Bought a few more
IOZ for the longer term income plan. Not sure why when I'm getting a defined benefit pension from the Army. Might as well just throw it at the RIH dart board really. I need to come up with a better justification or longer term plan for holding this.
Sold half
SVM this week as it's gone on a bit of a run for no real reason and I thought a 70% gain was enough. So, almost free carried which is nice. Makes up for most of the crap in red on this list, and a bit more, because I was overweight in this. Apparently you're supposed to let the winners run and sell the losers, but I obviously have no idea.
I also bought a new coin from the mint this week for the collection. I bought a swan this time for some reason. Going to collect different animals from now on. A koala next, then maybe an emu. Should have just bought a pile of animals two years ago as they're getting expensive. But, if ducati is correct, they might be worth 20K a piece soon.
I haven't got physical PMs on the ledger here, but they're about 15% of holdings I guess. I'll add them up this week and add in the future. It's a combo of silver, platinum and gold so hard to keep track of. Maybe I should be just buying more PMGOLD, but I like the coins.