Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

Coup imminent?

Have a look at this clip of the last 2:39 of Hillary's speech today:

I'm switching off again. Until tomorrow night! I am paranoid!

* I FELT Hillary was campaigning for herself!

- Her emotions (eyes, body language, voice tone) seemed to me to have a cocky hidden agenda.

I haven't spent the past 35 years in the trenches - to see...

- - You haven't worked so hard for 18 months and endured the last 8 years to suffer through more failed leadership...

- - then quite a resonating pregnant pause - - before her 'No way' chant.

* I SAW Michelle's face frozen in distrusting fear. Even after a forced smile at the end.

* What will happen when the vote is taken tomorrow in Denver?

See my post #809
Re: Barack 2008!

Both Gallup and Rasmussen polls now show that Obama poll numbers are going South. This is during their big convention in Denver which IMHO has been very boring. Watch the talking heads on CNN all have long faces, meanwhile on MSNBC they are having a giant catfight started by Joe Scarborough over the extreme bias towards Obama on his owh channel.

Obama is going to have his acceptance speech on Thursday outside in a Greek Temple setting looks a little too Hitlerian who loved these type of settings. His next major problem will be Bill Eyers and all of his old "unrepentent terror" connections. Eyers has a long association with the Weathermen and SDS (i remember SDS at Sydney University during the Vietnam War days) and launched Obama's political career from his home some years ago. Eyers and his group have long time links to both Obama and his wife. From getting hi paying positions at Chicago Universities, attending conferences to working on the Annenberg Foundation in Chicago.

Ayers was involved in a host of bombings of US facilities and some of his followers including a girlfriend were blown up by a home made nail bomb intended for a US army base. Another group of associates killed three (cops) people in a armed holdup of a Brinks truck. Ayers followers had a three fingered salute derived from the killing of Sharon Tate when the killers stuck a fork in here.

I am not making this stuff up, it is widely circulating on US web sites and starting to hit the airwaves via FOX news. Reporters have just accessed the Annenberg papers via Chicago University. I understand that Obama blew thru about $50 million running this organization with his mate Ayers. This is where Obama's experience as a "social organizer" comes from. This stuff following on top of Trinty Church will sink Obama like a stone. Just watch. I suspect that this will have a major impact on the Democratic Party as most voters are totally unawre of the level of terror and radical connections lurking around Obama.
Re: Barack 2008!

Hillary's screaming hordes of pant-suited macho-feminists will have to vent their rage on somebody and I don't think it will be John McCain. Michelle Obama has good reasons to look fearful.
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama has the ticket

Obama was chosen by acclamation after his rival for the Democratic nomination, former first lady Hillary Clinton, took to the convention floor and moved to suspend the traditional state-by-state rollcall vote.

"With eyes firmly fixed on the future, in the spirit of unity, with the goal of victory, with faith in our party and our country, let's declare together in one voice right here right now, that Barack Obama is our candidate and he will be our president," Clinton said, triggering a deafening roar.

"I move Senator Barack Obama of Illinois be selected by the convention by acclamation as the nominee of the Democratic Party."

Clinton's move came after her campaign struck a deal with Obama's to cut off the rollcall after two thirds of the states had voted.

Obama's official nomination came ahead of a highly-anticipated keynote speech by former president Bill Clinton, who had a rocky relationship with the Illinois senator throughout the Democratic primaries.

The timing of Obama's (acceptance) address on the 45th anniversary of King's most famous speech was pure coincidence - the date for the Democratic nominee's speech had been chosen long before the outcome of the Democratic race was known.

The scene for the closing of ranks around Obama was set in motion earlier today when Clinton formally released her delegates, freeing them to vote for Obama.

"You've come here from so many different places having made this journey and feeling in your heart what is right for you to do," she told the crowd in emotional scenes.

"I want you to know that this has been a joy. Yes, we didn't make it. But, boy, did we have a good time."

Some Clinton supporters did register their support for their candidate, but it was clear within the opening minutes of the vote, but by far the greater majority had swung around behind Obama.

Even Arkansas, which Clinton claims as her adopted state, rallied behind Obama, in a unanimous vote for his candidacy that drew huge whoops from the crowd.

Obama also handily carried Kentucky, a state that had voted by huge margins for Clinton in what as then seen as a sign of his difficulty in appealing to white working-class voters.
Re: Barack 2008!

from The Times :)

Re: Barack 2008!

why do so many people say he's gonna get shot? :confused:

Because the US is full of racist, red-necked, nutters, who think that blacks should still be picking cotton. Confederate flags still fly down south.

...and they all own guns.

Re: Barack 2008!

Because the US is full of racist, red-necked, nutters, who think that blacks should still be picking cotton. Confederate flags still fly down south.

...and they all own guns.


I hope you were joking on this one Wayne, or at least exaggerating. I know that is the southern stereotype, but it is so far from reality, it is laughable.

This southern man is for McCain, but none of us want anything bad to happen to Obama. We just want him to lose because he is wrong on the issues. By the way, if you check the left wing blogs like DailyKos, Moveon, or Huffingtonpost, you will find the biggest nutcases of all. Most of the fury is on the left at this point in history.
Re: Barack 2008!

Bad News for Obama: The Economy is Better than Expected

From a New York Times article today:

The economy expanded faster from April to June than originally thought, the government said on Thursday, catching many economists off-guard and cheering investors on Wall Street.

Gross domestic product rose at a 3.3 percent clip in the second quarter, the Commerce Department said, a significant jump over the original estimate of 1.9 percent growth. G.D.P., the broadest measure of the nation’s economic activity, is considered a good barometer of America’s economic health.

On Wall Street, the markets surged on the strength of the report. The Dow Jones industrial average was up more than 190 points, or 1.65 percent in afternoon trading, and the broader Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index was up 1.16 percent.

The revised G.D.P. figure suggests resilience in the economy, especially compared with the anemic 0.9 percent growth rate from January to March, and a contraction in the final three months of 2007. Still, spending by American consumers stayed relatively soft, despite the infusion of the government’s tax stimulus program. Corporate profits remained weak.
Re: Barack 2008!

I hope you were joking on this one Wayne, or at least exaggerating. I know that is the southern stereotype, but it is so far from reality, it is laughable.

This southern man is for McCain, but none of us want anything bad to happen to Obama. We just want him to lose because he is wrong on the issues. By the way, if you check the left wing blogs like DailyKos, Moveon, or Huffingtonpost, you will find the biggest nutcases of all. Most of the fury is on the left at this point in history.

Only partly joking. I was raised in the US and I have relatives in North Carolina and Georgia so I do know the situation.

Most American folks are intrinsically, but unintentionally racist. They don't consciously mean to be, but they are in lots of ways that are not lost on non-whites. Some are consciously racist, but not violently so. I have a cousin who is like this who cannot disguise her revulsion at non-whites. Quite proud of the fact that the Chinese family on their street was effectively forced to move by being kept in Coventry by all the whites.

This is the same person who goes to a Baptist church every Sunday plus Bible study etc.

There is small but sizable minority who are malevolently and overtly racist such as the folks in the photo.

C'mon Zzzzzzz, you know as well as I do that the Old Boys are frothing at the mouth over the possibility of a black president. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to imagine some of these clown wishing to inflict harm on Obama.

It wasn't that long ago that MLK was bumped off for speaking out too much.
Re: Barack 2008!

Good old Wayne We are now seeing the real you. I will leave you with a thought. "The last refuge of the bigot is to accuse his critics of being racist" (with apologies to Samuel Johnson)
Re: Barack 2008!

Good old Wayne We are now seeing the real you. I will leave you with a thought. "The last refuge of the bigot is to accuse his critics of being racist" (with apologies to Samuel Johnson)

An observation on racism doesn't make me a racist you Bozo. :banghead::banghead:
Re: Barack 2008!

Only partly joking. I was raised in the US and I have relatives in North Carolina and Georgia so I do know the situation.

Most American folks are intrinsically, but unintentionally racist. They don't consciously mean to be, but they are in lots of ways that are not lost on non-whites. Some are consciously racist, but not violently so. I have a cousin who is like this who cannot disguise her revulsion at non-whites. Quite proud of the fact that the Chinese family on their street was effectively forced to move by being kept in Coventry by all the whites.

This is the same person who goes to a Baptist church every Sunday plus Bible study etc.

There is small but sizable minority who are malevolently and overtly racist such as the folks in the photo.

C'mon Zzzzzzz, you know as well as I do that the Old Boys are frothing at the mouth over the possibility of a black president. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to imagine some of these clown wishing to inflict harm on Obama.

It wasn't that long ago that MLK was bumped off for speaking out too much.

Okay Wayne, you are right, there are some bigots as there are in every country on earth. I would say southerners are not any more bigoted than say the English (I've seen lots of skinheads and such make the news over there - not to mention what goes on at some of the soccer games, etc.) You don't see too many of those types here, unless you watch a lot of Hollywood movies that thrive on stereotypes.

My wife is Filipino and we live in Nashville Tennessee where I was born and raised. I can quite honestly say that she and our four children have never been harrassed in any way - quite the opposite - the exception being a black man that wondered if she was a prostitute originally when she lived in the Philippines. You might actually discover that many blacks are more the racist ones.

By and large, the good ole boys are dying out in the south.
Re: Barack 2008!


Yes, racism is certainly not exclusive to whites. So-called "reverse racism" is just as ugly. And yes, agree the situation is nowhere as bad as it used to be.

The very fact that a black man is running for president and stands a chance of winning, says America has come a long way, whether or not one agrees with his policies.


Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel: Samuel Johnson

Interesting bastardization of an otherwise worthy quotation.

I'll leave others to conclude what they will.
Re: Barack 2008!

I just want to state for the record, that I consider myself as a redneck and I'm proud of it...This doesn't mean I'm a racist though.