Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

A very predictable post.

We have all lost grandparents, parents or children.

You should be ashamed of yourself for using natural grief as a political tool.


I'm not ashamed as this was not meant as a political tool. You just love to twist words.

No one has raised this issue which Obama talks about at his last rally.

All your comments to me have been nothing but derogatory. Say what you want about me as it is rather revealing about yourself

You always have to attack me, can't find a pleasant word to say. I had left a note on the South African Thread you began - did you read it?
Re: Barack 2008!

Snake as you mentioned "proposed policies". As proposed is not set in stone I believe he will adjust some to accommodate the current and future economic crisis or what ever changes in the future may occur to the USA. Any responsible President would have to adjust to major changes.

I do favor most of them, though he will have a difficult time implementing many due to the economic outfall.

I don't agree with clean coal as it isn't clean.

Should you wish to ask me specific questions I will do my best to answer them. Though they may conflict with your train of thought, that's OK
Re: Barack 2008!

How funny is this?! I just wish Arnie called him a "girly man!"


"Schwarzenegger mocks 'skinny' Barack Obama"
Give me Obama's elegant form any day in preference to the unnatural looking Schwarzenegger.
Not that's it's relevant to the qualities he might bring to the presidency.
Re: Barack 2008!

Give me Obama's elegant form any day in preference to the unnatural looking Schwarzenegger.
Not that's it's relevant to the qualities he might bring to the presidency.

Come on this is natural ...

It is next generation steroid, genetically modified bulls, proud production of the great USA..
Re: Barack 2008!

In the months leading up to an election, 7-11 gives its US customers the choice between Republican or Democrat coffee cups and the results are tracked. They sell ~1mill cups of coffee a day and they've correctly predicted the past two elections (to a few percentage points in some states).

Currently tracking at 60-40 to Obama.
Re: Barack 2008!

Give me Obama's elegant form any day in preference to the unnatural looking Schwarzenegger.
Not that's it's relevant to the qualities he might bring to the presidency.

Agree Julia, ole small balls Arnie is an embarrassment.

Re: Barack 2008!

I am so excited if Obama wins which looks likely.

My partner from SA grew up in segregation and hated it:(. He was elated with Mandela. From seeing the trauma of what occurred to the blacks is hopeful for Obama. American needs this change.:)

My time in the USA was not segregated but and white people obviously looked down on them, coming from Australia as a child I could not understand it as many of my friends where of black origin.

GG should you want to say outlandish things as the democrats will pull no stops.

In the last hour of this election a robocall from McCain and Palin targeted at the Cuban population has just been released. Claiming Obama will turn the USA in to the next Cuba. What utter rubbish! Some republicans are saying this is beyond the pale as an attack.
Re: Barack 2008!

In the months leading up to an election, 7-11 gives its US customers the choice between Republican or Democrat coffee cups and the results are tracked. They sell ~1mill cups of coffee a day and they've correctly predicted the past two elections (to a few percentage points in some states).

Currently tracking at 60-40 to Obama.
That's not a far comparison, as you'd expect a fair proportion of McCain's "base" would prefer Bourbon anyway :p:
Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

This is a real worry -

A few weeks ago Joe Biden, Barak Obama's running mate, predicted that an Obama administration would face a major foreign policy test within months.

That test has come within a day of the election - from Russia.

In his first state of the nation address, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, launched into a scathing criticism of US foreign policy, describing it as "selfish".

He harshly criticised the United States, blaming America for the war in Georgia and the global financial crisis.

Russian-US relations are at their frostiest since the Cold War and Mr Medvedev announced a plan to counter America's anti-missile system based in part in Eastern Europe.

Russia has now pledged to electronically jam the US missile shield and it has scrapped plans to stand down three missile regiments.

And in an extremely provocative move, the Russian President says he will deploy short range missiles in the country's Baltic Sea territory between NATO members Poland and Lithuania.

"In order to neutralise, if needs be, the US missile defence system, the Iskander missile system will be deployed in the Kaliningrad region. Naturally we envisage that the resources of the Russian navy will be used for this purpose as well," Mr Medvedev said.

But he insists it is not an anti-American policy and has called on Mr Obama to take the initiative in improving ties between the two countries.

"I would like to stress we have no problems with the American people. We don't have innate anti-Americanism and we hope that our partners, the new US administration, will make a choice in favour of fully-fledged relations with Russia," Mr Medvedev said.

The director of the Russian Centre at St Antony's College at Oxford University, Dr Alex Pravda, says it was no accident that Mr Medvedev made his speech a day after the US election.

"I think the time was not accidental as the Russians would say," he said.

"It hits both the American public in terms of not supporting any more measures of the kind they regard as offensive under the old lame duck administration, but mainly positions Russia in terms of the new administration."

Dr Pravda describes Mr Medvedev's announcement about deploying missiles between Poland and Lithuania as an "offence stance tactic".

"He is sending a message that really America has to reconsider expanding facilities in Europe. That Russia won't tolerate this without making equally offensive responses and is determined to go forward with this," he said.

"But I think it is with an aim to look at engaging and negotiating with a new American administration, so this is a typically sort of tough Russian tactic to start negotiating on the ground about these missile deployments and military deployments generally in Europe."

Dr Pravda says Russia wants "attention" and a "degree of respect" from the new US president.

"It wants engagement on both military issues, where Russia has an in-built advantage. This is why it is pushing the military agenda," he said.

"That is the only agenda where the United States is likely to take Moscow seriously as a senior partner, as a senior great power.

"It wants to be included in international discussions on reforming the financial and economic system but it may well, this kind of hard language may well be counter-productive I think from Moscow's point of view.

"It is not the best way to do it but they tend to go for the tough stance rather than for the moderate one."
Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

And this, from Crikey's round of editorials around the world, from Russia's 'Pravda'.

It is always interesting to note how much the world and its peoples like to believe in fairy tales and lies. Anything rather than face the truth. After living through eight years of the Bush incompetence and imperial hubris, Americans, the world and Europeans especially have once again deluded themselves in believing that the "new" wind in Washington, this time Obama, will some how change the way things have gone. Once more they are in for a post narcotic painful wakeup and it will not take long. When both candidates come from the One Party Two Branch Marxist system of America's so called democracy, where third parties and independents need not apply, nothing changes. If anything, American suffering under either of the two "candidates" (really this was just a bit more nerve racking than Soviet Politburo elections) will only escalate. -- Pravda
Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

They didn't even congratulate Obama which is the protocol, seems like they are slipping back to the bad ole' you against us days, not good for the USA or us when there are other problems.

They are taking advantage of the current turmoil and disruption during the US elections.

Maybe they see an opportunity, certainly the current Russian leader is an unfriendly character at best.
Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

let's face it... the USA's reputation in Europe and the world in general has soared thanks to the election of Obama. (to say nothing of their self-image at home). I guess Russia preferred the status quo - the Bush days (only 11 weeks to go). :2twocents
Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

I wouldn't be surprised at all if other so-called "rogue" states also take the opportunity to stir up trouble while the US Presidency and Administration is effectively in the Twilight Zone.

They will undoubtedly try to call Prez Obama's bluff from day one. Fingers crossed, both he and his Admin will be up to the diplomatic and/or military challenges that could be gathering just around the corner.

Re: Russia greets Obama with first foreign policy test

Historically the Russian leadership has always regarded left leaning leaders in other countries with disdain. A compassionate and caring leadership is seen as weak leadership The Russians along with a lot of nasties are happy with Obama's win, which exposes America's soft centre.

Early probing for weaknesses will probably pay off. Poland will think twice before becoming part of the American defence shield. As usual they would be the first casualty of a miscalculation.