Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

Hi Doris, The way the economy is going, I hear, the loser will become President, and George W may be given the option of an extra term.
Re: Barack 2008!

This sounds a bit like those people who lived near the guys who lived in the US to learn to fly those planes into the Twin Towers. People said they were weird but kept to themselves.

Doris, Everyone in that street was weird. We rented for the summer from some hippies and kept their horticulture going while they went to San Fran. Nature couldn't keep up with consumption and myself and a mate were on the roof drying some produce when the police arrived and bashed in the door of the Weatherman. Luckily they were more interested in him than us. Never been more scared in my life.

You should try living in a poor neighbourhood. Its amazing who might be your next door neighbour. Weird doesn't mean terrorist, could be a warmener or even a tory lol.

Re: Barack 2008!

Doris said:
"Bush's margin of victory in Florida was officially placed at 537 votes (out of more than 5.8 million cast), making it the closest presidential election in the history of the state."
Let's hope it doesn't end up in another court battle ..

Obama on 2/7 ($1.29)... steady from ($1.29) ..... in from 9/20 ($1.45)
McCain on 10/3 ($4.33)... out from 11/4 ($3.75) ......steady from 11/4 ($3.75)


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Re: Barack 2008!

Debate between Obama and McCain begins at 11 am this morning CNN.
Should be very interesting
Re: Barack 2008!

Hi Doris , They are running through the commentary first it's quite intersting.

Yes will start very soon Noon. Can you watch CNN? theygive great coverage.
Re: Barack 2008!

Watched it between noon and 1pm. Was pretty boring. Neither of them would have inspired me to vote for them on the basis of their performance today.
Re: Barack 2008!

I think it's funny that people actually think we live in a democratic society. In the US the candidate with the highest bankroll (i.e. largest budget to spend on advertising, buying votes, etc) wins the election. How is that democracy?

It's not like the president/prime minister can actually change anything anyway they are just a figure head put in place to make sure the current system continues to run smoothly.
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama has raised his own money. If he can inspire people to campaign that says alot more about his commitment to reach the people, if they didn't like him they wouldn't donate. Why would you? I'd only donate to someone I believed in.

McCain took public money despite the fact he is worth more than $100M, basically married into it DYOR.

I watched this with my 16 yr daughter and her comments, as the debate moved through were interesting. I just let her interperate what was being said. She was annoyed that McCain kept attacking Obama and Obama kept have to reiterate his stand and defend himself which wasted alot of time. She does know most of what is going on reading and watching at her time. She's also doing commerce and history so she checks up on facts herself.

It may not have been 'riveting'. But there were so many rules in place from both parties. I liked Obama’s ease to approach people without getting to close. McCain’s “Well my friend’s….” is irritating I don’t find it endearing at all. I was watching a few people he went up close too and they looked unease – Personal Space Perspective is so important.
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama has raised his own money. If he can inspire people to campaign that says alot more about his commitment to reach the people, if they didn't like him they wouldn't donate. Why would you? I'd only donate to someone I believed in.

McCain took public money despite the fact he is worth more than $100M, basically married into it DYOR.

I watched this with my 16 yr daughter and her comments, as the debate moved through were interesting. I just let her interperate what was being said. She was annoyed that McCain kept attacking Obama and Obama kept have to reiterate his stand and defend himself which wasted alot of time. She does know most of what is going on reading and watching at her time. She's also doing commerce and history so she checks up on facts herself.

It may not have been 'riveting'. But there were so many rules in place from both parties. I liked Obama’s ease to approach people without getting to close. McCain’s “Well my friend’s….” is irritating I don’t find it endearing at all. I was watching a few people he went up close too and they looked unease – Personal Space Perspective is so important.

Green08 - Obviously I felt McCain was the winner of the debate- but that is up to each individual to decide.

On the public financing deal, that is part of the McCain/Feingold deal that was supported by McCain, and was in concert with the Democrat party. The majority of Republicans were against it, and Bush signed it only because he thought the Supreme Court would rule it unconstitutional. He calculated wrong.

McCain and Obama had a gentlemen's agreement that both would accept accept public financing for the general election campaign. Later on, when Obama was able to raise so much money from the internet and Hollywood, he cynically reneged on the deal. IMO, that does not say too much about Obama's character, does it?

As has been pointed out many times, McCain is a man of his word, and honor means a lot to him. He gave his word to Obama, and even though Obama reneged on an agreement for the fall campaign, McCain went ahead with his promise anyway. That "my friends" is character.
Re: Barack 2008!

Yes who won will always be a matter of personal opinion I really think you have to break it down to subject matter. Each had their strength and weakness. Hopefully the majority of people can be relatively objective and question both parties putting into perspective the meanings of both. No candidate is perfect they do the best they can.

Why does every one keep bring up Hollywood, You agreed they work. They are entitled to donate to whom ever they want too. I gave a list for both sides which has probably changed considerably

"My Friends" is an Americanism like "folks”, there just not things we say here, that is my experience. So maybe it is fine where you are.

I can't sway you and you can't sway me but we can respect each other’s opinions.
Re: Barack 2008!

Watched it between noon and 1pm. Was pretty boring. Neither of them would have inspired me to vote for them on the basis of their performance today.

Julia, did you notice how McCain prowled around the stage as Obama spoke?

This man will try anything. He tried hard to put Obama off by wandering and not sitting on his stool!

I loved the new idea McCain had in his proposal to buy failed mortgages and re-negotiate home values!

But wait... there's a thread on ASF on just this topic! :rolleyes: He must have got Cindy to log on here!
- he obviously didn't read the Bailout Package bill!

McCain exemplifies my abhorrence of GG's 'typical politician'. He didn't answer many questions but did his 'Palin trick of giving rote preparation' - in his case - history. He is not Reagan yet he continually basks in his idol's brilliance. He even tried Palin's 'seduction trick' in his demeanor... ugh! Every breathy 'my friends' grated. Enough!

I really believe Obama needs a medal for his discernment in ignoring the irrelevant baits McCain threw to get off topic, give personal attacks and blatantly tell whoppers! He answered the questions and gave respect to the questioner as the audience seemed to appreciate.
I was pleased he hit back at McCain's solitary re-try of 'Senater Obama just doesn't understand...'

The transcript of the debate:
Re: Barack 2008!

Come on be fair Doris, John McCain might suffer from piles and sitting down may be uncomfortable. Moving around does help.

Barack Obama shaded the latest confrontation but the fight now turns tougher. Maybe McCain and his running mate are succeeding, even if not that well so far, in turning this into a real scrap. Obama may be seen as a talking horse, in time, and less of a scrapper when things need to be done.
Re: Barack 2008!

Come on be fair Doris, John McCain might suffer from piles and sitting down may be uncomfortable. Moving around does help.

Could very well be :rolleyes:. Though I noticed whilst stretching his legs at one point while Obama was address as lady in the group nearest them. You can see McCain throwing his hand with thumb aimed at Obama like "Can you believe this guy!". Obviously he is frustrated.

If people are going to go on about Hollywood - where did Regean hail from?:eek:
Re: Barack 2008!

Come on be fair Doris, John McCain might suffer from piles and sitting down may be uncomfortable.
not a good look for the commander-in-chief to have such an ailment :eek:

isn't that what Napoleon had at Waterloo?

Did Napoleon lose the Battle of Waterloo because of hemorrhoids?
Piles have been written about this, and Piles of people all say the same thing, Napoleon did not lose the Battle of Waterloo because of hemorrhoids. etc
If cryosurgery had been available, would it have changed the outcome? No one knows the answer. But even when you're not on horseback directing a battle, it's hard to concentrate ... etc
Re: Barack 2008!

Come on be fair Doris, John McCain might suffer from piles and sitting down may be uncomfortable. Moving around does help.

Barack Obama shaded the latest confrontation but the fight now turns tougher. Maybe McCain and his running mate are succeeding, even if not that well so far, in turning this into a real scrap.

Yeah... pay that. Or maybe his old war injuries... :eek:

- but why not prowl on his own side of the stage? :confused:
... not back and forth behind Obama when he was acknowledging a questioner and then responding.
Sorry. I overanalyse but you can too... :)
McCain looked out of the corner of his eye to see if Obama were watching him, on this example of his prowls.

He was kind to Obama when he said a CinC needed to be calm and decisive in a crisis. :rolleyes:
Re: Barack 2008!

... not back and forth behind Obama when he was acknowledging a questioner and then responding.

Positive thing is, Obama didn't let it deflect his focus. A skill sorely lacking in humans I can't help but give him more cheer!

Sure he has short comings AS DO THEY ALL. They all have the assistance of advisors - level playing field.

So what they do in public, with out their hand being held is a show of true strength in character. Especially in this type of debate with no boos or cheers. and Questions coming from all over the place. Should be more of them.

What I revelation to me, When is Hank Paulson stepping down? Gets what he wants then gets the hell out of there before the real **** hits the fan - true Coward!!
Re: Barack 2008!

One has to ask: Who is the socialist?

Obama Keeps Focus on Economy in Ohio Push

Obama blasted McCain's plan for the government to bail out troubled homeowners with new mortgages as an example of the "erratic behavior" the Arizona senator would display if allowed to govern the country.

McCain's initial plan called for mortgage companies to absorb at least some of the cost of renegotiating the mortgages.

But now, his campaign says the government would pick up the full tab.
"Now in the course of 12 hours, he's come up with a plan that punishes taxpayers, rewards banks and won't solve our housing crisis," Sen. Obama said.

McCain unveiled his plan during Tuesday's debate; it calls for using $300 billion in federal money to buy individual mortgages and restructure them to reflect current home prices and match homeowners' ability to pay.

Obama criticized the plan as a taxpayer bailout of the financial institutions that sparked the credit crisis.
Re: Barack 2008!

From: David Plouffe, []
Sent: Saturday, 11 October 2008 5:23 AM
Subject: Who is Barack Obama?

John McCain keeps asking this question at his rallies -- then he gives answers that are shockingly false and negative.

Voters won't know the truth about Barack unless supporters like you reach out to them.

I also wanted to share a video of personal moments from behind the scenes at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, so you can see Barack and Michelle as they are -- decent, warm, and kind people with a loving family.

Our opponents try to stir up doubt and fear by questioning who Barack really is -- as if after more than a decade in public office, more than 20 months on the campaign trail, dozens of debates, two books written by him and dozens more about him, people still don't have enough information to decide for themselves who should lead our country.

Millions of Americans have gotten to know Barack Obama as an American who's devoted his life to things bigger than himself -- his community, his country, and ordinary citizens looking for a voice.

These tough economic times make our cause more urgent and the stakes even higher. Barack needs your help to win this election and bring the change we need to Washington.

Watch the video, share it with others, and get involved:


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

I have to say I feel comfortable watching happy positive people interacting.
Just before the 9 minute mark... Obama is a doll.
At 13.30 - very effective.

GG... remember to start it, click 'pause', let it stream whilst you read posts, then it'll run well for you. ;)