Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Government does a deal with Clive Palmer to reintroduce TPV's to deal with 30,000 caseload from the Labor government.

It includes a new category, safe haven enterprise visa (SHEV). These include access to other visa types subject to certain conditions.

But the SHEV will allow recipients, who work for three-and-a-half years, to apply for other onshore visas including family and skilled visas.

It's the best that could be achieved bearing in mind that Labor and the Greens stand in the way of every attempt of this government to solve the problem Labor itself created in office.

Also, a tidbit from Scott Morrison on upcoming resettlement deal with Cambodia,
10:56am: Regarding the government's pending deal with Cambodia to resettle refugees, Morrison says that the arrangement is "strictly voluntary".

"Anyone who goes to Cambodia will have chosen themselves to go to Cambodia."
I wonder how many of the tears shed by Labor and the Greens over the men, women and children who drowned at sea under their policies were genuine ?

Not many judging by the results.

The Greens in particular don't shed genuine tears for mere accidents or tragedies.
I think Cambodia is a much better place than Malaysia to send refugees

I thought it fitting to look back at what the Noalition were saying about the Malaysia deal at the time.

Bronwyn Bishop said:
"The proposed Malaysian solution - what a hideous term it is - is in fact a trade in human flesh," Liberal frontbencher Bronwyn Bishop told Parliament.

"It is swapping human beings from point A to point B, and it is totally and utterly unacceptable to this side of the House."

Joe Hockey said:
An emotional Joe Hockey told Parliament of his father's journey to Australia as a refugee in 1948.

The shadow treasurer said he could not accept the Government's plan to send asylum seekers to Malaysia without proper human rights protections.

"I will never ever support a people swap where you can send a 13-year-old child unaccompanied to a country without supervision," he said.

"Never. It'll be over my dead body."

Perhaps they wont be sending 13 year olds to Cambodia.?
I thought it fitting to look back at what the Noalition were saying about the Malaysia deal at the time.

Perhaps they wont be sending 13 year olds to Cambodia.?

So , what does "voluntary" actually mean in this context I wonder ?

Keeping them locked up so long they go crazy enough to think anything is better than where they are.

This Cambodia deal is really the pits. It's worse than sending them back to their own country.
I don't see much difference between the Malaysia plan and that for Cambodia.

Critics might like to remember that the people for whom the government is presently trying to find a resettlement solution were those who arrived during the free- for- all admission by boat during the Labor government, that same Labor government which turned an almost zero detention centre population into the thousands the present government is having to deal with.

And how do the same critics know that Labor will not actually support the Cambodia arrangement? They have stated that they will wait to make judgement until seeing the detail.

And if it's preferable for people to return to their own country, then I'm sure the government would be happy to arrange that.

Take your choices. Either we encourage people to bypass the UNHCR process and flood into Australia or we put in place harsh deterrents. We may indeed find the process unpalatable. But personally I find extending the time that already-determined refugees who have already been waiting in squalid camps throughout the world for many years much more unpalatable.
I think Cambodia is a much better place than Malaysia to send refugees

The Australian Government are not sending any refugees to Cambodia, they will go there of their own choice.......they do not have to go if they don't want to.

Labors Malaysian proposal gave refugees no choice.
Another dirty back room deal the Palmer government is functioning well

Scott Morrison seeks legal changes to block asylum seeker appeals

Immigration minister’s new bill will introduce two new classes of temporary protection visas and amend laws to head off upcoming legal challeges

Ah, the good old red Guardian to the rescue......a dirty back room deal????...I think it is brilliant.

Scott Morrison is one smart cookie and is a jump ahead of them all and lets be thankful he has the nous to do it where others have failed.
Thanks for that SC the complete hypocrisy practised by Abbott and his cohorts in opposition / government is absolutely stunning.

The complete hypocrisy practiced by YOU is absolutely stunning!
As Julia pointed out, the main reason we have all these illegal immigrants in detention is that your Labor heroes threw the gates open and invited them in en masse. Not a word of criticism from you when that was happening. But now that we have a decent government that’s stopped the illegal boats from coming, and is doing its best to deal with the aftermath of the shemozzle that Labor created, that big mouth of yours has been spewing non stop criticism. Your attitude is downright pathetic – you have no credibility whatsoever on this forum.
The complete hypocrisy practiced by YOU is absolutely stunning!
As Julia pointed out, the main reason we have all these illegal immigrants in detention is that your Labor heroes threw the gates open and invited them in en masse. Not a word of criticism from you when that was happening. But now that we have a decent government that’s stopped the illegal boats from coming, and is doing its best to deal with the aftermath of the shemozzle that Labor created, that big mouth of yours has been spewing non stop criticism. Your attitude is downright pathetic – you have no credibility whatsoever on this forum.

IFocus, I think you have just been outed as a hypocrite.
I don't see much difference between the Malaysia plan and that for Cambodia.
The main difference is that Malaysia was to be a one option regional processing solution whereas Cambodia is a post-processing resettlement location and is part of a much broader and clearly effective strategy.

Beyond that, I refer to the comments I made about Labor's Malaysia solution at the time it was proposed.

The extent to which the flow of boats increased between the failure of that solution and the end of the Gillard government ultimately demonstrated how serious Labor was in actually stopping the boats.

The high moral ground preachers that are the UNHCR and the left (including the ABC culture) are of course not happy because it's another element to deterring international wealth redistribution by stealth.
The main difference is that Malaysia was to be a one option regional processing solution whereas Cambodia is a post-processing resettlement location and is part of a much broader and clearly effective strategy.

Beyond that, I refer to the comments I made about Labor's Malaysia solution at the time it was proposed.

The extent to which the flow of boats increased between the failure of that solution and the end of the Gillard government ultimately demonstrated how serious Labor was in actually stopping the boats.

The high moral ground preachers that are the UNHCR and the left (including the ABC culture) are of course not happy because it's another element to deterring international wealth redistribution by stealth.

The Labor Malaysian proposal was for us to send them 800 illegals in return for 4000 genuine UNHCR refugees....Those 800 had no choice but be sent to Malaysia.... Malaysia is not a signatory to the UNHCR convention.

The latest news is Cambodia will be taking 5 or 6 from Nauru on a trial basis.

I am not sure which would be the lesser of two evils, Cambodia or PNG.

If Cambodia practices Islam, then those being sent there may very well fit in....PNG is certainly NOT Islamic and there is no way a refugee would be welcome.
The UNHCR can get stuffed as far as I’m concerned. They’re a bunch of idealistic, unrealistic fools. It’s all very well for them to tell us we should be taking more refugees, but they never consider how we’d fund further intake, or what effect it would have on our way of life, our culture, our economy, and our security.
All this humanitarian bull**it makes me sick. If anyone wants to push the humanitarian argument, then why doesn’t their spirit of humanity extend to the homeless people in their communities? Why don’t they approach a homeless man/woman/teenager/family, and say to them ‘You don’t have to be homeless – we can make room for you at my place, come and live with me.’

I’ll tell you why they don’t do that.......
* Cost – you have to reach into your wallet if you keep someone under your roof and provide all their needs.
* Security – how do you know the person is trustworthy. You might unwittingly take in someone who sexually assaults your wife or children, or thieves from you, or becomes violent.
* Incompatibility – the person you take in might have little respect for your values and standards, might be slovenly in their living habits, might not pull their weight around the house, might be nothing but a burden to you.

And so on and so on. These and various other reasons are why the members of the UNHCR, and others who are so fond of telling us we should take in more refugees, don’t take strangers into their own homes.
But aren’t all these reasons applicable to refugees as well?
Security, incompatibility, and above all cost, are all legitimate reasons why we should call a halt to the grossly irresponsible policy of laying out the welcome mat to every down and outer around the world who has problems that he or she wants to escape.
It’s not about being cold and callous and uncaring – it’s about being responsible enough to realize that first and foremost our duty is to the people of our own country. Anyone with a strongly humanitarian spirit can find plenty of opportunities right here in Australia to help people less fortunate than themselves.
We need to get rid of the ridiculous mentality that we have an obligation to play nursemaid to the rest of the world. We don’t. Fortunately we now have a federal government who realizes that.
IFocus, I think you have just been outed as a hypocrite.

Feel free to post your support for this government and their policies but the personal attacks are as unwelcome as they are a fools basis for discussion as well as being against the rules set by the forum.

The rules of the forum are set by Joe not yours or bunyips narrow opinions.