Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum



9 July 2004
I thought it might be interesting to open a thread about predictions of the future. As a matter of full disclosure I am absolutely skeptical about any of these, especially in light of the l predictions of climate doom over the last half century or so.

What prompted me was the reportage of the predictions of Baba Vanga. Earlier this year reported her predictions of nuclear disaster by the end of 2023:

Given the state of the world, I don't think anyone could have discounted the possibility, and we still do have a few weeks to go in 2023, but this one at least does not seem to have come true.

In today's news she gives her predictions for 2024:

Once again keeping the state of the world none of these predictions outside of the bounds of possibilities.

Let's follow along and see how these and other predictions go :)
As we in Australia have very little, if any effect on the world, we should probably keep our predictions local.
If the world turns to $hit so do we, that is unavoidable and worrying about it is pointless IMO, the only things Australia can change is what it can control.
As we in Australia have very little, if any effect on the world, we should probably keep our predictions local.
If the world turns to $hit so do we, that is unavoidable and worrying about it is pointless IMO, the only things Australia can change is what it can control.

Ok, what year will your beloved national treaty get up? :p
Owed lol. .
Well even in our system of common law, if say the council wants to run a road through your block of land they have to compensate you for it.

Or if someone walks onto your front lawn and takes your lawn mower, that is called stealing and if you can prove they took it from you, the court will make the person who took it give you restitution.

So if you apply logics, the aboriginals were here, people came here and just walked in and took the land off them, now whether they have had a good deal or a bad deal is beside the point, under the application of our laws they actually should have been compensated for it.

That is just back to basics applying logics and I wasn't born here, so I don't have any skin in the game.

But obviously the Governments over the years have kept the issue alive, so it isn't going away, therefore it has to be sorted.

The voice was a vehicle for allowing the high court to sort it IMO, but it was a sledgehammer to crack a walnut and was treated as such.
As usual just my opinion and is worth what it costs. :xyxthumbs
Well even in our system of common law, if say the council wants to run a road through your block of land they have to compensate you for it.

Or if someone walks onto your front lawn and takes your lawn mower, that is called stealing and if you can prove they took it from you, the court will make the person who took it give you restitution.

So if you apply logics, the aboriginals were here, people came here and just walked in and took the land off them, now whether they have had a good deal or a bad deal is beside the point, under the application of our laws they actually should have been compensated for it.

That is just back to basics applying logics and I wasn't born here, so I don't have any skin in the game.

But obviously the Governments over the years have kept the issue alive, so it isn't going away, therefore it has to be sorted.

The voice was a vehicle for allowing the high court to sort it IMO, but it was a sledgehammer to crack a walnut and was treated as such.
As usual just my opinion and is worth what it costs. :xyxthumbs
If nothing else it highlights the almost impossible problem of separating what one WANTS to be from what one might rationally calculate will be.

For everyone, extreme, objective, detached "soothsaying" is not exactly what we are evolved for.
... and the Simpsons have been pretty accurate TBH 😲

Lol Simpsons has said a lotta stuff over a lotta years, man. Gotta get some lucky hits sooner or later. Maybe a future lower IQ humanity will argue over the correct prophetic interpretation of such and such Simpsons episode, like fundamentalists do parts of the Bible.
Lol Simpsons has said a lotta stuff over a lotta years, man. Gotta get some lucky hits sooner or later. Maybe a future lower IQ humanity will argue over the correct prophetic interpretation of such and such Simpsons episode, like fundamentalists do parts of the Bible.

You do realise this is all tongue in cheek?