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John McCain

I love reading a foreign perspective on US politics!
US foreign policy does impact the rest of the world, hence the interest in which president is going to piss us off the most.

But as I've stated already, it is bemusing that much of the comment is as if the reader has a vote. We see that even here on ASF in this and the Obama thread. That's a big WTF for me! I mean, WTF?

the American people will prevail.

I agree. But they need a big wake up call. Once the US economy crashes and burns from the sins of successive administrations, the perverted Keynesian experiment, and a totally inappropriate form of monetarism, they will wake up and they will pull a miracle out of their @rse.

It might be too late for continued economic hegemony though, as China will have its ears pinned back on its neck and going for the doctor. But America will do alright again at some point in the future.


I'll be glad when this election is all over. :eek:
Vulcan, nobody will ever invade the US, because nobody wants anything from you, and certainly nobody wants to live there, unless they are wealthy of course.;) Canada, Australia, and China are much better places to live IMO, and i have lived in them all.



This must be the funniest statement I have ever seen in my life.

Tens of millions of Mexicans, Central Americans, South Americans, Vietnamese, Chinese (smuggled here by the thousands every montsh), Indians, etc., etc., etc., want to be here legally, or illegally.

Have you been living under a rock?

Probably the most uninformed statement I have ever seen on any forum evah!!!
Websman, nice sidestep of the question of "defending" yourselves by attacking Iraq :rolleyes:

And likewise ZZDad - your comment that Americans know that McCain has done more for POW/MIA than anyone (paraphrased) and others don't - when I posted the evidence that you were wrong - and that he is fought them all the way. :2twocents
As the Poms used to say (back in their empire building days) ...
There are two ways of attaining power - with a bayonet, or prestige.
Of those, prestige is preferable. :2twocents
Websman, nice sidestep of the question of "defending" yourselves by attacking Iraq :rolleyes:

And likewise ZZDad - your comment that Americans know that McCain has done more for POW/MIA than anyone (paraphrased) and others don't - when I posted the evidence that you were wrong - and that he is fought them all the way. :2twocents

2020, if this story had any LEGS, the left wing MSM in this country would be all over it. They are not. The media in this country will do anything they can to get Obama elected, and they know that this "story" would backfire, because McCain's record on POW/MIA is so strong.

This is one subject even they won't touch. Go ahead and keep reading Moveon, DailyKos, and Huffingtonpost and whatever blogs you are reading and pretend you are living in reality.

You are taking the right wing fringe at face value - do you even realize this? The left wing fringe is using the right wing fringe to try to get at McCain. Astounding. The right wing fringe groups hate McCain as much as the leftwing fringers do.

Putin accuses US of provoking Georgian conflict
By Washington correspondent Michael Rowland

Posted 2 hours 33 minutes ago
Updated 1 hour 0 minutes ago

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of orchestrating the conflict in Georgia for domestic political purposes, prompting angry denials from the White House, as tensions between the former Cold War rivals escalate.

Mr Putin used an interview with the American television network CNN to say that his defence officials had told him the war was triggered to benefit one of the US presidential candidates.

Election’s upon us – let’s fabricate war
it shuts up the doves so the war hawks can soar
old warhorses only know one kind of law
the old law that needs rearranging
Barark’s at 4/7, McCain’s 7/4
War’s the only way that will be changing.
Lemme guess zzd,
you think Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone :rolleyes:

PS Do I believe Putin? - who knows ? - just that it was a coincidence I predicted something might happen in a post a few months ago. :2twocents
TONY EASTLEY: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of orchestrating the conflict in Georgia for domestic political purposes.

Mr Putin says he's been told by his defence officials the war was triggered to benefit one of the US presidential candidates.

The comments have prompted angry denials from the White House, which is now considering scrapping a key nuclear agreement with Russia in response to the recent events.
MICHAEL ROWLAND: ... The Russian Prime Minister accused the US military of arming and training the Georgian army.

Mr Putin said the US then provoked Georgian soldiers to re-take the separatist region of South Ossetia and kill Russians in the process.

And he said all this was started to give a competitive advantage to one of the US presidential candidates.

VLADIMIR PUTIN (translated): The fact is that US citizens were indeed in the area in conflict during the hostilities. Then it should be admitted that they would do so only following direct orders from their supervisors. Therefore, they were acting in implementing those orders. Doing as they were ordered and the only one who can give such orders is their supervisors.

MICHAEL ROWLAND: Mr Putin didn't elaborate on just which candidate he was talking about but the conflict has certainly played to Republican John McCain's strengths in foreign policy.
Foreign lunacy more like it .. "I say we stay in Iraq for 100years - Why Not??
Needless to say the remarks have infuriated the Americans. White House spokeswoman Dana Perino has been quick to reject Mr Putin's allegations.

DANA PERINO: I think that those claims, first and foremost, are patently false but it also sounds like his defence officials who said that they believed this to be true, are giving him really bad advice.

To suggest that the United States orchestrated this on behalf of a political candidate, just sounds not rational.

MICHAEL ROWLAND: Relations between the US and Russia are deteriorating disturbingly quickly.

...... Overnight Russia tested an inter-continental missile, one of the weapons its building in response to the proposed US missile defence shield in Europe.

And another flash-point continues to develop in the Black Sea as US warships move in to deliver humanitarian supplies to Georgia. etc etc

MICHAEL ROWLAND: And to cap things off Vladimir Putin also used his CNN interview to announce Russia was imposing import bans on some US poultry products.

poultry ? poultry ?
Just another poultry matter ? :eek:
Yes 2020... you are often prescient!

Go find a 10-12 year old movie called 'Canadian Bacon', with John Candy, in the archives of video stores.

There was an election looming and advisers insisted there had to be a war or the incumbent party would lose. They tried Russia etc but no go. So they decided it had to be Canada. News alarms: Canadians have lined up 90% of all their people along the Canadian/US border. (lol) They went up and dumped rubbish, graffitied swear words to try to ignite Canadian hostility. Fab movie.

Moscow accuses Georgia of provoking Russia's offensive in the ex-Soviet republic by launching an assault targeting South Ossetia on Aug. 7. The United States has close ties with the Georgian government and has trained Georgian units, including for service in Iraq.

Surely the date of the first offensive can be determined?
As far as I know our news only reported when Russia attacked... unprovoked!

Georgia tried to retake the Russian-backed separatist region of South Ossetia this month by force after a series of clashes.

Russian forces subsequently launched a counter-attack and the conflict ended with the ejection of Georgian troops from both South Ossetia and another rebel region, Abkhazia, and an EU-brokered ceasefire.

Obviously Russia doesn't want McCain...
It seems it could be Russia creating the scenario... Why would they provoke now and give McCain credibility?
Do they really think Obama would be soft on their aggression?

or... maybe Putin's claim holds water?
Desperate times call for desperate measure after all.
Yes 2020... you are often prescient!

Go find a 10-12 year old movie called 'Canadian Bacon', with John Candy, in the archives of video stores.

There was an election looming and advisers insisted there had to be a war or the incumbent party would lose. They tried Russia etc but no go. So they decided it had to be Canada. News alarms: Canadians have lined up 90% of all their people along the Canadian/US border. (lol) They went up and dumped rubbish, graffitied swear words to try to ignite Canadian hostility. Fab movie.

Surely the date of the first offensive can be determined?
As far as I know our news only reported when Russia attacked... unprovoked!

Obviously Russia doesn't want McCain...
It seems it could be Russia creating the scenario... Why would they provoke now and give McCain credibility?
Do they really think Obama would be soft on their aggression?

or... maybe Putin's claim holds water?
Desperate times call for desperate measure after all.

I hate conspiracy theories but could anyone in the US honestly hold up their right hands and swear that they can trust their present government to not have asked the Georgians to attack? And why are the US all over this country?
I hate conspiracy theories but could anyone in the US honestly hold up their right hands and swear that they can trust their present government to not have asked the Georgians to attack? And why are the US all over this country?

Bush as lacky for the NWO order guys ( Merger of zionists , neocons etc ) picks a big fight with the plan of helping Mccain get voted in as President so they can continue their evil march towards world domination/rule under the guise of Globalisation.

Just a thought ....
Bush as lacky for the NWO order guys ( Merger of zionists , neocons etc ) picks a big fight with the plan of helping Mccain get voted in as President so they can continue their evil march towards world domination/rule under the guise of Globalisation.

Just a thought ....

Very extreme thought.

No, think like a politician.

They just want to get re-elected.
I hate conspiracy theories but could anyone in the US honestly hold up their right hands and swear that they can trust their present government to not have asked the Georgians to attack? And why are the US all over this country?

I hearby hold up my hand and say NO they did not ask the Georgians to attack. In fact they discouraged it.

Russia wants to control Georgia because of the oil pipeline that runs through it. They want a pipeline monopoly to Europe and the the former Soviet "Republics". They have used their own pipelines to blackmail the Europeans. Well known fact by the way, just ask the Europeans.
I hearby hold up my hand and say NO they did not ask the Georgians to attack. In fact they discouraged it.

Russia wants to control Georgia because of the oil pipeline that runs through it. They want a pipeline monopoly to Europe and the the former Soviet "Republics". They have used their own pipelines to blackmail the Europeans. Well known fact by the way, just ask the Europeans.

That's true, as the Ukranians know only too well.
America haters will believe anyone who discredits America. But it stretches the credibility that anyone (except a Russian) could give any credence to an ex KGB man.
America haters will believe anyone who discredits America. But it stretches the credibility that anyone (except a Russian) could give any credence to an ex KGB man.

Yes unfortunately in the World today alliances seem to be building under the theory of " My enemys enemy is my friend " ......

Scary stuff ....
So, you reveal yourself 2020. You take Putin's words at face value. Says a lot about your mindset.

Lemme guess zzd,
you think Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone

Conspiracy theorist I am not.

:topic Well the fact that you think that Oswald acted alone says a lot about your mindset as well ZZd. You are so determined to be an ostrich - head firmly in the sand, that you don't even listen to the evidence...

I mean , you're making Homer Simpson look like a genius here.

Click the Big Square, not the arrow !! (James Files)

Bill Hicks - JFK


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I hate conspiracy theories but could anyone in the US honestly hold up their right hands and swear that they can trust their present government to not have asked the Georgians to attack? And why are the US all over this country?

Knobby are you looking for two faced people... or people with two right hands? The same? Yes... ;)

SBS news tonight had the Russian Ambassador at the UN meeting today, in relation to Georgia, asking if the US was still looking for WMD's in Iraq... or had they found them?
Got to pay that one.
He looked very frustrated as though this were a US conspiracy yet no-one was even considering it!
Have to say Putin looked an accomplished actor also, if he were lying. The eyes have it.
And you have to admit the media have screamed about Russia having a monopoly on oil in Europe if they control the pipeline. In fact, fear of Russia has been propagated since Putin became PM.
Could be linked... McCain's only claim to fame is professing military judgment.