Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Despair in Gaza

I'd probably ignore a few of the guy's comments and opinions, but even this "neutral" video show where the settlements are.

Interesting how the Jews in the West Bank are portrayed as well heeled settlers with MacMansions, while over in Gaza the evicted Jews are threadbare. The settlements I recall were actually clusters of barn style houses or ghetto flats.
In 2016 Australias GDP per capita, $55671, was second only to Switzerland, while Palestines was $1997.

Where do they get the money for weapons and timeout for protests?

Israel was $33783.

All ex GST :rolleyes:
They don't have nuclear weapons or F-16's and rocks are dirt cheap.

Re-engineered rocks:

I don't know for certain but I don't think they buy it from the Palestinians. Buy it from the state of Israel.

Saw some years back one way this is done...

So illegal Israeli settlers would move to some Palestinian's land and camp there in their caravan/trailer. For safety and security, the IDF must then station there to protect their people.

One good way to protect people is to create a buffer zone where no Palestinian could step on. If the zone happen to be Palestinian farmland or home, tough titties... security first.

Then the Palestinian can either go complaint to someone who cares... in the meantime the land is left vacant.

Then, using some old Ottoman Imperial code regarding vacant/abandoned land... the Israeli took over. Waste not, want not.

Rinse, repeat and soon enough you get yourself a suburb or two. Get the Evangelical idiots around the world to help fund it and done.

If the Palestinian cry or whinge about it, you tell them to be quiet. If they get violent you literally go mow down their house, kick them off the land and get a bonus.
There is actually a doco on jews buying in Palestinians neighborhoods. They get security at their door when there is trouble and a payment for living there. Palestinians don't like it but get sick of the sht snd eventually sell out and move on.
So they're an Islamic, Brown, version of Europe?

I was referring to more recent history of Iran - Post WWII.

Iran was a secular, democratic state after the Poms pack their bags. But its then president got too greedy and wanted more royalty from the country's oil. So he could use it on his people and build stuff for the country.

The Poms, and BP, gave Eisenhower a call and soon operation Ajax return the Shah back to Iran. The good oil then keep flowing West, at very reasonable prices.

Then the Islamic Revolution overthrew the Shah, thereby removing one of the main pillar, as John Pilger quoted some AMerican planner as saying of Iran... removing a pillar of that Arab fascade with American imperialism.

Decades of sanctions still haven't completely crippled the Iranians. They're getting closer to the Russian and Chinese... hence the nuclear treaty that Trump just pulled out of.
Those points were pre and post WWII
Arabs don't consider Iran allies generally. But thats a whole other sht fight
There are, but not a lot. At least not from the footage of protests I saw in the last operation 2014 [?].

The people of Israeli are being played pretty well by their own gov't.

An example given by Finkelstein some years back was that when Israel massacre "Hamas" in Gaza and rockets/missiles were fired back into Israel. Those rockets rarely made it pass the buffer and farm land on Israel.

But the state security apparatus turn on bomb siren. Doing it throughout the day... with each siren forcing people to rush into bomb shelters all across the country.

There was an elderly lady with heart problem getting a stroke from one of those alarms. Guess who killed her? Hamas did.

But of course now and then you get a real terrorist attack to confirm all the alarms.
Is it the orthodox jews that don't believe in it?
They believe the second coming has to happen first (or some crap) before they are allowed to reclaim the land.
Pretty sure theres a few of them.
So the idea that the Arabs are all united and want to drive the Israelis into the sea (hence the need to shoot innocent Palestinians and for Uncle Sam to take out Iran :cautious:)... That's just nonsense.

It's been proven nonsensical since at least the 1968 war.

Not only true, It's been the Zionist strategy of Balkanization (divide and conquer) of the region from their beginnings. You have to give em credit, they are good at what they do. Strategically speaking.

There is actually a doco on jews buying in Palestinians neighborhoods. They get security at their door when there is trouble and a payment for living there. Palestinians don't like it but get sick of the sht snd eventually sell out and move on.

Yea I saw some footage of Palestinian living among the Jewish neighbours. Putting up with daily verbal abuse they eventually sell to get away.
Yea I saw some footage of Palestinian living among the Jewish neighbours. Putting up with daily verbal abuse they eventually sell to get away.
Imo, enough of the jews have moved to the extreme right. Any deals, or peace talks are off the table. Once dialogue is gone, its a shovel full of "fcuk you go die".
Palestinians can't claim total victim hood. They did all they could to sabotage any negotiations. Jews actions now are one of patience lost and the onset of entitlement thinking.
Yea, not sure why the animosity. They all look the same to me :D
What was the old saying about killing so many persians to get bonus points with Allah.
And to think jews, Christians, Muslims all believe in the same God and basically the same stories. Its like arguing which m&m color tastes better.
Imo, enough of the jews have moved to the extreme right. Any deals, or peace talks are off the table. Once dialogue is gone, its a shovel full of "fcuk you go die".
Palestinians can't claim total victim hood. They did all they could to sabotage any negotiations. Jews actions now are one of patience lost and the onset of entitlement thinking.

There weren't any serious negotiation. The Israeli offered nothing.

And why should they if we think about it. They got the money, the military hardware, the world's media, American politicians, the Evangelical Christians and their cash and votes; They also have history... who would seriously think that a group whose people have been hated all over Europe throughout history, came close to being wiped out by a crazy racist idiot... would turn around and do similar shiet.

I listen to an old lecture by Chomsky where he said that during the Oslo Accord, Arafat was offered pretty much jack... but because he's not in a position to do anything about it, he ask outloud how is he going to sell this deal to the Palestinians.

Taking all the fertile land; control and divert all the fresh water... a Palestinian are not permitted to dig their own wells. Seriously.

But of course when the Palestinian cannot accept "the offer", they're made out to be not for peace, greedy and want the destruction of Israel.
What was the old saying about killing so many persians to get bonus points with Allah.
And to think jews, Christians, Muslims all believe in the same God and basically the same stories. Its like arguing which m&m color tastes better.

When certain master planner want to go to war, they'll find some reason other than the real one.

Some British journalist, can't remember his name now, was saying how in Libya where they're all of the same sect.. it's the East Libyan hating the West Libyan so that's why they're fighting a civil war :xyxthumbs

This is a powerful form of activism. If anyone killed that child or even an unarmed Israeli in this fashion, it is to kill their own self. This isn't the same as suicide bombing. An army of such people would be a great problem for them.
Is it the orthodox jews that don't believe in it?
They believe the second coming has to happen first (or some crap) before they are allowed to reclaim the land.
Pretty sure theres a few of them.
Yeah from memory. There are some interesting youtubes with them complaining about Israel, so it just goes to show that the Bible can be used to also condemn the return of the Jews. So you got the evangelicals / Republicans/ Zionist Jews on one hand using the Bible to back their return , then you got the other view (also from the Bible). I don't know their belief well, just something about the Messiah coming and then the land is given to them, but in a peaceful ? manner.
Also, to Christianity, them getting exiled from the land for 2000 years? is a powerful sign that Jesus is the Messiah. In the OT God removes them from the land a few times for breaking the covenant. And after Christ's rejection, they have been exiled for almost forever . Now that they're back, it's a bit like Bible times again, since they're again continuously involved in war. Some obviously see it as a finality for human history, especially since nukes and a new non -Christian way of life is spreading everywhere throughout the West.
Also, the Mosque stands there as a significant obstacle to them. They have a need , both for cultural and religious reasons to rebuild their ancient temple (roughly in the same location). It's critical to their identity and religion.
It's not that they are favouring Jews over Arabs because of any particular liking for the Jews. It is because they believe that the Jews taking over Palestine fulfils some Biblical prophesy that requires it to happen before the 2nd coming and End Times I think. I don't have time to look it up now, but this link (which I haven't had time to fully read) explains it a bit.
I 've browsed other you tubes and they definitely like the Jews from what I remember. And they also believe it's their right to return.

It's a bit like the prosperity Gospel thing , in that's it's misguided . You'd think a Christian view would certainly not put pressure on natives or support taking away their rights, even if another people used to live there in the past. It obviously goes against charity. And some of them are changing there views from what I've seen.

Regard the prophecies I've heard about that as well but it's complicated. Don't know but it might be just some groups' interpretations, but nothing solid. Although there are other simpler prophecies of course that are easy to understand , and they mention stuff happening in their land . Now that they're here, I guess many Christians would be watching to see what happens.