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WA in the grip of complacency and apathy

Anyway, this is getting tiresome.

Ta ta, pip pip, and all that rot

The sum of Humid's life is wearing an electronic ear tag, so he can drink substandard grog in some shitty pub... Life is more than that, moron.

Just maintaining my FIFO job in the oil & gas sector and the fruit it bears what's your anti Vax reason
It would appear that WES have had enough of the lockdown mentality in WA. Their CEO is heading for Melbourne.

Although Gina, Twiggy, BHP and RIO applaud it.

Just to remind people from over east WA is not in lockdown, I can still play golf, go to the shops and find near full shelves, go to the club for a drink, get a PCR test with short queues if I an concerned and I don't know anyone who has had coronavirus. Crucially the mines have stayed open and been protected which has saved Australia from an economic disaster, thank you Mark McGowan. The only inconvenience is having to wear a mask if I go out in public and most people from over east and overseas aren't allowed in, some of the criteria to get in is now being relaxed. I don't have a problem with it, my only concern is some people in WA have how become too complacent because we haven't had the issues the eastern states have had with their dumb and stupid policies, which could lead to rapid spread of the omicron variant in WA.
A/ Let's see how this post ages.

B/ So long as you have your electronic eartag on. (After 31st) baaaaaaa
True WA pub boutique beer. Comes with a free pad for its punters.
No pokies here and the associated riff raff westy
With a budget surplus through a pandemic not sure they have to sell anything to anyone
With this sudden fascination on WA a good news story from hard borders.....not seeing Margaret Court at the tennis
With a budget surplus through a pandemic not sure they have to sell anything to anyone
What did they spend that on again. Gina Rinehart's pearls?

Hey watch you don't blow through your WA "Government approved happy internet usage time" allocated hour.
Waynes world......

Still living rent free in Humid's mind I see LOL
We will all have to catch up for beer at the Gingin pub, on pommie $hitbox day.
If the weather is fine and there is no wind, you can hear the cars rusting. ?

Gingin British Car Day is held on the third Sunday in May every year. Only 1hr from Perth it is a wonderful family day with activities and market stalls
I'm up for it... Even have a Pommie sh¹tbox.

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