Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

John McCain

You could include me in many there:
Pro choice - wouldn't like people preaching at me over that sort of an issue, so why would I presume that I could preach to others. Personal decisions are just that - personal.

Anti indiginenous intervention - like all the other efforts from both sides of politics, hasn't worked. Don't have the answers, and don't know anyone that does. Difficult one that will take a generation or two I expect. Too serious an issue though, to throw in the towel.

Read SMH - can't stand the tabloids and prefer it to The Australian. On economics, Ross Gittens is a good read. For years, when Howard was in power, he shot holes in his economic failings such as continually fueling inflation and higher interest rates with outrageous spending. We know how that story ended. He is also critical of Rudd. Whilst spending less than Howard, he needed to go much further to rectify the situation in his first budget. Can't be more balanced than that.

Anti Murdoch - couldn't care one way or another about Rupert. I just don't care that much about Nicole's latest nipple rings and garbage media. He's no fool though. Is backing Obama, which is smart if things go the way they appear to be. He also pointed out that McCain knows diddley squat about economic issues. Strangely, McCain has stated the same.

Pro sorry - yesterday's news. Some reported that it helped. No skin off my nose.

Anti development and progress - depends on whether the development contributes to progress. I think it's possible to have lots of development and lots of progress without destroying everything else along the way. For example the skyway through the daintree is a win/win for the daintree and the people who make a whack of money from it. Same for the Franklin. The revenue from preserving it dwarfs any benefits that damming it would have had.

Tree hugger - whilst I appreciate the need for preserving unique places, I can't see how hugging a tree helps me or the tree.

$200,000 pa cushy job - sigh, no.

I wish more on the left were like you.

Recent polls are starting to swing in favour of John McCain as the economy weakens. The worse it gets the more they need a proven tough guy as Commander in Chief.
Recent polls are starting to swing in favour of John McCain as the economy weakens. The worse it gets the more they need a proven tough guy as Commander in Chief.

One thing's for sure, he has a proven record of "bare-knuckle, no-moves-barred" politics, not that he always wins....

The 2000 battle between Bush and McCain for South Carolina has entered American political lore as one of the nastiest, dirtiest, and most brutal ever.

PS McCain ain't no academic noi... :-
"graduated from the Naval Academy in 1958; he was sixth from the bottom in class rank, 894th out of 899."
Ha Ha, that's a good one!!

Are you a comedian? Either that, or you haven't been watching Olbermann for the last 5 years.
I assume if you've been watching Olbermann for the last 5 years

a) you find him tolerable, and

b) you saw this one lol - good for a laugh, plus the odd F word ;) -
(PS what an absolute nurd OReilly is lol)

THE REAL BILL O'REILLY Caught on Video & Olbermann Loves It

Keith Olbermann's Idea For Beating Hillary: Literally Beating Hillary


Olbermann was discussing the election with Newsweek's Howard Fineman, a frequent guest. They topic was, how can a winner finally be determined in this never-ending Democratic race for the nomination? Of course, the assumption was that it was Clinton that should be shown the door (despite clearly still earning her spot in the race thanks to, um, voters). Fineman said that, all the delegate math aside, ultimately it was going to take "some adults somewhere in the Democratic party to step in and stop this thing, like a referee in a fight that could go on for thirty rounds. Those are the super, super, super delegates who are going to have to decide this."

Said Olbermann: "Right. Somebody who can take her into a room and only he comes out."

Olbermann is a pathetic woman hating jerk. If you want to defend him, that is okay, as I have said, O'Reilly is no saint, but Olbermann is 10 times worse.
Get banished from Countdown with Keith Olbermann if you don't follow the Obama script 100%:

Milbank's move

by Michael Calderone

Yesterday, I wrote on Dana Milbank’s abrupt departure from “Countdown With Keith Olbermann,” which at first seemed to directly follow a disagreement over the Washington Post columnist’s July 30 column calling Obama “presumptuous.”

However, Milbank’s dissatisfaction with the show started before any controversy over the Obama piece or questions from Olbermann about misquoting the Democratic candidate, according to sources.

A source familiar with the situation told Politico that Milbank had been unhappy on the show for a couple of months and expressed this sentiment to friends. But it wasn't until directly after an incident last month that Milbank made a move.

During the first week of July, Milbank spoke to executive producer Katy Karp about why he had not been on the show for a couple of weeks. At that point, Milbank was told that there was an issue among staff with something positive he said the previous month about Charlie Black, a McCain senior adviser.

Here's the exchange from June 23, where Olbermann talked to Milbank on-air about Black’s statement to Fortune magazine, that a terrorist attack would be a “big advantage” for the McCain campaign.

OLBERMANN: But where do we go in terms of this story from here? Does McCain have to, whether he likes it or not, fire Charlie Black or face having this bell along with other bells around his neck all summer and all fall?

MILBANK: Well, he's going to wait and see. I imagine they are certainly going to hope that this becomes a 24-hour thing that blows over. Which it well could be, depending on what events happen in the coming days. But if it keeps being brought back to them, they'll have to take some action here.

The irony here is that Charlie Black is a very soft-spoken, well-liked figure, and this does seem rather out of character for him to sound off in this way.


Even a mild praise of a Republican evokes banishment by Olbermann

And the funny thing is, Milbank has always been a good little soldier in Olbermann's propaganda army before this!!!
Thankfully, McCain picking up on Obama is giving us a reprieve from the Obamamania in the English press... and I suppose 16 gold medals has helped push Obama aside as well.

Dreading November. :(
McCain takes 5-point lead
over Obama-Reuters poll
Reuters, by John Whitesides

In a sharp turnaround, Republican John McCain has opened a 5-point lead on Democrat Barack Obama in the U.S. presidential race and is seen as a stronger manager of the economy, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday. McCain leads Obama among likely U.S. voters by 46 percent to 41 percent, wiping out Obama's solid 7-point advantage in July and taking his first lead in the monthly Reuters/Zogby poll.

Landslide by November. Obama won't win more than 10 states. He is going to prove to be a very weak candidate.
Missouri is supposedly one of the swing states that Obama needs, but he is sinking there fast:

Poll: McCain expands lead
over Obama in Missouri
St. Louis Business Journal, by Staff

John McCain has expanded his lead over Barack Obama in Missouri, a new survey says.

McCain's advantage is 50-40, a seven-point increase from Public Policy Polling's July poll, which showed him leading by three points.

Obama's biggest issue is with white voters, who support McCain by a 56-35 margin, observers say.

"There aren't enough black voters in Missouri for Barack Obama to win it if he can't make things more competitive among white voters," said Dean Debnam, president of Public Policy Polling, in a statement. "That's going to be his challenge if he wants to have any chance at winning the state."

McCain leads across every age group and has the advantage with both men and women, the poll shows.
August 23, 2008, 6:43 am
McCain Rolls Out New Ad With Biden’s Words
By Kate Phillips
Just three hours after the Obama campaign sent out its text announcement, the McCain campaign rolled out its first ad this morning, using Senator Joe Biden’s own words during the primary season about Senator Barack Obama.

From a debate in 2007, a clip shows Mr. Biden standing next to Mr. Obama. George Stephanopoulos of ABC News queried Mr. Biden: “You were asked, “Is he ready?” You said, ‘I think he can be ready but right now, I don’t believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.’”

Mr. Biden: “I think that I stand by the statement.”

In addition, the McCain ad uses footage from another TV appearance, where Mr. Biden said, “I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off.”

The McCain campaign said the ad would begin running in battleground states.
ZzzzDad, isn't McCain's anti-abortion stand going to disadvantage him amongst female voters?

And are you comfortable with his suggestion that the US will stay in Iraq "for ever if necessary"?

Is McCain the ideal candidate for you, or is he simply less awful than Obama?
(e.g. I don't care for either of them)
ZzzzDad, isn't McCain's anti-abortion stand going to disadvantage him amongst female voters?

And are you comfortable with his suggestion that the US will stay in Iraq "for ever if necessary"?

Is McCain the ideal candidate for you, or is he simply less awful than Obama?
(e.g. I don't care for either of them)

You might find this hard to believe, but in America, women are the ones that are the most pro-life. Many men love the convenience of abortion. More women vote the pro-life position than men.

As you probably know, McCain didn't mean he wanted to stay in Iraq for a 100 years, he meant it in the context of Japan and Germany. We are still there 63 years later, but are strong allies with a strong alliance. The Democrats intentionally mislead people on the "100 year" quote. They have no shame.

I am not a big McCain fan, he was not my first choice. But Obama is scary. No experience. Very naive. Crazy on raising taxes in a recession or near recession. Double capital gains taxes in a recession? Yikes.
Below is a good site, it explains why Obama has jumped the shark at Berlin and how the polls show him in decline to a great American, candidate, John McCain.


Hi GG,
In the Costello thread, I listed half a dozen examples of economic reform under Labor, but struggled to find evidence during Cosello's stint as treasurer. You responded by posting that rather than getting bogged down in "economic waffle", the only you evidence you needed for good economic management was that several of your mates went belly up during Labor, and many others had done well during the Coalition years.

The US economy has royally tanked, home foreclosures are at record highs, consumer spending is know the story. By your own argument, is it safe to assume that you are now a strong supporter of the Democrats winning office?

As previously noted, McCain came 394 out of 399 at the naval academy, admits to knowing nothing about the economy and to being incapable of turning on a computer. Strangely, the more the US goes down the gurgler, the higher McCain's polling on the economy.:confused: Still, I wouldn't be totally surprised if he gets up. This is the same country that re-elected (notwithstanding some shonky vote counting) G.W. Bush, who, politics aside, is a bit light on in the brains department.

Obama may not be the great saviour, but even his harshest critics recognise he's a smart cookie, and geez Louise, look at the alternative! If the voters actually watch the debates, they could be pivotal. McCain doesn't have prayer. If they switched policies, McCain still wouldn't have a prayer. It may not be necessary to have a genius as President, but surely it requires someone with a reasonable command of the most important issues.

Just as a foot note, although some of the the current ecomomic woes in the US are attributable to yet another inevitable cycle, the Republicans do need to be held to account for fuelling the fire by sending the deficit into the stratosphere, greasing the palms of the wealthy at the expense of the others and so on. Let's not forget that the neo-cons, ie. the same mob that helped create the mess nationally and internationally, haven't gone anywhere. They've just been repackaged like a sub-prime loan.
With apologies for interrupting this thread, Skint could you take a look at the Costello thread. I posted a question to you there about Mr Swan which I hope you might answer.
With thanks
You know, i've stopped caring about who is going to win the election. No one is going to have the political resolve or the time in office to do whats really needed for the American people. So what they are going to have is a president that is intent on staying in office and will do and spend, whatever it takes.

The US is doomed, plain and simple.


The US is doomed, plain and simple.



People have been saying that for decades, yet America keeps going and going. I couldn't imagine saying that about Australia. America and Australia's best days are ahead of us.

Doom and gloomers always wind up being wrong.