Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

John McCain

But the yanks don't have to vote, and as Obama is a dead cert most of the doctor's wives will stay at home and the conservative voters will turn out like it is for church and John will get in.


The republicans have won the last coupe of elections by reeling the 'godbotherers". Could be a conflicting allegience for you there GG. Stock up on Colgate!
The republicans have won the last coupe of elections by reeling the 'godbotherers". Could be a conflicting allegience for you there GG. Stock up on Colgate!

Unlike those on the left, people on the right are not one dimensional.

One can abhor godbotherers and still induce them to vote for one's own preferred candidate, who for their own reasons prefer him or her.

Now on the left you are a warmer, pro choice, anti indigenous intervention, read SMH, anti Murdoch, pro sorry, anti development and progress, and a tree hugger or else you are not in the running for a cushy $200,000 a year job as an adviser or a hollowman.

I don't necessarily include you in the above.

John McCain is set to get the older voters out to support him in November and this factor, with many ageing States, could become quite crucial.
Older voters have shown greater interest in Politics and turn out in larger numbers than younger age groups.
John McCain held a 60% - 40% approx. lead in a recent survey.
McCain is pretentious in alluding to be the saviour by solving the US dependence on foreign oil by off-shore drilling and denigrating Obama's policy ban on this.

What a flip flop! :p:

McCain Voted Against Reducing Dependence On Foreign Oil.

In 2005, McCain voted against legislation calling on the President to submit a plan to reduce foreign petroleum imports by 40 percent. [Senate Roll Call Vote #140, 6/16/05]

* McCain Voted Against Off-Shore Drilling.

In his 2000 campaign for president, John McCain criticized leases for drilling off the coast of California. He said, “The people of California deserve to be heard, without being forced to resort to legal action against their own government. As president, I will see to it that the interests of the people of California rise above the special interests of Washington, D.C.” [Associated Press, 3/2/00]

In 2005, McCain voted for an amendment that would strike language instructing the Interior Department to conduct a comprehensive inventory of Outer Continental Shelf oil and natural gas resources. The amendment failed 44-52. [H.R. 6, Vote #143, 6/21/2005]

McCain Voted Against Taxing Oil Companies To Provide $100 Rebate To Consumers.

In 2005, McCain voted against an amendment to impose a temporary tax on oil company profits from the sale of crude oil. The funds would be used to provide every taxpayer with a $100 non-refundable tax credit for 2005 for each person in their household. The amendment failed 33-65. [S 2020, Vote #341, 11/17/05]

McCain Voted Against Funding for Renewable Energy, Extending Tax Credit and Low-Income Energy Assistance.

In 2006, McCain voted against an amendment to provide $500 million for LIHEAP and $3.5 billion for other energy programs.

It would also extend the renewable energy production tax credit and clean renewable energy bonds programs for four years. The amendment failed 46-52. [S.C.R. 83, Vote #42, 3/14/2006]

Do the oil men have him in their back pockets?

Oil and Gas Campaign Contributions: McCain has Taken Over $1.3 Million From The Oil & Gas Industry. According to a Campaign Money Watch analysis of campaign finance data provided by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics Center, John McCain has accepted at least $1,316,145 from the oil and gas industry since 1989. [Center for Responsive Politics via Campaign Money Watch, updated 7/11/08]

Do status quo electricity companies have him in their back pockets?

McCain Has Accepted Over One Half A Million From The Electric Utility Industry. According to a Public Campaign Action Fund analysis of campaign finance data provided by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics Center, John McCain received $558,365 in campaign contributions from the electric utility industry, which includes the nuclear power industry since 1989. [Center for Responsive Politics via Campaign Money Watch]

McCain Has At Least 6 Electric Industry Lobbyists Running And Funding His Campaign.
As Mandy Rice said in the Profumo trial, "Well he would say that wouldn't he."

Each race is a different ballgame nowadays. Its glitz and spin.

Obama is ahead, and yet to stumble. He may not survive to the Election. There are lots of nutters with guns in the US unfortunately ( lots of guns I mean , there are nutters everywhere )

I still back McCain.

Doris;3203937: [B said:
McCain Voted Against Reducing Dependence On Foreign Oil. [/B]

* McCain Voted Against Off-Shore Drilling.

McCain Voted Against Taxing Oil Companies To Provide $100 Rebate To Consumers.

McCain Voted Against Funding for Renewable Energy, Extending Tax Credit and Low-Income Energy Assistance.

Do the oil men have him in their back pockets?

Do status quo electricity companies have him in their back pockets?
McCain voted against dependence on foreign oil as he knows that nothing much will happen in the next eight years. Green fuel will increase 10 fold in that time but will still account for nothing much.
Funding renewable energy is a waste of time, it will have its day, with Uranium, in thirty years time.
McCain knows that it is oil and mining companies that are farthest ahead in the advancement of green energy.
The oil men don't have McCain in their back pocket, there in his back pocket.
McCain knows that oil prices will tumble back towards $100 and the Greenback will recover a lot. Electricity and gas companies will follow oil and gas prices.

Obama, great man as he is, will have to get bundles of cash in, to fund all his expensive policies. With the US in decline there will be less cash around.
So many ideas will be delayed and congress wont vote through anything much that costs a fortune. If they do the Republicans will have a majority in two years time and that will be the end of that.
McCain is pretentious in alluding to be the saviour by solving the US dependence on foreign oil by off-shore drilling and denigrating Obama's policy ban on this.

What a flip flop! :p:

LOL, check this out!!!

Obama shifts, says he may back offshore drilling

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Friday he would be willing to support limited additional offshore oil drilling if that's what it takes to enact a comprehensive policy to foster fuel-efficient autos and develop alternate energy sources.

Shifting from his previous opposition to expanded offshore drilling, the Illinois senator told a Florida newspaper he could get behind a compromise with Republicans and oil companies to prevent gridlock over energy.

I posted this under the Obama thread too, Al Gore's not going to like this!!

Too funny
McCain voted against [reducing] dependence on foreign oil as he knows that nothing much will happen in the next eight years. Green fuel will increase 10 fold in that time but will still account for nothing much.
Funding renewable energy is a waste of time, it will have its day, with Uranium, in thirty years time.

Obama, great man as he is, will have to get bundles of cash in, to fund all his expensive policies. With the US in decline there will be less cash around.

Just as in our own budgets, priorities must change to pay for our needs rather than neglect them by paying for our wants.

Obama has solicited Europe to contribute to global needs to help reduce US debits and enable focus on internal needs. Wealthy companies are profitable because they mobilize their money and create employment but the tax burden is not fair nor equitable. Tax coffers are the basis of a government's budget.

You should not plan for your retirement at 59. The sooner you start the earlier you will achieve your optimum goal. Both today's needs and the future's needs must be balanced... not merely basking in your lifestyle of today only.

McCain knows that it is oil and mining companies that are farthest ahead in the advancement of green energy.

David E Kelly uses Boston Legal as his forum for revealing discrepancies within the gov't and corporations. He backs his accusations with documentary evidence.

A recent topic was an oil company donating millions of dollars to a university under the official guise of research for alternative green energy. Yet the faculty head was bound to NOT make effort on this in order to receive funding for other university research. The aim was to officially appear to be contributing to an effort for alternative energy whilst preserving oil dependence.

This would be one of Wayne's many disillusionments.
Olbermann interviewing Brendan Freedman , US veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan wars...

To all those that like to quote Keith Olbermann, catch this link, and see what Obama's biggest media supporter in the U.S. thinks about older Americans:

Olbermann Mocks the Elderly as '65 to Dead'

by Brad Wilmouth

On Friday's Countdown, during the show's "Worst Person in the World" segment, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann tried to characterize the ratings of his show as more admirable than than those of FNC's highly watched O'Reilly Factor by narrowly citing viewing figures among younger demographics. Olbermann, who has a history of quoting the viewing figures for those 25-54 years old -- citing their value to advertisers -- to make himself appear more competitive with O'Reilly, on this occasion dismissively referred to older viewers as "65 to dead." Olbermann: "But don't worry, Bill, you're still dominating that important demographic, 65 to dead." Notably, in June 2006, Olbermann gloated that O'Reilly's viewers are "dying off."

the rest of the article is linked below:

Keith Olbermann's "Countdown" is the only U.S. Cable News show that allows no views from the right. That is right, the ONLY one. Even the dreaded Fox News has all views represented on EVERY show.

What a lovely guy this fool Olbermann. He is truly pathetic.
If you're defending OReilly , that says it all .

Uh, no, I'm pointing out what a pathetic human being Olbermann is. Everyone that knows me knows that I am no defender of O'Reilly either. They are both blowhards, but at least O'Reilly has debates with people of different points of view. Olbermann doesn't have the courage to have a debate with anyone.

Actually, unless you have an agenda, that link provides quite a respectful and reasonable debate. The second video is counting minutes and seconds? Geesh. I've seen Bill O'Reilly when he has been bombastic and all, but this one was not one of them.

Olbermann's show is all one sided, and you have not addressed that. His ideal government would be a left wing dictatorship.

By the way, I remember a few years ago when Olbermann loved McCain - when McCain was poking GWB in the eye at every opportunity. John McCain should have known that the tide would turn against him in the main stream media when he got the Republican nomination, and he was up against THE OBAMA or any other Democrat.
1.... that link provides quite a respectful and reasonable debate. ....

2. I've seen Bill O'Reilly when he has been bombastic and all, but this one was not one of them.

3. Olbermann's show is all one sided, and you have not addressed that. His ideal government would be a left wing dictatorship.

4. By the way, I remember a few years ago when Olbermann loved McCain - when McCain was poking GWB in the eye at every opportunity.

5. John McCain should have known that the tide would turn against him in the main stream media when he got the Republican nomination...

1. You call that debate reasonable? - We are never gonna agree on that one ;) moving on ......

2. Any worse than that, and he might as well not let the guest say a word - like arguing with my mother in law sheesh.

3. and 4. I believe that these contradict each other. Olbermann is prepared to give a polly a fair hearing, but he is ruthless at exposing political trickery.

5. You'd agree I think that McCain is the Republican candidate because he bears the least resemblance to GW Bush. The Republicans are on the nose, and McCain has a hell of a job to turn the Obama tide surely. :2twocents

PS Interesting incidentally that Rupert Murdoch (Mr Fox News) himself is backing Obama. :-

Rupert Murdoch Says Obama Will Win

3m40s mark:-
Rupert: Obama is Highly intelligent, great record at Harvard, a complete break with the past ; I just hope that he's as good as he promises.

Question: Did you have anything to do with the New York Post endorsing him in the Dem Primary in NY State

Rupert: yeah (followed by laughter)
Unlike those on the left, people on the right are not one dimensional.

One can abhor godbotherers and still induce them to vote for one's own preferred candidate, who for their own reasons prefer him or her.

Now on the left you are a warmer, pro choice, anti indigenous intervention, read SMH, anti Murdoch, pro sorry, anti development and progress, and a tree hugger or else you are not in the running for a cushy $200,000 a year job as an adviser or a hollowman.

I don't necessarily include you in the above.


You could include me in many there:
Pro choice - wouldn't like people preaching at me over that sort of an issue, so why would I presume that I could preach to others. Personal decisions are just that - personal.

Anti indiginenous intervention - like all the other efforts from both sides of politics, hasn't worked. Don't have the answers, and don't know anyone that does. Difficult one that will take a generation or two I expect. Too serious an issue though, to throw in the towel.

Read SMH - can't stand the tabloids and prefer it to The Australian. On economics, Ross Gittens is a good read. For years, when Howard was in power, he shot holes in his economic failings such as continually fueling inflation and higher interest rates with outrageous spending. We know how that story ended. He is also critical of Rudd. Whilst spending less than Howard, he needed to go much further to rectify the situation in his first budget. Can't be more balanced than that.

Anti Murdoch - couldn't care one way or another about Rupert. I just don't care that much about Nicole's latest nipple rings and garbage media. He's no fool though. Is backing Obama, which is smart if things go the way they appear to be. He also pointed out that McCain knows diddley squat about economic issues. Strangely, McCain has stated the same.

Pro sorry - yesterday's news. Some reported that it helped. No skin off my nose.

Anti development and progress - depends on whether the development contributes to progress. I think it's possible to have lots of development and lots of progress without destroying everything else along the way. For example the skyway through the daintree is a win/win for the daintree and the people who make a whack of money from it. Same for the Franklin. The revenue from preserving it dwarfs any benefits that damming it would have had.

Tree hugger - whilst I appreciate the need for preserving unique places, I can't see how hugging a tree helps me or the tree.

$200,000 pa cushy job - sigh, no.
Ha Ha, that's a good one!!

Are you a comedian? Either that, or you haven't been watching Olbermann for the last 5 years.
well ZZ, most would agree that only a comedian would say that OReilly was fair with Dawkins.
I suspect you're the one with the agenda
but no problems, we move on.