Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Storm at Sea

Rats never sleep , Boss Captain !
They may no longer be posting on your thread but
they 're all still here , matey ......... to pick your brains . You know that.
But hey , even your loyal , lurking crew members are up to the same skullduggery .
Are you speaking for yourself?
Fear not Brave and Loyal Sea-Cadet Dyna

I have the situation under control --
I have created an "OOPs File" and already have another 4 in mind to add to my and theirs Merry List

Salute and Stay Safe in these Stormy Seas

Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew

GOLD goes from BAD to BADDER-as GTK Goes from GOOD to GOODER in the same Seas and Weather Conditions Today-
Go Figure!

Sailing for GOLD ------One WEEK at a Time-----&----------------One DAY at a Time -----------------&-------------5 MINUTES at a Time


Sailing the GTK------One WEEK at a Time---------&----------------One DAY at a Time -----------------&-------------5 MINUTES at a Time
Salute and Gods's Speed
Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew--

The Storm Deepens Overnight in NY as the US Gov 2 yr Interst Rats Gap-Up on Breakout

Sailing the US Gov 2 Yr Yields-One WEEK at a Time-------&------One DAY at a Time-----------&---------5 MINUTES at a Time


Wet Weather is Still in Order-
Check all Safety Lines and Hold on Tight to what we have left Presented to the Wind

US Industry ETFs---------------Tue 06 Feb 24, 8:38am (AEDT)​

Copper Miners35.075-2.03%
Gold Miners27.365-2.34%
Lithium & Battery Tech39.46-2.64%
Strategic Metals44.24-3.68%
Aerospace & Defense123.18-0.36%
Global Jets18.78-1.93%
Video Games/eSports59.15-0.27%
Robotics & AI29.3-0.31%
Sports Betting/Gaming17.88-0.50%
Electric Vehicles22.75-0.96%
Cloud Computing22.37-1.63%

Salute and Stay Safe
Last edited:
AHoy Brave and Loyal Crew---
"She can be MERCILESS"----Chart data is real-time, as of 06 02 2024 10:15am AEDT


Colour is based on price performance

Salute and Stay Safe


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Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew --

Here Comes the WIND ------------and May I Say ?-----------------"About Bloody Time!"------------------ "God Bless the Chinese"

Sailing the HANG SENG--One WEEK at a Time--&-----------One DAY at a Time---------------------&---------5 MINUTES at a Time

And Brave and Loyal Crew---
NB:--- Can You Keep a SECRET?

Sailing for LITHIUM --One WEEK at a Time------&------------One DAY at a Time--------------------&---------5 MINUTES at a Time

Salute, Stay Well and Be in Sea-Readiness at Dawn
HMAS  Ship of Fools.gif
Oops, 4 is a scary number. Will I stay alive, Captain?
Ahoy there Sea-Cadet Esky

You have nothing to fear on the HMAS Good Ship of Fools -

By Defenition We are all Fools that Go To Sea on the Global Exchange because we don't accept that "She will be alright in the LONGTERM" and Fundametal Analysis are merely Half Wits leading Quarter Wits to the Slaughter -
And That is a Compliment to Sweet FA'ers!

--- But I also Love You

Please Note in the LITHIUM chart above the +7.84% move NORTH today in China
No Time to Sleep!

You can always sleep when you are Dead

I am only Cutting from my Huge Spectator fleet the "UNPOLITE and Down Right RUDE "

Those that read and Leave NO Emogi--- Good or Bad -- As you Know --- I CAN TAKE REJECTION--

Good Manners however were not given to Everyone

Why do you think they do not leave an Emoji ? -----
IMO ---they are RATS and I will be rid of them

Unfortunately 3 have Fallen overboard last night in Mysterious Circumstances and I fear another 7 are being investigated

This should cut down the Number of Illegal Stowaways that Visit my Ship each and every Day and Night somewhat

I hope!

The Number of Stowaways on my ship weighs heavy on this Captain and the Numbers must be reduced

Salute and Stay Well
Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew---

All Hands on Deck at Dawn---
HOIST in Quick Time on the OPEN

Sailing the Magnificent WC8--( Main-Sail )---One WEEK at a Time-----&------------------------One DAY at a Time

Sailing the GL1 (Mid-Cap)----------------One WEEK at a Time-----------------&--------------------One DAY at a Time

Sailing the PMT (Mid-Cap)----------------One WEEK at a Time----------------&------------------One DAY at a Time

Sailing the SGQ -(Storm Sail)------------One WEEK at a Time---------------&------------------One DAY at a Time-


Salute and Gods' Speed
Bold move Capt. Have you seen a wind shift towards lithium? Li stocks were bullish last night in the US (LIT, ALB).
One up day isn't enough to sway me in such a strong down trend.
Bold move Capt. Have you seen a wind shift towards lithium? Li stocks were bullish last night in the US (LIT, ALB).
One up day isn't enough to sway me in such a strong down trend.
Please refer to the 2 Posts above with the Broken Clock times of 12.05 AM and 10.28PM
Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew

Hold onto your Hats --------The OLD Ecconomy is Back---------Chart data is real-time, as of 07 02 2024 10:16am AEDT


Colour is based on price performance

Salute and Gods' Speed
Oooohhh, Captain, thank you for your kind words (I think there's something wrong with my laptop, unable to give likes, and it's very slow to load)

Three? What does it matter what they do, not do or say? Doesn't make us poorer or richer..don't dwell on that. You have talent and continue to put that to good use for yourself and those that matter to you, I would say.
For the record ... I am unsure whether I may have been banished from the ship ... or whether the Ship has sprung a leak based on the last couple of posts??

I cannot see any posts from the good Captain for a couple of pages back, so ... Perhaps I have finally been relegated to the plank? :(

OR ... has the good Captain released the lifeboat and left in the middle of the storm without telling all and sundry?? :oops:

No doubt all will be revealed in good time. :speechless:
For the record ... I am unsure whether I may have been banished from the ship ... or whether the Ship has sprung a leak based on the last couple of posts??

I cannot see any posts from the good Captain for a couple of pages back, so ... Perhaps I have finally been relegated to the plank? :(

OR ... has the good Captain released the lifeboat and left in the middle of the storm without telling all and sundry?? :oops:

No doubt all will be revealed in good time. :speechless:
Been a strange day for me, barney. Couldn't log in for starters, when I did, there were pages missing and some blanks. Had problems with Commsec too, going round in circles. Had a brain wave....changed it over to mobile data, and was better but still dropouts here and there.

Don't think you were thrown overboard? Can you see Captain's post? Thought I was kicked out, but apparently not?

Logging out now, have a great evening everyone. Good luck for tomorrow.