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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
According to Our world Data , Gibraltar is the most vaxed place on earth.
It has been at a level higher than 99% since about mid June this year.
And yet despite this, according to Govt of Gibraltar
Note that word exponential.
It seems that as soon as winter hits, cases soar, even if 100% of people are fully vaxed.
Epidemiologists are suggesting the new metric be hospitalisations for vaccinated nations, as the old ratio of cases to deaths has fallen by the wayside, especially as treatment protocols have also improved.
Here's Gibralta's situation, proving the value of vaccinations:

Cases are not translating to deaths as they did in the past.

"There are 359 active cases of COVID-19 in Gibraltar today, 57 new cases today (72 yesterday), 5 hospitalisations (1 of which is in the CCU), and a total of 440 persons in isolation. This is in part a reflection of the high rate of testing of Gibraltar residents which allows us to catch many more positive cases than would happen elsewhere. However, it is also part of a trend which can be witnessed all over Europe where the number of positive cases are on an upward spiral."


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Apart from unthinkingly parroting the bureaucratic narrative, I'm still wondering how a personal medical choice with potentially lifelong ramifications, is selfish?
You guys do realise Gibraltar is really small, the wife and I walked from one end to the other, including climbing over the top, in 5 hours?
It is only 6.8klm/sq and only has 33,000 residents.
Apart from unthinkingly parroting the bureaucratic narrative, I'm still wondering how a personal medical choice with potentially lifelong ramifications, is selfish?

Firstly, it is not unthinkingly parroting the bureaucratic narrative. The narrative has achieved the desired results when followed, so that suggests the narrative is correct. It is not an exact science and knowledge is still evolving, but largely serious illness has been contained where vaccinations are combined with the appropriate social measures. It is where deviations from the narrative have taken place that things have got out of hand. That is why many countries are experiences serious illnesses predominantly among the unvaccinated and an increase in infection when the social measure are eased too soon. Your narrative, devoid of scientific backing, has produced results that do not support your narrative. According to your narrative, vaccines do not prevent infection or prevent transmission. I have shown in my recent posts that this is false, as studies have proven the opposite to be true. I know you do not accept any evidence that doesn't support your narrative, but I can do little about that if you won't educate yourself.

Secondly, a medical choice has to be seen in the context of society as a whole and not just your personal wellbeing. If one choses not to be vaccinated and then hibernates in the mountains for months on end, then it has no consequence. But if one choses not to be vaccinated and takes no precautions regarding mask wearing and social distancing, then that can be seen as a selfish choice if one insists on commingling with others, particularly if there are vulnerable people among them who, for whatever reason, cannot get vaccinated themselves or as part of their job have to attend to you in circumstances where it is not possible to observe the social precautions.

You won't see that as selfish (which you obviously don't) as you hold the false belief that vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. But we have clinical results proving you wrong. So while you may regard someone who choses to remain unvaccinated and not observe the social precautions which continuing to commingle with the rest of society as not being selfish, those who understand the science would disagree.
And in another potentially good news rsult, Australian researhcers may have found a way to make mRna vaccines more effective with fewer unpleasant side effects.
From Todays OZ
One hopes that further research does not bring up any gotchas.
An odd statement there.

Research is never static so obviously there will be new information and assessments.
I was thinking about the early 2020 promising initial research in Queensland onCovid vaccines that got halted when it turned out the vaccine gave false positive reaction to HIV.
Killed it stone dead.
Well, if you read the ABC article, what Kelly has initially claimed is true.
Namely that the hospitals are full of vaccinated people.
The problem is the next conclusion drawn from the data, namely that the bvaccination caused the hospitalisation, rather than the effects of the virus.
But as we have seen so often, so few people understand the difference between correlation and causation.

Your claim is utter tosh.

The majority are unvaccinated and that has been the situation from the get go. Breakthrough infections will account for a number of the vaccinated patients but that was expected plus they may have other conditions such as cancer, diabities which is exacerbated by being infected with Covid.

NSW alone

And to add

"Less than 2% of people admitted to intensive care in New South Wales in the first 11 weeks of the recent outbreak were fully vaccinated, the latest NSW Health weekly surveillance report shows.

The document, which gives a breakdown of the vaccination status of all those who enter the hospital system with COVID-19, also shows that none of the 15 fully vaccinated patients who died of the disease were under 70."

There is a link to the full report in the article which is here.

It might be worth pondering the definition of "unvaccinated" when viewing published statistics.

To my understanding, a person is still considered to be unvaccinated, until a full 14 days have elapsed, since receipt of their second jab.

So, if vaccine injury were to cause an influx of hospital patients, those patients would likely be categorised as "unvaccinated" (i.e. single dose, or too soon after second dose to be deemed vaccinated).
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Ok, here is the quote from the ABC article posted
With more than 90 per cent of over 16s having now received at least one jab, it's no surprise that vaccinated people are more likely to be represented in hospital data, a point Fact Check has previously explained.
Thats is what I quoted, and you can argue whether its Tosh , but tell it to the ABC.Go back and read the article if you don't believe me.
I was highlighting the differences between causation and correlation, which seemed to have not been understood by Kelly et al.

If 100% of the entire population is vaccinated then 100% of patients admitted to hospital will be vaccinated.

But that wasn't the aim of the trash Kelly posted.
If 100% of the entire population is vaccinated then 100% of patients admitted to hospital will be vaccinated.

But that wasn't the aim of the trash Kelly posted.
And what a perfect smoke screen, such high vaccination rates, have created!

Just as their makers intended!!
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This is the best speech I have ever heard on vaccination and I agree with it 100%.

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