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WA in the grip of complacency and apathy

Geez this looks like I wrote it after a 6 pack
Have you ever checked out how much W.A gets back of the money they pay in GST?
We were getting 35c back on what we paid 8 years ago, after the mining construction boom died, but we still were funding the infrastructure to support it.
From memory we went into debt to about $40b to put in hospitals, because FA had been put in for 40 years yet the population had doubled.
You people over East suping on your lattes need to extract your head out and realise without W.A, you nothing but a first world Bali.
So they are using coercive methods to get people to vax up. Seems like a backed by science method.

This is the kind of crap that keeps me from voting for Labor.
labor party sold australia out in the mid 70s under garbage Gough the globalist with the Lima declaration over taken by old Bob Whorke who then sold Australia to the world! he was so usless he had a mass recession by the end of the 6 years run

as usless as the LNP are Labor are straight up awe full
Morrison must be in trouble with the polls backed McGowan's latest approach to COVID how times change.

Really cannot see Labor giving $40bil of tax payers money to profitable foreign companies any time soon!
Morrison must be in trouble with the polls backed McGowan's latest approach to COVID how times change.
Morrison is a dead man walking, gone for all money, but I'm *overhearing a hell of a lot more discontent with Mao McHitler as I go about my rounds.

It's not good business for me to really say anything much so I don't discuss it. But that is really quite amusing is that the straw that seems to be breaking the camel's back is the bottle shop ban LOL... And these people who *are GMO, who haven't I figured out how to download their Papiere to their hand held tracking device. :d

I think the limit on buying booze has highlighted just how draconian the rules have become and proves that we are now living in a police state.

Never thought I would see the day that our own "government" would turn on us so badly.

RIP the Australia that our fathers and grandfathers fought for and then strived to rebuild after the depression.

We BBs have been exceedingly fortunate to live in such a wonderful place and enjoy so much freedom and opportunity in our lives
Your father's and grandfather's are now fighting to stay alive not far from here.....
Your father's and grandfather's are now fighting to stay alive not far from here.....

My father and grandfather have been dead for some unfortunately.

I referred to "the Australia they created" which is disappearing rather rapidly.

I am aware that you are a rabid lefty so where we are heading will suit your preference, however, I prefer to do my own thing and I value highly my previously existing right to do that, subject to doing no harm to others.

If you are concerned about the battle of the aged against Covid then perhaps you should be pointing a finger at the incompetent management of our aged care facilities.

Locking infected people in with other aged people is basically manslaughter yet it has been done repeatedly by Govts of both colour
rabid lefty lol
They had a RC into it and did nothing all bought to you by little Johnny Howard in the 90s
Has WA brought out mandatory McGowan tattoos yet?

I feel like more than one member on this forum would be up for them.
Has WA brought out mandatory McGowan tattoos yet?

I feel like more than one member on this forum would be up for them.
Because you got vaxxed if you lived here you would be fine
Choices bro
No one is getting tested. And why would anyone get tested? What's the point in being vaccinated if you still have to isolate? To protect the 2.5% of unvaccinated people who pretty well aren't allowed out of their homes anyways?

The 2 weeks of isolations for FIFO workers in a steel box in the Pilbara will break a lot of people. 2 weeks of students in isolation is going to break a lot of people. I think within a week the issue here will turn to Che McGowan unscientific cowardly isolation rules. He's got no clue. His government has no clue. MSM need to push this turd harder in the press conferences.


Well who pays the bills....
If the punters that call in to 6PR are any indication, the tide is definitely turning.

...and when I first arrived back on May last year, McStalin could do no wrong, nary a bad word said.

Now, it's the other way round, scarcely anyone doesn't think he's a total ****.
Geez this looks like I wrote it after a 6 pack
You enjoying yourself? Switch on the ABC and get your next little barb.

Six pack? You welders in WA like plenty of them, I'm told.

P.S. WA can't even field a decent AFL team.
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