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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
Sweden was far and away the worst of the Scandinavian countries in terms of deaths per million, with 3 times more dead than Denmark, 7 times more than Finland, and nearly 9 times more than Norway:

Even India and Indonesia had lesser death rates.
China, with the hardest lockdowns of all, along with technological tracking and mass testing strategies, proved the value of firm containment measures.
Little wonder that Murdoch's media is treated more like an entertainment medium.
China figures are solid and honest.
At last, some potential good news.
From Todays Oz

As Australia enjoys its COVID freedom the challenge of COVID getting away again can't be ignored.
Unfortunately there are a number of countries that have seen infections and severe illnesses/death skyrocket since opening their economies. They are now having to re introduce restrictions .

The good news for Australia is that our level of vaccination seems to be much higher than these countries. The infections, particularly teh severe ones are concentrated in unvaccinated people.

Denmark, Norway, Germany. Czech Republic are amongst these countries.

I have a contrarian viewpoint on this whole Covid-19 situation now - totally unorthodox. Get your jabs, then go and get Delta on purpose and be done with it. If given that option, l'd do it right now. But we are not allowed to talk about natural immunity. It's banned. Instead of vaccinated or unvaccinated, it should be, do you have immunity or not?

Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus

breakthrough infections

It's also very, very, very interesting how the media was going bananas on Florida and De Santis (and were blaming him) only a few months ago, now Florida has one of the lowest Covid per capita cases in the USA, but now the media is silent. LOL. Florida has taken a 'feel sick, go and get treatment ASAP, which includes the use of monoclonal antibodies' (which Joe Rogan was mocked for, but Fauchi endorsed)

What happened to Sweden?
What about Norway?
What about Holland?

Norway and Holland opened up, now they are going back into lockdown/reinstating social distancing measure.

Maybe Nils Anders Tegnell was right all along...???

Brett Sutton has unloaded on the Federal Government for its road map out of Covid.
From The Australian
And why is there deferred care, elective surgery cancellations and postponed screening?
Because Sutton, in his capacity as CHO, closed it all down.
it was his health advice that allowed Genghis Dan to enforce lockdowns, bring on curfews, not once but six times.
It was his advice that allowed Dan to close down the construction industry and all hell broke loose.
So a problem that is largely of his making, is now the a problem of the feds, and their road map is all wrong.
The states shut up shop then demand that the feds pay the cost via job keeper, etc.
Wouldn't mind betting that Sutton will have a career in politics coming up soon.
Thank God. This will save me having to check their Vax status before they come on my property to save my house, sheds and livestock.


Just thinking of yourself? No concern for the safety of the volunteers?

If they have to attend a person's property, then they are less likely, as we know, to transmit COVID than if they were not vaccinated. That's only half the story. But what about these brave volunteer heroes themselves. They will attend properties and rescue anyone whether that person is vaccinated or not, putting themselves at additional risk. We know many unvaccinated are a selfish lot more concerned about their so called rights than the safety of others. Do you think such self-centred "I'm all right Jacks" will refrain from calling fire services because they may expose these volunteers to unnecessary risks? I doubt it very much. At least the volunteers being vaccinated gives them more protection from these types of people.
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This is where we are at?
Do you have any idea where this type of thinking leads?
Yes, to caring more about others than your own selfish needs and demands.

I'm still wondering how a medical choice has transmogrified into selfishness?

Given that the vaccine does not stop infection or transmission at all, but merely reduces symptoms in most, the vaccinated or more of a danger to unvaccinated and the other way around.

What you were doing by drinking the kool-aid in this regard is indulging in otherising people.

Hmmm I seem to recall history being replete with examples where this did not end very well, including one very famous example roughly, oh, about 85 years ago.

To belabour the point once again, this is not ebola and is very little threat to ordinary healthy people.
When ya house is burning down, the last thing ya gunna worry about is whether the firefighters are vaxed or not.
Just sayin.

Thank you Mull. Precisely. That is why getting vaccinated now when not in a life threatening situation is best for all concerned, but particularly for those volunteers who will come to your rescue regardless.
Given that the vaccine does not stop infection or transmission at all, but merely reduces symptoms in most, the vaccinated or more of a danger to unvaccinated and the other way around.

Google is your friend. Get educated. The understanding has moved on in the last year.

These are all months old articles.
It's misleading as the vaccines protection wane over 9 months.
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