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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Makes a lot of sense really ........


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While the fury over Gillard's lie and carbon tax lie boils on, another boat quietly slips into Australian waters. Obviously nothing has been learned from the last disaster including a little boy left orphaned. Smugglers and their high paying passengers seem to think it is all worth the risk. Word must be getting around that Aussie taxpayers foot the bill for everything if you can get there in one piece. Never need to worry about money again...:rolleyes::

From Perth Now:
Boat with more than 100 people intercepted north of Ashmore Islands
While the fury over Gillard's lie and carbon tax lie boils on, another boat quietly slips into Australian waters. Obviously nothing has been learned from the last disaster including a little boy left orphaned. Smugglers and their high paying passengers seem to think it is all worth the risk. Word must be getting around that Aussie taxpayers foot the bill for everything if you can get there in one piece. Never need to worry about money again...:rolleyes::

From Perth Now:
Boat with more than 100 people intercepted north of Ashmore Islands

Maybe that's JULIAR'S ploy, talk about the carbon tax and take peoples minds away from the asylum seekers and all the other disastrous mess of PINK BATS, BER ETC.ETC. You know the thingies that have COSTAPLENTY.
Sails, I've been listening to these ongoing developments every day for a while now and just feel a sense of despair.

So asylum seekers need no longer worry about being assessed on Christmas Island, but instead have instant access to the mainland with all the legal implications of that access.

It seems the government has no interest in reducing, let alone stopping, this flow of people, the admission of whom puts further and further back in the queue those genuine refugees who have been waiting often years in UNHCR camps. How must they feel?

The government seems perfectly happy to just use more and more of our taxpayer dollars to build more immigration detention centres on the mainland, having succumbed to the blackmail of those who set fire to much of the centre on Christmas Island. Or perhaps these centres will never be built and instead they will happily fund private community accommodation, all expenses paid, for these people, whilst many of our own remain homeless and in need of psychiatric care, even if they have paid into the tax system for much of their lives.

Meanwhile each of the asylum seekers will have a case manager to look after their specific needs and assure that they have good medical, dental and psychological care.

Whacko, what a fine society we have.
Greg Sheridan in today's Australian reports on the unfortunate reality of Muslim immigration worth a read.

This is not a sign that I agree in anyway with most of the views expressed in this thread.

How I lost faith in multiculturalism

But in the nearly 15 years we lived there the suburb changed, and much for the worse.

Three dynamics interacted in a noxious fashion: the growth of a macho, misogynist culture among young men that often found expression in extremely violent crime; a pervasive atmosphere of anti-social behaviour in the streets; and the simultaneous growth of Islamist extremism and jihadi culture.
Greg Sheridan in today's Australian reports on the unfortunate reality of Muslim immigration worth a read.

This is not a sign that I agree in anyway with most of the views expressed in this thread.

Thanks for posting, IFocus. It is an interesting read and it probably does reflect the underlying concerns in this thread. Understand you have different views...:)

Perhaps some of us appear harsh in our concerns with the continual arrival of boat people, however, the more we read of what extremist migrants can do to a country, it brings with it a fear of whom these boats are carrying and what designs do they have on our country. Arriving without ID makes it very difficult to know exactly who these people are; if they are actually genuine refugees or if they have other motives. It seems a pretty risky gamble.

It is due to this concern that many of us are calling for the boats to be stopped and allow controlled immigration through legal means. If we don't, we may find that our culture is changing against our wishes and we are helpless to do anything about it.
An email is making the rounds. Interesting analogy:
Haven't heard it put this way before, but it's a great analogy.

I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back patio and filled it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it is as I filled it lovingly with seed. Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food.

But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue.
Then came the shyte. It was everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, the table - everywhere!

Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.

And other birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food.

After a while, I couldn't even sit in my own back garden anymore. So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.

Soon, the back yard was like it used to be ..... Quiet, serene and no one demanding their rights to a free meal.

Now let's see: Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care, and free education. It also allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen.

Then the illegals came by the tens of thousands.

Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor; your child's 2nd grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English.

Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to 'press one' to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than our Flag are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and liberties.

Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder. If not, continue cleaning up the Shyte!
Does anyone know if this means a change of policy - has labor seen the light? Is Indonesia now stopping the boats as Mofra has been suggesting?

Full article from SMH: Indonesia detains Aust-bound boatpeople

The group had flown from Afghanistan to Jakarta, travelled by bus to Madura island to "take a big boat to Australia", Hidayat said

As usual they had no ID so it raises the question how they found the money to get to Indonesia and, more interestingly, how did they fly from Afghanistan to Jakarta without passports or any sort of ID?
As usual they had no ID so it raises the question how they found the money to get to Indonesia and, more interestingly, how did they fly from Afghanistan to Jakarta without passports or any sort of ID?

That's an easy one. They destroyed their passports after they got to Jakarta.
That's an easy one. They destroyed their passports after they got to Jakarta.

lol Calliope, I knew that -but was wondering if any of our labor faithful who so valiantly stand up for anyone (refugee or not) who decides to come here by the back door in a boat could work it out...:D

More to the point, it highlights the fact that these people had passports and clearly willingly destroyed their own ID for the sole purpose of obtaining refugee status here. That doesn't sound like genuine refugees status, IMO. Not when they flew from Afghanistan to Jakarta...:2twocents

So, I don't know what Indonesia now does with the boatload they intercepted. Do they still hand them over to Australia or do they get sent home. Does anyone know?
When does not Gillard, Rudd and Bowen understand "NO" means "NO". As any sane person would read comments coming out of East Timor, they would well and truly understand East Timor's parliament do not want a bar of any Australian off shore detention centre. East Timor should send an open letter to all major Australian newspapers spelling out to the Australian people their rejection of Gillard's insistance.
However, whilst East Timor has rejected Australia's proposal, we now have a new island for off shore asylum processing. WHERE? A PLACE CALLED "TAZMAINYA". Well done Juliar.
Here we go again. Border policy...what border policy?

And yet Ms Gillard is prepared to stop dental programs for our own underpriveledged while forking out millions to take in those who may not even be genuine refugees. People who will use our legal system at our expense to ensure they don't get sent back even if they are not legitimate refugees. And then torch our facilities if they don't have things done their way...:eek:

More here from Christmas Island again at bursting point

THE first group of asylum-seekers taken directly to Christmas Island since last month's riots has again pushed the number of detainees on the remote territory past 1800.
Yep, I was thinking about this today when listening to a radio report about the large numbers of flood and cyclone victims who are still unable to get back into their homes, many of them having been rejected for insurance payouts.

They are staying with friends, relatives which must be stressful all round, or even living in tents.

No offer of the government paying for motel accommodation for them. Just sickening.
In today's Australian:

"Legal aid for crews tops $4m

MORE than $4 million in taxpayer-funded legal aid will be provided to the crew members of asylum-seeker boats who are on trial in Australia this year on people-smuggling charges."

When is this madness going to end??????
In today's Australian:

"Legal aid for crews tops $4m

MORE than $4 million in taxpayer-funded legal aid will be provided to the crew members of asylum-seeker boats who are on trial in Australia this year on people-smuggling charges."

When is this madness going to end??????

How does that work? I thought there was big money in people smuggling - how do they qualify for legal aid...:confused:
OK - this article explains more about the poor fishermen that get caught up in people smuggling - seems often unknowingly. It also explains more about the entire process;

It seems that those with plenty of money are the ones being welcomed, housed, fed, medically treated and free legal aid to boot.

Just because they hide their papers from Australian authorities doesn't mean they no longer have funds and neither does it mean they are legitimate refugees when they pass through so many other countries of similar culture as their own to get here. It does seem that this is indeed the land of milk and honey dished out freely by a government who seems powerless to stop it and too proud to use the established facilities at Nauru if the boats can't be stopped in Indonesia.

Surely this $4m should be recouped from someone higher up in the people smuggling chain?

And pretty sad when our own natural disaster victims seem to be left out in the cold because there isn't enough left to help them.
A Vietnma Veteran has his say. HE IS WAITING FOR Juliar Gillard's reply.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 3:19 PM
Subject: Fw: A Vietnam Veteran

Subject: A Vietnam Veteran

A Vietnam Veteran (A Company 7RAR Vietnam) Dave Harrison sent this letter to PM....Send it on at will....TO ALL
David Harrison
Address taken out.
Dear Prime Minister Gillard,
I would like to express my concerns about the current situation with muslim Asylum Seekers/ Refugees/ illegal immigrants.
I am a Vietnam veteran and fought for Australia. I went to war when my country asked me without question and I am proud to say I am Australian who loves my country. I am a member of the Frankston RSL club with the largest membership in Victoria and visit on a regular occasion to talk to my friends. All the people I talk to have the same view as I do on the muslim people coming into our country.
This email will be put on the notice board and everyone's attention will be brought to it as they enter the RSL. Your response will also be put on the notice board. The RSL has over 3,000 members.
I will also sent this to everyone that I have their email address and ask them to pass it on to all the other people they know. I guess this will get to approx 7 to 8,000 people. Maybe more.
Therefore I ask for real answers to my questions.
I have lived in the Philippines and Thailand and understand what the muslims are trying to do in the southern parts of those countries.
They are trying to get their own Islamic states and want to live under their own laws and rules. They are killing everyone that stands in their way. Men, women and children and even babies.
In Thailand they are killing all the teachers and burning down the schools to force the kids to attend Islamic schools so they can covert them to Islamic/muslim.
This is already happening in Australia where the Government and other authorities are changing the rules to suit the muslims.
Take Dandenong area for example, the kindergartens and pre schools now do not celebrate Christmas, Easter and other world Christian events because all muslims there would be offended. Therefore the Australian kids are being decimated against in there own country. THIS IS AUSTRALIA not some other muslim country.
Another example is a school in Coburg were having a school BBQ and the few muslim women on the committee ordered only halal meat. Therefore the Australian kid had to miss out on the BBQ or eat muslim meat. Your Centre Link and other government departments are banning Christmas decorations and the worst disgrace is that these Government Departments are stoping their staff observing the minute silence on the 11 of November. How dare your department’s heads instruct their staff in this way. These are all to suit the muslims that hate our country and our way of life here.
This is decimation against Australians and kids, which is a real disgrace.
Another stupid thing your Government has done is bringing the Sudanese to Australia. This is a Christian country however your Government has accepted the refugees from the northern Sudan, which are muslim, and not from the south which are Christian. How stupid. Now every Sudanese woman I see is pregnant to get the baby bonus. Again our taxes at work !!!!!!.
You and Kevin Rudd allow and welcome the Muslim boat people and allow them privileges the Australian people don't get. Boats are coming every day and there are another 10 to 15,000 muslim people waiting in Indonesia and 10,000 in Malaysia that will be coming here. The Sri Lanken muslims are on boats now as we speak coming direct here.
How many do we have to take before they start bombing my children and friends. You know and I know it won't be long before we get the same problems and bombings as other countries.
People smuggling around the world is a very serious offence, however your Government welcomes it.
My suggestion,
When the boats come here, have the captain and crew charged and jailed for people smuggling. A long jail sentence of 7 to 10 years as this will be a deterrent to other people smugglers.
Then fly the boat people back to their own country. We spend over $400 million to build the detention centre on Christmas Island and many millions in keeping them and giving them things that many Australian can only dream about. The muslims destroy the centre on a regular basis, which costs us taxpayers many millions of dollars to repair it. Then we repair it again and again.
Now your government is going to build another near Darwin at cost of over 90 million and 70 million to run it per year. Is this a joke on us taxpayers?
Or is this your Government just saying welcome to all muslims.
What added value are muslims to Australia.
They don't work just take our taxpayer dollars.
Don't want to call Australia home.
Don't accept our Christian culture.
Don't want to speak English.
Don't want to abide by our laws.
Don't want to integrate.
Don't want to go to our schools.
Don't want to play sport.
And many other don’ts.
I recently went on the Clean up Australia campaign in 2 locations with hundreds of other people attending. Guess what!!!! NOT ONE MUSLIM OR SUDANESE THERE TO HELP. All were in their public houses relaxing and watching TV at what they think are stupid Australians working.
All the TV footage on the shocking Queensland floods with all the people helping to trying to clean up. I did not see one muslim or Sudanese helping. NO
WHY, they only care about how much money and benefits they can get out of Australia.
Do you ever see muslims or Sudanese living in cardboard boxes or cars with their children? NO, they are all living in our public housing FREE but Australians if they can get one have to pay.
* How many muslims and Sudanese refugees live in Australia now?
* What percentage of the Australian population are each group now?
* How much of total taxpayers money spent on them for the 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 years? The total amounts.
* How much to you believe will be spent this year 2011 on refugees?
* How much tax payers money is in the current budget to support these people?
* If you need extra money for all the muslims boats coming, can you tell me which budgeted area the money will come from? Is it Hospitals, Education or reduction of Australians old age pension?
* What percentage of Australian welfare payment do these refugees represent of the welfare budget?
* Are you going to deport the muslim trouble makers and leaders at Christmas Island currently destroying public property?
* Why don't you allow all the Queensland and Victorian flood victims living in tents and other shared accommodation to live in motels like the muslims at the taxpayer’s expense?
* Why didn't you pay for the families to attend the funeral of Sapper Jamie Larcombe who was killed recently like you did for the muslim boat people and pay for the funeral as well?
* Is it true that these refugees get the following payments?
* Why do these muslim get a hardship allowance?
Weekly allowance $253.00 $472.50
Weekly Spouse allowance $56.00 $472.50
Additional weekly hardship allowance $0.00 $145.00

TOTAL YEARLY BENEFIT $16,068.00 $56,680.00

Some interesting Facts....

By the way the boat people are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS not asylum seekers or refugees.
Myself and most people at the RSL (WHO ALL VOTE) would like your response to the questions and what action you are taking to stop the muslim boat people coming here.
David Harrison. (Butch Harrison)
Noco, after the number of times that silly assertion that asylum seekers are receiving about double the weekly payments Australian pensioners receive has been totally rejected and disproved, I'm surprised you would again perpetuate this myth via the above quoted email.

I doubt the Prime Minister will ever see that email. Her staff would discredit it as being of no value when it makes an assertion that is so obviously incorrect.

There are some valid points in the message, but if one vital point is totally wrong, then the whole message loses validity.