Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

I find no reference whatsoever to your allegation that she claims she is "too busy" . Just that she is back from leave this week :confused: (ok has other commitments as well) - but There's 2 months to go . (?)

She is too busy mate.

The Clintons play for keeps.

Cross them and you are history.

Re: Barack 2008!

Need to update those odds 2020 - not looking as good for you.

Obama now 4/7 ($1.57) out from 1/2 ($1.50)
McCain now 6/4 ($2.50) out in from 34/20 ($2.70)

like I said somewhere else, about the same as the odds for the NZ Allblacks (about $1.50) vs the AUS Wallabies (about $2.50). (Rugby Union this weekend).

And like I added there, I wouldn't be putting my money on the Wallabies (this weekend anyway). ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

Washington Post, Mon 08 September 2008

Rumours abound since the arrival of a mystery woman with a strange accent wearing an Obama T-shirt and no less than eight other items of Obama regalia. Apparently the Obama campaign has been watching what has been going on with the Republicans and the impetus injected into their campaign since the choice of Sarah Palin of Alaska.

And they believe they have found the answer. Australia might be one of the most distant provinces of the USA, but then again, it could be argued that it is even FURTHER from Washington than Alaska is. It seems the mystery lady used a shanghai twice as a youth to shoot at canetoads – but missed. She accidentally ran over a possum once as well.

Experts say the Obama advisors have come up with a stroke of genius. The potential new VP is known as Doris, but that’s all we have been able to glean at this point in time. etc
Re: Barack 2008!

The first campaign photos show Doris in action with her Toad Wedge.

Re: Barack 2008!

Obama said yesterday that u can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig and he was referring to Palin. He is a blatant sexist. Another million moms just crossed over to vote for McCain / Palin. Last nite he was on O'reilly who took him to task for hanging out with a bunch of ultra radicals and hatemongers in Chicago, including Ayers, Rev Wright and Daily Kos. He recently went to a Kos Convention. O'Reilly told him flat out that America will not vote for someone who hangs out with a bunch of radicals.

The air is rushing out of the Obama balloon. No-one is (yet) talking about the effect down the ticket in Senate and Congressional races but IMHO it will be very interesting and throw panic into the Dem ranks. There are also several scandals breaking on the Dem side about their good ole boys.

Why am i posting on this thread? because Obama is very funny in a dark titanic kind of way and the market has /is tanking like Obama. No stocks worth talking about.
Re: Barack 2008!

Here is an example of the "change" candidate being a hypocrite. Obama is just the same ole same ole typical Democrat politician we've always had. Airdropping 30 Democrat lawyers and investigators on little Sarah. Can you say desperation?

The Hunt for Sarah October

by John Fund

Democrats understand Sarah Palin is a formidable political force who has upset the Obama victory plan. The latest Washington Post/ABC Poll shows John McCain taking a 12-point lead over Barack Obama among white women, a reversal of Mr. Obama's eight-point lead last month.

It's no surprise, then, that Democrats have airdropped a mini-army of 30 lawyers, investigators and opposition researchers into Anchorage, the state capital Juneau and Mrs. Palin's hometown of Wasilla to dig into her record and background. My sources report the first wave arrived in Anchorage less than 24 hours after John McCain selected her on August 29.

The main area of interest to the Democratic SWAT team is Mrs. Palin's dismissal in July of her public safety commissioner. Mrs. Palin says he was fired for cause. Her critics claim he was fired because he wouldn't bend to pressure to get rid of a state trooper, Mike Wooten, who had been involved in a bitter divorce battle with Mrs. Palin's sister. Mr. Wooten is certainly a colorful character. He served a five-day suspension after the Palin family filed a complaint against him alleging he had threatened Mrs. Palin's father. They also accused him of using a Taser on his 10-year-old stepson, drinking in his patrol car and illegally shooting a moose.

Mrs. Palin will return to Alaska for the first time in nearly two weeks on Wednesday night, when she is scheduled to arrive in Fairbanks. Local Republicans will hold a "Welcome Home" rally for her. You can bet some of the Democratic opposition research contingent will be in the audience taking notes. They'll be the ones arriving in rental cars and wearing fancy dress shoes from back east.
Re: Barack 2008!

Certainly an interesting US election that becomes all about the potential Vice President. :eek:

Is there any precedent for this?
Re: Barack 2008!

Airdropping 30 Democrat lawyers and investigators on little Sarah. Can you say desperation?
so you're happy ZZ that you know all about her?
this known unknown from the back of Bourke?
who leaps from a cake at the eleventh hour?

Big weakness in your system there ZZD,;) such an unknown with a good chance of becoming president :eek:
Re: Barack 2008!

so you're happy ZZ that you know all about her?
this known unknown from the back of Bourke?
who leaps from a cake at the eleventh hour?

Big weakness in your system there ZZD,;) such an unknown with a good chance of becoming president :eek:

I am very happy with what I know about her. Americans have a better system than you give it credit for. In America, you don't neccessarily have to work your way through the political bureaucracy to become President, and that is a good thing. Otherwise, we wouldn't have had Lincoln, Grant, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Carter, Clinton, etc. Some of those wound up being a bad President, but some were very good. None of them had much political experience.

Everything I've already known, and have since found out about Sarah Palin points to the potential to being a great Vice-President, and if neccessary a great President. She is closer to the people than McCain, Obama, or Biden. You also forget that if McCain should die, all his advisors will still be in place, and Palin will be able to draw their counsel.

Our system has served us VERY well for the last 232 years, and will continue to do so. Heck, we survived Clinton and Carter, we will certainly survive a Presiden Palin if that happens.
Re: Barack 2008!

Under Obama's plan, taxes would only go up if you make more than $603,000 per year.
McCain plans to further reduce taxes for the richest 1% at the expense lower and middle income workers.

.............................. MCCAIN ....................... OBAMA
Income ................. Avg tax bill ..................Avg. tax bill
Over $2.9M ....... -$269,364 (-4.4%)...... +$701,885 (+11.5%)
$603K and up...... -$45,361 (-3.4%)...... +$115,974 (+8.7%)
$227K-$603K...... -$7,871 (-3.1%)................. +$12 (+0.0%)
$161K-$227K...... -$4,380 (-3.0%)............ -$2,789 (-1.9%)
$112K-$161K...... -$2,614 (-2.5%)............ -$2,204 (-2.1%)
$66K-$112K ....... -$1,009 (-1.4%)............ -$1,290 (-1.8%)
$38K-$66K ........ -$319 (-0.7%)................ -$1,042 (-2.4%)
$19K-$38K ........ -$113 (-0.5%)................... -$892 (-3.6%)
Under $19K ......... -$19 (-0.2%)................... -$567 (-5.5%)

Yes, I'm OS but not OB! ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

Barack on Letterman tonight:

"If That's What I'd Meant, Palin Would Be the Lipstick, ‘McCain's Failed Policies’ the Pig". :)

It should be interesting to see if Palin is allowed to talk when she returns to Alaska today.
After those 2+ days with her holed up in a hotel, to teach her McCain's policies and write her speech, the GOP Machine has not allowed her to campaign alone, nor use words not contained in her convention speech. Regurgitation is it!

Her reception should be that of an oscar winner or an Obama in Berlin IMO.
... funny how the GOP Machine keeps using Barack's material and experiences, trying to match him.

Palin has an interview on ABC tomorrow. Will it be pre-taped to ensure any off-the-cuff comments were deleted?
Can't have any gaffs to show up her ignorance!

Hopefully the GOPM're right that she's a quick learner and can think on her feet by her one-and-only debate with Biden next month. It would be interesting to hear what she has to say without her being pre-programmed! :rolleyes:
Re: Barack 2008!

The Democrats are falling into the trap again and again. The above post is just an example of it. Sarah Palin is a great debater, the excerpts I've seen of the Alaska Governor's race debates are proof of that. The Dems have lowered the expectations level of Sarah, they will be surprised when people find out how smart and articulate and knowledgeable she is.

Additionally, the McCain people want to keep her campaigning with McCain, not to keep her under their control. No, they don't want to be embarrassed that Sarah will draw tens of thousands of people at each event, and McCain will draw way less than that.

You better believe that Joe Biden will be the one that makes the gaffes at any debate.

Did anyone see Biden's appearance yesterday at an event? He asked a man in a wheelchair to stand up to be recognized, Sarah Palin is shaking in her snow shoes to debate this genius.
Re: Barack 2008!

Joe Biden telling a man in a wheelchair to "stand up".

Sarah Palin is really scared of this gaffe machine. :)
Re: Barack 2008!

Barack's army of dirt diggers:

An army of lawyers and private investigators descend on Wasilla, Alaska.
Re: Barack 2008!

Hey 2020... Pigs will fly!!

Obama on O'Reilly!!!

Part One

... a long time coming!

Part Two

The audacity of showing an interview with Obama during McCain's speech!

Part Three

Love Bill's intro:

Part Four

I have to say O'Reilly did well... a pooh bear! (Sorry Waynee) ;)
