Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Asylum immigrants - Green Light

My opinion is that for gen y religion does influence their decision about who they marry but there are other things such as peer groups, the culture they are immersed in, and what they can access on their iPod. this has been my experience from working with adolescents day in and day out. Certainly going against your parents wishes produces a lot of conflict but the current generation is much more independent and stubborn. I certainly went against my parent wishes and married an Australian girl :)

Thanks chiasm for your anaolgy of modern day youth.
If is not a rude question, are you a Muslim and did your wife convert to Islam?
Don't answer if you don't want to. I won't be offended. Just curious.
Thanks chiasm for your anaolgy of modern day youth.
If is not a rude question, are you a Muslim and did your wife convert to Islam?
Don't answer if you don't want to. I won't be offended. Just curious.

Its not rude and I don't mind. I think the best description for me would be atheist. My wife is Presbyterian. The issue was more of a cultural one with my family. My brother is engaged to a 2nd generation Australian from Brazil and that certainly wasn't my parents first choice either. The last two adolescents who were muslim I dealt with were dating boys who were Roman Catholic and Greek orthodox. I guess my point is these days religion is less of an issue
Its not rude and I don't mind. I think the best description for me would be atheist. My wife is Presbyterian. The issue was more of a cultural one with my family. My brother is engaged to a 2nd generation Australian from Brazil and that certainly wasn't my parents first choice either. The last two adolescents who were muslim I dealt with were dating boys who were Roman Catholic and Greek orthodox. I guess my point is these days religion is less of an issue

Thanks chiasm for your honesty. Do you believe the two adolescent Muslim girls would be allowed to marry a Roman Chathlic or a Greek? If their parents were to approve, would they be regarded as true Muslims and what do you think would be the consequence for them in a Muslim society?
Thanks chiasm for your honesty. Do you believe the two adolescent Muslim girls would be allowed to marry a Roman Chathlic or a Greek? If their parents were to approve, would they be regarded as true Muslims and what do you think would be the consequence for them in a Muslim society?

You might be surprised by the number of Muslim girls who don't wear burkas, often born in Australia from immigrant parents. I like the quote from the girl I was talking to yesterday "you wouldn't know I was Muslim unless I told you", and she was right. As I said, their parents aren't usually happy but they aren't shunned by their communities in general...but that is from my experience only. As always there are exceptions though!
I think this article has some relevance here:

While it appears the initial motives for the study were frivolous the outcomes are very interesting :)
Indeed it is relevant:)
“The anterior cingulate is a part of the brain that is on the middle surface of the brain at the front and we found that the thickness of the grey matter, where the nerve cells of neurons are, was thicker the more people described themselves as liberal or left wing and thinner the more they described themselves as conservative or right wing,” he told the BBC program.

I'm not surprised that leftists have a thick brain. I always known they were thickheaded.
Julia GILLARD has announced she intends to make it more difficult to claim welfare benefits.

From next July all the Centrelink forms will be printed in English only.
I think this article has some relevance here:

...POLITICAL views may be hard-wired into people, according to a study that suggests those with right-wing views have a larger area of the brain associated with fear....
While it appears the initial motives for the study were frivolous the outcomes are very interesting :)

I know that article is intended to make those with right-wing views look like scaredy cats, but the reality is that some fear is also necessary as a protective emotion.

Take a toddler who has no fear. Parents have to be extremely vigilent until said toddler has had a few minor tumbles to develop enough fear of pain to protect him/herself.

So, on that basis, are left-winged brains no better than toddlers?...:eek::D:D

Sadly, we then have to wait until the left-wingers feel enough pain that they learn better. But how much damage is to be inflicted on this country until the currently fearless left-wingers realise their mistakes?
Excellent now that we have established the lefties have more gray matter and the right thicker skulls the bad news is that the dam pesky Muslims are taking over our cricket team.

THE first Muslim to wear the baggy green will represent his culture proudly.

Whats really annoying is hes a good bloke................. cracks me up

Katich says that the young batsman, who is the leading run-scorer in Shield cricket this year, is a delight to have around the team. "He is probably the most popular bloke in our (NSW) squad and I am pretty sure a lot of the young blokes will back me up on that," he said. "He doesn't drink but the boys don't hold that against him. He will still go out with the boys, socialise, and then he drives them home - he's their taxi. He has a great sense of humour, too."
Excellent now that we have established the lefties have more gray matter and the right thicker skulls the bad news is that the dam pesky Muslims are taking over our cricket team.

Whats really annoying is hes a good bloke................. cracks me up

Looks like Cricket is the one religion we all have in common?lol.....Thanks Britain.

You might be surprised by the number of Muslim girls who don't wear burkas, often born in Australia from immigrant parents. I like the quote from the girl I was talking to yesterday "you wouldn't know I was Muslim unless I told you", and she was right. As I said, their parents aren't usually happy but they aren't shunned by their communities in general...but that is from my experience only. As always there are exceptions though!

Thanks for that chiasm. I was aware that not all Muslim woman wear the burkas, some wear a head scarf and some, as you say, wear neither which is fine by me. But it dose not detract from the fact that they are still Muslims.

The question I don't have an answer to is, would those same girls be allowed to marry a Roman Catholic or a Greek without being persecuted?
And still they come in boatloads without any deterrent by this incompetent Labor Government. Oh yes, we get plenty of lip service and no action!!!!

From that article, Noco:

The arrival last night of a boat carrying 92 passengers brings the total number of arrivals under Labor to 10,016 and 3,464 since Prime Minister Gillard took office...

Christmas Island must be bursting at the seams. This government seems incapable of dealing with border policy. Where is the GG - inlaws aside, isn't it her job to call for some accountancy in this obvious incompentency?
It is only a tiny fraction of the allowed immigration intake to which Labor and Liberal agree to and are complicit, to the negative of the average Joe like me.
It is only a tiny fraction of the allowed immigration intake to which Labor and Liberal agree to and are complicit, to the negative of the average Joe like me.

Knobby, obviously nobody has explained to you the difference between a legal immigrant and an illegal immigrant.

The legal immigrants are approved before they leave their own country and arrive with all their documents and ID's. They are normally skilled or professional people of good standing and in many cases are sponsered by relatives. They are not a burden on the taxpayer to the point of what it costs to maintain illegals.

The illegal immigrants arrive at Christmas Island or Ashmore reef in leaky unseaworthy boats. These people have flown to Indonesia from their country of origin with thier ID's in tact. They then pay paople smugglers some $10,000 per head and destroy their ID's on arrival in Australian waters. Why? The Indonesian Government turns a blind eye to the smugglers and in fact are pleased to fob them off to Australia. So much for the Rudd/Gillard's dialogue with Indonesia to stop the people smugglers.

As posted on previous occassions, these queue jumpers cost the tax payer of Australia $80,000 per annum for every man, woman and child. Multiply that by 10,000 plus and you have the amount it is costing us taxpayers.

Knobby, I do hope this has helped you to understand what you say is only a tiny fraction of allowed immigrants. A little education can go a long way to understanding.
It is only a tiny fraction of the allowed immigration intake to which Labor and Liberal agree to and are complicit, to the negative of the average Joe like me.

Knobby, I am not against a controlled migrant scheme where applications are properly processed and I am not against genuine refugees.

But how do we know if boat people are genuine refugees if they are arriving without documentation? An article posted earlier in this thread indicated that the UN believed that most were not refugees and should be sent home.

A controlled migrant scheme usually allows people to come here who have the skills to support themselves and have had suitable background checks.

It would be interesting to know some stats on how many boat arrivals remain a drain on Aussie tax payers through continual welfare payments for many years (incl. baby bonuses, etc).

But, being a labor supporter, it is quite possible you may not want to know. Probably easier to keep the head in the sand...:rolleyes::)
As posted on previous occassions, these queue jumpers cost the tax payer of Australia $80,000 per annum for every man, woman and child. Multiply that by 10,000 plus and you have the amount it is costing us taxpayers.
There are much cheaper ways to process these people, but it would be politically unpalatable.

Strange that those that tend to rail about costs favour the most expensive option.

But, being a labor supporter, it is quite possible you may not want to know. Probably easier to keep the head in the sand...:rolleyes::)
Well, it worked for the Libs too
...Well, it worked for the Libs too

The Libs reduced the boat arrivals to almost nothing - not sure what you mean...:confused:

With the UN stating that most are not refugees, it seems unbelievable that the current labor government continues to keep the welcome mat out and absolutely anyone from another country (refugee or not) can front up in a leaky boat and be potentially supported for life in Australia without necessarily contributing a thing in return.

Sounds like a rather expensive option, IMO.
This sort of news only confirms deepens the concerns already mentioned:

Asylum seekers 'lie about age'

Almost half the boat people who claim to be minors may be lying about their age to gain favourable treatment while in detention on Christmas Island, immigration officials fear, prompting tougher checks of birth dates.
The Libs reduced the boat arrivals to almost nothing - not sure what you mean...:confused:
The boat arrivals dropped at the same time as the Tamils signed a ceasefire with the Sri Lankan government. Does anyone honestly think domestic policies are the only factor in boat arrivals?

It didn't reduce the cost of housing those alrady here in Nauru where the costs are substantially higher than housing people in Australian territory - and the fact the government is now forced to pick up the tab for the ongoing medical care for people deliberately traumatised by the former government due to political expedeincy is also adding to the costs.

Unfortunately, the current government is also adopting high-cost measures to detain asylum seekers, although I believe the Timor solution (which Abott opposes) would be a cheaper option than the Pacific solution.

I would be interested in the UN figures you have - the UNHCR figures I could dig up are 77% acceptance of Iraqi seekers, and over the last decade the % of asylum seekers who have been granted asylum in Australia has ranged from 70% to 97%.
The boat arrivals dropped at the same time as the Tamils signed a ceasefire with the Sri Lankan government. Does anyone honestly think domestic policies are the only factor in boat arrivals?

The offshore processing at the time did slow down the boat arrivals and I don't think it's only Tamils arriving. Just look at the first post in this thread on - almost prophetic.

:mad: Off shore -now not on .

Get ready for the next invasion of economic refuges.
The cost will be immense both monetary & socially.


It didn't reduce the cost of housing those alrady here in Nauru where the costs are substantially higher than housing people in Australian territory - and the fact the government is now forced to pick up the tab for the ongoing medical care for people deliberately traumatised by the former government due to political expedeincy is also adding to the costs.

Housing may be cheaper but it seems that once boat arrivals can get into Australia, then they have access to much more than just housing. What about the cost of legal services they get for free? Compensation, Baby bonus, etc?

Do you have any supportive documentation that the government is paying out heavily for trauma cases? This sounds like it's another loophole to rob Australian tax payers. If these people are genuinely the refugees they claim to be, they would have been traumatised before they got on the first boat.

Unfortunately, the current government is also adopting high-cost measures to detain asylum seekers, although I believe the Timor solution (which Abott opposes) would be a cheaper option than the Pacific solution.

How can it be a solution when it appears that Timor aren't interested? And wouldn't the cost of building a whole new detention centre in Timor is going to cost more than the facility already in Nauru?

I would be interested in the UN figures you have - the UNHCR figures I could dig up are 77% acceptance of Iraqi seekers, and over the last decade the % of asylum seekers who have been granted asylum in Australia has ranged from 70% to 97%.

I don't have exact figures, however, below is the article posted a few weeks ago:

Send detainees home, says UN
UNHCR regional representative Richard Towle said large numbers of people now coming through the asylum system in Australia were not refugees and ''the challenge is how to find fair and humane and effective ways of allowing them to leave this country to go home''.