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John McCain

There was no swearing.

Any politician would have been immediately called to order and/or censured for swearing in the house. Watch closely, it's BS.
you're right - I withdraw that one.
propaganda ;)
but he bullied her with no justification and/or inappropriately.
and he stormed out rudely
and that's equally inadmissible :2twocents
(plus singlehandedly obstructed the passing of that bill to release documents on Vietnam MIA /POWs)

PS I think my subconscious suspected bs when I added that "If these quotes are true" ..
McCain sure has a problem with the trend in youtubes...
which publish any bloopers that the media misses ...

John McCain vs. John McCain

McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare
Olbermann interviewing Brendan Freedman , US veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan wars...

(what do you think of the theory that) "McCain is immune to criticism purely because he was a POW - that the merits cannot even be discussed..... (does this remind you of the worst military red tape or every bit of censorship relative to its personnel )
"absolutely, McCain doesn't have the only say on war service.
We respect John McCain's service
but he's not the only person to have suffered in war

We have soldiers who are quadriplegics, who've been maimed, etc
he doesn't get a free pass
we've been over there too, we've been in war too
we know what it's like

and he doesn’t get a free pass ESPECIALLY from us because
we hold him to a higher standard

and all I can say is that ...we respect John McCain's service
all we ask in return is that he respect ours;

and for many of the people I speak to (on active duty, or recently off active duty) we don't feel like we're getting that a lot of the time"... etc

Al Qaeda WANTS the U.S. to ATTACK Iran!

the drumbeat McCain started against Iran last month is 100% crap.!

If you'd like this country USA to go into business with Al Queda i.e. play into their hands , then George Bush and John McCain - they're your guys!.
Guantanamo Bay

From: David Plouffe, []
Sent: Saturday, 14 June 2008 6:16 AM
Subject: Take a stand on civil liberties

The Supreme Court made a landmark ruling about civil liberties yesterday -- and you should know what it means for this election.

In a five-to-four decision, the Court determined that suspects being held at the Guantanamo Bay naval base have the right to appeal their detention in federal court.

This is a major victory for everyone who cares about civil liberties, human rights, and America's standing in the world.

Barack Obama praised this ruling -- demonstrating his respect for our civil liberties and showing his commitment to keeping us safe while restoring the rights that have been stripped away by George W. Bush.

John McCain and George W. Bush had a very different take on yesterday's decision.

"I strongly agree with [the justices] who dissented," said Bush. McCain struck a similar note, saying, "The decision obviously concerns me."

This episode is another reminder that John McCain is fighting to continue George Bush's policies for a third term.

John McCain has shown his willingness to compromise basic rights that are at the core of American justice and the rule of law. He seems willing to turn a blind eye to the suspension of habeas corpus and the mistreatment of prisoners that have destroyed our country's reputation in the world.

Barack Obama will fight terrorism aggressively and keep every American safe -- while preserving our sacred civil liberties.

Take a stand now -- sign our online petition to show your support for the Supreme Court's decision and for this campaign.

Thank you for working for real change,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


McCain Applauded for Opposition to Court Decision on Guantanamo Bay

PEMBERTON, N.J. -- Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) today decried Thursday's Supreme Court ruling granting foreign terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay the right to challenge their detention in civilian courts, which he called "one of the worst decisions in the history of this country."

McCain -- who has long maintained the federal government should close Guantanamo Bay detention center -- said Congress made a distinction between those imprisoned there and U.S. civilians in the law he helped write, the Military Commissions Act of 2006.

"We made it very clear these are enemy combatants," he said. "They have not, and never have been, given the rights of citizens of this country."

The crowd of more than 1,000 supporters, packed into a gym at Burlington County College, exploded into applause at McCain's comments.

The presumptive GOP nominee then read from Chief Justice John Roberts' dissent, and predicted the courts would now be "flooded" with habeas corpus lawsuits.

"We are going to be bollixed up in a way that's terribly unfortunate," he told the audience, adding that 30 detainees released from Guantanamo subsequently tried to attack the U.S. "Our first obligation is the safety and security of this nation, and the men and women who defend it. This decision will harm our ability to do that."

The blogs on this site are thoughtful and insightful... worth a read
I just thought I'd remind you girls and guys that the US election is a 2 horse race and that the only poll that matters is on that day.

B Obama may be ahead in the polls but there is a while to go yet.

What's your opinion of this one gg ;)

Stands to reason doesn't it?
If Clark is shot down four times, and McCain is shot down once, then surely Clark is four times more qualified to be President ? :cool:

No one wanted to talk about this one on the Obama thread :2towcents.

There is an old saying that another man's pain is easier to bear.

McCain suffered for his country and is well qualified to lead it. War service is not the only criterion for leadership, but lack of it is a peculiarly modern romantic notion of the left.

No Roman would have seriously considered any non military person as a leader.

Yes Rome did fall but to other military leaders unencumbered by the decay of the Roman empire.

. War service is not the only criterion for leadership, but lack of it is a peculiarly modern romantic notion of the left.

Lack of it was a pretty notion of the right as well (Bush and the rest of the Chicken Hawks)

- not that it stopped them from sending others to fight where they had managed to avoid it (personally) so well. ;)

But I concede that McCain is different to these others from the right in that he was shot down in Vietnam. etc .

"Chickenhawk" by Roy Zimmerman
But I concede that McCain is different to these others from the right in that he was shot down in Vietnam. etc .

This is a copy of that post on the Barack Obama thread ...
basically asking the question, if being shot down is so important to a political career, maybe Wesley Clark would make four times the politician that McCain would.

War record remark upsets Republicans
AM - Tuesday, 1 July , 2008 08:06:00
Reporter: Michael Rowland
TONY EASTLEY: In the United States, a row has erupted after a spokesman for Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama questioned the military record of Republican candidate John McCain.

General Wesley Clark, the former Allied Commander of NATO and himself a former Presidential candidate, said flying a fighter jet and getting shot down was not a qualification to become President.

John McCain of course was shot down over Vietnam and spent years in a POW prison.

Senator Obama has publicly disowned his Democrat colleague, General Clark but not before being politically wounded by friendly fire.

Washington correspondent Michael Rowland reports.

MICHAEL ROWLAND: John McCain's military service in Vietnam and the 5.5 years he spent as a prisoner of war have been key features of his campaign narrative.

The Republican nominee says his time in Vietnam has given him the experience and the strength of character needed to take on the job of President.

And for much of this election year Senator McCain's military record has been off limits. That was until General Wesley Clark fired this broadside on Sunday talk show: Face the Nation.

WESLEY CLARK: He hasn't held executive responsibility. That large squadron in the navy that he commanded wasn't a wartime squadron. He hasn't been there and ordered the bombs to fall.

INTERVIEWER: I'd have to say Barack Obama has not had any of those experiences either. Nor has he ridden in a fighter plane and gotten shot down.

WESLEY CLARK: Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be President.

MICHAEL ROWLAND: General Clark may himself be a war hero - he was shot four times during his stint in Vietnam, but he's again shown how great soldiers don't necessarily make great politicians.
the other thing being discussed on the Obama thread is flipflops on policy ..

try these for size / comparison ;)

McCain's backflips (so far)
McCain has changed :eek:

David Wright of ABC News: "McCain became visiby angry when I asked him how his Vietnam experiences prepared him for the Presidency".
Indeed yes, I'm absolutely persuaded of the position of John McCain, unfortunately, I'm not sure what alternative there is now. Not exactly a Pope John Paul 2nd is JM, but yes, the initials show a more solidly strong religious person if really a George Bush 3rd. The alternative is doubtful on defending America when viewed from the top end.
Indeed yes, I'm absolutely persuaded of the position of John McCain, unfortunately, I'm not sure what alternative there is now. Not exactly a Pope John Paul 2nd is JM, but yes, the initials show a more solidly strong religious person if really a George Bush 3rd. The alternative is doubtful on defending America when viewed from the top end.

The following was blogged by a leftie called the middlest child.

It shows how McCain with his frailties and strengths will come through to win against a hollywood media out to destroy his campaign.

Top Ten Reasons to Vote for John McCain
13 06 2008

By Kari G.

Surprisingly, not every candidate on the ballot is looking to privatize social security and gather as may nuclear weapons as possible. But one is, ladies and gentlemen: John McCain. So, in honor of my newfound love, I present the top ten reasons to vote for him in November (in descending order).

McCain is America

10. His name. John Sidney McCain. America has seen a fair share of notable Johns, and McCain would be a proud addition to such a list, including: John Adams, John Hancock, John Stamos, John Wilkes Booth, Jon Bon Jovi…and let’s not forget John Smith, the lovable American that brought the power and success of democracy to Pocahontas’ accepting village. John’s last name, McCain, stands like a bold rock on the page, and has the McCorporate power prefix like that of the All-American cheeseburger. His name might as well be McAmerica. McCain’s competition is futile, as his first name rhymes with Iraq (Barack), and he shares his middle name with Saddam (Hussein). That’s a double-whammy. Did I mention his last name is strikingly similar to Osama? Triple whammy. That’s the most un-American name I’ve ever heard of.

9. John McCain doesn’t know how to use a computer. In an interview with Yahoo News, McCain was asked if he used “a Mac or a PC,” to which he responded triumphantly with, “I am an illiterate who relies on my wife to handle everything like that.” Bravo, John. It’s about time we as Americans did away with all this “technological” nonsense and moved towards the good old days, back when you wrote information on clay tablets and were struck with a ruler for bad posture or for not poking fun at a minority. Remember those days, John? It’s not like computers have anything to do with being in charge of nuclear weapons, right?

8. McCain’s not interested in social issues. He bluntly quoted, “It’s not the social issues I care about,” and couldn’t be more enlightening. Who cares about civil rights? Who cares about the people? Not America, that’s for damn sure. If there’s one thing America stands for, it’s democracy (see: imperialism). As long as McCain’s in office, we’ll be too preoccupied with the important issues like national security to worry about little “social issues.”

7. McCain doesn’t understand economics. He quotes, “The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should.” Ain’t that the truth. I’ve never been the best at balancing my checkbook, and it’s just a myth concocted by the Democrats that our economy is in the gutter. As long as those tax cuts keep digging into the working class, I’m home free! Plus, economics isn’t that important of an issue (see Reason 8 for details).

6. He has a great sense of humor. At a National Rifle Association rally, a hilarious joke was made about Senator Barack Obama being assassinated. The joke stated, “That was Barack Obama. He just tripped off a chair. He’s getting ready to speak and someone aimed a gun at him and he fell to the floor.” Actually, that quote didn’t come from McCain, but Senator Mike Huckabee. What a jokester, though! Let’s hope he carries that NRA sense of humor straight into the VP spot!

5. He’s intimidating. Let’s be honest. The greatest quality we need to look for in our next president is how well they’d fair in a staring contest against terrorists. Plural. Well, ladies and gentlemen, McCain strikes fear into the hearts of even the toughest of tough, as a fellow American and Republican Senator quoted, “The thought of him [McCain] being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He’s erratic. He’s hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me.” **** yes. That is word for word what we need to hope Bin Laden is saying in his cave in whatever the hell language foreigners speak. Once we get an arsenal of nuclear weapons into the hands of a hot head like McCain, terrorists won’t know what to do (don’t worry, we’d nuke them before they nuked us).

4. McCain knows how to win. When that preppy-boy Matt Lauer asked McCain what a time frame for bringing American soldiers back from Iraq would be, John replied with, “That’s not too important. What’s important is the casualties.” You tell him, John. What does Matt Lauer know about war? It’s obvious that the only thing that matters is death. Families that are whining about their children fighting war across the world will just have to suck it, ‘cause they ain’t dead yet! McCain also stated he’d be perfectly fine with keeping troops in Iraq for 100 years. Why the **** not, right? I mean, if the people of Iraq didn’t want us there, they probably would’ve told us by now. It’s not that big of a deal, America. It’s only a century.

3. He’s a religious man. Not just that, McCain knows that the real way to succeed as a country is not to acknowledge all those kooky religions that this salad bowl of a country is following, but to focus simply on one: the best one. Unite the people and their beliefs. Mccain says, “The number one issue that is in the selection of the United States [president] is ‘will this person carry on in the Judeo-Christian tradition that has made this Nation the greatest experiment of mankind.”’ Amen. To Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

2. He’s going to bomb the **** out of Iran. McCain is an all-American. He’s a military man, and a POW to be exact. He knows his guns. Therefore, placing the military at the disposal of a bitter war veteran is the best choice for our nation. Researchers could prove, one assumes, that there would be no negative consequences for invading yet another country in the Middle East. If anything, it would only assert our worldly dominance and get those pesky terrorists off our backs. We need to open up the files on Brinkmanship, an idea developed in the Cold War by John Foster Dulles, who told Eisenhower the best way to defend our nation was to use nuclear weapons as a threat and bring war “to the brink.” Hell, Cold War ideals like containment have worked damn well so far. We need to take charge, and McCain can do this. He playfully stated to press, “You know that old Beach Boys song, ‘Bomb Iran?’ ‘Bomb, bomb, bomb…bomb, bomb Iran.’” Ha! That McCain is one hilarious guy! I believe he changed the words to the classic, “Barbara Ann,” but if you ask me we should call up Brian Wilson and the rest of the boys and ask them to change the lyrics. They’re much better that way.

1. He knows how to put a woman in her place. At a public conference, McCain’s wife, Cindy, playfully twirled his hair and stated (annoyingly), “You’re getting a little thin up there.” McCain kept his cool and replied with a subtle, “At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you ****.” McCain claims it was a “long day,” which I see as fair proof that this behavior will be continued during his long days in the Oval Office. This is good news, America, because we need a strong-willed, masculine president that’s not afraid to tell his woman to make him a sandwich. Because sometimes he’s hungry. And sometimes she’s being a ****. And America, McCain will not hesitate to throw the c-word into battle against those cowardly terrorists, either.

There you have it, my fellow Americans. The top ten reasons to vote for John Sidney McCain. The facts are here. The quotes have been spoken. I know you may be hesitant because of his age, but let me assure you that his senile behavior will only enhance the bold and immediate responses McCain will provide to threats made to American soil. Think about your safety, America, and vote McCain in November.
Olbermann - btw, just using the style of the rightwing questions put to Obama, as if similar questions were put to McCain... ;)

Five questions for JOHN McCAIN
1. What's with the hookers?
2. Why do you hate the elderley? and the taxpayers?
3. Why do you hate the constitution?
4. Why do you hate America?
5. Why do you hate catholics, muslims, New Orleans, gay people, parades, life on earth as we know it?
US freedom of speech? lol - you gotta be joking ! ;)

Ousted "McCain=Bush" Librarian on Olbermann

Rachel Maddow: Freedom of speech and the right to assemble -- perhaps in the eye of the overzealous beholder when it comes to John McCain's campaign staff. Our third story on the Countdown -- While Mister McCain was delivering quote, straight talk, at one of his open-forum town hall meetings in Denver yesterday, things were getting closed down just outside.
Just to add a little sanity to the recent Obamamania.

It appears that the US may be in the same mindset as Australia was in when John Howard beat Keating.

All the polls showed Keating would win, but the committed voters had decided way ahead of the final poll and Howard thumped him.

There is so much floss about Obama and McCain just keeps on going. And he'll win.

Just to add a little sanity to the recent Obamamania.

It appears that the US may be in the same mindset as Australia was in when John Howard beat Keating.

All the polls showed Keating would win, but the committed voters had decided way ahead of the final poll and Howard thumped him.

There is so much floss about Obama and McCain just keeps on going. And he'll win.


More recently, there was a bloke called Rudd. All the polls showed Rudd would thumped Howard. The yanks are a funny mob but the Republicans are royally on the nose. Iraq, national debt explosion and on and on... Obama's definitely the favourite by any measure but I agree it's not a forgone conclusion.
More recently, there was a bloke called Rudd. All the polls showed Rudd would thumped Howard. The yanks are a funny mob but the Republicans are royally on the nose. Iraq, national debt explosion and on and on... Obama's definitely the favourite by any measure but I agree it's not a forgone conclusion.

But the yanks don't have to vote, and as Obama is a dead cert most of the doctor's wives will stay at home and the conservative voters will turn out like it is for church and John will get in.
