Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Significant costs will continue to be incurred for some time to deal with the legacy of the influx under Labor.

The cost of the lifeboats is insignificant in comparison to the cost of acceptance and processing.

Again your opinion. Considering its all kept hush hush we can never evaluate the costs of each boat turn back.
Again your opinion. Considering its all kept hush hush we can never evaluate the costs of each boat turn back.
One does not need to be a financial genius to understand the financial cost of turn backs is significantly less than the cost of acceptance and processing and the implications that has in encouraging the people smuggling trade.

We have the history of the Howard government and in comparison, the 6-years of Labor government to reflect on in relation to that and that's before we get to the human cost of those who drown at sea in the attempt.

As I have pointed out on more than one occasion, the hush hush is about international diplomacy, specifically with Indonesia.

Overall, there still a significant cost to come in relation to dealing with the legacy of Labor's influx.
Overall, there still a significant cost to come in relation to dealing with the legacy of Labor's influx.
On that score, Labor and the Greens combine again in the Senate to ensure that cost is as high as possible.

Bill Shorten in his National Press Club speech yesterday commented that immigrants do the jobs we don't want to do such as taxi drivers. In other words, the political demographic he and Labor wishes to encourage through immigration policy is the Labor supporter and it doesn't matter whether it's through official programs or people smuggling.
14 weeks (99 days) now without a boat.

In the same period, 8 boat loads have been turned back (ex 2 IMA's on medical grounds), either in their own boat or in the 3 bright orange lifeboats already used.

No known boats have been confirmed leaving Indonesia since late Feb although there is an unconfirmed media report (above) of one leaving West Java this week with 50 on board.
No known boats have been confirmed leaving Indonesia since late Feb although there is an unconfirmed media report (above) of one leaving West Java this week with 50 on board.

I wonder if the 50 are people smugglers, on a fact finding mission, to re assess their business plan?

Maybe doing a functional organisational review.
So, they decide to leave their country, pay people smugglers thousands of $$$, and are now stuck in Indonesia.

Why don't they just stay there and raise their family there?
I saw Tony Abbott last night trying to play down expectations. Something about the end of the monsoon season. (Funny I think the other side mentioned that a while ago).

Maybe we should prepare for another influx and see how many lifeboats the govt. is prepared to buy.

No...No....the Labor policy has more illegals.....well that is according to Richard Marles (the shadow immigration minister) who said it was Labors policy that stopped the boats.....but I do recall other Labor people saying the Coalitions policy of turning back the boats would not work.:banghead::banghead::banghead::D:D:D

It is a bit like not knowing whether to laugh or cry.
Would this be considered racist in this country?

Learn English, integrate/learn our Australian culture, be part of this society, or go home...

Academics say education standards in New South Wales will be put into doubt by changes to the English as a Second Language program.

A group of academics has written to the State's Education Minister, Adrian Piccoli, saying they are concerned about the devolution of ESL funding to individual schools from next year.

It says the 'Local Schools, Local Policies' reform policy being implemented by the NSW Government will badly impact on migrant and refugee children....

More at

I was under the impression that migrants were supposed to have English skills BEFORE they arrived here. Legitimate refugees may not, but they don't make up the bulk of the 130,000 mentioned.

There appears to be some slack procedures for admitting migrants. Taxpayers money should not be spent on teaching people how to speak our native language.
More at

I was under the impression that migrants were supposed to have English skills BEFORE they arrived here. Legitimate refugees may not, but they don't make up the bulk of the 130,000 mentioned.

There appears to be some slack procedures for admitting migrants. Taxpayers money should not be spent on teaching people how to speak our native language.

Err, correction rummpy........I think it is 30,000 not 130,000.
Err, correction rummpy........I think it is 30,000 not 130,000.

Read again Sir noco

"When this happened in Victoria a lot of their ESL teachers disappeared and we are really really concerned about refugee and migrant children in schools. 130,000 of them are being by this program and there's no guarantee that these teachers will keep going after next year."

So, unless the journo made a typo (which has happened before), or you have other sources, we have to go by this figure.
Read again Sir noco

So, unless the journo made a typo (which has happened before), or you have other sources, we have to go by this figure.

Apology rummpy, I believed you were referring to the link in posts #2467 and 2469 when in actual fact you referring to some school kids statistics which did not really relate to this thread.

It was sort of coincidence that 130,000 and 30,000 were mentioned in two different links.
Child senator SHY in particular will be screaming, but this is another good move by the current government in dealing with the Labor/Green legacy,

Asylum seekers who arrive in Australia by boat or plane without visas will no longer have access to free immigration services.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said that from Monday the government would cease funding the services, which he likened to "taxpayer-funded legal advice".

The move, announced during the 2013 election campaign, is expected to save the government $100 million over four years.
I saw Tony Abbott last night trying to play down expectations. Something about the end of the monsoon season. (Funny I think the other side mentioned that a while ago).

Maybe we should prepare for another influx and see how many lifeboats the govt. is prepared to buy.

In the same period 12-months ago there was 66 vessels carrying 3879 people.

One thing's for sure, they'll be bright orange lifeboats to bang Labor over the head with at the next election. At last count, there was 34 in the bank.
Child senator SHY in particular will be screaming, but this is another good move by the current government in dealing with the Labor/Green legacy,

...while the Greens said the move could put asylum seekers in jeopardy if they could not appeal their applications

Great.:xyxthumbs The more "in jeopardy" it puts the illegals, the better. If the Greens want to play do-gooders, they can ask their members for the money.:eek:...shock...horror.

And what are the poor old "human rights lawyers" going to do for a crust?
The Greens just don't seem able to get that the government is all about ensuring maximum deterrent to asylum seekers, not encouragement with free lawyers.
The Greens just don't seem able to get that the government is all about ensuring maximum deterrent to asylum seekers, not encouragement with free lawyers.
The Greens don't believe in sovereign nations. They believe in world government under their rule so we don't end up like Bob Brown's aliens.

The problem with that is that it goes against the basic evolutionary principal of adaptation and hence advancement through competition. World government will have its place only when we either encounter and can trade with intelligent life elsewhere in the universe (should it exist) or after we expand our own civilisation beyond this planet.