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WA in the grip of complacency and apathy

And forget about getting care in regional WA. You're out of luck if you have anything more severe than a hangnail.

I may hate the ABC but this story is very indicative of a big issue in our hospitals in both regional WA and in Perth. I personally know a few nurses who have struggled to get permanent visas and struggle to get sponsored even though they are already working here in health care. These things all tie in to the reported poor morale with health workers in this state.

They have an alternative?
Retire, go single income family, start a family, take a low job-stress fifo role with a miner, go east, take a year off. Lots of alternatives.
I actually have an issue with the title of this thread. I would retitle it as "WA in the grip of totalitarianism and dystopia and stupidity".

....and McPolPot kicks another own goal.

Geez if you figured out he wasn't opening the border surely it entered this dipsticks mind
Choices man just like yours to return here to live
Geez if you figured out he wasn't opening the border surely it entered this dipsticks mind
Choices man just like yours to return here to live
Let me just quite sat whar this says about you.

1/ you have a complete inability to think critically about anything.

2/ you are one of those who would have probably joined the SS back in 1933-44.

Not something to be proud of or should be broadcasting, bruh.
sat that german or are you an angry little man
At least you can pick up your stripped pyjamas from the kmart kiddies section
sat that german or are you an angry little man
Bro, making objective observations does not make me angry, just objective. if you actually had the cojonies to meet me went invited, you would have seen that. I'm completely Zen, man.

And... Ad hominem insults are a logical fallacy. if you want to maintain any sword of intellectual integrity at all you should think of some other way of trying to insult me... Something actually intelligent which might actually work.
Will have to make it quick as you won't be allowed anywhere soon due to your antivax stance
But it is Friday so I'm looking for a clean brownshirt and I'm off to the pub for a crafty
I guess it will will always be fractious with WA. Plenty of km between Perth and Canberra.
We want you in the Federation WA, but what's the deal with your hospitals?
I mean plenty of mining profits..I don't get it..?
Enjoy it outa the can brah

The sum of Humid's life is wearing an electronic ear tag, so he can drink substandard grog in some shitty pub... Life is more than that, moron.

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