Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

John McCain

As I said, gloom and doomers never win.

I read the entire article, and it sounds like every gloom and doom article I've ever read over the last 30 years.

Instead of the gloom and doom, you will see the biggest rebound since the early '80s.

America will be fine. The world is not coming to an end.

I live in America, and can tell you that America is NOT about to collapse. We are just retrenching for our next leap forward.

America will be fine. The world is not coming to an end.

I live in America, and can tell you that America is NOT about to collapse. We are just retrenching for our next leap forward.


Got to agree with you here, America will recover and move on.
It may not be the power house it once was, but it will be up there. No one stays on top for ever it always changes, you only have to look at the Brits.

anyway, the guy in the office at the end of the day has a large machine behind him, it these guys that need to be the best around, as its these guy's that come up with the ideas that the prez puts to the public. and i beleive that the Republicans have the best behind the man team, but we will see in 60 odd days, what the American people think.
This is the mostly factually deprived thread on the whole site.

You are living with your head up your bum people. The election is a joke, no one can help you because they will have to spend so much to keep themselves in office and prop up the sick economy. Expect to see more changes to the way stats are collected and reported in order to brighten things up for the gullible public..:screwy:

Have fun.

Got to agree with you here, America will recover and move on.
It may not be the power house it once was, but it will be up there. No one stays on top for ever it always changes, you only have to look at the Brits.

anyway, the guy in the office at the end of the day has a large machine behind him, it these guys that need to be the best around, as its these guy's that come up with the ideas that the prez puts to the public. and i beleive that the Republicans have the best behind the man team, but we will see in 60 odd days, what the American people think.

Yes, the Repblican team, they are so successful. Made Bush one of the most successful Presidents ever.
I can emphasise with the contributors on this thread and the Obama thread who are concerned at the Republican's pesky habit of foisting dumb Presidents on America and the world. After all if it hadn't been for the dumb stubborness of Ronald Reagan we could now be living in the utopian world of International Communism. And all those nasty capitalists, having been identified as enemies of the state. would be in Gulags.
I can emphasise with the contributors on this thread and the Obama thread who are concerned at the Republican's pesky habit of foisting dumb Presidents on America and the world. After all if it hadn't been for the dumb stubborness of Ronald Reagan we could now be living in the utopian world of International Communism. And all those nasty capitalists, having been identified as enemies of the state. would be in Gulags.

Hey, Reagan was pretty smart though in his second term he started to get Alzhiemers.
He did what he wanted and he was a man of great vision.
Even so, he didn't bring down communism alone, I think Thatcher and the Pope were given a lot of kudos for that also.

Bush fell for what his cronies wanted hook, line and sinker. He has hurt the average American and the world by his policies. He should not be compared in the same breath as Reagan.

I am for McCain winning as the US people need to get their democracy back and another disastrous Republican term should finally wake them up. The government is meant to be for the people, not for the elite.
Yes, the Repblican team, they are so successful. Made Bush one of the most successful Presidents ever.

He may not go down as a good president and I will say that he has a bad image.
Go have a Look at what has been achieved not just the headlines.
He may not go down as a good president and I will say that he has a bad image.
Go have a Look at what has been achieved not just the headlines.

Could you list what you feel are Mr Bush's achievements for us?
Could you list what you feel are Mr Bush's achievements for us?

these are just some I can think of.
- No child left behind
- AIDS & Malaria Treatments
- Senior citizen drug program & Health savings accounts
- The African-American and Hispanic education programs
- Tax Cuts
- the weapon disarmament packs

The war on terror has overshadowed most of this presidency, and some of these programs should have been taken further.
these are just some I can think of.
- No child left behind
- AIDS & Malaria Treatments
- Senior citizen drug program & Health savings accounts
- The African-American and Hispanic education programs
- Tax Cuts
- the weapon disarmament packs

The war on terror has overshadowed most of this presidency, and some of these programs should have been taken further.

Sr.Drug program has been and will be a disaster for the people, and a boon for the drug your homework.

The tax cuts are politically motiveted only for the benefit of getting reelected...they are of no benefit to the general public. They have less to spend on programs as a result but haven't curbed spending??? What the?

Bush is a nut, a fool, and a front for Dick and his mates.

these are just some I can think of.
Oh God, it sounds like Kevin O7 all over again!

- No child left behind
Why am I reminded of Bob Hawke's "No child will ever live in poverty"?
What exactly did this cute statement actually mean and/or achieve?
Does it mean that every American child has in the time of Mr Bush received a stable home life and a good education, along with first class medical services? If not, then any child who does not receive those things will be "left behind".

- AIDS & Malaria Treatments
For whom? Is there anything new or different here anyway? Don't most of the countries in the OECD contribute substantially to foreign aid, at least some of which will be destined for treating both these scourges?

- Senior citizen drug program & Health savings accounts
Could you explain what this is? Promotion of pharmaceuticals by the multinational drug companies in return for their generous election fund contributions? "Health Savings Accounts": What are these? Wouldn't it be better to make good quality health care available for free to alll American citizens? Happy to be corrected on either count.

- The African-American and Hispanic education programs
Well whoop de do! Good to know Mr Bush believes in educating other than white folk.

- Tax Cuts
As here in Australia, bribery to the populace. Possibly some justification in the USA on the basis of their failing economy. But at the time they were proposed here, no such excuse can be made.

- the weapon disarmament packs
Sounds fascinating. Could you explain what this is about.
Perhaps to stop school children taking guns to school to kill one another?

The war on terror has overshadowed most of this presidency, and some of these programs should have been taken further.

And on top of it all, after all this time, the bloke still can't say "nuclear".
I know I'm a pedant, but how can you have a leader of the so called free world who can't pronounce a simple three syllable word!
Sr.Drug program has been and will be a disaster for the people, and a boon for the drug your homework.

The tax cuts are politically motiveted only for the benefit of getting reelected...they are of no benefit to the general public. They have less to spend on programs as a result but haven't curbed spending??? What the?

Bush is a nut, a fool, and a front for Dick and his mates.


I guess your against helping 32million people get cheaper life saving drugs then.
the drugs have to come from somewhere and if the drug companies make money so be it.

yes tax cuts are a vote grabber but at least they were done, off no benefit to the public you should go ask joe public.
and yes they do need to cut spending but doesn't every western country.

Agree he is a nut but its the party I support not the man, the man is just the mouth piece for the party no matter what party GOP or Dem's.
I guess your against helping 32million people get cheaper life saving drugs then.
the drugs have to come from somewhere and if the drug companies make money so be it.

yes tax cuts are a vote grabber but at least they were done, off no benefit to the public you should go ask joe public.
and yes they do need to cut spending but doesn't every western country.

Agree he is a nut but its the party I support not the man, the man is just the mouth piece for the party no matter what party GOP or Dem's.

I'm a canuck Kactus, so I'm for free health care, education and prescriptions....but I'm also not naive enough to think that you can cut taxes and still have good social I'm also in favor of fair taxes.

I guess your against helping 32million people get cheaper life saving drugs then.
the drugs have to come from somewhere and if the drug companies make money so be it.

yes tax cuts are a vote grabber but at least they were done, off no benefit to the public you should go ask joe public.
and yes they do need to cut spending but doesn't every western country.

Agree he is a nut but its the party I support not the man, the man is just the mouth piece for the party no matter what party GOP or Dem's.
This always leaves me a little bemused... a lot bemused in fact.

Why on earth would a non-American support any American political party? WTF?

The banter and debate is all a bit of fun, but I've seen "Vote for (insert candidate)" all over the internet from non-Americans.

What's this all about?
A classic recently - McCain's press secretary or similar saying that "Americans don't like any presidential candidate who is popular overseas"
- and "hence the swing to McCain since the Berlin speech (to a massive crowd)".

"I mean" he said "We left Europe to get away from them".

Next they'll wonder why no one wants to follow them into the next trumped up war.
I love reading a foreign perspective on US politics! LOL

The United States of America is, and always will be THE major political and military power of the world. Regardless of who becomes president, the American people will prevail. We are a very determined and stubborn bunch and would never allow another country to invade our shores, without putting up one heck of a fight. We are armed to the teeth and are not afraid to defend our freedom! I would gladly die for my country....

As Hank Williams Jr said.... "A country boy can survive"
I love reading a foreign perspective on US politics! LOL

The United States of America is, and always will be THE major political and military power of the world. Regardless of who becomes president, the American people will prevail. We are a very determined and stubborn bunch and would never allow another country to invade our shores, without putting up one heck of a fight. We are armed to the teeth and are not afraid to defend our freedom! I would gladly die for my country....

As Hank Williams Jr said.... "A country boy can survive"

I love listening to Americans who think the world loves them, when the truth is the world is sick and tired of the US government, its foreign policies, its pathetic presidents and its greedy, selfish, totally unsocialistic focus on capital.

The real funny thing is its people know less about the real state of their nation than outsiders because of the media slant. I laugh at the guys that come here and watch CNN, because it has a European and Asian slant to it. They say "wow the news is different here", "our economy is really bad hey?" and "we're not really liked that much are we?"

Americans are very nice people, but their political system is influenced too much by lobbyists and corporate interests. The terms are too long for presidents, the election process is too costly, and the every day joe doesn't even have to vote.

One thing is for sure though, whoever wins the election will continue to keep the American people living in fear, toting guns and killing each other on their own shores, while occasionally invading the odd resource rich nation while trying to explain why its justified to the UN.

Vulcan, nobody will ever invade the US, because nobody wants anything from you, and certainly nobody wants to live there, unless they are wealthy of course.;) Canada, Australia, and China are much better places to live IMO, and i have lived in them all.


I love listening to Americans who think the world loves them, when the truth is the world is sick and tired of the US government, its foreign policies, its pathetic presidents and its greedy, selfish, totally unsocialistic focus on capital.

To be honest, I don't care what the rest of the world thinks...

The real funny thing is its people know less about the real state of their nation than outsiders because of the media slant. I laugh at the guys that come here and watch CNN, because it has a European and Asian slant to it. They say "wow the news is different here", "our economy is really bad hey?" and "we're not really liked that much are we?"

Uh....I don't need the media to form my opinion.
The economy is bad??? Yea right! LOL Our standard of living is still much higher than most of the world, plus we enjoy more freedoms.

Americans are very nice people, but their political system is influenced too much by lobbyists and corporate interests. The terms are too long for presidents, the election process is too costly, and the every day joe doesn't even have to vote.

Thanks for calling us nice! :) But...You're wrong, I do have a vote!:mad:

One thing is for sure though, whoever wins the election will continue to keep the American people living in fear, toting guns and killing each other on their own shores, while occasionally invading the odd resource rich nation while trying to explain why its justified to the UN.
I do not live in fear!!! The right to bear arms is a freedom, guaranteed by our constitution. I am proud of the fact that I can own a gun, in order to defend myself. I do not own a gun so I can kill others on my own shores, as you implied!

Vulcan, nobody will ever invade the US, because nobody wants anything from you, and certainly nobody wants to live there, unless they are wealthy of course.;) Canada, Australia, and China are much better places to live IMO, and i have lived in them all.

BULL****!!!! A lot of people want to live here! China is a better place???:rolleyes: I've been to China....I know better. LOL China is a communist country!

Yes, Canada and Australia are great countries and are wonderful places to live, but the USA is notthe horrible country you make it out to be. Go live in China, if you love it so much.
