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Coronavirus vaccine news

A quick snapshot of total vaccinations in selected countries shows that very few actually increase their daily rate:
It leaves me bemused why they actually call it a vaccine, it appears from what I read, that the AstraZeneca shot is designed to reduce the complications caused by the virus.
It leaves me bemused why they actually call it a vaccine, it appears from what I read, that the AstraZeneca shot is designed to reduce the complications caused by the virus.
Correct, they are gene therapy, not a vaccine, they do not stop you getting the virus, only reduce symptoms in most people, do not stop you transmitting it, do not stop people dying from the virus but you can die from the jab, which is not what we are told by TV presenters. How can you be able to travel if vaccinated when you can still get it and infect everyone else on the plane? People are being conned.
I think they are doing what they can with the available medication, probably why the Government isn't rushing to open the borders, but in turn that causes people not to rush and get a jab.
The only one that seems to give a vaccine style response appears to be the Pfizer mRNA shot, which currently has supply issues, I know the wife and I are hoping that it will become available to all.
But the longer the virus is kept in check, the more information is gained as to the effectiveness of all the so called vaccines, especially from places like the U.K, where accurate information will be correlated one would think.
I got my first shot of AstraZeneca vaccine mid last week.

When I went to the bulk injection place in the Old Exhibition Building it was mainly filled with wealthy looking educated people wearing suits/fashion who like me left work for an hour and walked up there.
They mostly appeared to be mainly professional class. Didn't see any tradie or retail types. Average age was closer to 50 than 65 though there was one elderly couple.

The woman I was following in line was a dead ringer of a 50 year old version of Sigourney Weaver! Hot as!

(Side effects were a bit of a headache and a bit tired the next day, I could feel my glands were a bit swollen and a desire to see a Sigourney Weaver movie)
Bring on opening up the economy!
@pozindustrial said "Correct, they are gene therapy, not a vaccine, they do not stop you getting the virus, only reduce symptoms in most people, ...."
They are in FACT vaccines that stimulate an antibody response. Gene therapy has a completely different purpose.
Most vaccinated people will not experience any covid symptoms as the antibody response will be effective.
It is possible for vaccinated people to be asymptomatic carriers. Indeed, this would be the biggest problem with a vaccine passport unless it was also accompanied by RAT or supplementary PCTR testing.
Your chances of dying from from a jab is less than 2 in a million.
But the longer the virus is kept in check, the more information is gained as to the effectiveness of all the so called vaccines, especially from places like the U.K, where accurate information will be correlated one would think.
Only partly true as variants will become the norm, and over time the rates of effectiveness of every vaccine is likely to change, and they are more likely to be less efficacious.
There you go, I thought the mRNA vaccines caused the body to build an immune system response, as it recognises the spike protein of any coronavirus.
Whereas the AstraZeneca was a form of flu jab specific to the Covid 19 strain, where a dose of 'dead' virus was injected so the body could recognise it and develop an antibody to fight it, but was specific to Covid-19 as that is the cell structure the body recognises.
Whether that same shot gives you protection from variants, is probably the question.

But I will defer to you Rob, as i know it is pointless saying any more.

From the article:

Messenger RNA (mRNA)​

mRNA vaccines use a genetic code called RNA to spark the production of the coronavirus’ specific spike protein. Once the mRNA enters the body’s cells, the cells use the instructions contained in the RNA to make the spike protein. Immune cells then recognise the spike protein as foreign and begin building an immune response against it. The RNA from the vaccine does not change or interact with our DNA in any way.


Protein based vaccines use a non-infectious component of the coronavirus, usually the spike protein. This protein is found on the surface of the virus and is manufactured in a laboratory. When the vaccine enters the body, immune cells recognise the spike protein as foreign. Immune cells then recognise the spike protein as foreign and begin building an immune response against it.
This scientist says that permanent DNA alteration which will be passed through future generations is entirely possible despite what the vaccine companies say. And if in a few months or years there are adverse effects (which could include death), this will be passed on too. It would be irreversible. Food for thought before you get the jab.

As of April 17 the reported (only a small percentage are reported) vaccine injuries were 330,218. Deaths from vaccines were 7,766. This is totally unacceptable, but why are we told it is OK? Would you like to be one of the permanently injured?

We are talking about the same thing.
The immune response is principally an antibody response, although memory T cells not only support antibody production, they also can kill virus infected cells.
As genes are not altered by mRNA vaccines it cannot be regarded as "gene therapy".
Yeah, already had my yearly flu jab so I've bit, or rather biting the bullet, get my AstraZenca shot on the 26th, next Wed.
Oh, and I'm all up for a Sigourney Weaver sci-fi heroine action flick too.
Vaers is the USA reporting service for Covid vaccine injuries, the above post was for Europe. At April 1 the deaths from Covid vaccines was 2,342 and the injuries were 56,869.

Most people in Australia are not told this information so they are led blindly to believe that the vaccines are safe and effective. They are neither. As an investor in stocks you like to have all the information and make decisions, you don't follow suggestions by news reporters, so why are you following TV presenters now? It is because you have found ways to discover other information about stocks, but not about vaccines.

This is the tip of the iceberg. Other questions are why effective drugs against Covid both for prevention and fast recovery like ivermectin, hydroxychloriquine and zinc which have been proven in many tests by doctors and hospitals have been banned when the drugs are safe, very effective, low cost and freely available? Why have governments denied access to these which would reduce deaths to near zero, protect frontline workers and dramatically reduce hospital stays?

Children's Health Defense. The centre of anti vaccination in the US.​

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Children's Health Defense is an American activist group mainly known for anti-vaccine activities. Much of the material put forth by the organization involves misinformation on vaccines.[1] It was founded and is chaired by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.[2] Established under the name World Mercury Project in 2016, it has been campaigning against various public health programs, such as vaccination and fluoridation of drinking water.[3] The group has been contributing to vaccine hesitancy in the United States, encouraging citizens and legislators to support anti-vaccine regulations and legislation.[4][5][6] Arguments against vaccination are contradicted by overwhelming scientific consensus about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.[7][8][9][10] The group is a registered 501c3 nonprofit.[11]

@pozindustrial has a track record for peddling dubious claims.
All emergency use vaccines have proved themselves effective, and are safe except to a fraction over one in million. With over a billion doses administered globally the evidence is somewhat overwhelming.
Those drugs proven effective are in use and his claims to the contrary just show how far the loonies go to peddle their nonsense. Meanwhile, treatments that have not shown promise, or have severe side effects, are still available but unlikely to be put to use for covid sufferers, especially where national health authorities advise against it.
Finally, it's not a question of people believing what they want, it's about how ignorance of data shows many are worshipping false gods.
The problem is that sites bringing us a range of information counter to govt info are systematically being censored and labeled‘misinformation’ while those critical sites do not offer counter arguments other than labeling them in a derogatory manner.
Drug cartels have far reaching tentacles, they use marketing and lobbyists at the highest levels to suppress information.
Reminds me of the expert scientific evidence given in courts claiming no adverse health affects from smoking. Also DDT, asbestos etc. All contrary to popular opinion until they were found out.
Both sides of the equation distribute information that suits them, usually with the passing of time the truth eventually appears, especially these days with the easy access to information and the ease of which that information can be shared.
I tend to think, because of the speed of which the 'vaccines' have been developed, all the data pertaining to the side effects will still be in the process of being gathered.
So at the moment I'm reluctant to have the jab, as time goes by a point will be reached where we all have to have the jab, until then i'll wing it.
Just my personal opinion.
Governments use medical science to guide them, independent from other interests.
I personally think they have leaned too heavily on the medicos and could have done better with mitigation strategies, but overall a good outcome so far.
@pozindustrial could read from The Lancet or the New England Journal of Medicine for the best available information, but has not done that! His points about smoking, asbestos and DDT were also incorrect as vested interests had bought lobbyists and scientists to dispute what was proven. It's the climate change argument all over as some of the same actors are involved to this day!
With regard to side effects, we have some good evidence already, and that's why AZ has copped a caning as deadly side effects are not yet obvious from other vaccines. Given the option I would personally prefer to take an inactivated vaccine "type" as they have been around for a long time and have low rates of very serious side effects.
I am also in no hurry to be vaccinated as my overseas travel plans are over a year away and the longer I can safely put it off, the better.
As an aside. Oddly, when I had my yearly flu jab that night I ended up with a headache and a few days later my partner had the same after her yearly flu jab. Thinking back, I seem to remember having the same reaction last year. Anyways, I digress...

I have two close medical professional friends working at the local Base Hospital, both had the AZ vaccine as soon as it become available locally.
One is female and has had her immune system compromised due to chemo a couple of years ago and she is in her early fifties. She was very worried about the AZ as the chemo has affected her adversely, for example, she has a weak heart (dilated cardiomyopathy), is now lactose intolerant and is very susceptible to picking up a bugs like flu/cold and tummy bugs.

The other mate, a male, suffers from diabetes, will be 70 this year and is working 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off until his long service leave is used up and then will retire, again. Lucky bugger, lol! Although he did retire when he turned 65, that only lasted six months before being accepted back into his old role.

Within 24 hours of the jab, both reported fever like chills and flu like symptoms which lasted about a day or so. Of course this is understandable as the body builds up the defense against Covid.

My mate was back at work within two days however, my female friend due to her heart issue (dizzy and fainting spells) ended up in ICU on the third night after the AZ jab. She was closely monitored and given treatment as necessary, O2 etc. She recovered and was back home after 48 hrs and back at work after a week.

So yes, she was obviously high risk but both have survived the initial first dose. Has their experience influenced my decision?
Not in any way. I was in the wait and see group but as a pro-vaxxer, I've done a complete 180 and said to hell with it, just get it over and done with.
If I don't make it that means my number's up. Plus side, I already have my affairs in order. I'll try to post up what, if any reaction I have to the AZ vaccine later next week.
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