Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Resisting Climate Hysteria

Don't waste your time BS with me Wayne when you state

other regions of the planet are only showing warming via arbitrary adjustments and/or improper citing of weather stations.

Have a go at The Royal Society, Scientific American, Creationists (!) and scientists who observe the changes in plant and animal behaviour as the planet warms.

Well you are clearly one of the faithful my dear.

Can you detail what you personally are doing to save the world?
we do not live in a linear world, its very obvious to me you shouldnt be talking about maths when making points, take note for future

Whitey impress us all with your mathematical acumen and show us, as your teacher would have insisted, with method, your calculations that show the increase of 280ppm to 390ppm (so thats 110ppm increase industrial mans contribution of carbon dioxide, you come to this result by subtracting the smaller number from the larger one ) is a contribution of 3% as stated in posts #3534 and #3634 and others, by someone as equally 'independently' psychologically arranged as yourself.
Here's the future 'me presenting you with an ignoble prize for a none existent branch of mathematics '
Rudy Kalmam is still with us, send him your working sheet. give him a laugh.

Oh and Wayne if your out there, and we know you are(way out there) Loved the clipping from 1923, by extension the deck chairs and Pina colada's will soon be out side by side with fossilised shell fish atop Everest. And how are going on outing those old Koch Brothers as closet Fabians...
but you've chosen to remain quite on the Koch's independent study , ignore it long enough it will go away... which is kinda sorta what Max Planck had to say about those unable to adjust to a new reality.
Whitey impress us all with your mathematical acumen and show us, as your teacher would have insisted, with method, your calculations that show the increase of 280ppm to 390ppm (so thats 110ppm increase industrial mans contribution of carbon dioxide, you come to this result by subtracting the smaller number from the larger one ) is a contribution of 3% as stated in posts #3534 and #3634 and others, by someone as equally 'independently' psychologically arranged as yourself.
Here's the future 'me presenting you with an ignoble prize for a none existent branch of mathematics '
Rudy Kalmam is still with us, send him your working sheet. give him a laugh.

Oh and Wayne if your out there, and we know you are(way out there) Loved the clipping from 1923, by extension the deck chairs and Pina colada's will soon be out side by side with fossilised shell fish atop Everest. And how are going on outing those old Koch Brothers as closet Fabians...
but you've chosen to remain quite on the Koch's independent study , ignore it long enough it will go away... which is kinda sorta what Max Planck had to say about those unable to adjust to a new reality.


All I ask is that you Armaggedonists consider all untainted data, and stop assigning reasonable people with extreme positions.

My views are here in this thread a multitude of times, yet you catastrophists refuse to acknowledge them.
Well Wayne you have piqued my curiosity

Your position as you seem to have repeatedly stated it is

and other regions of the planet are only showing warming via arbitrary adjustments and/or improper citing of weather stations.

As I read that you seem to be saying we don't actually have any significant warming of the planet. Its just the temperature figures have been fiddled and /or the weather stations are badly sited.

Thats it wayne. According to you we just don't have a global warming problem at all. (This is completely separate from questioning what might be causing any increases in temperature )

So out of interest how many other posters on ASF would agree that global temperatures have not increased in any significant way in the past 100 years ?

Just asking. It would be useful to see what are the range of views on this particular point.


I have previously cited a range of literature to back up the view that temperatures have risen.
Wayne your welcome to cite any evidence that backs up your statement that there is no actual global warming - just fiddled figures.
Basilio, you have once again (probably intentionally) distorted what I have said on this thread.

I am not playing with disingenuous and nasty little trolls such as yourself and repeating myself yet again.

Do the work yourself.... and perhaps answer my question above.
Wayne I have not distorted what you have said. In fact I was so astonished at your statement I tried to make sure it wasn't a slip up on your part.

Your repeated comments were
and other regions of the planet are only showing warming via arbitrary adjustments and/or improper citing of weather stations.

Unless you wan't to clarify it in some way that statement denies any significant global warming at all because you believe the measuring mechanisms are severely compromised

Again I would be interested to hear other views on your position.
Like I said, just a troll with confirmation bias.

Really Wayne ? In which case I'll have to join the rest of the scientific community which measures with care and works off all the evidence rather than made up nonsense.

With regard to your views on the issue of AGW. I had tenatively believed you classified yourself as a "luke warmer". In that sense you accepted the reality that temperatures were rising but did not accept that human produced CO2 played a significant role in the increase. In that context you would then believe there would be a relatively small rise in any future temperatures and that attempts to stop this by drastically reducing O2 emissions would be counterproductive.

And now you come out with the statement that you don't actually accept there is any significant temperature rise at all. That in effect we don't even have some substantial, measurable temperature increase across the planet and in particular the polar regions.

IMO that position is seriously deluded. It's about as close to reality as hollow earth fantasies and retro Hitler conversions to climate change.

And by the way, if after all the posts I have written on this forum you think I'm a troll your just confirming your escape from reality.


I'm still interested in knowing if other forum members view on the question of a significant increase in global temperatures. Any takers ?
In view of new evidence regarding arbitrary upward adjustments and station sitings, I have revised my view of temperature changes downward.

As evidence emerges, I reserve the right to adjust my view, something you Apocolysts are philosophically and intellectually incapable of and something bona fide scientists (rather than vested interest advocates) will do.

Now please, go take one of your Valiums will you?
In view of new evidence regarding arbitrary upward adjustments and station sitings, I have revised my view of temperature changes downward.

Well that all makes sense- in a Kaffasque type of way. According to the new evidence you have seen there is no global warming to worry about.

Thats great isn't it Wayne? It means we can go to sleep soundly at night and be assured that those heat waves, wild weather and droughts are just figments of our imagination that really arn't happening because there is now new evidence that global warming isn't happening.

I started this recent little flurry with the observation that summer ice in the Arctic reached its lowest level and appears almost certainly to be running down on an exponitial scale. To put it simply as more ice melts, the Arctic ocean absorbs far more summer heat which in turn will melt more ice.

These are the facts on the ground. There are a million other similar facts that indicate the earth is warming rapidly and will continue to do so. Coming up with some cherry picked, tricky set of numbers to "prove" otherwise just makes the proponents completely irrelevant to the debate.

Arctic expert predicts final collapse of sea ice within four years

As sea ice shrinks to record lows, Prof Peter Wadhams warns a 'global disaster' is now unfolding in northern latitudes

One of the world's leading ice experts has predicted the final collapse of Arctic sea ice in summer months within four years.

In what he calls a "global disaster" now unfolding in northern latitudes as the sea area that freezes and melts each year shrinks to its lowest extent ever recorded, Prof Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University calls for "urgent" consideration of new ideas to reduce global temperatures.
Well that all makes sense- in a Kaffasque type of way. According to the new evidence you have seen there is no global warming to worry about.

Thats great isn't it Wayne? It means we can go to sleep soundly at night and be assured that those heat waves, wild weather and droughts are just figments of our imagination that really arn't happening because there is now new evidence that global warming isn't happening.

I started this recent little flurry with the observation that summer ice in the Arctic reached its lowest level and appears almost certainly to be running down on an exponitial scale. To put it simply as more ice melts, the Arctic ocean absorbs far more summer heat which in turn will melt more ice.

These are the facts on the ground. There are a million other similar facts that indicate the earth is warming rapidly and will continue to do so. Coming up with some cherry picked, tricky set of numbers to "prove" otherwise just makes the proponents completely irrelevant to the debate.

in 4 years when nothing happens will you and scientists of this ilk please shutup
in 4 years when nothing happens will you and scientists of this ilk please shutup

Further to Basilo's requests for confirmation. The above quote to me at least strikes as, "Head in the sand" but that just might be me. I need conformation to be sure.
But those with Whitey's mathematical acumen can deduce 97% of scientist opinion of those who work in the field of climatic research as being a ridiculously small minority easily dismissed . See his method soon to published as requested in post #3724 above... or it all might be getting just a bit too hard, so you might be better to just 'shut up'. I don't know what it's like where you come from Whitey but around my way, we're born with two eyes two ears and one mouth.

And Wayne The reason the dog whistle goes out to equate global warming as another 5th coulomb crypto 'commo' socialist greeny totalitarian take over ruse... is because it is... any conversation you'd like have with that northern vain glorious ice cap will prove it.
'viva the meritocracy'
ill make a bet with you Orr, the end of the arctic ice sheet scenario drawn above, if it happens within 4 years ill give u a sum of money, and vice versa... though for someone who joins a investing website, makes not one post with regards to investing might not have the wallet to back up his beliefs .. keep on keepin on my linear minded friend
Further to Basilo's requests for confirmation. The above quote to me at least strikes as, "Head in the sand" but that just might be me. I need conformation to be sure.
But those with Whitey's mathematical acumen can deduce 97% of scientist opinion of those who work in the field of climatic research as being a ridiculously small minority easily dismissed .

As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts (#3645), there have been numerous historical occurrences which attest to the validity of Whitey's assertions.

....A quick glance at scientific discoveries throughout history (even as recently as the past century) should highlight the problem with basing unproven theories on a "consensus" of peers. On many occasions I've witnessed the voice of reason being drowned out by a chorus of fashionable opinion...

However, when it comes to the assertions of the envion-"mental" movement, unfolding events frequently disprove their purportedly "factual" claims.

in 4 years when nothing happens will you and scientists of this ilk please shutup

Based upon the historical performance of these religious zealots, I wouldn't be holding my breath. Certainly the ice caps will be breathing a huge sigh of relief at this news as those predicting their demise have been proven to be wrong far more often than not!

Anyway, when the ice caps actually do fail to comply with these "learned" predictions, the "crusaders" will simply have to find another natural event to justify the perpetuation of their facade (usual modus operandi of pseudo scientists!). Accepting the humility (and responsibility) for having made such serious misjudgments, will likely prove to be a much too confronting challenge for such unevolved beings.

This "climate" campaign is terribly adept at holding the general populace accountable for alleged environmental crimes and yet the proponents repeatedly fail to accept any personal accountability for their own mistakes and inactions. Repeated questions of various posters regarding their personal commitment to their cause have failed to elicit anything more than derisive remarks, evasive responses, and heavy doses of propaganda! The evidence of my own eyes tells me that most do not truly believe in their own cause!!!

This would have to be one of the most prevalent role playing games on this planet! There's an abundance of mythical dragons and everyone who joins the crusade gets to feel heroic and superior without taking any personal risk! When a player actually does get defeated by having one of their dragon myths dispelled, the game still continues because there're always other dragon myths to be found!!! (Of course those whom choose not to play are promptly invalidated and branded as "deniers" for the sole crime of decrying the illusion!)

I grow weary of being held personally accountable for the misconceptions of religious activists, and as such am unwilling to disguise my utter contempt when posting to this thread. I look forward to the day that these zealots discover the meaning of the phrase "personal accountability", but I won't be holding my breath.