of autism. And we'll care for these young children. And all Americans will open their wallets and their hearts to do so.

PS McCain is all over the place like a dog's breakfast :2twocents
Re: Barack 2008!

These are those 'legal' dirty politics:

Palmer served the district in the Illinois Senate for much of the 1990s. Decades earlier, she was working as a community organizer in the area when Obama was growing up in Hawaii and Indonesia.

She risked her safe seat to run for Congress and touted Obama as a suitable successor, according to news accounts and interviews.

But when Palmer got clobbered in that November 1995 special congressional race, her supporters asked Obama to fold his campaign so she could easily retain her state Senate seat.

Obama not only refused to step aside, he filed challenges that nullified Palmer's hastily gathered nominating petitions, forcing her to withdraw.

Doris and Green08, your obsessive excessive posting requires a ladder of laser proportions (no offence meant Green08 on your solution to your hairy legs) to read or analyse.

More is often less.

It reminds me somewhat of the winky wanky bird.

I will not describe his actions.

It was repetitive, and led nowhere, though I am told gave him some brief satisfaction.

2020 perhaps I should wrap your beer in a handkerchief, when as it appears you win your bet, you may need it, the handkerchief that is.

Re: Barack 2008!

The race is tightening

Take a close look at the 7 daily tracking polls.

The Gallup traditional likely voter scenario now has it a two point race.

Gallup (traditional) Obama 49 McCain 47


the most accurate poll for the final result in 2004

IBD/TIPP Tracking has Obama 45 McCain 42

If you are really a betting man 2020, those McCain odds from your bookie look very enticing.

I don't gamble though (unless you count the stock market)

This race is NOT over.
Re: Barack 2008!

So I was right Doris,
You are on a mission.
Like the winky wanky bird.
Have you ever posted on a stock or share.
Its Aussie Stock Forums not an Obama fan Club Site.


Hmmm when you get personal you know you have lost the...........
Re: Barack 2008!

Barack Obama is now seen to be taking a "be Presidential and don't get involved", approach, in this, the three week run in.

McCain is out to see that the blue collar workers know exactly what they are letting themselves in for under an Obama led spending spree.

I make no bones about it, Obama is out to achieve a great deal whilst the coffers are bare. Bad news for the workers of America.
Re: Barack 2008!

Did anyone watch Larry King tonight with Bill Maher?

They were waiting for McCain and Obama to speak at an annual charity dinner.

They were at the same table with a Cardinal in the middle. Senators everywhere. If you can see it on a rerun or you tube do it, very insightful.

The speeches were quite funny on both sides, both having a laugh at themselves, bringing up toughy past subjects in wit.

Why is it that sometimes it takes point blank humour to get the point across. I've watch a few Bill Maher, Lewis Black and Carlin (from the past) and these men really challenge their guests. It can be right on the knife edge but they turn it around quite quickly.
Re: Barack 2008!

PS Gallup polls 3 day average had (Obama - McCain) at (50-43) prior to the debate. (the next few days will see if any change there).

and the bookies are unchanged
Obama is still at 2/11 ($1.18)
McCain is still at 5/1 ($6.00) :2twocents

(PS Since only one bookie is offering 2/11, I reckon Obama will be tighter than that tomorrow ;))

Today Gallup polling is still 50 - 43 (2 days since previous post).

Bookies have Obama slightly extending his lead ...
That site is having another blonde- XXX bad-hair-day, lol - it highlights $1.125 as best bet, when it goes on to say that you can get $1.18 :confused:

Obama $1.18 ... steady from 2/11 ($1.18)
McCain now 11/2 = $6.50 .... out from 5/1 ($6.00)


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Re: Barack 2008!

I make no bones about it, Obama is out to achieve a great deal whilst the coffers are bare. Bad news for the workers of America.
You mean... Compared to good-news Bush ?

Obama has admitted that the program will have to go out to the right a bit - certainly can't and never could have been done overnight. :2twocents

Hopefully things will turn around significantly during a 4 year term yes?

I think it will be interesting to watch the mood of America (especially the workers / middle class) under new management. Change of leader can help heaps. (Just thinking back to Bob Hawke). :2twocents

PS Then again , Hawke was lucky that soon after his becoming PM we won the America's Cup - the entire country had a smile on its collective faces XXX on its collective face XXX everyone was smiling. ;)

PS Maybe THAT's the answer for the world economy - for US to win back the Americas Cup from Switzerland :eek:


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