Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Fascist future

Totally agree but I am old enough to remember the yellow plague, rage against Vietnamese etc but Asians have been a huge benefit to Oz

Note Hanson won a seat running anti Asian agenda.
'Charlie don't surf'
A good thing?

Out the back of Granites, Streaky Bay SA. theres 'the Indicator ' ... you know this spot by any chance? I've still got the scars.
i don't know if you spent time in London Mox.. I have and have scars to prove it.:
It's a place where you put a match stick between two blades of a stanley knife so that when you slash someones cheek ( the eastend smile :} it leaves an indelable scar because of the flesh it removes ... not my particular expirence, but not one uncommon
London is one of the most violent cities on the planet.
I ran a pub in the East End pub for 12 months int the mid nighties; ever heard of a bloke known as 'the Guv'na' ? google him and the the gypsye; it's a minute and you will not forget... Or watch more closely 'Lock Stock and Two Smoke'n Barrels' for his appearence.
The pub I ran? the holding lease was operated out of a another pub toward WhiteChaple called the Guv'n's ... see if you can make the connection.

Sorry but 'da' world especially London ain't as 'twee' as some want it to be. even without mental cases on the streets.
Take yourself on avisit to Spittal fields one day and an histirical tour, the guts of the prostitutes decorating the walls, High class decorator so they say.

Jullian Dicks? Westham??? ..... 'The Pirahnas ' 'Gett'n Beat'n Up'

Beggs the question: have some of you blokes ever lived?
There was an interesting movie about the 1990's period in the U.K, well worth a watch, should bring back memories.

The U.K doesn't have the loud and brash crime scene of the U.S, but there are plenty of hard ar$e nasty people in the U.K, not a place to get out of line in.
When my sons were about 20 I paid for them to go and visit my relatives (1996}, I had never been back at that time, when they returned they couldn't get over how agro young people are there.

Thankfully a lot of the inbred U.K anger issues, have been bred out in Aus. There is a reason Putin keeps threatening the U.K and it isn't because he likes them, Churchill wanted to keep on going through Russia after Germany. ;)

By the way. I've never surfed Streaky Bay, but have tried Cactus beach a hundred years ago, well early 1970's, just out of Penong, nice left and right break. :xyxthumbs

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'Charlie don't surf'
A good thing?

Out the back of Granites, Streaky Bay SA. theres 'the Indicator ' ... you know this spot by any chance? I've still got the scars.

Never had the pleasure of surfing in SA the great white attacks always put me off as a young bloke that's before the attacks kick off here in WA where we are now at a greater risk than the South Aussies although tragically the SA area has had a run lately.

Did drop into Streaky Bay on the way home last year with the intentions of surfing Granites, the town was very friendly in a way Margaret River isn't, everyone waves, unfortunately we had to head home early.

The area did have "Jaws music" playing in the background feel about it.
Thankfully a lot of the inbred U.K anger issues, have been bred out in Aus. There is a reason Putin keeps threatening the U.K and it isn't because he likes them, Churchill wanted to keep on going through Russia after Germany. ;)

Not unique to Churchill - but I think it's mainly General Patton who is remembered for the proposition to go medieval on Stalin's regime. I suppose they "woulda" if they reasonably "coulda".
i don't know if you spent time in London Mox.. I have and have scars to prove it.:
It's a place where you put a match stick between two blades of a stanley knife so that when you slash someones cheek ( the eastend smile :} it leaves an indelable scar because of the flesh it removes ... not my particular expirence, but not one uncommon
London is one of the most violent cities on the planet.
I ran a pub in the East End pub for 12 months int the mid nighties; ever heard of a bloke known as 'the Guv'na' ? google him and the the gypsye; it's a minute and you will not forget... Or watch more closely 'Lock Stock and Two Smoke'n Barrels' for his appearence.
The pub I ran? the holding lease was operated out of a another pub toward WhiteChaple called the Guv'n's ... see if you can make the connection.

Sorry but 'da' world especially London ain't as 'twee' as some want it to be. even without mental cases on the streets.
Take yourself on avisit to Spittal fields one day and an histirical tour, the guts of the prostitutes decorating the walls, High class decorator so they say.

Jullian Dicks? Westham??? ..... 'The Pirahnas ' 'Gett'n Beat'n Up'

Beggs the question: have some of you blokes ever lived?
I'm from a fighter background that cut his teeth in a drug infested area. There's nothing I haven't seen.
I'm aware of the names you mentioned. There was an unofficial code amongst them and none would tolerate the sht going on now.

You wouldn't have pulled those names if you were immersed in that world and not just a casual observer. None of them would tolerate what's happening in London. They weren't just violent but would also keep the peace in the area or sort problems.

Today most of them wouldn't last two minutes. They are so far apart from the rubbish getting around on London's streets now that there is no comparison.

You want to tell me the mass rape by grooming gangs would be tolerated in those circles?
Na that was the domain of Gary Glitter and Jimmy Savile. The same circles championing whats going on now.

The stabbings of soldiers and children?
None of that would stand. It's not a comparison in any measure. I think deep down you know it as well.

You cannot flood immigrants into a country in the numbers they are and make things better.
Check the statistics on Germany and migrants on welfare. You also shouldn't be stealing other countries best and brightest just to stop the west's stupid economic model from blowing up.

Mass Islamic migration from the third world is madness. They are both a political group that hates everything the left stands for and a cult religion that has no problem killing anyone that speaks against it. In the end the right will probably find they have more in common with them. While the left starts to realise they fked up. There are areas from which Islamic migration is fine though.

I know your point was the violence is a constant. I'm saying the violence today is nothing like that of yesteryear. It's policed differently from both sides. It's not some 20 man gang. It's hundreds of thousands that are infiltrating politics and swaying the law. It's a huge mistake in my opinion.
I'm from a fighter background that cut his teeth in a drug infested area. There's nothing I haven't seen.
I'm aware of the names you mentioned. There was an unofficial code amongst them and none would tolerate the sht going on now.

You wouldn't have pulled those names if you were immersed in that world and not just a casual observer. None of them would tolerate what's happening in London. They weren't just violent but would also keep the peace in the area or sort problems.

Today most of them wouldn't last two minutes. They are so far apart from the rubbish getting around on London's streets now that there is no comparison.

You want to tell me the mass rape by grooming gangs would be tolerated in those circles?
Na that was the domain of Gary Glitter and Jimmy Savile. The same circles championing whats going on now.

The stabbings of soldiers and children?
None of that would stand. It's not a comparison in any measure. I think deep down you know it as well.

You cannot flood immigrants into a country in the numbers they are and make things better.
Check the statistics on Germany and migrants on welfare. You also shouldn't be stealing other countries best and brightest just to stop the west's stupid economic model from blowing up.

Mass Islamic migration from the third world is madness. They are both a political group that hates everything the left stands for and a cult religion that has no problem killing anyone that speaks against it. In the end the right will probably find they have more in common with them. While the left starts to realise they fked up. There are areas from which Islamic migration is fine though.

I know your point was the violence is a constant. I'm saying the violence today is nothing like that of yesteryear. It's policed differently from both sides. It's not some 20 man gang. It's hundreds of thousands that are infiltrating politics and swaying the law. It's a huge mistake in my opinion.
I managed a pub, a regular news letter was delivered on the state of the industry.
To go to the your point of statisics; a number was included of 'glassing incidents in the UK' per year. That was the mid 90's .... guess a number write it down and now go and find out what it is today mid 2020's and pop that into the thread. To better the general knowledge.

I don't kwow if the technique of rapidly stabbing someone multiple times with a stanley knife is a common practice in Romainia. But it's hard to imagine a the mad Romainian living in London would be unaware of such, given UK knife laws... monkey see monkey do.

Ironically the the fella's who managed the overaching Pub leases were active Masons and not unkind to Hitler's memory until; even back then I was across the Nazi's 'opinion' of the Freemasons. Gave'm something to think about while slapping their aprons that night.
Wouldn't be the first to unknowingly dig their own graves.

'the Batth Party Purge' ... 'godbless' Saddam for recording that.
That's Trumpism all over.
That'smacronism WEF and "socialism" all over it.
Jailing Telegram owner for allowing free speech , preventing free travel and forcing FB censorship to push Biden/Kamala propaganda...or jailing people for posting
Isn't it the definition of fascism?
But the left believes that if It is done in their twisted view of the common good, it is blessed.
But yes, we are turning into a fascist, socialist dangerous mess where we are now catching up to Russia and China
What a sad irony.
Robert Reich has threatened that Elon should be locked up for "too much free speech".
Guys like walz and retards like Harris are actually the greater danger for Americans.

Walz is rabid wokeist. He's the guy giving out tampons to trans in his state. Also had brutal lockdowns from memory. These turds are authoritarians. It emboldened a lot of other leftist authoritarians to goose step with their policies.

I noticed Brazil just censored x. Government and the rich control the media.
Back to the Future

Even had Rev on the front line. God Power indeed.

American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell marches in protest of Martin Luther King Jr. - Chicago, IL 1964


Quiz Question of the Day

Why was George Rockwell and his Nazi sidekicks mates sitting in the front row of a huge all black auditorium ? ( No it's not a mock up)

Obviously Zuckerburg took it seriously.
Such craven subservience. He is scared.
Probably hedging bets. If he is genuinely scared then something illegal probably went on and he's worried about a paper trail.
Elon is also creating support for free speech. It's actually proving to be a powerful counter to the elite bs.