The war continues and moves into more and more savage fighting.
The latest and possibly most troubling situation is the "last stand" fight in Mariupol.
The last and strongest of the Ukrainian defenders are embedded in a vast steel plant. The Russians will have to destroy the plant piece by piece to "win" this battle and ensure they hold Mariupol.
This steel plant is an integral part of Europes infrastructure. Intact it pumped out 4m tonnes of steel a year, 3.5m tonnes of hot metal and 1.2m tonnes of rolled steel. That is a big slice of European basic infrastructure. WTF will happen if this plant is trashed ? What will it take to repair it ? What happens in the meantime ?
‘Fortress in a city’: steel plant becomes Ukrainian hold-out in Mariupol
Outnumbered forces concealed in the vast factory are the eastern city’s last line of defence against the Russian invaders
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Smoke and fire have been seen coming from the Azovstal iron and steelworks, where Ukrainian forces in Mariupol are concentrated. Photograph: Maxar Tech/AFP/Getty Images
Fri 15 Apr 2022 12.27 BSTLast modified on Fri 15 Apr 2022 16.03 BST
Explosions rumbled and smoke rose this week from a steelmaking district in besieged Mariupol where dwindling Ukrainian forces are holed up as Russia tries to take full control of its biggest city yet.
The Azovstal iron and steelworks, one of Europe’s biggest metallurgical plants, has become an apocalyptic redoubt for Ukrainian forces who are outgunned, outnumbered and surrounded seven weeks into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
In the east of the southern port devastated by weeks of shelling, the plant lies in an industrial area that looks out to the Sea of Azov and covers more than 11 sq km (4.25 sq miles), containing myriad buildings, blastfurnaces and rail tracks.
‘Fortress in a city’: steel plant becomes Ukrainian hold-out in Mariupol
Outnumbered forces concealed in the vast factory are the eastern city’s last line of defence against the Russian
I get an anxiety attack just thinking about this situation.