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no, you can buy a place in melton, frankston nth or a host of other places for 4x

but its not a birth right or citizen right this income to median thing, its just nonsense that its brought up

no worries man, myself and others just comment on the state of the real estate market

and 2yrs after the biggest financial event since 1929 RE prices have moved higher than pre-GFC while most other assets have continued to fail, OH WELL

please dont discount your position in 30-40yrs time

professor robots

no, you can buy a place in melton, frankston nth or a host of other places for 4x

2 of the most hellish places in oz...the thought that people go deep into debt to live there is simply chilling. :headshake

Ballarat FTW

Some parts of it are OK.

Gold did quite well as well Mr Bots FWIW, if you look at it in AUD terms.

Considering what the AUD did through the GFC in USD terms everything here copped a hammering! I only wish I'd been set up to go for UST's at the time! I could have switched back into anything Oz for a big discount. But alas my BSD is not so B or S!

The weekend! Lollipops and sunshine... we hope!

Cheers people!

Mate I read that TZL thread, lets not go discussing grey matter. (bit of a cross thread thingy here but will be brief, besides Ubi brought it here) If there was ever someone who knew what was going on and really knew nothing. It's a bit sad read really, such dedication to have in a company.... Ever thought of pulling the levers yourself? Ever thought of buying some property?

Now you claim the TZL share price should be in the hundreds of dollars? What a promoter! Are you for real?

Prawn gave some good opinions early on, along with others as time went on. What do you need? A 50% gain to think you have your money back before spewing a million shares?

Ubi you claim
The technology and upside was good enough to tempt Mark Bouris out of his 'mortgage man' comfort zone to become chairman of a tech company.

Mark Bouris started Wizard home loans and sold out in 2004 for something like half a billion dollars. Joined TZL in 2009 when the share price was $1- and has seen it fall to high 20's and back to say 40. The upside is so good that Mark Bouris and Ken Ting have purchased no shares excluding Ken's 72,725 which he came to the table with. They have both been given a few I see.

Hope it turns out as you expect!
Meanwhile back at the ranch ..... ANZ and the ABS reckon we have a chronic shortage of houses? Can this help sustain the prices of homes in Ozzie Land? Does it even contribute to the overall picture? Is it a classic case of supply and demand? All these questions and more will be revealed in the next few years. Could be sooner if and when the banks put up the rates !


  • Australia-has-a-chronic-shortage-of-housing-2008-732146.png
    34.5 KB · Views: 87
Geee...that's an awful lot of land and homes

BIS are going for a +30% over the next 3 years Man they are going to be bitching about affordability if that comes to pass!

LOL... from -40% to +30% ! my god, what a spread

Who's crystal balls are good?

Roll on spring!

2008? Got anything new?

Sorry MR. - you are right again. It is the ABA and not the ABS. Must get me a manicure so I can hit the keyboard better. I have the ANZ document for 2010 on my desk in a PDF format. Have not had a chance to read it fully. Will post on Monday once I have disseminated the information.

Good post UBI !! That should take care of the "supply" part of the equation for sure.
I vaguely recall the US had a perceived housing shortage long before the market headed south. This may have been a reason why buyers were comfortable loading up on debt, the thinking may have been that the shortage will create demand, push up prices, and debt to equity will be restored to reasonable levels ect. ect.

This rest is history.

In my opinion bubbles are not driven by many of the stats previously mentioned on this thread , the fear of missing out is the biggest driver, many here believe the shortage is a myth including myself.

Ireland had a 'shortage' as well.... government often has a way of moving to solve a 'problem' just at the wrong time?! Is the timing good in VIC... we C!

Bubbles are a beast of loose credit pure and simple. When you get over leveraged supply meeting over leveraged demand the potential to leave the rails and travel to an unrealistic place presents itself. People being what people are tend to cease caring about reality at that point, well all but one reality --> the price! It is the over leverage that provides the pop! I laugh at many of the times the term 'bubble' is misapplied... as far as journos are concerned if we want it to go up then its not a bubble, if we don't like it going up then it is a bubble.

At the moment the credit supply in housing would argue against us being in full bubble territory, it is just too tight. You can argue extended market but I don't think we are running on rocket fuel and about to flame out. Having said that it does not preclude a decent size correction, but... I think, not the US type wreck of 40%-90% carnage, depending on where you look. Yes some places got hit for 90%... some worse if you wanna really talk wreckage (very small minority)! but 40%-50% is not hard to find and just occasionally some places that never went up much are doing much better.

Anywhoooo... I wonder if the volatility that has come to most markets will find its way into realestate to one degree or another.

oh yeah, they back on it Trainspotter

this happened in US, UK, Ireland and in a few more minutes Spain will get a mention, hehehehehehehe


professor robots
OK. When the USD devalues 50% by the end of this year. What will happen to home prices then? After the rest of the currencies get adjusted down I mean.

Would people listen to this man?

Bubble John Symond "it's different here"
OK. When the USD devalues 50% by the end of this year. What will happen to home prices then? After the rest of the currencies get adjusted down I mean.

Would people listen to this man?

Bubble John Symond "it's different here"

Oh I see, this is the plan:-

Revealed: The home loan that could save you a fortune

Another words

It is evil I say


oh yeah, they back on it Trainspotter

this happened in US, UK, Ireland and in a few more minutes Spain will get a mention, hehehehehehehe


professor robots

I would like to graciously say that since MY calling of the top a while back in this thread that house prices have not risen past my call and in fact as pointed out MANY pages ago some have even fallen more than 20%+ in that time.

i am a legend

OK. When the USD devalues 50% by the end of this year. What will happen to home prices then? After the rest of the currencies get adjusted down I mean.

If this happens there will be no net change and it will be status quo.

Devaluing only really means something if you manage it unilaterally!

+ nobody seems to be saying HOW the US will devalue in a formal sense, in a world of floating currencies that is a hard trick.

If the market devalues the USD by that amount places like Australia will be the net recipient of capital flows, this will not in itself cause major dramas and should underpin our markets in general... after all the money has to go somewhere.

50% is huge, and yes I am aware of the rumor, BUT I would not bet on it... and I still don't see how they formally devalue.


yes well done Nun, good to see you back around

i have mentioned that numerous times just recently but my posts keep getting removed, hopefully this one stays up

apparently the USD, Gold, CDO's, IRS, US, UK, Spain and Ireland are of more benefit to Aussies than the situation with regard to aussie property prices

oh well

professor robots
This 50% USD devalue thingy by the end of the year. Is this the correction we had to have? What will cause this plunge? What are the tells for a currency collapse? If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it fall .... did it really make a noise??

Is this the end of the world and we should all start stocking up on supplies as everything in 2011 will be worthless?

Ludwig von Mises's rule: the first job of an economist is to tell governments what they cannot do.

John Symonds role is to sell money under the auspicious title of "Aussie Home Loans" .... get it ?? From what I can make out he does a pretty good job of it.
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