Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

It's got more to do with Putin's snookums not getting voted in IMO.


Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

Thats not the only test for Obama there's an even more sinister challenge for him that makes Russia look like a weakling -

Rudd, Obama discuss future challenges
By Online parliamentary correspondent Emma Rodgers

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says he and US President-elect Barack Obama have committed to working together on the global financial crisis and the threat of climate change.

Mr Rudd spoke to Mr Obama this morning and he believes Australia will continue a strong relationship with the United States.

Bush must be pissing himself laughing.
Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

As I understand it when the Soviet Union broke up there were agreements from Nato,that they would not take advantage by moving in to the old soviet satellites.
This did not last long before advantage was taken of Russian weakness and the Russian ally Serbia was bombed....just to show Russia how powerless they were(Nato broadened the bombing from Kosovo to Serbia)
Then they armed and trained a hostile Georgia on Russian borders....this led to an attack on Russian interests.
The placement of so called defence system missiles in Poland was another need to do that.
I see it as Russia trying to win back self-respect and it goes down well the Russian population as well.
To make too much more of it is an over-reaction.
Russia ,unlike the US,has a history of being invaded.The last by Hitler ended up costing nearly 20 million Russian lives.
If they are paranoid about potential enemies getting too is understandable.
Remember how we were going to have WW3 when Russia (as a retaliation for US missiles in Turkey) put missiles into Cuba.
All of us little boys lived in fear !
Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

While Russia pushes US area of influence from the East, China pushes it from the west.

From ABC web site today

"Taiwan independence

China also urged Mr Obama to oppose independence for Taiwan, saying the issue is key to good relations between China and the US.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman has called on America to stop selling arms to Taiwan and to honour the one-China policy, which sees Taiwan as part of mainland China.

China and Taiwan have been holding landmark talks this week.

Earlier this afternoon, Taiwan's president became the first leader in Tapei to meet a senior Chinese official since the two sides split in 1949. "

My interpretation of this is, if US wants China to bail it out, the price is Taiwan independence.

Any comments??
Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

I agree with Robert Toms, the US has bought this upon themselves, they have been encircling Russia with arms and US Satellite states ever since the breakdown of the Soviet Union. The Russians have every right to be angered at the Actions that the US has taken. Just imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and Russia or China were setting up Alliances with Canada, Mexico, Cuba etc? I would have a guess that the Americans would not be very happy.

This Along with the fact that the US has openly stated in there Project for a New American Century (PNAC) that they will take all actions to remain the SOLE superpower of the world, I'm not surprised Russia has finally awoken and will not put up with Western Imperialism anymore.

The news that comes out of Russia has more truth to it than what comes from the US and the Rest of the Western World. I wouldn't be surprised if America, or the powerful men behind America, "Generates a crises" (as Joe Biden has said) that will put The West vs the Rest on a collision course for war (such as the Georgian episode), as a method of kick starting there economy once again, War makes for good profit!

With Obama at the helm and the backing of the people, it wouldn't be to hard to ramp up the populace to support a War in the name of "Freedom and Hope" :rolleyes: . . as if any war is actually fought for Freedom and Hope, what a joke this world is we live in.

Russia is making the most of the current US situation and I don't see why they shouldn't, seeing that the US would do the exact same thing.

Australia is in a very difficult situation if tensions between the East and West rise. :eek:
Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

There is no evidence that in the matter of foreign policy Obama has any strengths. He gives every appearance of being weak in this area in the same mould as Jimmy Carter. The Iranians completely humiliated Carter over a long period during the American Embassy hostage fiasco and the country suffered a lot of angst. Just to rub it in the Iranians didn't release the hostages until Reagan had taken over.

The Iranians now have a stronger bargaining chip than hostages. They will do this bloke off a break.
Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

With Obama at the helm and the backing of the people, it wouldn't be to hard to ramp up the populace to support a War in the name of "Freedom and Hope" :rolleyes: . . as if any war is actually fought for Freedom and Hope, what a joke this world is we live in.

Obama has a mandate to withdraw US troops from Iraq (since it was a core election promise). The American public realise that war is incredibly expensive and I don't think they would support an ideological 'nation-building' war at this time. Russia knows this.
Obama's Team

Let's start with an easy one ... Lieberman is unlikely to feature in the top jobs ;)

Lieberman Must Go!

"Revenge is a dish best eaten cold" ... (first 2m30s)

Then at 3m :- "should they depoliticise intelligence issues?"
the PDBrief :-"here's the good news ... you're the President elect;
now the bad news ... you're the President elect" :eek:

MSNBC / NBC Political coverage 11/6/08
Re: Obama's Team

To day I got this warning from Nigerian Email Scam:

Today I received an email from a Little town called Washington DC asking for money.

Apparently they would accept anything even as low as a dollar.

So beware when the American Email Scam hits your inbox.
Re: Obama's Team

... Apparently they would accept anything even as low as a dollar.
So beware when the American Email Scam hits your inbox.

here's White House Chief of Staff apointment , Rahm Emanuel -
Lindsay Graham says its "a wise choice" (is that the first sensible thing Graham has said lol)
(refer second email on first post - about 9m30s mark)


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Re: Obama's Team

I hope Obama will find a place for Colin Powell. Too much talent and experience to waste imo.

Maybe he could offer the job of floor sweeper or tea person to George W.
That would appropriately reflect his relevance.
Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

As I understand it when the Soviet Union broke up there were agreements from Nato,that they would not take advantage by moving in to the old soviet satellites.
This did not last long before advantage was taken of Russian weakness and the Russian ally Serbia was bombed....just to show Russia how powerless they were(Nato broadened the bombing from Kosovo to Serbia)

I'm sure the genocide of a minimum 700,000 people and the likelihood of it happening again, amongst public outcry, had nothing to do with it. :eek:

I wish they had done it earlier.

But no... it was to teach those russkies a lesson damn it! :rolleyes:
Re: Barack 2008!

Well I guess you all feel stupid, Barack Obama won the elected vote to become the president of the United States and he is going to prove to all the people with doubts that he is the right man for the job. He's a black man come on guys they excel at everything they do. Tiger Woods Golf, Micheal Jordan Basketball, Serena Williams Tennis. Blacks are natural born leaders and after :cool:years of oppression are taking their rightful places in the world. And other nationalities/countries are noticing their greatness. :)
Re: Barack 2008!

To all the people out there that didn't think Barack Obama was going to win don't you all feel stupid the man won. He kicked Mccain ^&%$#@(* all the way down the street. Don't you people notice that when black people put their minds to something they accomplish what it is they are doing. Basically speaking they are taking over everything from the white sports like golf and tennis to the white house. I think he is going to run the country well and bring back the respect for America that was lost when Bush was in office. ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

To all the people out there that didn't think Barack Obama was going to win don't you all feel stupid the man won. He kicked Mccain ^&%$#@(* all the way down the street. Don't you people notice that when black people put their minds to something they accomplish what it is they are doing. Basically speaking they are taking over everything from the white sports like golf and tennis to the white house.
You mean like in Zimbabwe?
Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test


I'm sure the genocide of a minimum 700,000 people and the likelihood of it happening again, amongst public outcry, had nothing to do with it. :eek:

I wish they had done it earlier.

But no... it was to teach those russkies a lesson damn it! :rolleyes:
Umm, where did you get these numbers from? a hat??
Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

There is no evidence that in the matter of foreign policy Obama has any strengths. He gives every appearance of being weak in this area in the same mould as Jimmy Carter. The Iranians completely humiliated Carter over a long period during the American Embassy hostage fiasco and the country suffered a lot of angst. Just to rub it in the Iranians didn't release the hostages until Reagan had taken over.

The Iranians now have a stronger bargaining chip than hostages. They will do this bloke off a break.
It wasn't so much the Iranians that humiliated Carter...more so some of the
Americans within USA