Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

Umm, where did you get these numbers from? a hat??

Sorry, 200,000.

I'm sure I have read and heard 700k elsewhere. Ah well, they are only people. Not like it's a big deal or anything.
Re: Barack 2008!

1. .. Basically speaking they are taking over everything from the white sports like golf and tennis to the white house.

2. I think he is going to run the country well and bring back the respect for America that was lost when Bush was in office. ;)
1. lol, I've never seen running the White House juxtaposed with tennis before ;) -
"Ok ball's in your court!" :eek:

2. hope you're right - certainly getting some rave reviews.

PS I think the plan is to unify not to gloat lol.

Looking back at those two electoral maps (post #1355) - the poll on election eve vs today - it would seem that 4 of the 5 states that they were calling a tossup went blue. :2twocents (IND, OHIO,NC, FLA) , while one went red (MO). So even the polls were slightly underestimating the swing. :2twocents
Re: Barack 2008!

Come on this is natural ...

It is next generation steroid, genetically modified bulls, proud production of the great USA..

No question - there had to be some steroids involved to get a beer gut like that ! :(
Re: Barack 2008!

mary, Back to Tiger Woods for a second..

When Woods became a superstar to even the non-golfing world by winning the 1997 Masters tournament by 12 strokes, much of the media wanted to define him as the first "black" to win a major championship. And Nike wanted to do with him what it does best -- market him as another black super-jock.

But Tiger refused to sell out his family's multiracial roots. He joked that he thought of himself as "Cablinasian." That was his boyhood shorthand for the fact that he is one-eighth Caucasian, one-quarter black, one-eighth American Indian, and one-half East Asian (a quarter Thai and a quarter Chinese).

Both of Woods' parents are thoroughly multiracial, too. His father Earl is half black, one-quarter American Indian, and one-quarter Chinese. His mother Kultida is half Thai, one-quarter Chinese, and one quarter European. They met in her native Thailand during the Vietnam War when Lt. Col. Woods was with the Green Berets.

Although golf doesn't require aerobic endurance, it does demand an unusual mixture of power and delicacy. Further, pro golfers need so much control over their emotions that few before Woods fulfilled their potential before their 30s.

Thus, golf's great champions -- men like Bobby Jones, Hogan, Arnold Palmer, and Jack Nicklaus -- have tended to be formidable gentlemen, on and off the links.
"formidable gentlemen, on and off the links"

You're right - so far you'd have to say that Obama has something in common with a great golfer ;)

Tennis? - yes in some cases (Arthur Ashe), no in others ( McEnroe) :2twocents

Some quotes by Arthur Ashe ..

"Success is a journey, not a destination."

"From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life."

"For every hour spent on the playing field, two should be spent with a book."

"Let me put it this way: I think Republicans tend to keep the ball in play, Democrats go for broke." [by which I assume he means, they are determined lol]

"True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever the cost."

During his battle with AIDS [from blood transfusion after heart surgery] one of his fans asked, "Why does God have to select you for such a bad disease?" Ashe replied, "The world over — 50,000,000 children start playing tennis, 5,000,000 learn to play tennis, 500,000 learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5,000 reach the Grand Slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to the semifinals, 2 to the finals. When I was holding a cup, I never asked God 'Why me?' And today in pain I should not be asking God, 'Why me?'"

"Clothes and manners do not make the man; but when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance."

"I respected the way they stood tall against the sky and insisted on being heard in matters other than Track and Field -- on matters of Civil Rights and social responsibility. I couldn't help but admire them." --- on the Olympic athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos when they did the Black Power Salute at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City (as quoted by Samuel L. Jackson at the 2008 Espys)
Re: Barack 2008!

:topic PS
McEnroe has also been given roles in TV and film where he playfully acknowledges his well-known belligerence such as in his appearance in a 2005 car commercial for the SEAT Altea where he angrily shouts his trademark "Clearly inside the line" line at an officer who has ticketed him for parking incorrectly.

... has a scene in the film Anger Management starring Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler, most of which was cut””leaving only a short shot of him sleeping on the floor of the psychiatrist's office. The full scene is in the DVD special features.

... McEnroe ... appeared in another commercial where he taught Pete Sampras how to throw temper tantrums on the court.
etc :)
Re: Barack 2008!

this article something similar mary..

From Jesse Owens to Barack Obama, via Muhammad Ali and Tiger Woods
Simon Barnes, Sports Columnist of the Year
From The Times November 7, 2008

Only 60 years ago they had separate baseball leagues for blacks and whites. ...

Barack Obama owes it all to Tiger Woods. Well, some of it. He also has a debt to great American athletes across the 20th century. Sport not only reflects society, it is a significant force in changing it. The road that led to the election of Obama has black athletes as its milestones, but sport was also one of the bulldozers that shaped it.

In the beginning was Jesse Owens. He was the black American who went to the Berlin Olympic Games of 1936 and blasted the myth of Aryan racial supremacy. ... Hitler famously did not shake his hand. But when he returned to divided America, Franklin D. Roosevelt didn’t shake his hand either, nor did he get to sit at the front of the bus. .. yet excellence you cannot argue about.

Then came Joe Louis. In 1938 Louis boxed the German champion, Max Schmeling, in New York. In the tensions of those fraught times, a black man – the Brown Bomber – found himself in the unexpected position of fighting a symbolic battle for the pride of America. Louis said later: “The whole damned country was depending on me.” A comic joked that Louis was the only black man to be a great white hope. Louis took Schmeling apart in 2min 4sec and America had a black hero. Louis later joined the segregated Army.

After the war, in 1947, Jackie Robinson became the first black man to play Major League Baseball since 1889, when the sport was segregated. ... showed himself to be a good enough player and a strong enough man to rise above the issue of race. He hit more than 100 home runs in six seasons and batted .311. These numbers are unanswerable. That is the source of sport’s power.

Althea Gibson .. walloped her way to victory in five grand-slam tournaments. Sometimes blacks are better than whites; and no one can duck that truth.

That’s why sport is not just a passive thing that reflects the changes that go on around it. It also actively drives the changes in society.
Bit of controversy with Carlos and Smith..

Tommie Smith and John Carlos won gold and bronze in the 200 metres at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City and at the medal ceremony they staged their beautifully eloquent protest. Their Black Power salutes were an unforgettable statement of America’s divisions. Carlos and Smith were seen by many Americans as traitors; as truth-telling heroes by others. They became national treasures in retrospect, in the post1960s rewriting of history. There is now a statue commemorating that high-fisted ceremony at San Jose, Smith’s old university.

Now we come to the most complex figure of all. The story of Muhammad Ali ... Ali didn’t want civil rights, he wanted the partition of America.

... Tiger Woods ... Golf was the white man’s sport: the sport of the rich, the sport of the boss. Now white golfers have a black role model – a black man to envy, for his game, for his wealth, for his quiet elegance, for his trophy family, for his ultimate plausibility. With Woods, race ceases to be an issue. Woods, like his President-elect, seems neither black nor white. The question of colour is no longer asked, for it has found its ultimate answer. ...
"The question of colour is no longer asked, for it has found its ultimate answer" - Wowo - now we're getting somewhere !! :)
Re: Barack 2008!

Does anyone disagree that Barack will be the next US president?

I first saw him on 'Oprah' whilst I was in Canada a year ago. I sat glued and I rarely watch the show! He was so inspiring that I bought his book 'The Audacity of Hope'. This was his second book. The first was 'Dreams from My Father' which earned him enough to pay off his law school debts and buy him a house as he worked in Chicago for a pittance. I predicted the sales of his second book would help finance a run for president and I was chuffed when he nominated! He's not accepted any donations from lobbyists but from public donations which IMO give ownership by the donors to 'the cause'. A brilliant strategy!

My Canadian friends tell me Barack is the favourite in Calgary.

My best friend is American and lives in Orange County CA and insists Hillary will win and Barack will be VP. "We are ready for a woman as president but not a black man!"

Well Debbie voted Barack. :) Her husband Don was always going to.
My Canadian friends said they too had tears - and that they felt American as they watched his victory speech.

But I think it's a case of feeling world unity as the planet's new leader takes his place.

How thrilled I was/am with him today:,8599,1857679,00.html

Well worth a read!

And of course:
Re: Obama's Team

here's White House Chief of Staff apointment , Rahm Emanuel
Somehow I can't see Australia ever following the US model :eek:
Most White House Chiefs of Staff are former politicians, and many continue their political careers in other senior roles.

Richard Nixon's Chief of Staff Alexander Haig became Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan.

Gerald Ford's Chief of Staff Dick Cheney became a U.S. Representative for Wyoming, Secretary of Defense under George H. W. Bush and vice president under George W. Bush.

Donald Rumsfeld was another Chief of Staff for the Ford administration and subsequently served as Secretary of Defense in the Ford administration and decades later in the George W. Bush administration.

Job duties
The roles of the Chief of Staff are both managerial and advisory and can include the following duties, depending on the President's style of conducting business [i.e. the president makes it up as he goes along] :[4]

Select key White House staff and supervise them
Structure the White House staff system
Control the flow of people into the Oval Office
Manage the flow of information

Advise the President on issues of politics, policy and management issues
Protect the interests of the President
Negotiate with Congress, other members of the executive branch, and extragovernmental political groups to implement the President's agenda

Some have suggested that a powerful Chief of Staff with a "hands-off" president (who decides not to become involved in the minutiæ of government), can become a de facto prime minister. Such prime ministers exist in some governmental systems, such as France's and Russia's: The prime minister runs the government (operations-wise), while the president remains somewhat aloof from the political process, but personally handling policy matters.

... By contrast ... President Bill Clinton's Chiefs of Staff were not particularly powerful.
Re: Barack 2008!

Well Debbie voted Barack. :) Her husband Don was always going to. ...

Well worth a read!
howdy doris,
You wonder what role(s) Hillary will get if any :cool:

as for Obama joking at his own expense , lol, ...
"With respect to the dog, this is a major issue. I think it's generated more interest on our website than just about anything," Obama deadpanned. "We have ”” we have two criteria that have to be reconciled. One is that Malia is allergic, so it has to be hypo-allergenic. There are a number of breeds that are hypo-allergenic.

On the other hand, our preference would be to get a shelter dog. But obviously, a lot of shelter dogs are mutts, like me. So the ”” so, whether we're going to be able to balance those two things, I think, is a pressing issue on the Obama household."
Re: Barack 2008!

...we have two criteria
1... it has to be hypo-allergenic. There are a number of breeds that are hypo-allergenic

2. On the other hand, our preference would be to get a shelter dog
doris, next time you're talking to your m8, tell him to consider getting a rotty or a doberman - or a blend of the two for that matter - like this one, who was part of an abandoned litter - and we picked her up at the pound ...

Here she is in early training to do the shopping -
a) "attention"
b) "stand at .... ease"

PS I still get a buzz reading this old article about the doberman saving the child from the snake - a pound dog that had been in the family for 4 days :) (posts #16 and #17 on that thread)


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Re: Barack 2008!

Come on this is natural ...

It is next generation steroid, genetically modified bulls, proud production of the great USA..

The genetic mutation is a deficiency in myostatin, which is a growth factor that limits muscle tissue growth. There are many cases of this worldwide - cattle, dogs, even humans.

It has nothing to do with steroids, and shows you have a severe lack of knowledge on the subject.
Re: Obama's Team

Rahm(bo) is a tough enforcer but he will have to adjust his abrasive style if he wants Republicans to get on board with the policies.
Re: Barack 2008!

howdy doris,
You wonder what role(s) Hillary will get if any :cool:

as for Obama joking at his own expense , lol, ...

Howdy 2020.
How diligent and refreshing you continue to be. Will recommend you for press secretary! ;) :cool: :D

I'd guess Hillary will get Health Care - but under Barack's scheme.

She worked so hard on HC during Bill's watch but was not taken seriously as 'the wife' so not supported.

Here's the clip of Barack talking about his mutt.
The realization of humour in his comment by the two behind him is priceless.

PS... Are rotties hypo?... or hyper as Princess Diana identified?
Probably will be a Sh*tzu from Obama in Japan. ;)

(no pun intended - ASF auto is off the page for this breed!)
Re: Barack 2008!

But I think it's a case of feeling world unity as the planet's new leader takes his place.

Obviously why he has appointed a Zionist hard-liner as his chief of staff. Must be all that world 'unity' I'm hearing about. :rolleyes:

The more things "change", the more they stay the same hey?
Re: Obama's Team

Rahm(bo) is a tough enforcer but he will have to adjust his abrasive style if he wants Republicans to get on board with the policies.


here's White House Chief of Staff apointment , Rahm Emanuel -
Lindsay Graham says its "a wise choice" (is that the first sensible thing Graham has said lol)
(refer second email on first post - about 9m30s mark)

I disagree on both counts.

He's more of a neo-con than the neo-cons. What a laugh.
Re: Barack 2008!

Doris, have you been in America? I guess you are still swooning with joy, huh?

Re the dog; if it has to be hypo-allergenic that eliminates most breeds.
They'll probably end up with a silly, wussy little poodle or something similar.

2020, your dog looks nice. Can't touch a German Shepherd though!:)
Re: Barack 2008!


Obviously why he has appointed a Zionist hard-liner as his chief of staff. Must be all that world 'unity' I'm hearing about. :rolleyes:

The more things "change", the more they stay the same hey?

Do some research and not be seduced by 'fear/cynical' headlines.

Rahmbo will be the pit bull to enforce calm, cool Barack's agenda.

He knows Barack's values in his staff's inter-relating modes and I believe will modify his past temper rants.

Barack has long known his strengths and that he will speak his mind and not be a lapdog. ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

Doris, have you been in America? I guess you are still swooning with joy, huh?

2020, your dog looks nice. Can't touch a German Shepherd though!:)

Julia I couldn't resist it when QANTAS had QFF seats available - (go figure fate!)

In four weeks time, it will be two years since I first envisaged and hoped for this!
So good to feel the joy around me that my own comfort zone is a given.

I'm swooning that at last my gut instincts are credible...
I realized during the third debate why I detested McCain so much.
He is a clone of my ex! :eek:
- doesn't listen but tells you what you think, need and feel - way off the mark
- re-writes history with 99% of it from his imagination to suit his own agenda
- knows it all and everyone else knows nothing
- consumed with Shaden Freude
- what is projected in public is cover-up histrionics from the private person
- loves an argument instead of discussion

OC is so like Qld... Lovitt!