Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Asylum immigrants - Green Light

...Housing may be cheaper but it seems that once boat arrivals can get into Australia, then they have access to much more than just housing. What about the cost of legal services they get for free? Compensation, Baby bonus, etc?

The article below was one of the concerns listed above. Once they put their foot on these shores, they are not only fed, housed, clothed and paid to have babies, they also have access for legal aid (at our expense) to fight any decision to return them to their own homeland. All courtesy of the Aussie taxpyer. In the link I provided in the last post, the UN believe most are NOT genuine refugees.

Refugees win access to courts

Responding for the first time to the High Court's ruling on the rights of asylum-seekers to challenge procedural aspects of their cases in the courts, Immigration Minister Chris Bowen yesterday announced the government would appoint two new federal magistrates specifically to deal with the expected deluge in new cases.
The article below was one of the concerns listed above. Once they put their foot on these shores, they are not only fed, housed, clothed and paid to have babies, they also have access for legal aid (at our expense) to fight any decision to return them to their own homeland. All courtesy of the Aussie taxpyer. In the link I provided in the last post, the UN believe most are NOT genuine refugees.

Refugees win access to courts
So you are arguing that we should abandon people in the desert with no food/shelter/protection?
So you are arguing that we should abandon people in the desert with no food/shelter/protection?

lol - you've got to be joking...:) This thread has explained the concerns many of us have at the ease anybody can front up in a rickety boat - and they are turning up in droves. That wouldn't even be tolerated in most countries. They would be turned back. Word would get around quickly that there is no point going to that country anymore.

OK, I've answered your question, so here's one for you.

Are you arguing that we should continue to have the welcome mat out for all and sundry with no ID who would like to have a lifetime support of money, housing, medical treatment, free legal aid and get paid for having babies - all paid for by the Aussie taxpayer?

In all reality, IF this is their main reason for coming, I doubt they will be interested in working and contributing to the Aussie economy. Genuine refugees tend to be keen to make a new start in this country and usually try to assimilate, but not so sure about freeloaders jumping the queue and coming in the back door.

Oh, and how about our own homeless - probably a whole lot more now due to the floods? Perhaps they should jump on a tinnie and front up at Christmas Island. Throw out the ID so no one knows who they are, how much money they have, how much they might have earned, etc..:eek:
lol - you've got to be joking...:)
Tongue partly in cheek of course sails ;)

This thread has explained the concerns many of us have at the ease anybody can front up in a rickety boat - and they are turning up in droves. That wouldn't even be tolerated in most countries. They would be turned back. Word would get around quickly that there is no point going to that country anymore.
"Droves" is a contentious issue and one I disagree with - most of our regional neighbours (countries with a much lower per capita GDP I might add) have tens of thousands of asylum seekers on their shores.
In their cases I would use the word "droves". A few thousand arriving at one of the richest countries in the world, I would have to respectully disagree with you.

I note that past figures show that between 70% & 97% in any given year of boat arrivals are found to be genuine refugees - the figure for arrivals by air is usually sustantially less.

OK, I've answered your question, so here's one for you.

Are you arguing that we should continue to have the welcome mat out for all and sundry with no ID who would like to have a lifetime support of money, housing, medical treatment, free legal aid and get paid for having babies - all paid for by the Aussie taxpayer?
I'm arguing that:

a. We have to meet our obligations under the UNHCR, as every country should. I do not believe that Australia should be exempt from International Law, nor has anyone thus far put forward any reason why we should be.
Legitimate refugees should be allowed to stay as per intenational law, and those not found to be genuine refugees should be sent back to their country of origin.

b. I will repeat the economic question that everyone has avoided thus far on this thread - if it is purely a question of economics, why are people so gung-ho on the most expensive solutions (off-shore and island processing)?

c. It is interesting that the assumption is that refugees will all be a drain on the Australian taxpayer for their lifetime - any evidence to support this?
If people want to use individual examples, I will reply with the experience of Frank Lowy, a Check refugee.

In all reality, IF this is their main reason for coming, I doubt they will be interested in working and contributing to the Aussie economy. Genuine refugees tend to be keen to make a new start in this country and usually try to assimilate, but not so sure about freeloaders jumping the queue and coming in the back door.
Generalisations cannot be refuted or confirmed - they are just opinions (the figures suggest that boat arrivals are far more likely to be refugees than air arrivals).

I can make generalisations as well, however my experience will be different as I grew up in an area with a high number of migrants & refugees and guess what - people just ain't that different, regardless of where they're from ;)

Oh, and how about our own homeless - probably a whole lot more now due to the floods? Perhaps they should jump on a tinnie and front up at Christmas Island. Throw out the ID so no one knows who they are, how much money they have, how much they might have earned, etc..:eek:
So why are you arguing in favour of the most expensive solution, or taking aim at far greater aspects of government spending/waste? The Defence Dept alone waste billiosn every single year, and many of the programs (ie Seasprite) are known dogs by all involved before they even start.
or taking aim at far greater aspects of government spending/waste? The Defence Dept alone waste billiosn every single year, and many of the programs (ie Seasprite) are known dogs by all involved before they even start.
Undoubtedly true. And certainly this government has provided an extraordinary list of projects which have horribly wasted taxpayer funds. But that doesn't seem to me to be directly relevant as a counter to what Sails is arguing.
Well, the floods disaster has been a happy relief for Joolya and a distraction from other pressing matters, except of course the flood levy proposal which ain't going down too well.
In the meantime she has forgotten about the 1000 + children being held in detention. A statement she made criticising the Howard Government when in opposition. What a hypocrite.
And it's not only the record number of children in detention that's in the news. The article from the Herald Sun below explains that some of the people smuggling is Australian based and yet nothing is done to stop it? They apparently charge over $12,000 per trip so these arrivals are obviously not as destitute as they make out on arrival:

Full article: People-smugglers target Australian Hazaras in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide

The top smugglers have Australian citizenship and travel unimpeded between Australia and Afghanistan, it is claimed.

The smugglers boast they can reunite family and friends with relatives living in Australia within months, if not weeks.

Why is nothing done about this? Surely tightening up on clear unauthorised entry to our borders would surely save more than the amount of funds required to repair flood damage in all affected states.
So you are arguing that we should abandon people in the desert with no food/shelter/protection?

They paid quite a lot of money to get away from your DESERT.

They could spend that money on food, water and A/C to be more comfy!
Even Kevin Rudd is now admitting there could be Islamic terrorsts entering Australia with illegal asylum seekers. Rudd condemned Wilson Tuckey for suggesting it last year.
Noco I know you are trying to get some from of modern day McCarthyism off the ground with a witch hunt on all things Islamic in another thread, but you do realise that Tamils are overwhelmingly Hindu right? A person of interest is not automatically a terrorist?

I'd take anything Andrew "Abbott is too left wing" Bolt with a grain of salt as well ;)
Noco I know you are trying to get some from of modern day McCarthyism off the ground with a witch hunt on all things Islamic in another thread, but you do realise that Tamils are overwhelmingly Hindu right? A person of interest is not automatically a terrorist?

The Tamil Tigers are a non-secular movement. They were actually the world leaders in suicide terrorism from 1980 to 2003, carrying out more suicide attacks than Hamas or Islamic Jihad.
Noco I know you are trying to get some from of modern day McCarthyism off the ground with a witch hunt on all things Islamic in another thread, but you do realise that Tamils are overwhelmingly Hindu right? A person of interest is not automatically a terrorist?

I'd take anything Andrew "Abbott is too left wing" Bolt with a grain of salt as well ;)

The information I post on ASF is always factual whether it is from Andrew Bolt or other sources. No SPIN...NO RHETORIC like you and the socialist left portray whenever in a tight corner.
The information I post on ASF is always factual whether it is from Andrew Bolt or other sources.
Bwahahahaha, oh dear, that's funny :D

No SPIN...NO RHETORIC like you and the socialist left portray whenever in a tight corner.

LDP are socialist left? Better tell WayneL he's a socialist now, I'm pretty sure he voted for them too :eek:

I note nobody bothered to respond to my post of 24 Jan - a concession of defeat by the right?
Bwahahahaha, oh dear, that's funny :D

LDP are socialist left? Better tell WayneL he's a socialist now, I'm pretty sure he voted for them too :eek:

I note nobody bothered to respond to my post of 24 Jan - a concession of defeat by the right?

It does not take much to amuse small minds.
Apparently not - just a few paranoid Islamic conspiracy theories ;)

Going through 1930 through to 1945 Victory over not average room painter Adolf, quite a few Leaders decided to ignore his raise in hope it will go away.

Considerable effort was needed to make it go away few years later, didn't it?
Beware the title of "other" to those less fortunate than we.


The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
