Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Largely working????
I don't think so.
From the link above:
A further 26 Sri Lankans have been returned to their home country, bringing the total number of returns to Sri Lanka since August to 116.
That is about one boatload returned as against thousands arriving.
Another eight boats.

08/11/2012 Border Protection Command intercepts vessel
07/11/2012 Border Protection Command intercepts vessels
07/11/2012 Border Protection Command intercepts vessel
06/11/2012 Border Protection Command assists vessel
06/11/2012 Border Protection Command intercepts vessels

Does anyone know where all these people are being accommodated? The detention centres must have been full weeks ago.

In the absence of information otherwise, one can only assume many are being released into the community after a relatively short stay in detention.
Does anyone know where all these people are being accommodated? The detention centres must have been full weeks ago.

These are the things Labor do not want you to know.

They will tell you how bad Tony Abbott is but will keep you in the dark on the things you really want to hear.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard says the government's border protection policies are working,........

Two more boats.

But the boats are still coming, with the government on Friday announcing two more arrivals, one carrying 75 people and the other with 54 aboard.

About 900 people have arrived on 17 boats in the first nine days of November.

Yes Doc, and another 48 today making it 950 in 10 days and this Green/Labor left wing socialist government is very conspicuos by there absence of any announcement.

It is a pity they did not try a little harder to stop the boats instead of running around with treasury leaks on the coalitions costings.

I suggest they look at there own mismanagement of the economy first and tell the public what these boat people are costing the tax payer every day.
Another eight boats.
In the absence of information otherwise, one can only assume many are being released into the community after a relatively short stay in detention.

These are the things Labor do not want you to know.
Well, I'm having a go at finding out.
The following is an email sent to my local MP (NAT) and I'll send the same to Jason Clare.
Dear Mr Neville

Every day the media reports more boats arriving, along with the information that the passengers are to be taken to Christmas Island for 'health and security checks'.
Given the huge number of these arrivals since the government announced its change of policy (which appears to an encouragement rather than a deterrent), could you please advise where these asylum seekers are being accommodated?
I doubt Christmas Island has the capacity to house all of them.
Are they being sent to detention centres on the mainland?
Or are they being released into the community?

I'm very surprised that the coalition is not asking this question publicly, and that the media is apparently not following it up.
It seems Australia is now being made available to all comers. Many Australians are extremely unhappy about this.
I would appreciate very much your advice on the above.
Yours sincerely
Yes Doc, and another 48 today making it 950 in 10 days and this Green/Labor left wing socialist government is very conspicuos by there absence of any announcement.

It is a pity they did not try a little harder to stop the boats instead of running around with treasury leaks on the coalitions costings.

I suggest they look at there own mismanagement of the economy first and tell the public what these boat people are costing the tax payer every day.

Latest count : 1070 for November. We might yet break another record and hit 3000 for the month

Bowen said last year we could expect 600 pm. WRONG AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another eight boats.

08/11/2012 Border Protection Command intercepts vessel
07/11/2012 Border Protection Command intercepts vessels
07/11/2012 Border Protection Command intercepts vessel
06/11/2012 Border Protection Command assists vessel
06/11/2012 Border Protection Command intercepts vessels
None of the boats since are noted on his site.

Clearly, he has the weekend off even though the people smugglers don't.

Latest count : 1070 for November. We might yet break another record and hit 3000 for the month

Bowen said last year we could expect 600 pm. WRONG AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chris Bowen's so-called closing down sale just goes from strength to strength.

For the people smugglers, it's the happy hour that never ends.
Australian taxpayers that are financing Chris Bowen's so-called closing down sale don't want to either. :banghead:

Yes, and the latest news is the border patrol boats are falling apart through lack of maintainance.

I wonder if the navy blokes are being paid overtime.

If they arn't being paid penalty rates and danger money they should go to Fair Work Australia. LOL:D:D:D