Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024

I'm worried about direction. Starting to feel a little to close to political violence and paybacks across the globe.

As for Argentina, they had 40 years of leftist rule didn't they?
That place will be top to bottom entrenched leftist. Good luck clearing all them out of institutions. Once they get into the woodwork it takes a lot of effort getting them out, only to have to rebuild from there.

I think he was going to put abortion to a referendum as well.

SA politics starts with the relationship of wealth and power, the wealthy tend to share power amongst themselves also occupying positions in the judiciary and military officer class or have direct influence.
There are outliers here but they tend to end up dead or in prison.

Corruption everyone (regardless of politics) and I mean everyone is corrupt at all levels, at the top ocasional outlier but they don't last.

Argentina currently has a 40% poverty rate and about to get bigger under Milei how do you recon that is going to end up?

Then there is Peronist you call call them whatever you like but the end result is populist politics total train wreck.

Now you have another populus equals train wreck normal day in Argentina.

Trump mirrors South American politics unbelievably close.
These people are ridiculous, TDS on steroids, crack, meth, and LSD all at the same time.

Seriously, these people are certifiably insane.

Eric Adams complained about Bidens immigration disaster.
FBI raid his house and take his phone. Is now being accused of rape.
Fall in line or get destroyed seems to be the message.
Eric Adams complained about Bidens immigration disaster.
FBI raid his house and take his phone. Is now being accused of rape.
Fall in line or get destroyed seems to be the message.
I should mention this guy is a Democrat.
SA politics starts with the relationship of wealth and power, the wealthy tend to share power amongst themselves also occupying positions in the judiciary and military officer class or have direct influence.
There are outliers here but they tend to end up dead or in prison.

Corruption everyone (regardless of politics) and I mean everyone is corrupt at all levels, at the top ocasional outlier but they don't last.

Argentina currently has a 40% poverty rate and about to get bigger under Milei how do you recon that is going to end up?
Have you ever noticed how you tell everyone the answer, then ask them the question? Must be in the name of inclusiveness, to mask being overpowering, many of us plebs just wait and watch.

Then there is Peronist you call call them whatever you like but the end result is populist politics total train wreck.

Now you have another populus equals train wreck normal day in Argentina.

Trump mirrors South American politics unbelievably close.
Again the font of all knowledge, it must be upsetting getting so many things wrong, when you think you have everything right.
Time will tell, yet again.
Everyone thought Singapore was going to crash and burn when Lee Kuan Yew broke them away from Malaysia.
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I guess that the question of who would provide the better "humour as context", the Donald or Sleepy Joe should be a matter to consider when thinking of a winner next year in the US Prez Election (USPE). It is a given that a contest between an admitted rapist and madman, and a certified imbecile and dementia sufferer for leadership of the World should not be a matter for laughter in normal times. But these are not normal times. And unfortunately it looks atm. that they will be the only two candidates likely to win next year.

Slapstick is fun. I have ceased to feel apprehension for Biden whenever he walks more than a metre nor when he sets off down a flight of airport steps like a chook introduced to a new henhouse. The embarassment of watching an elder fall or piss in his pants is now outweighed by the stubbornness of the old fart and his decision in the face of all good counsel to run for Prez in the USPE again. He is a feeble minded old chook who one would hope to ignore but having him as leader of the US and its allies is frankly terrifying. He has positioned troops and ships in the Mediterranean in an aggressive stance with and against certified religious nutters, sliding the world closer to another world war. This military standoff in the Med has preceded multiple wars in the past. My defence is to retreat to humour. Ha ha. Fall you silly old bugger. What a joke. LOL. Give Sleepy Joe a banana skin LOL.

The Donald on the other hand is not on the face of it to be laughed at. His mindedness and mindset is much more terrifying. At its worst the Donald could be another Hitler, seeking to banish his opponents to long gaol terms as they seek to do to him. He is a paranoid narcissist, always has been, it is what makes good RE developers. He has shown his lack of empathy and libraries have been written about his homicidal thoughts. Yet during his presidency there were no major wars and the Gumnutclan increased in numbers and by in large prospered. What is there to fear. Yet laugh we must at the Liberals reaction to Trump. These terrified and terrifying dictators of correctedness were apoplectic at their loss of power, at their being outmanoeuvred by an idiot, at the general aprobation by a mob of dirty downmarket redhatted morons who followed his every utterance. What joke, what a a laugh. Hahaha ...

On second thoughts it is not funny at all. It is a tragedy. But we, and voters like us admit to being powerless over one of these muppets winning next year. Let us weep. There is no humour as context to change or protect against this tragedy of our own making. The Donald v Sleepy Joe is not funny no matter how one spins it.

I guess that the question of who would provide the better "humour as context", the Donald or Sleepy Joe should be a matter to consider when thinking of a winner next year in the US Prez Election (USPE). It is a given that a contest between an admitted rapist and madman, and a certified imbecile and dementia sufferer for leadership of the World should not be a matter for laughter in normal times. But these are not normal times. And unfortunately it looks atm. that they will be the only two candidates likely to win next year.

Slapstick is fun. I have ceased to feel apprehension for Biden whenever he walks more than a metre nor when he sets off down a flight of airport steps like a chook introduced to a new henhouse. The embarassment of watching an elder fall or piss in his pants is now outweighed by the stubbornness of the old fart and his decision in the face of all good counsel to run for Prez in the USPE again. He is a feeble minded old chook who one would hope to ignore but having him as leader of the US and its allies is frankly terrifying. He has positioned troops and ships in the Mediterranean in an aggressive stance with and against certified religious nutters, sliding the world closer to another world war. This military standoff in the Med has preceded multiple wars in the past. My defence is to retreat to humour. Ha ha. Fall you silly old bugger. What a joke. LOL. Give Sleepy Joe a banana skin LOL.

The Donald on the other hand is not on the face of it to be laughed at. His mindedness and mindset is much more terrifying. At its worst the Donald could be another Hitler, seeking to banish his opponents to long gaol terms as they seek to do to him. He is a paranoid narcissist, always has been, it is what makes good RE developers. He has shown his lack of empathy and libraries have been written about his homicidal thoughts. Yet during his presidency there were no major wars and the Gumnutclan increased in numbers and by in large prospered. What is there to fear. Yet laugh we must at the Liberals reaction to Trump. These terrified and terrifying dictators of correctedness were apoplectic at their loss of power, at their being outmanoeuvred by an idiot, at the general aprobation by a mob of dirty downmarket redhatted morons who followed his every utterance. What joke, what a a laugh. Hahaha ...

On second thoughts it is not funny at all. It is a tragedy. But we, and voters like us admit to being powerless over one of these muppets winning next year. Let us weep. There is no humour as context to change or protect against this tragedy of our own making. The Donald v Sleepy Joe is not funny no matter how one spins it.

gg if this was slap-stick humour then it would be funny, even perhaps hilarious, but in this real world it is more than worrying.

White evangelicals, Trump, and a church in crisis​

24% of Americans Identify as Evangelical.
The majority 68% are Donald Trump Supporters.
This piece of low life, not just the 45th, but also the person on the left, is a convicted drug smuggler and predatory lender who was sentenced to 10 years in the slammer in upstate NY. His name is Jonathan Braun, and he was pardoned by the Donald some hours before the Donald was booted out of the White House after the "stolen election".


He went to school with Jared Kutchener's sister, i.e the sister-in-law of Ivanka Trump. Kushner's old man founded the school that they went to, a high school in New York. Don't ask, I know, Kushner's old man is a felon as well. How he came to found a school only the good lord knows. Anyways young Jonathan has deep ties to biker gangs in Montreal and Northeastern states in the US and is back payday lending to fellow New Yorkers. Previously they included a number of doctors and a rabbi. Only in America eh.

The lassie on the right golding the bottle and defying gravity is his missus, and the reason the judge who sentenced him was given by the defense to go easy on the sentence. They would be getting married the judge was told. That sounds like a compelling reason. Unswayed the judge gave him 10, and he was serving this when the Donald liberated him. Evidently her matronly ways were insufficient to keep him on the straight and narrow and he is immenently due to appear in court again.

So there it is, we head in to another contest for Prez of the US, the Donald up to his old tricks with a public immune and immured to his shonky ways. His opponent will be a man who is beset by senility and would have difficulty in getting a position as a costermonger, lest he eat all the stock.

I am watching, via youtube, The Donald being interviewed by Hannity yesterday evening.

Should the Democrats stick with Sleepy Joe Biden, Mr. Trump will romp home with a definite majority.

If the Democrats change horses at a late stage I cannot see any candidate who will beat Mr. Trump.

Get used to it.

The Donald will be the next president of the USA.

I am watching, via youtube, The Donald being interviewed by Hannity yesterday evening.

Should the Democrats stick with Sleepy Joe Biden, Mr. Trump will romp home with a definite majority.

If the Democrats change horses at a late stage I cannot see any candidate who will beat Mr. Trump.

Get used to it.

The Donald will be the next president of the USA.


And here is what we can look forward to if Donald Trump becomes President.

Don't pretend to be surprised when a far more organised Trump Presidency wipes out anyone who attempted to hold him to account for his civil and criminal actions.

A second Trump administration will 'come after' people in the media in the courts, an ally says

A Donald Trump ally who worked in his Justice Department says that if the former president is elected again, his administration will retaliate against people in the media “criminally or civilly.”

Patel is a fellow at the Center for Renewing America, a conservative think tank that is part of a network of conservative groups that is preparing for a possible second White House term for Trump or any conservative who aligns with their views.

In his interview with Bannon, Patel said: “We’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections. We’re going to come after you, whether it’s criminally or civilly. We’ll figure that out. But yeah, we’re putting you all on notice."

Trump has long targeted the media, labeling news organizations as “Fake News” and the “Enemy of the People,” a phrase linked to Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.

In a post on his Truth Social network in September, Trump repeated both phrases and vowed to investigate NBC News and MSNBC for “Country Threatening Treason" and try to curb their access to the airwaves.

“I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events," Trump said in the post. "Why should NBC, or any other of the corrupt & dishonest media companies, be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA, FREE? They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country.”
And here is what we can look forward to if Donald Trump becomes President.

Don't pretend to be surprised when a far more organised Trump Presidency wipes out anyone who attempted to hold him to account for his civil and criminal actions.

A second Trump administration will 'come after' people in the media in the courts, an ally says

A Donald Trump ally who worked in his Justice Department says that if the former president is elected again, his administration will retaliate against people in the media “criminally or civilly.”

Patel is a fellow at the Center for Renewing America, a conservative think tank that is part of a network of conservative groups that is preparing for a possible second White House term for Trump or any conservative who aligns with their views.

In his interview with Bannon, Patel said: “We’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections. We’re going to come after you, whether it’s criminally or civilly. We’ll figure that out. But yeah, we’re putting you all on notice."

Trump has long targeted the media, labeling news organizations as “Fake News” and the “Enemy of the People,” a phrase linked to Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.

In a post on his Truth Social network in September, Trump repeated both phrases and vowed to investigate NBC News and MSNBC for “Country Threatening Treason" and try to curb their access to the airwaves.

“I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events," Trump said in the post. "Why should NBC, or any other of the corrupt & dishonest media companies, be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA, FREE? They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country.”
The US media, both right and left wing is quite polarised and in no way reflects the will of the people.

One just needs to look at the present coverage there and here on the Palestine situation to see this.

It is about time the Press stopped getting a free pass on matters National and International.

As we now head to the end of the Republican Primaries it is obvious that Mr. Trump will be the GOP candidate this year.

His opponent is Biden, a weak and effete old man.

Game is just about over. The Donald is a marvellous player, intent on winning by any and all means.

Hannity and Piers Morgan say it best.

As we now head to the end of the Republican Primaries it is obvious that Mr. Trump will be the GOP candidate this year.

His opponent is Biden, a weak and effete old man.

Game is just about over. The Donald is a marvellous player, intent on winning by any and all means.

Hannity and Piers Morgan say it best.


Biden has an ace of DOJ up his sleeve. Never count a corrupt crony out.
Biden has an ace of DOJ up his sleeve. Never count a corrupt crony out.
It will make Trump more popular.

Even the left wing media feel that the DOJ are ott in their prosecution of Mr. Trump.

He will be President bar a medical event imo.

It will make Trump more popular.

Even the left wing media feel that the DOJ are ott in their prosecution of Mr. Trump.

He will be President bar a medical event imo.

I want to see him drag the globalists. I wasn't really interested in him winning before. But Biden is going to start ww3 the way he is going. There's been a rush of billionaires building doomsday bunkers everywhere. So something is up.
I think that the world is already in enough turmoil and think that a Trump presidency will add to it. However, a weak USA is bad for all the worlds democracies, and at the moment we have a weak US presidency. Trump will definitely increase world turmoil, but maybe his presidency can overcome the issues and bring back normality. Growing up in the 80's I saw all the negative press towards Reagan and Thatcher, but in reality, they gave us world prosperity and a relatively peaceful history.

I don't like Trump, but I believe that voters eventually make the correct calls.

Here’s what happens if Trump or Haley beat Biden

Fast-forward to January 20, 2025 and Donald Trump has been inaugurated as the 60th President of the US.
Welcome to a new US and global world. I emphasise that today’s commentary is neither a prediction nor an expression of Trump favouritism, but rather an alert to what will happen.

Last month, I highlighted that the decision of billionaire Charles Koch and his friends to back Nikki Haley gave her a real chance, but her campaign promises Trump policies “without the chaos” which means that most of Trump’s proposals will be embraced by Haley.

Accordingly, I have select 12 clear strategies that Trump has enunciated to prepare my readers for what will happen if either Trump or Haley beat Joe Biden.

Donald Trump supporters wait together ahead of Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump's visit to the Londonderry High School polling station in New Hampshire. Picture: Brandon Bell/AFP

Unlike his previous presidency. This time, Trump and his close advisers have mapped out exactly how they will implement their policies quickly and swiftly. Most of the commentary has concentrated on Trump’s court battles. It’s time to look at the policies:

1. Trump aims for the US to have the lowest-cost energy and electricity of any nation in the world, including China, by reversing the Biden carbon policies. He will ramp up oil drilling on public lands; and offer tax breaks to oil, gas, and coal producers; roll back current efforts to encourage the adoption of electric cars; and reverse the proposed pollution limits that would require at least 54 per cent of new vehicles sold in the US to be electric by 2030.

That will make Australia out of step with the US, and it means that the world is going to reduce carbon emissions at a much slower pace. We will need to take that into consideration in our policies.

2. He will impose a new so-called universal baseline tariff, which will trigger a tax on “most imported goods.” He will also impose the same tariffs that other countries may impose on the US. These measures will raise costs for US consumers and for manufacturers that buy foreign goods. Many countries will retaliate and impose carbon taxes on US goods. Trump policies will test our free trade agreement.

3. Trump will use the tariff revenues to lower income taxes.

4. Trump will conduct tenders for 10 new “Freedom Cities” on federal land. The winners will have the best development proposals to “reopen the frontier, reignite American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of young people and hardworking families, a new shot at homeownership and the American Dream.”

Trump says the “Freedom Cities” will enable the return of US manufacturing, economic opportunity, new industries and affordable living.

Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump autographs hats in New Hampshire. Picture: Chip Somodevilla/AFP

5. Trump has a four-year plan to phase in a ban on importing key categories of Chinese-made goods like electronics, steel and pharmaceuticals. He will enact aggressive new restrictions on Chinese ownership of assets in the US and stop the investment of US companies in China.

6. Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act at the southern border and use soldiers as immigration agents. He will tighten the border with an unprecedented assault on immigration. Millions of undocumented immigrants will be barred from the country. Others will be evicted after years or even decades of US residency.

7. Trump intends to unilaterally send troops into Democratic states that house cities like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco, which he calls “crime dens”. “We cannot let it happen any longer in Democrat states”, he says.

8. Trump says: “The drug cartels are waging war on America — and it’s now time for America to wage war on the cartels.” Congress will be asked to ensure that drug smugglers and human traffickers can receive the death penalty for their “heinous acts.” Trump will impose naval embargoes on cartels, cutting off cartels’ access to global financial systems and using special defence powers to damage the cartels’ leadership.

9. In education, Trump says: “When I am President, we will put parents back in charge and give them the final say,”

Trump will give funding preferences and “favourable treatment” to schools that allow parents to elect principals, abolish teacher tenure for K-12 teachers, use merit pay to incentivise quality teaching and cut the number of school administrators, such as those overseeing diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

Trump will cut funding for schools that teach critical race theory and gender ideology. He brings back the teaching of “our values and promote our history and our traditions to our children.”

10. Trump “I will revoke every Biden policy promoting the chemical castration and sexual mutilation of our youth and ask Congress to send me a bill prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. His administration would not allow hospitals and healthcare providers to meet the federal health and safety standards for Medicaid and Medicare if they provide chemical or physical gender-affirming care to youth.

The US presidential race is heating up, with Republican presidential candidates, former President Donald Trump and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, battling President Joe Biden. Picture: Chip Somodevilla/AFP
Trump will issue an executive order instructing federal agencies to cut programs that promote gender transitions, as well as asking Congress to stop the use of federal dollars to promote and pay for gender-affirming procedures.

11. Trump said he would restore his travel ban on individuals from several majority-Muslim countries to “keep Islamic terrorists out of our country”

12. Trump claims that even before he is inaugurated, he will have settled the war between Russia and Ukraine. That includes ending the “endless flow of American treasure to Ukraine” and asking European allies to reimburse the US for the cost of rebuilding stockpiles. He will “fundamentally reevaluate” NATO’s purpose and mission.

It is unclear whether he would insist that Russia withdraw from territory in Ukraine it seized in the war that it launched in February 2022.

Trump has said he will stand with Israel in its war with Hamas and support Israel’s efforts to “destroy” the militant group. At this stage, his Taiwan policies are unclear.

We will be dealing with a very different US. Many Australians will want Australia to follow Trump in some policies.