Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Another thing, why doesn't the S.M.H when putting forward controversial political comment like that, allow readers to post comments?
Funny labor talk about biased reporting.
Also it is obvious why the boys club is worried about Gina kicking ar$e. If the paper keeps reporting one sided commentary, they will lose circulation. It may make the editors and reporters feel good but most of the population don't agree with them.:eek: Much better to just report facts and let the public put their own bent on it.:D
In the above link:

Mr Barratt said that navy personnel would not support the Coalition's policy of turning back boats where it is "safe" to do so. "They would hate it. Ordinary sailors would say this is not what we joined the navy for," he said.

The poor little pets. But wait;

A further boat carrying seven people was intercepted near Christmas Island yesterday and the Sri Lankan Navy seized two fishing trawlers carrying at least 82 would-be asylum seekers heading to Australia.

Apparently Sri Lankan sailors are made of sterner stuff than our wimps.:rolleyes:

Read more:
In the above link:

The poor little pets. But wait;

Apparently Sri Lankan sailors are made of sterner stuff than our wimps.:rolleyes:

Read more:

For crying out aloud, those Navy sooks are frightened to turn a boat around, I have a son in Afghanistan in far more danger than those Navy jerks.

The ADF personal sign up with the understanding that they will carry out assignements set down by the government of the day. What if they were confronted with an Indonesian naval vessel? Would they run back to Australia and say this is too dangerous. For Gawd sake. I have never heard of such rot and I go back to WW11. I am an OBE.
Pickering seems to have a point.


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For crying out aloud, those Navy sooks are frightened to turn a boat around, I have a son in Afghanistan in far more danger than those Navy jerks.
It must be immensely galling for your son to be (presumably) fighting to protect the Afghan people while seeing Afghan men of fighting age and physical competence running away to seek the easy life here in Australia.
What a hideous imbalance.
It must be immensely galling for your son to be (presumably) fighting to protect the Afghan people while seeing Afghan men of fighting age and physical competence running away to seek the easy life here in Australia.
What a hideous imbalance.

Julia, it makes me want to throw every time I hear about these cowards leaving Afghanistan. I pray every night that my son comes back in one peice.

While they are awaiting a smugglers boat they are living in hotels for weeks and some times months and I have asked the question before, "who is paying for their accomodation in Indonesia"?
It must be immensely galling for your son to be (presumably) fighting to protect the Afghan people while seeing Afghan men of fighting age and physical competence running away to seek the easy life here in Australia.
What a hideous imbalance.


Gillard and the ALP are a JOKE and a half! They should grow some f**ken balls for Gods-sake.

Noco, l hope that your son returns safe and sound.
It certainly is about time the bleeding heart club realised, most of these asylum seekers, are not fleeing oppression. Just trying to illegally enter a country with a wefare system.
No one can blame them for that, however if you have a open border system, it isn't long before the system becomes unsustainable. When that day arrives how do you say that is enough we can't take any more?
Then watch how many arrive when they think the door is closing.:eek:
Andrew Bolt wonders why we are accepting Sri Lankan arrivals as refugees...

A tourist magnet should not be a source of “refugees”

The front page today of Escape, the Herald Sun’s travel lift-out, is dominated by a picture of two smiling Sri Lankan children, over the headline “Back to Sri Lanka”.

The report tales of “endless beaches, timeless ruins, welcoming people”, and notes correctly that “years of war” are “over” and “Sri Lanka’s looking up”.

So why is the Gillard Government still allowing boatloads of “asylum seekers” from Sri Lanka to stay? Are we again being played for suckers?

Noco - trust you son comes home safely too. It would be sickening to see these healthy young afghan males coming here to the welfare country when they could be helping to protect their own country.
Sri Lanka is made up of two peoples, the Tamils (the original inhabitants) and the India derived Sri Lankans.
The Tamils have been in a war which they lost with the main populace and have been slaughtered at will, hence they are refugees.

Obviously if they are not Tamils, then they will not know the Tamil language and are economic refugees. They should be sent back. Andrew Bolt know this.
I pray every night that my son comes back in one peice.

Hope your boy stays safe and returns home in one piece (body and mind) to Noco it must be a worrying time.
Hope your boy stays safe and returns home in one piece (body and mind) to Noco it must be a worrying time.

Thx IFocus, whilst we do have our difference at times, you do have a heart. I must admit I am an agnostic but I do pray for him each night.
Well the labor party will have to think of a new tax to cover the cost of compensation to these illegal asylum seekers.

LOL Just when you thought it couldn't get worse. The joke is we are paying for the lawyers. :D
Maybe if we all pray together it will bring on an election. I am not saying that will result in labor being thrown out, but I am willing to put money on it.:1zhelp:

Maybe Gillard in her frustration at the impasse on asylum seekers will call an election or force a double dissolution. :D
Was that a flock of pigs flying over.
Where Labor is going with its border protection policy.

The best way to stop people risking their lives is to give them hope of a safer pathway to a better life. That means massively increasing the number of refugees we resettle and the funding we give the UN High Commission for Refugees in Indonesia and Malaysia, working to combat corruption in Indonesian ports, and prioritising safety of life at sea.
Well the labor party will have to think of a new tax to cover the cost of compensation to these illegal asylum seekers...

So, they come here without ID and our authorities have difficultiy in knowing if they are genuine refugees or not. So we take them in, house and feed them and give them money for life if they need it. Then they sue us for more money.

Meanwhile, there is little, if any, room left for genuine refugees waiting to come here and who don't have the money to jump the queue.

From Andrew Bolt: Compassion” means robbing real refugees

Fakes and queue-jumpers are costing the places of real and poorer refugees:

AUSTRALIA is now resettling fewer displaced people from overseas camps than at any time since modern migration programs were introduced in 1977, because of the surge in asylum-seekers arriving by boat....​

Read more at the link.

Maybe we should fly in our quota of genuine refugees and refuse citizenship to those arriving by the back door with no ID. Or maybe deduct the $200,000 it costs us to process each arrival from our aid to Indonesia for each person - perhaps then Indonesia would be more proactive in helping to stop these wealthy people jumping on boats for a life of milk and honey at taxpayers expense.