Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024

Nothing funnier then Magas losing it. He better win the election.

Never thought the rule of law would trigger so many albeit conducted by Trump quite extraordinary when you think who Trump is an his history.
This was a prosecution that never would have been brought had the defendant not been Donald Trump, and had Trump not run for reelection in 2024. Rather than prosecuting an obvious crime, prosecutors set out to prosecute a political opponent. And to do so, they invented a criminal theory to pursue.
The Election on November 5 ( Bonfire Night in England ) will be between 'Wobbly' Joe and 'Liar' Trump.
Nothing funnier then Magas losing it. He better win the election.
This is why i said he won't win. If he did get in could you imagine the damage he would do to the democrats. Not to mention Democrats and Republican currently funding 2 wars with billions going to arms contractors.
It would take a miracle for Trump to win. Guaranteed there is more to come.
This is why i said he won't win. If he did get in could you imagine the damage he would do to the democrats. Not to mention Democrats and Republican currently funding 2 wars with billions going to arms contractors.
It would take a miracle for Trump to win. Guaranteed there is more to come.

People pretend he is going to do something about the corporates and help the littlepeople, he didn't the first time, he won't now.
He is a transactional President.
He has told us what he will do.

There are no more court cases before the election. Let's just have an election and see who wins. As long as it is clean then I will respect the Americans will. If they want him, they will get him. It's not like he doesn't have a lot of media backing.
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People pretend he is going to do something about the corporates and help the littlepeople, he didn't the first time, he won't now.
He is a transactional President.
He has told us what he will do.

There are no more court cases before the election. Let's just have an election and see who wins. As long as it is clean then I will respect the Americans will. If they want him, they will get him. It's not like he doesn't have a lot of media backing.

He's one of those guys in history whose symbolic significance is way above the mundane reality of what they are on a day to basis, way above the boring rubbish of whether this or that bill gets passed or doesn't get passed under his watch. Just by winning (a third time :p ), his mere status as POTUS would take a jackhammer to the Overton window of the West.
Word on the street is Trump is scared of debating Sleepy Joe and so is trying to find an excuse to get out of them.

I reckon he is right to be scared.
Word on the street is Trump is scared of debating Sleepy Joe and so is trying to find an excuse to get out of them.

I reckon he is right to be scared.
Biden wanted a scripted set with no crowd from what I heard. It was all in his favour. Why would you want to. Trump should shove rfk in his place instead as Biden is dodging him
Alex Jones is about to lose his studio. Feds are meant to be raiding him. Interesting timing.
Apparently coming to collect the debt owed to the Sandy hook case.
Whatever the outcome, according to The Trumpet it will either be I won because... or its all fake news and I didn't lose because .......

Quite surprised to hear the other night that only about 45% of eligible Americans bother to vote.
If that is the case and The Trumpet's share is then only about 1/4 of the so-called voting public.
Is this apathy at its best.
So the best scenario is get what comes on election day, you all deserve it because of apathy.
Quite surprised to hear the other night that only about 45% of eligible Americans bother to vote.
If that is the case and The Trumpet's share is then only about 1/4 of the so-called voting public.
Is this apathy at its best.
So the best scenario is get what comes on election day, you all deserve it because of apathy.

Not sure where that 45% figure comes from
In the 2020 election it seems 66% of Americans voted. It was record turnout.

But certainly getting people to register and vote in the US is a big part of the parties work.

Not sure where that 45% figure comes from
In the 2020 election it seems 66% of Americans voted. It was record turnout.

But certainly getting people to register and vote in the US is a big part of the parties work.

@basilio heard it on the TV news so could be just a guesstimate, even so still a low turnout for something so important.
Quite happy with our system, if you don't vote then there is no point in complaining about it.
Alex Jones is about to lose his studio. Feds are meant to be raiding him. Interesting timing.
Apparently coming to collect the debt owed to the Sandy hook case.

Good hope they crucify him.

Thought this analysis of how Trump is working the poor and working class US community was spot on​

What will Trump’s conviction really mean?

The politics of martyrdom.​

Jun 2
Convicted Felon Trump

Anyone who tells you they know what effect Trump’s conviction will have on the 2024 election is lying. America has never been here before.
My guess is that the conviction will push some wavering independents toward Biden. And push some Trump loyalists toward even more fanatical loyalty.

Although no direct relationship has been shown between Trump’s rise and the stagnant wages and economic abandonment suffered by a large swath of America, the relationship is clear if you see economics through the prism of social status and pride.

I’ve just finished reading the page proofs to a wonderfully insightful book titled Stolen Pride, by the eminent sociologist Arlie Hochschild. In her in-depth interviews in the Trump country of eastern Kentucky, Hochschild finds that Trump speaks to the shame and anguish of Americans who have been left behind.

Trump has fused his fake victimhood with their feelings of real victimhood. His assertion of a “stolen” election fits into their sense of what has been “stolen” from them — their jobs, their communities, their land, and their pride.

When Trump lost the 2020 election, he blamed his enemies — akin to what his followers have felt as they lost pay, dignity, respect, and pride — and moved from shame to blame.

Younger working-class men in particular, who have been marginalized in an economy that no longer rewards their work, have found in Trump a macho-man bully who acts the way they’d like to act toward a system that has bullied them.

When he announced his candidacy in March 2023, Trump told his supporters, “In 2016, I declared: I am your voice. Today, I add I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.”

After being charged with retaining government secrets, he told a gathering in Michigan: “I’m being indicted for you.”

On August 3, 2023, the day of his indictment for seeking to overturn the 2020 election, he posted, in all caps, “I AM BEING ARRESTED FOR YOU.”

A week later, at a campaign event in New Hampshire, he said, “They want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you.”

On Thursday, when Trump was found guilty, he asserted that the criminal justice system had been rigged against him — and, by implication, against his followers.

In their eyes, Trump has never been wrong. He — and they — have been wronged.

That fusion of identities — his and theirs — is at the core of the growing anger and potential violence that haunts America as we get closer to the 2024 election.

We are at a perilous juncture. A demagogue is exploiting those who have been left behind in a society that has left behind tens of millions.
We must dedicate ourselves to two related goals: (1) prevent Trump or any other authoritarian or neo fascist from getting near the Oval Office, (2) restore prosperity and opportunity to all Americans, including the poor and working class.
We are at a perilous juncture. A demagogue is exploiting those who have been left behind in a society that has left behind tens of millions.

We must dedicate ourselves to two related goals: (1) prevent Trump or any other authoritarian or neo fascist from getting near the Oval Office, (2) restore prosperity and opportunity to all Americans, including the poor and working class.

It never ceases to amuse me that liberals ( known as left wing or Labor/Green supporters in Australia ) would seem to support anti-democratic measures when the voters eventually turn against them.

I would agree with the good people of Kentucky, there is a political class on both sides of the aisle who care not a whit about the average person and are just interested in lining their own pockets.

Free enterprise has delivered more people from poverty than any top down effort to "restore prosperity and opportunity" to workers. My experience of the average person is that they behave like bosses when work or luck elevates them to riches. Also assisting workers to not work and take handouts condemns their families to drug use and intergenerational poverty.

It is all fine in theory @basilio. My solution would be to minimise handouts. Australia is the land of middle class welfare as it is.
I'm in favour of Trump being president.

  1. He is stupid and unpredictable. Volatility is good for commerce.
  2. He is the only president never to have started a war or meddled in others' countries.
  3. He is amusing and god knows we need some humour in the world today.
  4. Go back to 1. and repeat.
