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Despair in Gaza

Love it, leftists in denial.

You guys missed so many points, its laughable:laugh:
Arab citizens of Israel[3] or Arab Israelis are Israeli citizens, whose primary language or linguistic heritage is Arabic. Many identify as Palestinian and commonly self-designate themselves as Palestinian citizens of Israel or Israeli Palestinians.[4][5] The traditional vernacular of most Arab citizens, irrespective of religion, is the Palestinian dialect of Arabic. Most Arab citizens of Israel are functionally bilingual, their second language being Modern Hebrew. By religious affiliation, most are Muslim, particularly of the Sunni branch of Islam. There is a significant Arab Christian minority from various denominations as well as the Druze, among other religious communities.[6]

Mean to say immigrant/refugee into Israel. That if you're non-Jewish, they will not accept you to come in and be naturalised as citizen.

They're having a problem with African refugees there lately. Standard tactic is to imprison them in the desert... then recently threaten to charge and imprison them as criminals so they better leave and get a cheque. That didn't work so another plan was to send them to Europe or jsut anywhere away... that didn't work either so they'll have to come up with another solution.
It's a war between an highly educated nation reclaiming its antiquitous birthright against johnny cum lately Arabs.
Their “birthright” to be there? You might be unknowingly holding Zionist political beliefs...

What I find interesting is that the orthodox religious Jews regard it as an occupation and against their religion . The Messiah has to first come, or something similar to that from memory, before they can come back.
Israeli air force drones have dropped thousands of leaflets over the Gaza Strip warning Palestinians taking part in protests called by Hamas against the US’ embassy move to Jerusalem will put their lives in danger.

“The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) is determined to defend Israel’s citizens and sovereignty against Hamas’ attempts at terrorism undercover of violent riots,” the leaflets read.

“Don’t get near the fence and don’t take part in Hamas’ show, which endangers you.”

The IDF is bracing for an expected 100,000 protesters at the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel on Monday, the same day the US fulfils its controversial promise to recognise the disputed city of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by moving its embassy there from Tel Aviv.

Hamas, the militant group that rules the Strip, has been bussing demonstrators to three crossing points since 10am (8am BST), urging supporters to break through the fence.

The leadership has posted maps and pictures on social media showing the easiest routes to Israeli towns near the border, worrying Israeli authorities that communities could be targeted by arson and vandalism and attempts to kidnap soldiers.

The order given to soldiers is to prevent Palestinians from crossing into Israel at any price, including direct live fire.

Israel has also warned Hamas that any mass breakthrough will result in airstrikes on the group’s infrastructure inside the Strip.

It is feared Monday’s protests could see mass casualties, the culmination of a weeks-long campaign in the run up to the embassy move and the Nakba, or ‘Catastrophe’, on Tuesday – which comes a day after Israel's 70th independence day, which Israelis mark on the Hebrew calendar, so it was celebrated this year in April.

The IDF has deployed 11 battalions along the Gaza border as well as special forces, intelligence units and snipers, Haaretz says. Several extra units have also been posted to the West Bank
Their “birthright” to be there? You might be unknowingly holding Zionist political beliefs...

What I find interesting is that the orthodox religious Jews regard it as an occupation and against their religion . The Messiah has to first come, or something similar to that from memory, before they can come back.

I'm pretty sure Tisme know the right word to use. He's talented that way.
Israeli air force drones have dropped thousands of leaflets over the Gaza Strip warning Palestinians taking part in protests called by Hamas against the US’ embassy move to Jerusalem will put their lives in danger.

“The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) is determined to defend Israel’s citizens and sovereignty against Hamas’ attempts at terrorism undercover of violent riots,” the leaflets read.

“Don’t get near the fence and don’t take part in Hamas’ show, which endangers you.”

The IDF is bracing for an expected 100,000 protesters at the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel on Monday, the same day the US fulfils its controversial promise to recognise the disputed city of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by moving its embassy there from Tel Aviv.

Hamas, the militant group that rules the Strip, has been bussing demonstrators to three crossing points since 10am (8am BST), urging supporters to break through the fence.

The leadership has posted maps and pictures on social media showing the easiest routes to Israeli towns near the border, worrying Israeli authorities that communities could be targeted by arson and vandalism and attempts to kidnap soldiers.

The order given to soldiers is to prevent Palestinians from crossing into Israel at any price, including direct live fire.

Israel has also warned Hamas that any mass breakthrough will result in airstrikes on the group’s infrastructure inside the Strip.

It is feared Monday’s protests could see mass casualties, the culmination of a weeks-long campaign in the run up to the embassy move and the Nakba, or ‘Catastrophe’, on Tuesday – which comes a day after Israel's 70th independence day, which Israelis mark on the Hebrew calendar, so it was celebrated this year in April.

The IDF has deployed 11 battalions along the Gaza border as well as special forces, intelligence units and snipers, Haaretz says. Several extra units have also been posted to the West Bank

Fair enough. They were warned.

It's "quiet for quiet" else we mow the lawn, again, ya animals. Why don't you go and create yourself a Singapore instead of living in slumps and turning to song, dance and political parties we don't like.

Say what? We blockaded your ports? Your own fisherman can't even go 200m from shore? No ship can enter? No airport? We control your power supply and only permit 3hr use a day? We control all checkpoints and maybe let 500 of you leave per year?

Stop whinging. People of our pure blood were in concentration camp a lot worst than these, and look how we turned out: Pure Semitic master race. Flourishing among the jungle full of savages - except the Saudis, and that dictator in Egypt is not too bad either.
Love it, leftists in denial.

You guys missed so many points, its laughable:laugh:
So the Jews can just move right in in the 1940's and push everyone out of their way under the umbrella of their messiah and f..k the natives.

You a bible person wayne.

The indigenous won't let us do it here.
So the Jews can just move right in in the 1940's and push everyone out of their way under the umbrella of their messiah and f..k the natives.

You a bible person wayne.

The indigenous won't let us do it here.
Im a Bible person? Really?

Cmon plod, we have gone past the leftist smear instead of debate era. This incident is nothing to do with Bibles, or Messiahs.

...and dude, your ancestors did just move right in and push out the natives, that is your leftist narrative, remember? (not me, I'm a legal immigrant)

Grow some balls, grow some integrity you guys and concede what is the truth.
An Arab and a Jew talking about how bad Arabs can be... that's pretty impressive. But you'd need an American to give it more weight though.

Here's some UN human rights guy summing up what happened. Probably more objective.

- 58 protesters dead, including 12 children.
- unarmed, non-violent shot with live ammunition in the back, the chest, the head, limbs.
- Gaza under occupation, living in filth from birth to death. etc. etc.

Here is the thing... They get warned not to protest to the fence line and stay out of the buffer zone as there is a good chance the protest will turn violet since there where Hamas operatives in the crowd, and there is a good chance you would be shot and yet these parents of children still take there children to this have to ask for what purpose??? if you as an adult want to go and risk your life so be it but to take children I blame these tragic as it is.......
Their “birthright” to be there? You might be unknowingly holding Zionist political beliefs...


No just reprojecting their reason for being. My suspicion is that many of these import Israeli "Jews" are really Ashkenazi, whose maternal bloodlines are anything but Jewish; they are predominately, by DNA, early European.
Fair enough. They were warned.

It's "quiet for quiet" else we mow the lawn, again, ya animals. Why don't you go and create yourself a Singapore instead of living in slumps and turning to song, dance and political parties we don't like.

Say what? We blockaded your ports? Your own fisherman can't even go 200m from shore? No ship can enter? No airport? We control your power supply and only permit 3hr use a day? We control all checkpoints and maybe let 500 of you leave per year?

Stop whinging. People of our pure blood were in concentration camp a lot worst than these, and look how we turned out: Pure Semitic master race. Flourishing among the jungle full of savages - except the Saudis, and that dictator in Egypt is not too bad either.
They border on Egypt as well. Palestinians are made up of a lot of Egyptian and Jordanians.
Guess what, if you go to war with a country twice, dig tunnels under their cities to kidnap or pack it full of explosives and blow a city up, constantly send rockets or suicide bombers (occasional child bomber as well) - then probably not a good idea to rush a border despite being warned.

The jews went over the top. But they are fighting Iran in proxy wars now, so gloves are off.
Here is the thing... They get warned not to protest to the fence line and stay out of the buffer zone as there is a good chance the protest will turn violet since there where Hamas operatives in the crowd, and there is a good chance you would be shot and yet these parents of children still take there children to this have to ask for what purpose??? if you as an adult want to go and risk your life so be it but to take children I blame these tragic as it is.......

Who are the Israeli to put up a buffer zone on what's left of other people's land? If they want a buffer zone for their own safety, put it on their side.

If we're neighbours, would it be alright if I put a buffer zone on your side of the fence and shoot you and your family if they come close to your side of the fence? Can I say that I did warned you? That'd be all good with the judge who isn't my friend?

And when is it legal or justified to shoot unarmed people? These are sniper fire... meaning the shooter look through their scope, take aim and fire at their target.

Watch those news report and interview I linked to above. Witnesses and international observers there do not agree with the Israeli version of event. The fact that all the 12,000+ maiming and over 100 dead are Palestinian vs zero to the Israel kinda prove their point.

Parents of kids who got killed did stay way, way back away from the fence. They, I guess, reckon it is a right to peacefully protest for their rights.

I've heard a journalist there saying that parents of kids throwing rocks, of teenage boys going to the protest. They told their kids not to knowing what the Israeli will do. Kids don't always listen. There's one where a mother cried hysterically all day when she found out that he son went to the protest... only stopped when he returned home for the day.

But if we're to justify the killing of unarmed people, claiming that it's a right for the Israeli to defend their country. What about the rights of Palestinians? They have no right? They should live in slumps, on handouts, have no job, no means to start a family and shut the heck up about it?
But if we're to justify the killing of unarmed people, claiming that it's a right for the Israeli to defend their country. What about the rights of Palestinians? They have no right? They should live in slumps, on handouts, have no job, no means to start a family and shut the heck up about it?
Hamas generally pull a media stunt where they get their own people slaughtered.
They border on Egypt as well. Palestinians are made up of a lot of Egyptian and Jordanians.
Guess what, if you go to war with a country twice, dig tunnels under their cities to kidnap or pack it full of explosives and blow a city up, constantly send rockets or suicide bombers (occasional child bomber as well) - then probably not a good idea to rush a border despite being warned.

The jews went over the top. But they are fighting Iran in proxy wars now, so gloves are off.

This occupation of Palestinians are different to the wars they've been itching for with Iran. The Palestinians are already beaten... they've since been living under occupation.

Iran is an enemy because it's the only country in the Middle East that haven't folded yet. For warhawks and patriots in Washington, the mullahs in Iran have to be taught a lesson for daring to overthrow a perfectly good puppet back in 1978 [?].

For Israel, Iran is the only country standing in its way of regional hegemony. I don't know for a fact but am pretty sure that Iran do arm rebels and terrorists in countries Israel and Saudi Arabia want total control over. That's not cool Iran. You should leave those countries and their terrorists alone, be slaughtered then wait around as you become the only target.


As to Palestinian terrorism. I'm not excusing it. But to be fair and more objective, we'd have to look at not just the terrorism but the entire context. I mean, let say there's a child molester trying to pull the kid into his van; the kid kick, scream and broke the guy's nose. We can't look at that and say, kids nowadays... no respect for their elders.

As retired Israeli generals and historian have said, there was a choice between peace or expansion... Israel chose expansion and are willing to sacrifice the safety of its people for it.

You can't forced people into slumps, divert their fresh water to your own, take control of their most fertile land and aquifers... then tell them they should keep quiet and enjoy life.
Hamas generally pull a media stunt where they get their own people slaughtered.

The mainstream media are objective observers? Reporting truth and all that?

The Palestinians are poor, imprisoned people with nothing to give. Whatever they have that's worth giving the Israeli already took. Oil, gas reserves... fisheries... all gone. So no body gives two shiet about them. Maybe a few hippies and self-hating Jews.
Who are the Israeli to put up a buffer zone on what's left of other people's land? If they want a buffer zone for their own safety, put it on their side.

If we're neighbours, would it be alright if I put a buffer zone on your side of the fence and shoot you and your family if they come close to your side of the fence? Can I say that I did warned you? That'd be all good with the judge who isn't my friend?

And when is it legal or justified to shoot unarmed people? These are sniper fire... meaning the shooter look through their scope, take aim and fire at their target.

The bitterness and despair of the Palestinians in Gaza have been largely created by the way Israel has made life intolerable and unsustainable. The creation of the "buffer zones" on the Gaza side of the strip destroyed 35% of Gaza meagre agricultural land. The relentless expansion of the "buffer"zones has driven prople off their homes and farms, destroyed wells, infrastructure and any vegetation. Check out the full analysis of the legality of this continually expanding buffer zone.

Has anyone else read the intial story I posted? The destruction of 2 million peoples lives has no value in the Israeli mind.

2. Demolition of civilian property

With regard to demolition of property, since 2005, 305 water wells, 197 chicken farms, 6,377 sheep farms, 996 complete houses, 371 partial houses, three mosques, three schools, and six factories have been destroyed within the “buffer zone”. In addition, a total of 24.4 square kilometres of cultivated land has been leveled in the no-go and high risk zones, all representing civilian and/or cultural properties. Israel refuses to compensate Palestinians for the damages that it caused civilians as a result of its policy of destruction.

3. Restriction of access

The enforcement of the “buffer zone” results in Palestinians being unable to use property necessary for the production of food. It further results in a total or partial ban on access to a number of educational and religious institutions. Overall, the land restricted area is estimated at 17 percent of Gaza Strip’s total land mass, and 35 percent of its agricultural land.
Look up the Persian/arab relationship. There is a massive amount of history. To borrow from someone else:

  1. Arab invasion of Iran in the 7th century which lasted for two centuries.
  2. Iraqi invasion of Iran by the Saddam Hussein.
  3. Saudi Arabia's policy on spending millions of money to change the name of Persian Gulf.
  4. UAE's policy on claiming Iranian islands in the Persian Gulf.
And thats just a start.
They are also the wrong kind of Muslims according to other Muslims.
If you look at the maps Palestine is getting smaller and smaller over time. They're getting conquered, so they gotta send rockets and fight or embrace being totally conquered. Meanwhile Israel is playing the card “we have to defend ourselves from crazy people” . (limited knowledge of this issue....)