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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
Fox News lol I'll let Rupert do yours for you
Perhaps horsey folk have more than the normal number of non compliant rebels and data/risk-benefit crunchers. Perhaps there are so many of us that are not reliant on jobs where there are vax mandates...

... But I have started collating the numbers in my circle of friends, colleagues and clients. Although there are a fair few that have caved through economic necessity (and interestingly it is very common for the partner's of those people to not be vaxt); and Slough Ihaven't really finished adding up everyone I can find out about, it seems that there are at least 40% of my sample who do not intend to be vaccinated any time in the near future.

And that is a mixture of hard no's and waiting for more longer term data.

The other interesting thing is that I do ask the question about each of these people's circle of influence and they also report similar sort of numbers anecdotally.

Again with the caveat of the type of people I hang out with, I find it difficult to believe the vaccination numbers that the government is reporting.

Sorry mrs Wayne, but on this I will have to disagree with you.
The figures put out by the government on people vaccinated are going to be too difficult to fudge to get away with it.
Standard procedures on bull**** stats is to (a) have as few people involved in the lie,
(b) make it difficult to disprove them.
In the case of (a), there are so many people involved in the vaccination process, it would be virtually impossible to fidge on anything except a tiny scale.
In the case of )b), you have so many agencies reporting the date, once again it would be difficult to fudge the figures on a grand enough scale to affect them materially.
Your anecdotal evidence does not translate easily to a national scal.
the converse to your experience is that in my circle of friends and acquaintances, say of 200 people , I only know two people who have not been at least single vaxed, and don't plan to do so,.
Lets say thats less than 5% given that I don't know the status of a some people as we have not discussed it.
The published vaccine uptake stats, do seem to be roughly consistent with observations from my own circle of acquaintances. Some, place full faith in the recommendations of their chosen GP, others, have reluctantly accepted, primarily due to either workplace mandates, or the desire to regain some of their stolen freedom. A scant few, have been able to hold out, in the face of increasing legislative and peer pressure.
Yep I accept that, hence my qualifying comments. It still does make me wonder however... Rightly or wrongly I am deeply cynical about any government stats.

30 odd years have looking at "official" economic numbers has made me so.
Again with the caveat of the type of people I hang out with, I find it difficult to believe the vaccination numbers that the government is reporting.

I think the figures quoted are over East, of my four kids, only one has had it. I also read an article that said only 255 of indigenous had received the shot, I think that was in W.A as well.
I think the figures quoted are over East, of my four kids, only one has had it. I also read an article that said only 255 of indigenous had received the shot, I think that was in W.A as well.
That should have read 25%, obviously the shift key didn't engage, or my brain, one of the two.
The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee met on Tuesday October 26 to discuss authorizing the Pfizer vaccine for children between the ages of 5 to 11 years old, at which they did authorise the use of the vaccine.
From Zero Hedge

In any other sphere, the conflict of interests would preclude them from even attending, much less from voting.
Imagine if you will, if the Climate commission was going to vote on whether BP would be allowed to sell petroleum based products in Australia, and some of them had worked for, consulted for, advised to or had already expressed support fro the selling of, BP products.
Or perhaps if a committee that was meeting to approve the sale of cigarettes made by Phillip Morris had ex Phillip Morris execs and consultants.
It could only happen in America.
Excellent story on ABC highlighting how Israel has manged to successfully deal with COVID after a huge jump a couple of months ago,
Short story. A national booster shoot, and a balance of mask mandates, enforcement of the green pass system and widespread testing with a combination of PCR and rapid antigen tests have also played a part.
According to Todays OZ

Queensland has stood down on full pay, some 4,000 health workers.
I wonder how many of them actually are vaccinated, but just refuse to give their status.
You get stood down on full pay, so why the hell not?
Australians are a resourceful lot when it comes to getting money for nothing.
Queenslanders do a lot of strange things.
Queensland’s health minister has defended the state’s decision to continue to make overseas arrivals quarantine for 14 days despite a relaxation of rules in other states.

From Monday, both home and hotel quarantine requirements were scrapped in NSW and Victoria for returning Australians.

Queensland will keep quarantine until the state’s vaccination coverage reaches 90 per cent, which it is projected to in early 2022.
A cynic would suggest this stance is because it would mean that the 100mill they have paid the Wagners to use the quarantine camp at Wellcamp would be a white elephant. It may still be a white elephant if all the overseas arrivals choose to arrive in the other states first.
Unless they check the passports of arrivals from interstate, can't see how this won't be bypassed.
The Qld health minister may need to wear steel shoes to protect her feet.
Wondering which of you brownshirts would cheer this on?

Not sure what was the dominant vaccine in Germany, but according to the LA times, the efficacy of three vaccines (meaning the only ones available in the USA), have declined sharply over time. Like Germany, it looks like we will all be lining up for the booster dose within six months.

Just looking at the headlines about the report from NSW Chief Health Officer on the Delta outbreak

Current death rates are fully vaccinated 11% deaths, unvaccinated 0.07% deaths, perhaps they need to release more data.

They say that those who were vaccinated were frail and elderly, going to die anyway (implication) so don't worry about that.

But they do not give the same details of those who died unvaccinated, I distinctly recall that the daily news reports did include that info and at least half had the "underlying health problems" mentioned and the vast majority were senior citizens

Yes, there were people in their 30's who died, which is terrible and I am not saying that Covid is a scam but I am saying that we are still being treated like mushrooms

I realise that the number of unvaccinated people who got Delta is much higher but at the start the majority of people were not vaccinated. I am unable to find the NSW chart of progress but the OZ one shows that in the time frame the Vacc rate jumped from 20% to 67% or an extra 12m people got vaxed.

As some of the states are still lagging I am sure that most of the huge surge was in NSW and Vic, so in the early days of the outbreak the majority of folk were unvaxed.

It was only after the outbreak that folks decided to get jabbed so the data is misleading at best.

We can also add the despicable act of allowing people to become seriously ill before getting any support from the so called Health Prevention people into the mix and I can understand why the nurses are more worried about the vaccine than Covid
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