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Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

PS ref last post, that stomach doesn't look like it belongs on a mother of 5 to me :eek:

2020... look at her neck and cheeks. This is how we women judge others' ages.
No jowls yet either, in the swimsuit pic!

Your photo must have been taken 20 years ago when she was advertising for the beauty pageant.
No mother of four (at the time) would expose herself like this unless she were doing a calendar. :)

The GOP will have her speech ready for her to read at the convention. Will be interesting to see how she delivers it!


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Re: Barack 2008!

Yesterday Obama and Biden were in Beaverton PA. Biden was doiiinnn... the intoduciiin....and this has been recorded on YouTube for everyone to see...he was slurring his words and bumbling around the stage looking like he was two sheets to the wind. His commentary was woeful AND Obama wants to put this guy a "heartbeat away from the Presidency"? The YouTube commentary with the video indicates that Biden may have a drinking problem.

The funniest thing about all of this is that Obama said yesterday that Biden was one of Washington's greatest politicians, but then the old boys network in Washington is full of this type of stuff, remember Chris Dodd and Kennedy doing the waitress sandwich routine? No wonder approval of the Dim controlled Senate and Congress has dropped to 9%.

I suspect that the McCain / Palin ticket will be an equal opportunity destroyer of Washington mores. Palin has gone after the corrupt Republican old boys network in Alaska claiming a number of scalps and McCain will do the same in Washington to both sides of the fence.

The debate between Biden and Palin will be very interesting. Palin is one of the VERY FEW politicians in the US to do something about the current energy crisis. She just rammed thru an Alaskan bill to approve the construction of a $40 billion gas pipeline to the lower 48. Biden is on record as voting to block such a pipeline. He is also on record as advocating the partition of Iraq into three mini states and bloviating about the failure of the surge. So much for his experience in the Senate. I suspect that the pressure of running for the VP slot is a little too much for him, might explain why he is already stumbling and slurring his words.
Re: Barack 2008!

No mother of four (at the time)....
doris, think I twigged to that one myself
careful though with the calaculation of how many kids etc, ZZdad will work it out to the month and set you straight there - probably discover she was pregnant at the time ;)

PS Maybe Julie Bishop could take some electioneering tips from her - might help her leadership aspirations lol.
Re: Barack 2008!

Rasmussen tracking poll narrows to Obama 3 point lead, with one more day to go before the "Palin effect" fully comes into focus:

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday—the day before the Republican National Convention is scheduled to begin—shows Barack Obama ahead of John McCain by three percentage points both with and without leaners. That’s exactly the same edge Obama enjoyed a week ago on the eve of the Democratic National Convention.

Today’s numbers show a one-point improvement for McCain, but Obama still leads 47% to 44%. When "leaners" are included, it’s Obama 49%, McCain 46% (see recent daily results). Obama is now viewed favorably by 57% of the nation’s voters, McCain by 56%. Tracking Polls are released at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time each day and a FREE daily e-mail update. is available.

There have been significant changes in perception of John McCain in the two days of polling since he named Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Since then, 49% of Republicans voice a Very Favorable opinion of McCain. That’s up six percentage points from 43% just before the announcement. Also, 64% of unaffiliated voters now give positive reviews to McCain, up ten points since naming his running mate.

There has been little change in perceptions of Obama since his Thursday night speech and the Palin announcement (see trends and other recent demographic observations).

Palin herself made a good first impression and is now viewed favorably by 53% of voters nationwide. Her counterpart, Joe Biden, is viewed favorably by 48%. While Palin has made a good first impression, the more significant numbers will come a week from now after the nation has a chance to learn more about her.

And the Republicans haven't even had their convention yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Barack 2008!

The debate between Biden and Palin will be very interesting. Palin is one of the VERY FEW politicians in the US to do something about the current energy crisis. She just rammed thru an Alaskan bill to approve the construction of a $40 billion gas pipeline to the lower 48. Biden is on record as voting to block such a pipeline. He is also on record as advocating the partition of Iraq into three mini states and bloviating about the failure of the surge. So much for his experience in the Senate. I suspect that the pressure of running for the VP slot is a little too much for him, might explain why he is already stumbling and slurring his words.

Biden has been in Congress so long that he also voted against the original Alaska pipeline back in the 1970's.

Can you imagine what oil prices would be today if there were no Alaska pipeline?
He voted against ANWR 10 plus years ago, one of his excuses besides the "environment" was that it would take at least 10 years to get production. Well, we are ten years later, and because of his vote we are still 10 years away from production (Although most real experts say it would only take 3 to 5 years, because so much of the infrastructure is already in place)
Re: Barack 2008!

Another poll - from the lefty CNN/Time

August 29-31: Obama 49%, McCain 48%

Again, and that is before the coming Republican convention. Where is that Obama bounce?

By this time next week, McCain/Palin will be ahead by at least 10 points. Sarah will WOW the country.

She has a wonderful American story behind her - along with more executive experience than Obama.

I can't wait to see Olbermann's head explode on November 4. The leftwing nuts are convinced that America has turned left. They will be crying and saying "the election was stolen, the election was stolen wah wah wah".
Re: Barack 2008!

Where is that Obama bounce?
Well Gallup suggests a bit of a bounce (graph on post # 878)
Then again, the timing of the Sarah Pa(y)lin announcement may have affected it, true. Far be it for me to suggest that her announcement was planned that way lol. Or that these blips and bounces make any difference on polling day surely.

But ZZdad, I agree that Sarah bounces better than Joe Biden ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

Gustav gives the nominees the chance to show their commandant strategies (or are they tactics?)

The Republican National Convention will cut back most of its activities Monday because of Hurricane Gustav, Sen. John McCain said Sunday.

"This is a time when we have to do away with our party politics and we have to act as Americans. We have to join the 300 million other Americans on behalf of our fellow citizens. It's a time for action. So, we're going to suspend most of our activities tomorrow except for those absolutely necessary," said McCain, speaking from St. Louis, Missouri.

Now this is good timing!
God must be on McCain's side to bring Gustav now, enabling his patriotism to shine.
... Forget my convention. I am needed in the field!

Lots of delegates/governors including Arnie (and Bush... and Cheney) were not going anyway.
... they have 'more important' demands on the use of their time.

The last time an incumbent president skipped his party's convention was in 1968, when President Lyndon Johnson stayed at his Texas ranch while Democrats met in Chicago, Illinois. Why would Bush not be there now? ;)

Good reaction:
They now know they should have done this for Katrina.
And ordinary people can afford to give needed aid more than the government!

A senior McCain source said Saturday that officials were considering turning the convention into a massive telethon to raise money for the Red Cross and other agencies to help with hurricane aid.

"He wants to do something service oriented if and when the storm hits and it's as bad as it's expected to be now," the McCain source said.

They are also hoping to get McCain himself to a storm-affected area as soon as possible.

How did Obama react?

"Even if you've ridden out this storm before, even if you think that it may pass over, even if you think that you can wait until the last minute, this is going to be, potentially, very, very serious," said Obama. "For your own safety and your family's safety, people have to follow the instructions of the officials there to make sure that this evacuation is going smoothly."

Obama says they're monitoring the situation and urged continued cooperation between FEMA and the Gulf Coast states, noting that not just Louisiana is likely going to be affected but Mississippi, Alabama and parts of Texas.

Word came late Saturday that John McCain would visit an emergency command post in Jackson, Mississippi on Sunday. Asked if he would visit the area, Obama said that because of the large number of staff and press traveling with him, he might be a distraction.

"I will do whatever is required that is useful but right now the main thing that's useful is letting everybody out there know, please evacuate the area," said Obama.

Will Obama be criticized for choosing not to interfere with evacuations by going there for a photo shoot?

Was he ineffective urging FEMA and the gulf states to cooperate and get the people out instead of going there himself?

Would it help or hinder, putting his entourage in the 'eye of the storm'?


"Those folks who rode out, do not ride out again, ride out of town. Get out of town. Do what the governor is suggesting, what the mayor is suggesting, what the senators are suggesting. Get out of town," said Biden.
Re: Barack 2008!

Excerpt from the NRO Corner blog

She Is a Small-Town Mayor. She Is Not ”” Repeat, Not ”” the Governor of Alaska. [Byron York]

In an interview of Barack Obama last night, CNN's Anderson Cooper mentioned Sarah Palin's experience as a small-town mayor and as governor of Alaska. Obama, hewing to his campaign's talking points, ignored the governor part:

COOPER: And, Senator Obama, my final question ”” your ”” some of your Republican critics have said you don't have the experience to handle a situation like this. They in fact have said that Governor Palin has more executive experience, as mayor of a small town and as governor of a big state of Alaska. What's your response?

OBAMA: Well, you know, my understanding is, is that Governor Palin's town of Wasilla has, I think, 50 employees. We have got 2,500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. You know, we have a budget of about three times that just for the month.

So, I think that our ability to manage large systems and to execute, I think, has been made clear over the last couple of years. And, certainly, in terms of the legislation that I passed just dealing with this issue post-Katrina of how we handle emergency management, the fact that many of my recommendations were adopted and are being put in place as we speak, I think, indicates the degree to which we can provide the kinds of support and good service that the American people expect.

Just for the record, Alaska's FY2008 operating budget is $11.2 billion, and the state employs approximately 15,000 people. Those certainly aren't huge numbers in federal terms, but they're a good bit bigger than the Obama campaign.

Obama again not telling the truth about Sarah Palin
Re: Barack 2008!

Polls taken to 31 August:

The latest USA Today/Gallup poll has Obama ahead of McCain 50-43 percent.... up from a four-point lead before the convention.

Voters now see Obama as the "strong and decisive leader" by a margin of 46-44 percent, a huge contrast to pre-convention perceptions that had McCain leading on the question by eight points.
He also nearly doubled his lead on "shares your values," trouncing McCain by 13 points.

A new CBS survey also says Obama has gained some support nationwide because of the Democratic National Convention. He is the top candidate, 48-40 percent, up from his 45-42 percent lead earlier.

"tough enough": up from 48 percent early this month to 58 percent.
Obama has also erased McCain's 12-point lead among independents and now leads the group, 43-37 percent.
Margin of error is 3 points.
Re: Barack 2008!

I have to say that this election has been a learning curve for me.
The one discrepancy about Obama (for me) has been his history of voting 'present' so many times.
I'm finally edified as to why:

"When she was taking tough positions against her own party, Senator Obama was voting 'present' 130 times in the state legislature, on every tough issue, whatever it was," McCain said.

It's true that Obama voted "present" dozens of times, part of the thousands of votes he cast in an eight-year span in Springfield. Illinois lawmakers commonly vote that way on a variety of issues, and he has countered that many of those votes were cast because of technical or legal considerations about the underlying legislation.

* Often, Obama voted "present" with large groups of other Democrats to protest what they saw as...
Republican trickery or abuse of power

* Other times, voting that way sends a message that a lawmaker supports a bill's intent...
but has concerns about how the legislation is drafted.

Voting this way also can be a way to duck a difficult issue, as McCain charged, although that's difficult to prove.

* There are also cases where legislators vote "present" as part of a strategy.
Obama did this on some abortion measures, voting "present"...
to encourage some wavering legislators to do the same instead of voting "yes".

Their "present" votes had the same effect as "no" votes, so getting them to vote present helped defeat the bills.
Re: Barack 2008!
Gallup Poll Daily tracking finds more former Hillary Clinton backers currently supporting Barack Obama (81%) than prior to the Democratic convention (70%).

PS All this polling is surely pretty approximate, considering the small percentage of Americans who end up voting.

:topic Hey Doris , I was wondering , do you happen to know if Sarah even had a fish-shop in Alaska ? ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

:topic Hey Doris , I was wondering , do you happen to know if Sarah even had a fish-shop in Alaska ? ;)

Nah... not with her delectation with moose meat... she's had other fish to fry:

It was reported that she accepted at least $4,500 in campaign contributions in the same fundraising scheme at the center of a public corruption scandal that led to the indictment of Sen. Ted Stevens*.

Since Palin's nomination last week, these issues also are raising eyebrows:

_In her earlier career as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Palin hired a lobbyist to help the tiny town secure at least 14 earmarks, worth $27 million between 2000-2003. McCain has touted Palin as a force in his long battle against earmarks.

_Under her leadership this year, Alaska asked for almost $300 per person in requests for pet projects from Stevens*, one of McCain's top adversaries. That's more than any other state received, per person, from Congress.

_Her husband, Todd, twice registered as a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, a fierce states' rights group that wants to turn all federal lands in Alaska back to the state. Sarah Palin herself never registered as a member of the party, according to state officials, though party members said she attended a 1994 convention with her husband.

_The head of the firm hired to defend Gov. Palin in a state ethics investigation was previously her family's lawyer and is permitted to bill the state up to $95,000 for work in the current case. It involves the dismissal of public safety commissioner Walt Monegan after he refused to fire a state trooper who had divorced the governor's sister.

_Palin opposed the U.S. government's listing of a variety of animals as endangered, including the polar bear and the beluga whale, both of which inhabit areas also rich in oil and natural gas.

_Palin previously acknowledged she smoked marijuana but said in a 2006 interview she no longer used the drug. "I can't claim a Bill Clinton and say that I never inhaled," she said.
Re: Barack 2008!

Let's hope they make the right decision - for the sake of world peace for starters (and other reasons - including conservation, environment etc) :2twocents

I mean Bush is suddenly trying to talk the Middle East into some sort of Peace Treaty before the end of his warlike sabre-rattling term(s) - even talking to people etc :eek: - he has a hypocrite's chance in hell of achieveing anything of course.

Stop the Clash of Civilizations
Re: Barack 2008!
Obama Gains Overall, McCain Among GOP Women NEW September 3, 2008
Barack Obama has gained significant support among white men since the Democratic Convention, but his support level among white women has remained the same. The reason: Republican white women have slightly increased their support for McCain, offsetting Obama’s gains among independent and Democratic women.


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Re: Barack 2008!

To an interested observer one outstanding feature of the Democrat's campaign and of their admirers, is their blatant hypocrisy regarding women's rights. The democrats are always banging on about the rights of women and about cracking glass ceilings. But let any woman whose values do not coincide with theirs put up her hand for higher office, then the party's dirt machine swings into action to discredit her, and with the support of the left-liberal media, pour out a stream of lies, innuendo, and slurs. On the internet they vie with each other to see who can put out the nastiest doctored images and misinformation.

On the other hand these staunch advocates of women's rights have a different attitude to the less savoury males in their own party. Three stand out.

John Kennedy,who was a serial womaniser with no respect for women, is put on a pedestal as a great Democrat and admired role model.

Bill Clinton, a serial womaniser who treated women as chattels, received a standing ovation at the Denver convention, by the pant-suited women's rights supporters.

Ted Kennedy fled the scene of his crime without any thought for his girl companion. He would have been jailed if he was not a Kennedy. He too was lauded at the convention as a respected elder of the party.

To me Palin's offences against the women's movement seem minor in comparison to those of these three Democrat icons.
Re: Barack 2008!

What a difference a week makes.

Obama has flagged that he is going to use Democrat women to go out and counter Sarah Palin.

However , Hillary Clinton says she is "too busy".

Oh dear.


Advisers to Clinton, who has been on vacation this week, said that she stands ready to help the Obama-Biden ticket, but they urged not to overestimate the effect she could have, noting that she had other commitments this fall, like campaigning and raising money for Senate candidates.

Re: Barack 2008!

What a difference a week makes.

Obama has flagged that he is going to use Democrat women to go out and counter Sarah Palin.

However , Hillary Clinton says she is "too busy".

Oh dear.


Advisers to Clinton, who has been on vacation this week, said that she stands ready to help the Obama-Biden ticket, but they urged not to overestimate the effect she could have, noting that she had other commitments this fall, like campaigning and raising money for Senate candidates.

I find no reference whatsoever to your allegation that she claims she is "too busy" . Just that she is back from leave this week :confused: (ok has other commitments as well) - but There's 2 months to go . (?)