Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

I thought redneck simply describes a lifestyle in the USA, whereas here it implies racism as well.

To say all Southerners are racist though, I've heard the same thing said many times about Australians and I know that to be the complete opposite of the truth. I grow very tired of constantly being referred as a racist by simply being Australian myself. I imagine alot of Southerners would feel the same.

Southerners seem to be the most polite and curteous of all people really. They seem loathe to criticise other people, and would rather encourage.
Anyway, I did notice Obama declare the firm intention for energy independance.
Re: Barack 2008!

Biden on personal wealth: “I don’t have Barack Obama money”

Seems in the Democrat party, it is admirable to be poor? What is Biden really saying? He is 65 years old, has been in the Senate for 36 years, and his net worth is between 75 and 150 thousand dollars? And we want him helping to run the economy?

yep much better to go with McCain - one of the Keating five - he's much wealthier :(

gee whiz, how do you link - in one answer - being a POW , and being investigated for corrupt / negligent behaviour

McCain: I learned from Keating Five case

WASHINGTON (AP) ”” Sen. John McCain's ethics entanglement with a wealthy banker ultimately convicted of swindling investors was such a disturbing, formative experience in his political career that he compares the scandal in some ways to the five years he was tortured as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

"I faced in Vietnam, at times, very real threats to life and limb," McCain told The Associated Press. "But while my sense of honor was tested in prison, it was not questioned. During the Keating inquiry, it was, and I regretted that very much."

In his early days as a freshman senator, McCain was known for accepting contributions from Charles Keating Jr., flying to the banker's home in the Bahamas on company planes and taking up Keating's cause with U.S. financial regulators as they investigated him. .
Re: Barack 2008!

Denver today... The crowd at Invesco Field was the largest for a U.S. political rally since John F. Kennedy's accepted the Democratic presidential nomination before 80,000 people at the Los Angeles Coliseum in 1960.

"I stand before you tonight because all across America something is stirring," he said. "What the naysayers don't understand is that this election has never been about me. It's been about you."

On Nov. 4, we must stand up and say: 'Eight is enough.' "
"America, we are better than these last eight years. We are a better country than this."

Answering Republican charges that his personal opposition to the war in Iraq was motivated by presidential ambition, and that Democrats are weak on national security, Obama invoked the memory of past Democratic presidents who have guided the nation through times of crisis.

"We are the party of Roosevelt. We are the party of Kennedy. So don't tell me that Democrats won't defend this country. Don't tell me that Democrats won't keep us safe," Obama said.

"I've got news for you, John McCain. We all put our country first."

Obama said he would "never hesitate to defend this nation" as America's commander-in-chief, but would only send U.S. troops into battle "with a clear mission."

Offering specifics of what an Obama presidency would look like, Obama said he would end tax breaks for corporations, eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses and "cut taxes for 95 per cent of working families."

With gas prices at near-record highs, Obama said he would "set a clear goal" to end America's dependence on Middle East oil within 10 years.

"Washington has been talking about our oil addiction for the last thirty years, and John McCain has been there for twenty-six of them," Obama said.

Dissection/analysis of Barack's acceptance speech...
Scroll down for the prepared-for-delivery speech text:

A live analysis/review/critique of the speech: by a Ranting Republican... Lovitt!

Talking about being at war, “the economy’s in turmoil,” and other struggles.
Talking about not being able to afford credit card bills - WELL THEN DON’T BUY WHAT YOU CAN’T AFFORD!
Blaming it all on “the failed policies of George W. Bush.” Because it’s all Bush’s fault.

“You know, John McCain says he will follow Osama bin Laden to the gates of hell, but he won’t even follow him to the caves where he lives.”

Bull crap. McCain has made it clear that his number ONE goal is to capture Osama.

“Now is the time to change bankruptcy laws to protect those with pensions.”

OK, that I’ll agree with.
Re: Barack 2008!

Well delivered speech tonight by Obama. Truly a great orator.

Too bad for him though that he can't take that teleprompter into the debates with him.
Re: Barack 2008!

Well delivered speech tonight by Obama. Truly a great orator.

Too bad for him though that he can't take that teleprompter into the debates with him.

I onkly wish that Bob Barr had a chance against Obama and McCain. barr would make a great President, in my opinion.

I do prefer Mccain over Obama though.
Re: Barack 2008!

Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger (not sure I believe those bookies either lol)

Be interesting to see if these odds change (up or down) after McCain gives his acceptance speech next week.

PS Promptcards or no promptcards, and allegedly so much content in his character (and in his speeches), I'm betting McCain doesn't go for 45 minutes whatever (as Obama did) - unless he talks really slowly ;)

Then again, time.....(applause yeah yeah) ... will ....... (applause yeah yeah) ...tell.

PS I hope when we get our Presidential selection procedure up and running, it doesn't go the route of the US model :eek:
(obviously it won't lol)


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Re: Barack 2008!

Doris, I recall we were discussing the positives of the US Presidential voting system - that - IN THEIR CASE (only) - the duration of the scrutiny on the Presidential hopeful was a positive yes?

Conversely it must be true, surely, that the possibility of a total unknown appearing within a few weeks of the election - who will stand in for the President in the event of his being hit by a bus in the next 4 and a bit years -

..... who might be the most nuclear-trigger-happy person on earth for all we know .......

is equally a weakness ?:confused:

Imagine if Dan Quayle had become president?? :silly: the mind boggles
Re: Barack 2008!

I don't think it really matters who the vice president is long as they are not complete idiots like Dan Quayle or Al Gore. Truman was totally unprepared when he assumed the Presidency at a very crucial time and he had big shoes to fill. He did a good job under the circumstances and was even re-elected in 1948. Before being elected Senator he ran a haberdashery shop in Independence, Missouri. Hardly a background for running a country you might say. On the other hand Obama has never run anything.
Re: Barack 2008!

On the other hand Obama has never run anything.

What do you call all the years of work organizing organizations in South Chicago changing the unemployment scenarios? REAL work helping REAL people on the ground? Changing attitudes and lives to be functional?

POTUS is a mere extension of this.

Look at the election this year... Obama's campaign has Obama as the leader!
* Historic rollouts
* Leader of millions donating to fund his campaign
* NO PACs nor lobbyist nor taxpayers' public money

His campaign is OWNED by grass root individuals. Not monied corporate stake-holders.

Only a brilliant leader could have run this.
Re: Barack 2008!

New 30 sec ad by Obama campaign after Palin's appointment:

Note how Palin is insignificant. No critique on her. Best leave that to voters...

"Well, he's made his choice", the announcer says. "But, for the rest of us, there's still no change".

McCain doesn't get it, calling this broken economy 'strong'.

Re: Barack 2008!

He can ignore her at his own peril:


Zogby Poll: Equilibrium in the POTUS Race!
Brash McCain pick of AK Gov. Palin neutralizes historic Obama speech, stunts the Dems' convention bounce


UTICA, New York - Republican John McCain's surprise announcement Friday of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate - some 16 hours after Democrat Barack Obama's historic speech accepting his party’s presidential nomination - has possibly stunted any Obama convention bump, the latest Zogby Interactive flash poll of the race shows.

Data from this poll is available here

The latest nationwide survey, begun Friday afternoon after the McCain announcement of Palin as running mate and completed mid-afternoon today, shows McCain/Palin at 47%, compared to 45% support for Obama/Biden.

In other words, the race is a dead heat.

The interactive online Zogby survey shows that both Obama and McCain have solidified the support among their own parties - Obama won 86% support of Democrats and McCain 89% of Republicans in a two-way head-to-head poll question not including the running mates. When Biden and Palin are added to the mix, Obama's Democratic support remains at 86%, while McCain's increases to 92%.

After the McCain "Veep" announcement on Friday, Palin was almost immediately hailed as a strong conservative, and those voters have rallied to the GOP ticket, the survey shows. Republicans gather in St. Paul, Minnesota this week to officially nominate McCain and Palin as their presidential ticket.
Re: Barack 2008!

What do you call all the years of work organizing organizations in South Chicago changing the unemployment scenarios? REAL work helping REAL people on the ground? Changing attitudes and lives to be functional?

POTUS is a mere extension of this.

Look at the election this year... Obama's campaign has Obama as the leader!
* Historic rollouts
* Leader of millions donating to fund his campaign
* NO PACs nor lobbyist nor taxpayers' public money

His campaign is OWNED by grass root individuals. Not monied corporate stake-holders.

Only a brilliant leader could have run this.

OK. He is a great organiser and demagogue. Lack of substance will be his downfall. You forget that the business of America is business. This is something he knows little about.
Re: Barack 2008!

A great speech!

Oh how I enjoy positive, intelligent, inspiring people. (When this side of them is disclosed)

He would make a great president! ;)

Re: Barack 2008!

Obama: - 49%
McCain: - 41%
Doris, thanks for the links - wowo - averaged over the last few (6) months it comes out as seriously line ball (much closer than the bookies have been saying for instance).

You'd have to say it's really closer than 49-41 surely ! - They say it includes a 5 day rolling average, and yet it does a sudden divergence in the last few days - no way could it take into account Palin's influence for instance ( up or down) , you'd think :confused:


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Re: Barack 2008!

ok - correction - a 3 day rolling average since 9 June.
Still, the next week or two will be fascinating ;)

One of those three days was after Palin's announcement.

Polls in two days' time should give a clearer effect.

SBS at 4:30 tomorrow... GOP Day one. I'm excited! Well... I must do balanced research. ;)