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Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024

What another four years of Trump would mean for Australia​

Jun 23, 2024 The Morning Edition podcast
There's no one quite like Donald Trump. He has torn up long-standing treaties, threatened to abandon allies, indulged his rivals and shaken America's stability as the centrepiece of Western democracy. So what would another term of Donald Trump in the White House mean for Australia and the global world order?Today, international editor Peter Hartcher, and national security correspondent Matthew Knot on how the long-standing relationship between the United States and Australia might be thrown off kilter by a Trump presidency, and how our power brokers should handle Trump's mercurial temperament should he take the top spot in the White House.
Donald Trump has unleashed a fusillade of baseless accusations against Joe Biden and CNN moderators ahead of Thursday’s first US presidential debate in an apparent “pre-bunking” exercise designed to have his excuses ready-made if he is declared the loser.
Haha the guardian is such a s***rag.

It is clear that Biden is on some sort of uppers for important occasions and as his cognitive abilities are in question a drug test is entirely reasonable.

Additionally the sea in moderators are going to be biased, you just watch. Tapper is on record as calling Trump literally a Nazi.

So come on, they are trying to stack the deck.
Haha the guardian is such a s***rag.

It is clear that Biden is on some sort of uppers for important occasions and as his cognitive abilities are in question a drug test is entirely reasonable.

Additionally the sea in moderators are going to be biased, you just watch. Tapper is on record as calling Trump literally a Nazi.

So come on, they are trying to stack the deck.
In the debate, Trump needs to throw a left field question at Joe, like "hey Joe, what date is your birthday". That will throw him. ;)

Debate takes place in CNN Studios in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

‌CNN will host the first debate, which gets started this evening at 9 pm ET. It is expected that ABC will host the second debate in September.
‌Tonight’s event will air live on CNN and will be streamed to CNN International, CNN Max and the CNN website.

The lack of audience is a break with tradition that was specifically requested by Mr Biden’s team.

‌The candidates’ microphones will be deactivated when it is the other’s turn to speak, another request from the Biden team. This follows the first 2020 forum where the conversation was dogged by the candidates’ interruptions and cutting-across.

‌The exact issues to be debated are unclear. But it is likely that the economy, wars in Eastern Europe and the Middle East will see significant airtime, alongside the respective records in office of the two men.

‌Trump is likely to zero-in on the message that Biden is weak and unfit for office and that an influx of illegal immigrants has crossed the US border under his watch. The former President may also be tempted to make a few jibes about Mr Biden’s recently convicted son, Hunter.

Biden’s campaign team will likely focus on what they term “Trump’s dangerous campaign promises and unhinged rhetoric”. The President is also expected to hammer Trump over the overturning of Roe v Wade, the second anniversary of which is this week.
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This is sad watching Biden. He's barely alive, he can't speak properly. All the media for years shows how unhinged and crazy Trump is - but if you didn't have a clue who he was and watched this debate you'd think he was/is winning right now - but mainly because Biden looks and sounds like he's got a mental disability. It's horrific watching that man. Anyone who's seen the deterioration of an elderly relative knows how terrible this is.

Debate thoughts right now:
  • All the Americans scared of Russia and the USSR are dead or in nursing homes (or POTUS). Biden going on about Putin and reestablishing the USSR and invading other countries (although maybe correct) just is a waste of time at the podium. Americans don't care about it.
  • On social security, Trump is right. Millions and millions of people entering the country that the democrats are trying to put on social security will destroy social security (in fairness both dems and gop have cooperated to kill social security through collective incompetence for years).
  • Trump got out of the Jan 6h question reasonably 'well' by keeping it simple about saying peaceful protests and blaming Pelosi for security arrangements.
  • Pretty stunning that Biden admitted that those who vote for Trump are voting against democracy. Didn't they learn from Hilary? Don't insult the voters.
  • I'd love to know how Biden halved Black childcare costs too.
Might bail on this debate soon, Trump is being too well behaved - and shockingly restrained by letting Biden talk without interruption - to make it interesting, and so far there really have not been any questions about America, American policy or American things. International affairs, MAGA, Jan 6th, just a bit on social security so far.

Feel sorry for the Americans not a lot of choice here. But it's their own doing
Precious metals surging after the debate. Biden looks like the walking dead and Trump didn't even try answering a question about child care, preferring to try and score cheap political points. No substance at all from either candidate. They spent more time talking about their golf handicap than anything else.

What a sad **** show American politics has become. If I was an American that debate would have made me very depressed.
The betting market for Biden is collapsing and Gavin Newsom has shortened considerably with Trump still the odds on favorite.

Biden got ripped a new one.
Trump couldn't cut in because they turned the microphone off during the other candidates speaking term (Democrat rule along with no audience).

The perfect candidate. He's the embodiment of the Dems, a totally through and through disengenous huckster. Or "a winner" as Bill Maher lovingly said.
Newsom is scum. But he may be a last minute drop in so the political attacks are short lived. I find it hard to believe swing voters would vote for him.
I was
The betting market for Biden is collapsing and Gavin Newsom has shortened considerably with Trump still the odds on favorite.

Biden got ripped a new one.
I just heard on the car radio, Biden trying to answer a question, at least with Biden they know State secrets are safe if he is kidnapped. OMG
googled What did you think of the U.S Presidential debate and this came up, there are some classics on this website.
