Really Wayne ? Really. Are we actually reading the same articles or do you simply find something in there that disagrees with James Hansen paper and use that to justify your dismissal of the whole concept. (and there were 18 other scientists who contributed to the analysis)
A few comments from Judith Curries analysis in June 2015.
What else did Climate Home say about the paper.
The issue that should raise concern is the current exceptional increases in global temperatures and in particular the Arctic and Antarctic. The paper was analysing the possible consequences of a rapid breakdown of the ice sheets. The current temperature extremes just add further fuel to the risk of an acceleration of the ice sheet melt.
From my post 1013 from the Greens Party.
If only you could believe them......Of course there is plenty of naive people who do....It is about time the alarmist stopped trying pulling the wool over our eyes. ...The game is up.
Faith and belief
For many Greens supporters, environmentalism is ultimately an article of faith and belief. This is no better illustrated than in the controversy surrounding the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It has become increasingly clear that the process of “establishing” human-caused global warming has been manipulated by a small group of people, using mutual peer processes, and claiming to speak for many more scientists who had little input and no real opportunity to review the final documents. The closed-shop nature of the process is counter the scientific empiricism of the enlightenment, and marks another significant break with traditional western culture.
To Greens believers, this is of little consequence. Ultimately, global warming is a matter of faith.
Similarly Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. Perhaps one of the most dramatic scenes in the film is the depiction of an ice-wall collapsing. Viewers are led to believe that they are watching footage of an actual collapse. The truth, however, is that the scene was taken from the opening credits of a Hollywood movie, The day after tomorrow. [xxix]
Despite the fact that a British court found the film contained significant errors, [xxx] many environmentalists continue to believe it is true. For these environmentalists, the errors are merely inconvenient mistakes that fail to negate the Armageddon the world faces unless drastic measures are taken. Again, this is an example of belief, rather than reason. “Evidence” can be manufactured. Scientific empiricism is a vehicle to be manipulated for a political cause. Worse still, the film is now being proposed for the National Curriculum in Australian schools.
The Greens belief in their environmental nirvana manifests itself in a new coercive utopianism.
Unless we understand the ideological foundations of the Greens, we will fail to effectively address the challenge of their revolution. We will be left debating instrumental outcomes, as if they are based on the same cultural and philosophical foundations that underpin western civilisation. What the Greens present is the cutting edge of a clash within western civilization itself. [xxxi]