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WA in the grip of complacency and apathy

Some people don't believe time travel is possible. Here I tender incontrovertible proof it is real, with this front page brought back from the future

I think Adsys a little burnt from camping at parliament house the last few days....
Did you see the 100k plus protesters protesting about there freedoms slowly being taken away in front of parliament?

oh no wouldn’t have! Just class then as extremists, and continue that all those jabs and freedom that is being taken away from us is temporary and the causes of it it was a poor Chinese bloke eating a bat from the markets & Labor at the party for the workers of old

and still think your nite intelligent than most in the same process!

Lenin had the perfect terminology for you lot! “Useful idiots”
Look it up and you’ll soon realise it there is nothing stupid or useless in this world for the general society except for our over masters than a leftist

I think most have moved on from that sort of over the top propaganda but if it gets you up in the mornings then carry on.
I think most have moved on from that sort of over the top propaganda but if it gets you up in the mornings then carry on.
people are waking up so the rabble media have backed away from the scaremongering of the covid will kill all!
but go on continue thinking everything is fine in this world

so tell me why the goal posts keep being shifted, 4 jabs needed, masks, proof of jabs, QR check ins are still required almost 2 years on from a bloke eating a bat in the Wu Han markets?
I heard McGowan is dropping the 14 day isolation rule for crossing the border. Also in unrelated news: McGowan will be crossing the border, to go to a court case about the same time as the restrictions are dropped.

Totally unrelated.
I heard McGowan is dropping the 14 day isolation rule for crossing the border. Also in unrelated news: McGowan will be crossing the border, to go to a court case about the same time as the restrictions are dropped.

Totally unrelated.
um it was dropped to 7 days weeks ago and he said he will do 7 days quarantine on his return
Stop quoting the wife beater
From reading the latest WHO reports we are now entering an endemic phase of Covid-19 so a relaxation of restrictions in WA and Queensland is reasonable.

I'm still not convinced, with the virus still rampant and numbers vastly under reported in Africa and Asia, that there are not more problematic variants out there.

The WHO is planning for a return to normality whatever that means in this crazy world.

So I'd get another few pallets of Guinness @wayneL if I were you, just in case, while you can.

Just sayin'.

The anti vaxers are allowed in bottle shops now as no doubt the big end of town are concerned about sales?
The anti vaxers are allowed in bottle shops now as no doubt the big end of town are concerned about sales?
Possibly. Probably not.

The regions are more important to Australia's wealth, you can only sell so many almond soya lattes in Perth and Brisbane to keep an economy going.

Mining has been protected by the measures taken by WA and Queensland to protect companies and workers.

At some cost though as @wayneL has rightly noted.

um it was dropped to 7 days weeks ago and he said he will do 7 days quarantine on his return
Stop quoting the wife beater
Did he get caught out and then decided to do it?
Also it was on
Pallets of guinness?
What a load of simplistic bull that comparison is

“Comparing us to North Korea, I think, might be a bit over the top.

“A repressive dictatorship that murders hundreds of thousands of people compared with a successful democracy, full of freedoms and the best economy in the world. I think that’s an unfair comparison.”

If anything, it's qantas that are the North Korea wannabe given the way they treated their workers over the last few years.
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